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Everything posted by VertuHonagan

  1. 1.[b] ZenTao [/b]- ability to add stories, news, quests, arts and music to the MD archives library possibly under my own book or I would not mind helping update others such as providing an illustrated book cover for each book helping dust and in general creating a updated archives (Sounds like you can put in some work to help out the community and I like that thought. Is there not a way for you to currently do this within your own character role as you are now?) 2.[b] Chewett[/b] - summon people to Angiens Shrine 4 casts (I love the art here and wish it was still open for people to view. Even if Angiens can not be bought.) 3. [b]Hedge Munos[/b] -guitar item. It would be able to change/add location music for a short amount of time by my inserting a link (I like this idea as long as it does not become obnoxious. Also I think scenes that currently have music, should not be able to be changed/removed, as the music in that scene relates to the scene.) 4. [b]Kellox [/b]-a spell to make everybody in the scene drunk (Only because it sounds fun.) Aside from these 4 I'm really impersonal to all other wishes. These are the only 4 I will vote for.
  2. You know something? Flame topics, like these, are why I hardly ever take the time to read anything on the forums. In my opinion, if someone has a problem with something someone else is doing, they should first speak to that person in private before bringing it up in a forum topic. Then, if that conversation does not do anything, speak to other players in private and get their opinions on the issue. If enough players agree with you and feel it is a problem, then you should proceed to open up a topic like this. Otherwise, please keep it off the forums. The only thing you people are doing, are making the forums worse for those of us that want to actually enjoy our time, not only in game, but also while on the forums.
  3. Yeah. They were nearly impossible for me to get. The only one I knew was the clothes rack, because it was the only one that made sense to me. :s
  4. Imperial Aramor or Colored Joker whichever one gets bids on first. Send me a message for your bid thanks.
  5. I do not mind the council nor the jobs that they do. That is not why I disapprove of the council. The problem I have with the council is the way they handle certain situations. In light of recent events, I think they could use a bit more organization and thought behind their decisions before making a decision. Also, I feel that if they make a decision they need to stand behind it and not let people back them out of a decision that they have made. Secondly, I think it would be nice to see a little less transparency into decision making when it comes to the game itself. I have seen polls before, where they have asked the community what they feel should be worked on next, and I think it would be nice to have more of those. Maybe even open up a topic on it and ask players to post their thoughts and see why they think a certain aspect should be worked on next.
  6. I placed my vote, but I do not believe there would be alt abuse on something like this. The only areas I would think the alt abuse would be used are in competition polls or any poll that would result in the abuser making gain from it. I don't feel there is much gain to be made in abusing a poll like this one.
  7. So what is the christmas tree gift anyways?
  8. I am grateful for my family and the few friends that I have.
  9. If we are talking recently then I will only state the ones I've watched in the last month. Otherwise I have will have a 2 page list of anime that I have watched. I've lately been watching Dragonball z all the way through as I have never completely seen the series before. Ai yori aoshi, Rewatched Zatch Bell, Rewatched Gurren Lagann for the 5th time, and I think that is about it for the last month. Could be some more but not sure. Ever since I started working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week I have not had much time for anything.
  10. I guess I could technicaly be a new player, as I have only been able to play this game for breif periods of time, throughout my five years playing this game.
  11. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354620623' post='127354'] My name is not xyz so i advise you not to call me otherwise. [/quote] You realize that using the double negatives you just told him to call you xyz, correct? Anyways I think this topic is getting way out of hand and has just become a bicker fest. Can someone please close this now?
  12. No idea, but even if I was teleported I would have found my way out. Would have been interesting to see what happened though.
  13. If this is an opinion topic on TKs then may I make an opinionized suggestion? I suggest doing away with a clear "leader" of the TK's. Rather than having a leader, that makes all final decisions for the TK's and has full power over all the workings of the TK role, make all members of the TK alliance propose ways of rewarding quests, running the alliance, etc. and have all members within the alliance agree on what the best choice of action to take depending on the situation. In this way I think it would promote the alliance to work together more fully and prevent any excessive charity/rewarding that could upset the balance of the market within the realm.
  14. Oh I see. Alright thanks for the info.
  15. Yeah I understand that. What is it about?
  16. I've heard of it but never checked it out.
  17. welcome to the game and enjoy yourself!
  18. I have turned in research notes and never heard anything about it. :s
  19. Well Phantom Orchid I guess you could just do the only thing open to you. Hold the dreams outside of the realm and make it part of MD except not part of MD since it is impossible for you to do it in MD without being pried on everytime you try to do your job. Since the only ones that are dissagreeing with your side of the argument are the ones that have the power to do anything about it. I think it is pretty sad that someone can't do their job they are assigned within the game without being spied on every single time they do their job. After a certain amount of time, the trial period to make sure they are doing their job properly, a person should be allowed to have their privacy when doing their job after having proved they are not abusing the system or doing something wrong. I should think the dreams should only be viewable by outsiders if they put in hard work to find out who is having the dream.
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. I also agree that dreams should not be able to be viewed by anyone other than the ones involved in the dream, unless the ones involved choose to tell others the dream they had.
  22. I'm rather dissappointed this didn't last till the end of the month. I had just about finaly finished it and finaly got internet today to finish it up. Thanks anyways for the quest. I hope next month I will be capable of finishing it. Also can you post the end of the story that would have happened after finishing it?
  23. I found something kinda like this with weaken defense. After the first time weaken defense was used on a unit, I found that my opponents defense just kept going up and up after that weaken defense dissappeard. It never stopped increasing even after it went past the creatures original defense.
  24. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1350732701' post='124352'] I am one of those people with low stats, and I don't have a single crit out of the list you mentioned. All I have is 2 freaking angiens, and I'm sure Vicious can afford to buy them! The rest are completely normal and all my crits are tokenless! Do i complain? NO! For your information, I've worked terribly hard to become as strong as I am! Hours and hours of training! Had Vicious asked me, I would have given her advice. But she has been very rude to me in-game, which is why I'll not. And anyways, if she wants to become as strong, she'll have to work hard too, ya know! I am offended by your statement, and I completely deny it. Plus, you think I'd really give away how to beat an angien? There's something called a "spoiler", if you don't know... She has to find out herself, just like i did. And I'll say this much: They are very easy to beat once you know how. And I know that Vicious actually has the required crits to do so. [/quote] Then I would suggest taking it to private messages, rather than displaying your dissatisfaction for someone pubicly. Also you shouldn't judge someone on forums by the way their character is. You must also realize that it is just a game. People create their characters to be a certain personality, and to play a certain role within the realm. Its alright to hate their character, but please try to be conciderate to said player in public forums. They may actually surprise you with how different they can be from their game character.
  25. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1350723692' post='124345'] angiens can be easily beatable with simple crits, and you DO need tactics to find out if you don't know how, then don't complain [/quote] Rather than being a jerk. You could help advice the player you know. Just being a complete arse isn't going to help anything. I can completely unerstand how that player feels as well. Being someone that doesn't own drachs, soulweavers, nutrackers, snowmen, etc that are extremely overpowered compared to most normal creatures and unbeatable for those of us with extremely low stats.
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