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Everything posted by VertuHonagan

  1. [quote name='Miq' date='29 June 2010 - 08:45 AM' timestamp='1277819113' post='62953'] Hello again When the attack against ggg started (first day) i hated the people who did it but in the arguments i learned 1 thing. That is people were using ggg do grind stats. I mean i also did it with ve but i had no idea that profile stats can be grided like that. From that point on i don't really care about the faith of ggg. I don't have in me to grind at such levels so would prefer it gone but at the same time i have already learned that stats don't matter much so it can stay as well. My life got a lot more interesting after this. On the other side there is one problem i see those who (newpies) actually want to fight and be somewhat succsessfull for them without ggg angiens will take ages to level. I know thats how it's supposed to be... but you should see a problem here a bit. [/quote] [color="#008000"]For a lot of lower mps Angiens are "almost" impossible to get without quests from other players and what not. So most of them shouldn't even be worried about Angiens. They cost so much for a reason.[/color]
  2. [quote name='Yoshi' date='29 June 2010 - 08:30 AM' timestamp='1277818213' post='62951'] Ok, I'm going to say something in here, there are alternatives to grinding at the GGG. They consist of: The Sparring Grounds/Dojo - Here you can set your GGG rits, find those that have a single tree set up, and attack them with your non damaging/multiple attack rits. You also have the chance here to attack the idlers here, using rits that actually kill. The GoE - Here you now have Burns' Fight Club which is a good way of learning how to defeat various rituals using your knowledge of ritual setting. How do you get that knowledge? Attacking and seeing what happens. Learning from experience, not just 'no matter what, I know I'll win, so I won't do anything different because I don't have to'. That thinking screws up your mind. Everywhere else in MD - Go out and RP, do something other than sitting at the same scene. Please... for your own good... go outside the GGG and PLAY! [/quote] I only went to the GGG once, because I saw someone post something about it in the mood panels. I never even knew it existed. When I got thier I read up on it. Unlocked the things to unlock thier. Then left. I had no interest in getting wins that way. I do actually rp all the time in MD. If I didn't I would be just like a lot of people from back when I first started. The GoE is sadly only for Mp4+ us mp3's have no opponents as burns has none for us, or I would join in, but I'm trying to figure out the loreroot guards right now. The sparring ground is a great place to go for wins and losses. The only draw back is that most idlers have no creatures left to attack and most online won't speak for you to be able to attack them, but they will yell at you for attacking them. Not sure about the Dojo though. Never been there myself.
  3. [quote name='dst' date='29 June 2010 - 08:23 AM' timestamp='1277817811' post='62949'] I will answer to just one thing since it's obviously useless to try and explain things to you. And I am sorry I wasted my time. "What about the players that are going to just to level up certain creatures that they may have just gotten and need leveld up by wins?" GGG is not the answer. Want to level them? Fine. Go out and FIGHT. Plain and simple. The harm is that people gather at GGG and they are "protected" by certain rules so I have nobody to attack the old fashion way. Simple. [/quote] [color="#008000"]The only thing they want is the for sure win. A lot of times unless the opponent is asked to set up a def rit for them. If the creature trying to be leveled up is a weak creature then it will usually die in the fight making it harder to level. They would only use the ggg to get those few for sure wins till its strong enough to go out and fight with it. Without having to look rude and attack only new players. I'm not talking about the ones that use GGG as protection. I'm just talking about the few players that may just use it once to level up a weak creature then leave.[/color]
  4. 1. Thank you captain obvious! I was just comenting on the fact that its not just the GGG being in place that makes players quit, nor is it really making it happen any faster, because even before there were grinders it was happening to the new players early on. Now a days there are more nicer players at lower mp levels there were back when I first started. Back when I first started. The only person that ever really talked where I was was Mur. So the site is now more friendlier. Which in itself is more reason to stay than there was back then. Back then it was all people just attack you as your trying to figure the world itself out and not say a word if you talked to them. Theres a huge difference from then and now. The GGG is just a formal organized way of players trying to improve themselves before going up to mp5. Nothing can stop them from pming each other and going to inactive areas to do the same thing. Though at least this way they are comunicating with each other. Rather than just silent clicks. 2. Yes and thier fussing should stop being aimed at people like you and should be aimed at each other, so that they can train with each other to get better. Rather than relying on things that has been given to them. 3. This was my annoyance to people that are being downright rude such as yourself. I truthfully don't care if GGG exists or not. The thing that is pissing me off. Is how rude you all are going about it. Maybe if you actually talk to the players that care about GGG and help give them hints of some ideas of different things to do rather than grind. You would find yourselves with less problems, and a lot less pissed off players towards you all. Yes I know you don't care about a few players, but this is more of an FYI. 4. Maybe if you would have read some of my other posts. You would see that no where have I actually stated any narrow minded opinions or any of the like that you are trying to say that I have been doing. Before attacking someone. Actually read up on thier posts first. Basically what your saying with this one is that instead of just going and pissing off the few GGG users first. You warn them I'm going to attack you if you don't leave. Then listen with one ear to what they are saying. Complain about thier complaints. Then attack anyways. Genius. Basically all I've read from this thread aside from a few posts are all complaints about one thing or another without compromises. Without trying to give the very few that are trying to support GGG other things to do in MD aside from grinding for battles which aren't that important in my opinion. I don't even look at attack and def stats or anything when I attack players. So I myself am not worried about leveling up. More worried about exploring, but I think the GGG would be a decent use of only leveling up creatures and not for grinding stats. Thats in my opinion what it should be used for for us lower mp levels. 