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  1. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from dst in New Ggg?   
    It's quite different... If you want GGG type rituals out of the game, go to Mur or Rendril... I believe the 0% vs 0% outcome can be easily changed not to give wins for creatures.

    I explained the reason for it not being public...

    You insulted us. I didn't take a screenshot... ( Unfortunately my internet went out shortly after) I'll make sure that I do that in the future.

    @Indyra: I don't know your definition of private, but yes, that seemed as good a location as any. I don't see why that is an issue... (I can see the Drach cave being an issue, the balcony- not so much)
  2. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Jubaris in New Ggg?   
    It's quite different... If you want GGG type rituals out of the game, go to Mur or Rendril... I believe the 0% vs 0% outcome can be easily changed not to give wins for creatures.

    I explained the reason for it not being public...

    You insulted us. I didn't take a screenshot... ( Unfortunately my internet went out shortly after) I'll make sure that I do that in the future.

    @Indyra: I don't know your definition of private, but yes, that seemed as good a location as any. I don't see why that is an issue... (I can see the Drach cave being an issue, the balcony- not so much)
  3. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Indyra in New Ggg?   
    [quote]I see nothing wrong with young mp5 gathering together in a difficult to reach location for an hour or two to train their creatures.[/quote]

    an hour or two is the key word..as much as i need wins for myself.... the real problem here is not a bunch of people training for an hour or two no matter what their rits are or the place, but people who spend their "life" in such places and then pop up from no where with incredible stats but have no idea about the fighting system... but remember if you chose to train as a group anyone can pass by and choose not to respect you rituals...you have no other protection than any other player ..it;s just more of you to hit at one place
  4. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kamisha in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    @Chwett: Braking training groups isn't the issue. The way she talks is, insulting, etc.

    Yes, Fenrir had a similar case against dst, but I believe that Seigheart (as a character, even if he is Fenrir's alt) never did anything to provoke this, except receiving some items from Fenrir (if he was an alt, this would be alt abuse, but I clearly remember at least 3-4 cases with much greater item abuse with alts, and I don't think any of them were punished)...

    So it comes to this: It's personal (RL personal), which means that it has no place in MD...

    I've witnessed more than one occasion of dst insulting Seigheart, ruining his RP, calling him Fenrir without showing proof,etc. I will be willing to testify.

    P.S. There is a possibility that Seigheart actually talked to Fenrir and told him that dst is bugging him and thus heard the std name... Or maybe from other people/ on other occasion... This doesn't prove anything.

    I'm sick and tired of people harassing new players just because they can... Or because they are delusional. And you wonder why people don't stay in MD?
  5. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from dst in New Ggg?   
    The thing is, we didn't have a problem with dst braking our rits, we did have a problem with her calling us rats and what not. And you know, I don't come to MD just for my character to be insulted without reason. (other than trying to do something that wouldn't be bad for the community...)

    Now, as most of you know, I have a decent collection of creatures, with some tokens and I can make a decent ritual. The reason why I was training was to get some VE/stats, so I don't have to rely on tokens as much... And because I can't train normaly because I have a terible connection which makes heat really hard to keep (that and the fact my briskness is 100 or so...), so I can't really loose xp that fast (without heat and beeing in an ally, which I don't want to leave every 2-3 days)... Just wanted to make this clear... Because part of dst's insulting was based on us "being too stupid and weak to train the normal way". I won't take that kind of talk from anyone.

    About the Drach cave: I logged in today and I was there... I was like: What the hell? I don't really like the idea of the training grounds being there just because of dst. Or anyone else for that matter...
  6. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Jubaris in New Ggg?   
    The thing is, we didn't have a problem with dst braking our rits, we did have a problem with her calling us rats and what not. And you know, I don't come to MD just for my character to be insulted without reason. (other than trying to do something that wouldn't be bad for the community...)

    Now, as most of you know, I have a decent collection of creatures, with some tokens and I can make a decent ritual. The reason why I was training was to get some VE/stats, so I don't have to rely on tokens as much... And because I can't train normaly because I have a terible connection which makes heat really hard to keep (that and the fact my briskness is 100 or so...), so I can't really loose xp that fast (without heat and beeing in an ally, which I don't want to leave every 2-3 days)... Just wanted to make this clear... Because part of dst's insulting was based on us "being too stupid and weak to train the normal way". I won't take that kind of talk from anyone.

