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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Treasure Keepers have decided to Sponsor this quest with the following: Morph and a WP for First Place Any Shop Creature for Second Place Any Shop Creature for Third By Any Shop Creature, I mean any, including those that are not available throughout the year.
  2. Are there any actions you have performed, that you wish you could alter/reverse in hindsight? If so, what were they and why?
  3. Considering it is over 6 months old, it would be a no.
  4. No real internet for a few more days. :(

  5. Come find me IG Tipu. I'll give you a gift... for this marvelous achievement!
  6. 1 week left for this auction
  7. 1 week left for this auction/
  8. The following will be rewarded for their hard work with the calender updates. Zleiph Awiiya Xrieg Asterdai Apophys Ailith Grido Firestarter Nava Dragonrider7 Peace/BFH Samon/Pip/Great Pashweetie Aysun The TKs will be contacting each of you over the next couple days. I understand that several of these players no longer play. I will send the rewards to their accounts anyways, and assume they have received them.
  9. Asking for a Sponsorship will immediately disqualify you from any sort of sponsorship from the TKs. However, emailing treasury (@) magicduel.com, and requesting that they look into a certain quest is perfectly acceptable. When creating a quest, do not create it for the sake of getting the TKs to sponsor it, that defeats the purpose. When making an inquiry, do NOT PM or IG PM me. I will not respond to any further attempts about the TKs through those means. The TK email (above) was set up for this purpose. Use it. I answer them almost immediately.
  10. So, does the needle work whether the person using the Weaken command wins or not?
  11. The Current List of Members: Seigheart (Guardian of the Hoard) ZenTao Duke of Malfi Hedge Munos/the Frog Living Puppet
  12. There are MANY ways to enforce rules.... NEEDLES PEOPLE!
  13. [b]6 Colored Paper [/b] [b]26 Fenths [/b] [b]Gift Wrap [/b] [b]52 Lumber [/b] [b]9 Mineral Water [/b] [b]40 Raw Glass [/b] [b]Sand [/b] [b]Syntropic Dust [/b] [b]25 Timeless dust [/b] [b]35 Toxic plants [/b] [b]44 Water [/b] [b]36 Branches [/b] [b]All for sale. Post offers[/b] [b][I really want to get rid of the clutter in my inventory.][/b]
  14. [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2081 - [2011-11-14 03:59:22 - Stage 11][/color] New email address for contacting the Treasure keepers, claim bounties, rewards, gifts, ask questions regarding rewards and anything involving the "Treasury": [b]treasury@magicduel.com[/b][/quote] Now that this email is active, I would prefer that all questions concerning bounties, rewards, gifts, and sponsorships be directed to this email and not via forum/IG pm. You will get an answer far faster this way as it goes directly to my Blackberry. ~Seigheart
  15. Sail well.
  16. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1321260333' post='95781'] I may be interested in that Elu, depending on its history: - has it been traded before? - what is its ID? - was it released as a personal gift from Mur or as a reward in a package? Thanks for any clarification. [/quote] No [color="#999999"]ID:749950[/color] [color="#999999"]I don't see how this matters... but it was a personal gift from Mur.[/color]
  17. Yes! Bid like you care! Also, just a reminder, if you throw in items, I will count it as a GC per unique item.
  18. So, if you can't use a Shared Item, why do you need to have one? It's supposed to be USED right? Not just sitting in someone's inventory for a week.
  19. In no particular order: Tipu's Fugitive Quest Mighty Pirate's Mood Panel Shocker Quest Soothing Sand's Halloween Mini-Quest Burn's Halloween Competition Quest Maker's, you each have a pm, please follow the instructions within.
  20. The rest of the Halloween Contests have been selected. Please return PMs ASAP.

  21. This Elu still has its coloured paper. Don't you worry.
  22. Have I not answered it already? It will be revealed tomorrow. There was a slight miscommunication between Mur and I. The other winners will be announced tomorrow.
  23. The TKs have not decided the other four winners. I am waiting on one to choose. Again, this is my own personal Elu. You have an Edit button Chewett. You're more than capable of using it.
  24. This is my personal Elucibrat. Please remove your post Chewett. It is completely uncalled for, and completely off topic. An Elucubrat is the Halloween Elucubrat?
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