5. Boo hoo! 5k attack. That is absolutely nothing to you. So why worry about it? Seriously. Even most of us mp3s won't worry about that unless we are in competitions for fights. If they want to waste thier time getting 5k attack let them. Its not like they are getting a lot of def with it, and with all attack what can they really do when they get attacked and they have low defense? Its a who can kill who first thing here. ((correct me if I'm wrong on this point.)) 6. Exactly! Make all the STAT GRINDERS! What about the players that are going to just to level up certain creatures that they may have just gotten and need leveld up by wins? All you all are pointing at is destroy GGG for stat grinders. Why not allow those that are using it to level up certain creatures without having to ask and wait a while for someone to allow them to attack them for an easy win. To use the GGG just for the purpose of leveling up that creature then leaving? Where is the harm in that? If Mur believes people need to move up MP levels then thats his choice. He is owner of the land and his decisions should be respected and probably had a very good reason for doing such a thing. [edited for too much rudeness]
  5. [color="#008000"]Hahaha. Very nice.[/color]
  6. [quote name='No one' date='29 June 2010 - 03:40 AM' timestamp='1277800801' post='62921'] But is clearly stated by statistics older then you that most players decide to play (or not) around week 2 (if they get that far). There was always a problem for not having new players and [color="#00FF00"]since GGG even less ppl got to MP5[/color]. Getting kicked was never THE problem, the problem is accepting / acknowledging the lose & win relationship. [/quote] [color="#008000"]Statistics older than me? Are you talking about statistics from 4 years ago? If so then. Yes older than me, but I actually first started playing 3 years ago before there was a special training grounds for GGG and I quit after 2 weeks because of never being able to keep creature vitality up long enough to even enjoy the game. ((But I was also younger and didn't have the patience to actually wait like I have now.)) Your saying even less get to MP5 now, well thats still the players choice. If I really wanted to. I could just go around the game attacking random people till I have my creatures leveled up enough to sac them for exp at level 3 and constantly get Attack gains just like in GGG. Yes it may not last as long, but it would be more enjoyable and it would still slow the process of me going up to mp4. Not to mention trying to do all that I can at mp3 before moving onto mp4. Then you have all the stuff at mp4 to do and explore. So all of this could take a long while which. Even without the GGG wouldn't really stop players like me that are trying to do all they can at thier mp level to going up to the next mp level just because of creatures. Not everyone is obsessed with the battle system. I yes do want a good battle group, but only enough to try to beat all the npc's for now which is proving tough for me with the loreroot guardians. Yes I don't have to get in at mp3, but I want to get in at mp3 to explore it at mp3 then go in at mp4 and see what has changed in the world. Really though the battle system is not everything to this game. Its only a bit of the game and most people probably don't have the patience to solve all the riddles so end up quiting by those. Higher mps are just jealous that thier is a GGG now that they didn't have when they were that lower level to practice in to raise thier stats up while at lower mp levels. At least thats how its sounding to me. Thats why some players like Burns are acting like little children at the playground about it, rather than trying to come up with a compromise for the other players. Which all I have heard is come to mp5 so i can slaughter you easier. Even though with all your stat gains from this I could still easily squash you like a bug I just don't want to wait. This game is all about patience and some of you mp5 are starting to lack that patience towards the other younger players. Just be patient. they will go up when they are ready. Not when they are forced.[/color]
  7. [quote name='Burns' date='28 June 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1277753146' post='62884'] GGG, and people like you, delayed that point to the age of 2 weeks instead of 2 months. At that point, only very few have already understood the beauty, and a lot of people with high potential leave, because getting the best fighter is impossible, and nothing else is there to do in their young opinion. [/quote] [color="#008000"]This is not due to just GGG. That is where you are wrong. Even at mp3 for new players. When they first start to get to where people can attack them and they are just exploring the game. Trying to figure things out and keep getting randomly attacked by players and never able to keep full vitality ever they get annoyed in about 2 weeks and quit or learn to deal with it. These players may never even see the GGG, but yet your putting all the blame on just GGG. where most mp3's never even go to in the first few months, because they are just too busy exploring everything to even know a place like that exists.[/color]
  8. Well that would explain why she "Never has time to reply back" Fenrir. :P