    About the Drach cave: I logged in today and I was there... I was like: What the hell? I don't really like the idea of the training grounds being there just because of dst. Or anyone else for that matter...
  7. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to ERO in New Ggg?   
    GGG is no longer exist...
    Seigheart gathered a bunch of mp5 to train...that's all...i see nothing bad in that...fresh mp5 players should have the chance to train in order to face an old mp5....
    ...about DST...if she didn't breake the game rules...i see no problem...
    ...Seigheart, find a new place to train....simple
  8. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    @Chwett: Braking training groups isn't the issue. The way she talks is, insulting, etc.

    Yes, Fenrir had a similar case against dst, but I believe that Seigheart (as a character, even if he is Fenrir's alt) never did anything to provoke this, except receiving some items from Fenrir (if he was an alt, this would be alt abuse, but I clearly remember at least 3-4 cases with much greater item abuse with alts, and I don't think any of them were punished)...

    So it comes to this: It's personal (RL personal), which means that it has no place in MD...

    I've witnessed more than one occasion of dst insulting Seigheart, ruining his RP, calling him Fenrir without showing proof,etc. I will be willing to testify.

    P.S. There is a possibility that Seigheart actually talked to Fenrir and told him that dst is bugging him and thus heard the std name... Or maybe from other people/ on other occasion... This doesn't prove anything.

    I'm sick and tired of people harassing new players just because they can... Or because they are delusional. And you wonder why people don't stay in MD?
  9. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in New Ggg?   
    Personally, I see nothing wrong with young mp5 gathering together in a difficult to reach location for an hour or two to train their creatures. So long as it doesn't break any rules regarding alts or otherwise, there should be absolutely no reason to go and destroy what they are doing.

    I would like to ask the veteran mp5 to do something. Create an alt, train it to mp5, and see how well you do currently in the game. Many seem not to understand exactly how difficult it is to train as a new mp5, or how difficult it can be to even keep yourself balanced. You don't enter as a new mp5 with all of the fun toys such as drachorns or angiens, maybe not even booster creatures. You enter with basic creatures and perhaps a few shop creatures/shop abilities (depending on whether or not the young mp5 in question goes through a daily round of free credits) and are forced to face a group of experienced players who more often than not have tokens, who are constantly attacking you with big flashy creatures.

    Sure, maybe the GGG system has caused problems in the past, but a group of players who are simply attempting to get to a level in which they can battle properly should not be a terrible issue.

    I would suggest doing something like this only a couple times a week, for a limited amount of time, say.. two hours. That aside, I feel it is a good idea to have something like this occasionally.

    The veterans of old certainly had to do it the difficult way, but keep in mind that it is more difficult to tread through the game now than it was in your time.
  10. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from No one in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    @Chwett: Braking training groups isn't the issue. The way she talks is, insulting, etc.

    Yes, Fenrir had a similar case against dst, but I believe that Seigheart (as a character, even if he is Fenrir's alt) never did anything to provoke this, except receiving some items from Fenrir (if he was an alt, this would be alt abuse, but I clearly remember at least 3-4 cases with much greater item abuse with alts, and I don't think any of them were punished)...

    So it comes to this: It's personal (RL personal), which means that it has no place in MD...

    I've witnessed more than one occasion of dst insulting Seigheart, ruining his RP, calling him Fenrir without showing proof,etc. I will be willing to testify.

    P.S. There is a possibility that Seigheart actually talked to Fenrir and told him that dst is bugging him and thus heard the std name... Or maybe from other people/ on other occasion... This doesn't prove anything.

    I'm sick and tired of people harassing new players just because they can... Or because they are delusional. And you wonder why people don't stay in MD?
  11. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Asterdai in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    @Chwett: Braking training groups isn't the issue. The way she talks is, insulting, etc.

    Yes, Fenrir had a similar case against dst, but I believe that Seigheart (as a character, even if he is Fenrir's alt) never did anything to provoke this, except receiving some items from Fenrir (if he was an alt, this would be alt abuse, but I clearly remember at least 3-4 cases with much greater item abuse with alts, and I don't think any of them were punished)...

    So it comes to this: It's personal (RL personal), which means that it has no place in MD...

