[quote name='Yoshi' date='29 June 2010 - 08:30 AM' timestamp='1277818213' post='62951']
Ok, I'm going to say something in here, there are alternatives to grinding at the GGG. They consist of:
The Sparring Grounds/Dojo - Here you can set your GGG rits, find those that have a single tree set up, and attack them with your non damaging/multiple attack rits. You also have the chance here to attack the idlers here, using rits that actually kill.
The GoE - Here you now have Burns' Fight Club which is a good way of learning how to defeat various rituals using your knowledge of ritual setting. How do you get that knowledge? Attacking and seeing what happens. Learning from experience, not just 'no matter what, I know I'll win, so I won't do anything different because I don't have to'. That thinking screws up your mind.
Everywhere else in MD - Go out and RP, do something other than sitting at the same scene. Please... for your own good... go outside the GGG and PLAY!
I only went to the GGG once, because I saw someone post something about it in the mood panels. I never even knew it existed. When I got thier I read up on it. Unlocked the things to unlock thier. Then left. I had no interest in getting wins that way. I do actually rp all the time in MD. If I didn't I would be just like a lot of people from back when I first started.
The GoE is sadly only for Mp4+ us mp3's have no opponents as burns has none for us, or I would join in, but I'm trying to figure out the loreroot guards right now. The sparring ground is a great place to go for wins and losses. The only draw back is that most idlers have no creatures left to attack and most online won't speak for you to be able to attack them, but they will yell at you for attacking them. Not sure about the Dojo though. Never been there myself.