  9. [quote name='Burns' date='27 June 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1277672419' post='62791'] Fortunately enough, you are only partially right. I can't force you to enter mp5, correct. I can stop you playing mp4, though, and i can do that very effectively^^ [/quote] [color="#008000"]What about to those who have never even entered the GGG. Players like me who learned of the GGG and said: Its not worth my time. I've never gotten out of MP3, but then again I also quit for over 2 years and just came back. From what I've read from your latest posts is just threats to stop people from enjoying the game. Yes. something like GGG is a good way to increase characters, but really. its easy enough enough now for us lower mp's to get creature increases from just walking around. The only problem is for you mp5's that have to use the GGG. Mp4s that use the GGG and never leave are never seen, and are not really conversing with anyone and are doing absolutely nothing. They could most likely just be alts, but yes you can stop them from playing mp4, but you won't just stop them from playing that if you use force. You will make them quit the game and they will never ever get to mp5. Does this sound like a much better solution?[/color]
  10. How about team neither? Jacob is an annoying prick, and Edward is too self sacrificing.

  11. *Snuggles with Lepus.*

  12. *huggles the lepus.*

  13. Greetings to you as well. :)

  14. You look so much like a girl that I know from somewhere else. >

  15. [quote name='Allyce' date='21 June 2010 - 04:07 AM' timestamp='1277111278' post='62412'] Hey thanks Iepus And dst, well yes I study in Bucharest for the next 3 years...and I'll be glad to take part at your MD beer meetings just let me know where and when will be the next one and If I can I'll come [/quote] [color="#006400"]Hey! Hope your enjoying the game. [/color]
  16. Haha. Yeah. Thats very helpful. I thank mur for that change. -Said that before actually going ingame

  17. [color="#006400"]Well. To even have an alt you have to have that character in game from what I read of the forum rules. So there shouldn't be too much abuse. [/color]
  18. [color="#006400"]Thanks Grido. Obviously I didn't pay much attention back then then, because I had no idea there were forums. Thanks Chewett. [/color]
  19. [quote name='dst' date='19 June 2010 - 11:28 AM' timestamp='1276964939' post='62269'] Blind voting leads to abuses. And you cannot see the votes BEFORE you vote for yourself. ps: I am not afraid of hard work. I am just lazy [/quote] [color="#006400"]With the way the poll set ups is on this site. You can see votes without voting, but once you voted its permanent. ((Just look at the voting options on the poll.))[/color]
  20. [quote name='dst' date='19 June 2010 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1276964542' post='62267'] You will not need to read anything except the first post.. After a while (a period of time that we'll decide) I will count the votes. [/quote] [color="#006400"]What if that person wants to know it right then and there during the middle to see if its even worth it, to vote for the person they want, if there is no chance of that person to be chosen with all the votes? Its just simpler to keep it in poll. Saves everyone the trouble and you the extra work.[/color]
  21. [quote name='dst' date='19 June 2010 - 11:02 AM' timestamp='1276963341' post='62264'] Ok, I had not made the poll before because i don't want THIS kind of poll. And I had no time for it. But I don't want a secret voting. I want a plain sight one. So, tomorrow (when I will have the time) I will make another topic where you can vote by posting. Just one name from the list. Show you care and you don't vote just because this is another pretty poll that can be voted for. [/quote] [color="#006400"]Why make it more complicated than it need be? Using a poll system like this is much simpler and easier for everyone to read rather than reading a hundred single name posts and writing down each name with how many people posted them just to see who is winning.[/color]
  22. [quote name='argos' date='19 June 2010 - 10:12 AM' timestamp='1276960348' post='62258'] hi you remind me of me, except i only left for a year oh and be careful of the mods, I'm sure they'll consider this whole topic spamming... oh and in case they happen to read this, PLZ PLZ PLZ dnt negative rep me [/quote] [color="#006400"]Nope as this is my first time joining the forum. This is my hello topic and its posted in the forum for hellos and goodbyes and leaves. Haha. Yeah. When i was 18 I didn't have the patience for the frustration stage and just now came back now that I have more patience. Mya: Thank you! I look forward to talking to you as well. ^^ Lepus: Hey!! -Hugs tightly.-[/color]
  23. [color="#006400"]I think this could be a good idea, but just to be frontal try to make sure that none of the jokes are too offensive to any type of person. That way even though its supposed to be humorous you don't want anyone to be offended and unhappy. So maye some rule on that would be needed. Other than that I believe a fun day at a pub would be nice to have. [/color]
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