    I've witnessed more than one occasion of dst insulting Seigheart, ruining his RP, calling him Fenrir without showing proof,etc. I will be willing to testify.

    P.S. There is a possibility that Seigheart actually talked to Fenrir and told him that dst is bugging him and thus heard the std name... Or maybe from other people/ on other occasion... This doesn't prove anything.

    I'm sick and tired of people harassing new players just because they can... Or because they are delusional. And you wonder why people don't stay in MD?
  12. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Watcher in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    @Chwett: Braking training groups isn't the issue. The way she talks is, insulting, etc.

    Yes, Fenrir had a similar case against dst, but I believe that Seigheart (as a character, even if he is Fenrir's alt) never did anything to provoke this, except receiving some items from Fenrir (if he was an alt, this would be alt abuse, but I clearly remember at least 3-4 cases with much greater item abuse with alts, and I don't think any of them were punished)...

    So it comes to this: It's personal (RL personal), which means that it has no place in MD...

    I've witnessed more than one occasion of dst insulting Seigheart, ruining his RP, calling him Fenrir without showing proof,etc. I will be willing to testify.

    P.S. There is a possibility that Seigheart actually talked to Fenrir and told him that dst is bugging him and thus heard the std name... Or maybe from other people/ on other occasion... This doesn't prove anything.

    I'm sick and tired of people harassing new players just because they can... Or because they are delusional. And you wonder why people don't stay in MD?
  13. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Md Awards 2010 - Suggestions   
    Id like to make a trophie, will get to it, its going to be the most annoying first though , i hope that its good enough, itl be a digital one

    Id also like to nominate *BFHLIGHTHING* for the LHO of the year, because of his kind service to me as a LHO and a friend

    [color=purple]Posts merged - Grido[/color]
  14. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Asterdai in New Ggg?   
    if a player reacts in a similer way, or enables them to be identified as another alt then they must have been something wrong, so many times ive seen characters of your Fenrir act in the same way as your other alts and its dissapointing to see, you dont need DST to tell everyone but in this instance you trying to act like young newbie characters, for exavple that Vicarious character, which you posed as when trying to buy an avatar off me cheaper, which annoyed me actually because i like to do things to help people and making conversation with people, and people like you ruin that for everyone

    The trouble with all this is, is that i agree with everyone, about everything to do with GGG.
    About how hard it is to gain wins for angiens and victorys in mp5, without setting up a"system" between you and friends. I DO consider it elitist to use it in a location such as the Balcony, whose location could possibly be given out as a reward not just plain speak.
    i have been to other set ritual sites and partaken in them to lose Experience so i dont know where i stand on the subject. I do think that anyone should be allowed to destroy rites or attack people. there are spells and such to keep those people at bay.
    However that doesnt mean that those people who attack such rites should be victimised or bullied out of locations as happened to me when i first arrived on Golemus and i was politely asked not to attack (i was stuck there, i had to!)
    this is where acoustic remains really helped me, and the bully stopped the abuse.

    i also agree that DST or anyone has Every right to do what she wishes with Acoustic remains, and by the amount of conversation and really valid points being raised in this topic im pretty pleased. If DST displays something it stimulates heated debates and it is generally about something which affects us all, as a community.

    half of me wants to vote that the code for the balcony be changed, but i know its not really possible

    i did also think there may be a way to gain enhanced skill reward or heat reward(burst) for attacking lots of different people, say 0-4 people 100%, 5-8 people 120% 9-14 130%. If something was possible it would stimulate a person to "balance" his attacks on people and not go for small gatherings (just a silly idea to make this comment here worthwhile, rather then just agreeing with what everyone says)
  15. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Seigheart in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    I would like to hereby formally charge dst with Excessive Harassment, Stalking, and Slander. When I started almost a year ago, I was relatively unknown, I had stopped playing for a few months. As most of you are well aware, dst has taken it upon herself to constantly accuse me of being someone I am not. She has also taken it upon herself to constantly follow me, to use her abilities to read through private conversations with her Acoustic Remains ability, and then post these logs on the forum.

    Yes, the game mechanics allow her to do this. I accept that. But there is a point to which is acceptable, calling up chat logs for events, ceremonies, and speeches, and then there is calling up chat logs at private locations to find dirt on people when there is absolutely no cause for such an action.

