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Everything posted by Seigheart
Yes, I have four other members who have not yet completed their training.
Wow. You people don't get it, do you? I am doing you ALL a favour by even doing this. Make MY life a bit easier by emailing the [email="treasury@magicduel.com"]treasury@magicduel.com[/email] account. It simplifies things by 100 fold. If you have to click a few buttons more, I am sorry, but when my tasks require me to check three different forms of communication, organize them all, and then execute what ever requests you have, it makes it harder for me. So, PLEASE. Take the time to email [email="treasury@magicduel.com"]treasury@magicduel.com[/email] with your inquiries on rewards, sponsorships, and questions. It's not that difficult.
I wanted to make sure that the submissions were as good as he claimed. And I didn't see this thread till after i posted that.
Thanks for the pointer Grido, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Umm, I did choose to sponsor the Who Killed Eon quest? O.o Long before this whole thread popped up.
TKs are to select the quests themselves. You are more than welcome to point out a specific quest, but you are NOT to ask for sponsorship. How many more times do I have to say this?
First off, no convincing is necessary. I don't care who the quest maker is, I don't look at that. I look at the quality of quest.
What is there to reply to? You said absolutely nothing that I needed to respond to directly, because everything you said was already said. Infact, after reading what you've said, you've said nothing at all to be honest. Just a bunch of opinions.
I will have that information for you in the next day or so.
I am going to cover pretty much everything I can think of to cover here: Cury, you screwed things up big time with the TKs. Where do you get off from coming back one day and just trashing everything you see "wrong." You left without ANY stock, without ANY idea of what was done and what wasnt. You basically left the TKs to rot because of your very frequent temper tantrums. Yelling and screaming like a spoiled brat does not solve problems. It blows things out of proportion. You claim many things in your original post. One of which is that I am declining quest creation? How so? Where are your statistics? How do you know that I am manipulating sponsorships? Again, where is your proof? You can claim all these things, but the fact of the matter is that I have been making steps to INCREASE the quest production of the realm. For instance, I am now allowed to reward Quest Makers for creating numerous, quality quests. I only allow the email because it is MUCH MUCH more effective to email me, because you can get a reply immediately(if I am awake or not busy with RL stuff). Why is this such a big deal? So what if you have to open up another tab? You have to open one tab to send an email, while I receive many emails in a day. I know your TKs were just mailmen, but what I have done in the last month was restore the TKs to something far more important and essential. I have a little patience for people who do not follow simple instructions. I always redirect people to the [email="treasury@magicduel.com"]treasury@magicduel.com[/email] email for TK related issues, kindly. And then their email is answered accordingly. But when you constantly pm IG, or through the forum, I won't answer them. Why? Because I have better things to do than keep an eye on three different communication systems to SERVE YOU. You do not see how I treat most players, Cury. I engage them, talk to them, and am generally quite kind. What you see, and all you see, are how I treat players who have constantly shown me absolutely nothing but negative light, and constant "bullying". You expect me to be kind to those people? **** that. I will treat them abruptly and calmly, but I refuse to be kind to them. Kyphis: You are totally right about the rewards for Phantom's Quest. BUT... It's Christmas. So, expect the rewards to be higher than they generally should. The reward was confirmed with Mur, just so you know. Infact, he even suggested it. I wanted to give a WP, BP, and then a choice of any shop creature exluding seasonal. Shadowseeker: Notes will be redeemable soon(ish). A temporary solution is to hold auctions to sell off Shop Creatures. Aka the Christmas Auction. Not even close to the amount of Gold Coins I need to redeem a small portion of the notes, but an attempt none the less. Phantom Orchid: What abuse of power do you speak of? The Artisan's incident? I was completely absolved of that incident by Mur. I have created many quests, none of them would be what I call... "good" but they are out there. I am not a creative person. I am very regimented and straight pathed. My quests would be boring and unorganized. Sorry, but that doesn't effect how I can judge a quest. That particular quest that you mentioned; I ended up quitting. Yes, you were charged a coin to pay the "ferryman". If you didn't have the coin, you could take another path, albeit longer. The coins were then to reward the winner. And effective means to a reward. Amoran: You had recieved that WP TWO WHOLE DAYS before you sent that forum pm. I was frustrated at your oversight. I apologize. Moral of this thread: Treat me with respect, and you'll have respect returned. Constantly attack and bitch at me, and I won't treat you nicely. I am not Mur. I won't stand by a let you bitch at me.
