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Everything posted by VertuHonagan

  1. I enjoyed playing my alts. In fact, my main and my alt were such different characters that no one knew we were the same person. Well, that was until FlyingChipmonk murdered my alt, but I don't think he even knew it was me. In fact, I've only recently started told one person, my alt was Wexor, in case you're wondering. His character was supposed to be defined as evil, chaotic, and insane. Creating mischief and mayhem wherever he could. Where as my main, vertu, is a reclusive, good hearted, wanderer, that protects those that aren't strong enough to protect themselves, and takes care of people when they need help. As for asking questions as an alt instead of main, I would personally prefer that. You see back when I was mp3, not a single person would even talk to me other than Mur. So I had no where to go to get my questions asked. Back then all people would do was attack and run to sanctuary. No one would help out and I spent most my time in game trying to heal my creatures and get as many battles as I could before they were killed. 2007 was not a good time for playing MD and speaking to others. All though I did try to talk to a few players. That's probably the main reason that I forgot about the site after I got more time on my hands. I made it to mp4, got through the storyline, and then started college and 2 full time jobs to pay for college. After I got out of college, I just forgot about this site and didn't really come back to play until late 2011. I still don't really know much about....anything to be perfectly honest.
  2. To be perfectly honest, yes actually I would prefer that. In my opinion, those personal matters should be dealt with in private. If it can't be fixed privately then present your case to court. There is no reason to start flame wars over every little thing. Otherwise, pretty much every post certain people make are gonna be attacked by the people that dislike them with past accusations and general disagreement to every word they say. As opposed to actually being able to make unbiased decisions and listening to what is currently going on in the problem.
  3. I have to disagree with you. All this crap is just annoying and in actuality, pushes me away from the game. It's why I barely ever talk to anyone.
  4. I'm very glad you got all of it done! :D
  5. Happy birthday Vici! :D
  6. Magistras irl age is twice as old as the other candidates. Fang has proven to be irresponsible in the past with how he ran the keepers. Magistra currently has a rpc running the windys bar while windy is away, and she is also in the seekers as you well know. I personally feel she is the best choice.
  7. I think Magistra would make a great candidate for this position. She's never had a lead position in any of the lands, she's older so she's more mature and experienced than the other candidates, and I think she deserves the chance to be monarch. Or at the very least get a few months trial period then a fair judgment based on how well she has ran marines bell.
  8. Anyone else finding everything to be impossible to load except main forums?

  9. Searching for Maebius

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maebius


      Yep, work firewalled almsot every non-intranet site, and my home PC is getting replaced soon. I'm here, in limited quantities.

    3. Jubaris


      Waiting for Godot... x)

    4. Maebius


      The great god Pan is dead, long live Pan?!? :P

  10. Nothing ever is truly random. Everything has a set pattern or "coding" built into it. It will function and respond to situations based upon its imprinted coding. My mom read a did you know fact during the weekend that was interesting to me, it was this: Did you know that a scientist in Japan did a study on slime mold, and apparently if you put slime mold into a maze, it will quickly find the fastest correct route through the maze to get to its food source.
  11. I don't have an easy way to contact council ATM. So listing my winners here. Also thank you to anyone who tried it. 1st place: Nimrodel 2nd place: Dst 3rd place: elthuen airis Also sorry about any terrible spelling or grammar. I don't have Internet ATM and I'm on iPod at work
  12. Lol. Right! I eat three to four times as much as the normal person, but my metabolism is so fast that I have not gained a single pound in ten years! There is nothing I can do to gain weight. I've tried everything. How could you abandon our card games change?! Don't you want to play with me anymore? :,( also out of curiosity what is the other bigger game?
  13. First riddle has been updated to be extremely simple. Enjoy.

  14. I think it should be fine how it is. Part of the game is growing. Some things should be unattainable at mp3.
  15. Not to give her an excuse, but it seems to me like she just stopped caring about dream weaving all together as it was meant to be completely private and confidential. She seems to be acting out in protest. This is just my evaluation on her actions.
  16. Got a question about clickables. Can someone that knows about them message me real quick please?

  17. Life is judgement. Life is -really- judgement.
  18. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1359989348' post='132011'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Proof you don't know a thing about gaming. Seriously. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Skyrim is one of the best console RPG's you can get your hands on. Call of Duty online multiplayer can very much be called one of the largest multiplayer console gaming network in the world.[/color][/font] [/quote] I really hope you are being sarcastic here. I'm sorry but I don't think a child like you can compare to a gamer like me. I've been playing video games for 22 years now(ever since I was old enough to hold a controller.). I've played on every single gaming console including failures like dreamcast and you have the gull to say I am not a gamer because I dislike games that non-gamers hold on a pedestal? If you think playing skyrim and call of duty makes you a gamer then you are sadly mistaken dude. Anyways, I thought Purplebunny was originally only asking about console gaming? I absolutely love to play go! I would gladly play anyone on here sometimes. Maybe even give some teaching games to people that are unfamiliar with the game and wish to learn how to play. I'm currently ranked 1k on KGS. I still play Yahtzee! with my mom sometimes. For card games I absolutely love playing Hand n Foot (A twist on the standard Canastas game that my family plays.) and Spades. As for the old systems that I still have but don't play as much: N64 - Goldeney 007, Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64 Super Nintendo - Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Super Street Fighter 2, Primal Rage, Power Ranger[i]s, [/i][i]HEY PUNK ARE YOU TUFF E NUFF[/i] Original Nintendo - Metroid, Extreme Beach Volleyball, Tetris Sega - Sonic and Double Dragon And you really don't want me listing my Ps2, Gamecube, Ps3, or 360 titles. otherwise it would be a huge list.
  19. Consoles: Xbox 360: Naruto Storm series(Pre-ordered the 3rd one.), Final Fantasy 13, Blue Dragon, The Last Remnant, Tales of Vesperia, Borderlands 1 and 2, Bioshock Nintendo Wii: Legend of Zelda games, Fire Emblem, One Piece Unlimited Adventure Nintendo Gamecube: Super Smash Bros Melee, Baten Kaitos, Paper Mario, Metroid Prime Playstation 2: Kingdom Hearts titles, Final Fantasy titles, .hack titles, Persona 3 Handheld Nintendo 3Ds: Professor Layton titles(Beaten all of them except for the new 3d game that I am currently playing), Phoenix Wright games, Pokemon, and gonna get Fire Emblem asap Side note: Skyrim, halo, call of duty, etc are all terrible games. Don't waste your time on them.
  20. 1 is false Mallos. 1)I have jumped off the roof of a house 2)I work a daytime job 3)Played battleship with horseshoes Edit: 2 was correct Grido! Darn. I should have done a less obvious lie!
  21. If you want hyper-drunk just give Fang alchohol.
  22. Awe! Thanks everyone! Happy bday change!
  23. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1359026753' post='131343'] @Change: Lets hope that Council noted that the wish is no longer required. actually ... I will add a comment in the voting page too about this Edit: Done. @VertuHonagan: Read announcements: For the first time in a long time, I agree with the way she handled this incident. Also, you should thank Dst for all her work. She stopped more abuses & bugs that any one individual in MD remembers, even if she didn't do it in an enjoyable way. [/quote] You completely misunderstood my post. I was not speaking about the creator of this topic. I was speaking of all of these topics in general. Within the last few months we have had way too many of these for my tastes. Although this sites forums are not as bad as another games that I play, I would much rather see the forums not go down that road.
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