    Therefore, I would like to charge dst with these accusations, I will submit my proof, and witnesses to the proper authority when asked to. I would also like to request that the Judge to be a Neutral party.

    If I am correct, dst got to suggest a punishment for Fenrir in the last trial and I would like to do the same. I would like dst’s Acoustic Remains to be removed, since she does not use it for its intended use, and a jail time of one month for her account due to a very similiar situation that arose between Fenrir Greycloth and dst previously.

    I have continuously tried to be reasonable with this woman, but she purposely goes out of her way to harass me for absolutely no real reason.
  16. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Seigheart in New Ggg?   
    Sparrhawk, you speak before thinking. This isn't an elitist club. It's a bunch of weak players trying to level up their creatures so that they may function properly in the game.
  17. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Esmaralda in New Ggg?   
    Hi Dst,
    I don't see this as a problem. It is not against the rules to train. If I choose to attack someone without causing damage, that's not breaking any rules. If the person has a non-damaging defensive ritual, that's also good with the rules. There are no bugs being abused here. In fact, the rules state:

    "You can use rituals that other consider unfair, all rituals are allowed, except if abusing a bug, then you will have to report it first."

    Sure, you don't have to like this type of training, that is your choice, but I don't see that we are doing anything wrong.

    Thank you,
  18. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to dst in New Ggg?   
    Guess what I found: the new GGG!!!
    For the ones that did not believe me, below you'll find a screen shot and a log.
    This is also a small proof that seigheart is fenrir.

    You know what my opinion is about GGG so I'll let you draw the conclusions.
    Enjoy the picture and the log.

    [attachment=2181:New_GGG_training rit.JPG]

  19. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Roland in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  20. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  21. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  22. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Eon in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  23. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Atrumist in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  24. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Peace in Comic Strip   
    I was bored last night, so I got to drawing, and I drew this:


    Then I got to thinking it would be a nice idea to make a comic strip with MD characters, and I wrote something down... Not all that funny, but, meh...

    In the Forest of Loreroot, King Firsanthalas is doing what he does best, baking muffins.
    Mya Celestia enters with Clockmaster, Loreroots newest citizen applicant.

    Mya: Firs, this man here would like to join our ranks.
    Firs (still busy with making muffins): Is he an elf? *mutters to himself* Yes, a bit more water... Now it's perfect.
    Mya: No, actually...
    Firs: Fine, fine, he's in. *thinks* Hah! Let them see that the rumours that I'm a racist aren't true.
    Mya: *whispers* But, sir...
    Firs: Leave me be.
    Clocky: Sir, what shall be my duty?
    Firs, still concentrated on making the muffins: How would I know, go tend to some trees or something.
    *Mya slaps her forhead*
    Next scene, we see Clocky and a totaly deforested Loreroot, with logs all around, scratching his head with his chainsaw.
    Clocky: Now what?!

    At PoL.

    It's another morning (well, "morning") at the PoL. After a drunken night, Z wakes up for his duty.
    *Z yawns and scratches his head.*
    *Z approaches Bob, unzips his pants and does his thing.*
    Bob *thinks* Not again!

    At PoL.

    Z is sleeping.
    Adiomino comes to Bob, lifts his leg and does what dogs do.
    Bob *thinks* That's it, I'm moving to Loreroot.

    Bob has moved to Loreroot.

    Clockmaster goes by. Clockmaster goes back.

    Clocky: I must have missed this one.
    Clocky cuts down Bob.

    Anyway, if anyone would be interested doing something like this, let me know...

    P.S. I hope that I didn't offend anyone with this...
  25. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Pipstickz in Avatar Auction   
    Well, I wasted some credits tonight and I found a couple of interesting avatars.

    I would be willing to sell this one for coins, if anyone is interested... (Will accept credits, but I wouldn't sell it for less than 10 of those, because that's what the avatar cost me more or less... and that's a bit too much, you must admit ^.^)


    The reserve price is 1gc, I doubt I'll sell it for less than that.

    Auction ends on Dec 12th or when I get an offer I'm satisfied with.

    Edit: Here is a picture where you can see the avy a little better... http://www.dodaj.rs/f/2i/9k/z9bkrxA/screenshot-4.png
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