Because, you know, the TKs have been burned to the ground, that we don't do anything. That I have all this "power" that went to my head. Of course I would upset people. They aren't getting everything they wanted. Sorry, but that's life. I have to keep a check of balances here. Yes, I deem quests worthy or not. I can't just go sponsoring absolutely anything someone claims is a quest. That's just ridiculous. You clearly put a lot of thought into your post Cury. And claiming that I've burned down the TKs. Well, considering that you effectively put me in charge of the TKs when you had your hissy fit, what does that say about you?
Yes, you're right, feel free to SUGGEST rewards. And again, you're right. But the TKs are not here to sponsor every quest and event. If it is a lousy event/quest, we're not going to sponsor it. Btw; Do not confuse lousy, and simple. There is a difference.
Donated 52 Lumber
TKs will sponsor this quest with a WP. On the condition that I may view the submissions before the final judging occurs.
Many changes have occured to the way the Treasure Keepers will behave through out MD in the last month or so. One of the major changes came due to the resignation/dereliction of duty by the previous Royalty. The TKs will be sponsoring worthy quests with a large variety of rewards. Ranging from Silver/Gold, to WPs, and Rare/Very Rare Creatures. In order to receive a sponsorship, a few things must be kept in mind: 1. Do NOT ask or tell me to sponsor you. - This seems to be a tricky one for people to understand, so I will explain. The difference between pointing out a quest, and telling me to sponsor it is like asking for help to move furniture, but telling me to do it. 2. Emailing [email="treasury@magicduel.com"]treasury@magicduel.com[/email] is the best way to contact the TKs - I can't always check my PMs, or Forum PMs. This is the best, and ONLY way I will acknowledge TK related matters, besides IG Chat. All personal email addresses will be kept confidential. When emailing the TKs, please include your Player Name/ID. This will speed up matters greatly. If there was a problem with your reward, include what ever information you can. (If the WP code didn't work, email the WP Code. etc)
TKs will sponsor the winner with one WP.
- 54 replies
Phantom, you suggested that I look into your quest. Passant specifically asked for a certain reward. I DO NOT WANT PEOPLE ASKING FOR ANYTHING You may point out a quest, by all means. Please. But when you start telling me what rewards you want, and all that nonsense, I will not want to sponsor it. Edit: What you have to understand is I get anywhere between 5-10 emails a day from people demanding that I sponsor their quests now. 90% of which don't even have the quests up and running. They want the sponsorship before they have even announced the quest. Then I get the constant IG and Forum PMs for TK Issues. The email was created so that I may respond faster than IG/Forum because I do not have access to both all the time. Where as Email I can respond to through my Blackberry at any given moment. I apologize for the abruptness and the unclarity, things will improve over time once every gets an idea of how the TKs work.
Auction still continues!
I feel that putting limitations on those who you can vote for is redundant. People will always vote for who they think are the best option, the criteria they vote for is the only non constant in this situation. Their votes will always be skewered by personal opinions and will always be subjectified. Why not remove this silly restriction?
It means that no matter what ID you have, it will always be unique. Meaning saying it has a Unique ID and advertising it, is pointless.
Small change to the bidding process: Notes will be accepted.
Of course they do, but this Auction will only accept Gold Coins. From this point on, I would like the Mods to remove any posts that do not contain Bids.
[center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][b]Treasure Keeper Christmas Auction[/b] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] The Treasure Keepers are holding a very special [color=#FF0000]Christmas [/color][color=#006400]Auction![/color] In spirit of the Christmas Season, we shall be auctioning off the following creatures: Reindrach Santa Nutcracker We shall only accept payments in the form of Gold Coins and Notes. Silver will not be accepted at this time. All bids will be made public, so keep the bids in the topic. [/center][/center]
If a previous winner of the BHC wins, does that mean they get an increase of Stat Damage again?
Sponsored by the Treasure Keepers with 1 WP for the Winner.