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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Seigheart


    Yeah, sorry about the harshness of the time period, but Murs orders are Murs orders. You can still submit your IDs afterwards, but it wont be as fast as it would if you got in by the 24h time period. dst: Again, your ignorance is delightful.
  2. Seigheart


    You have 24 hours btw to post your ID. Otherwise the gift won't be given promptly.
  3. Seigheart


    All participants of the Santa Drawing Contest, please give me your Playername, and ID in THIS thread. Not by pm. In the thread please.
  4. Need more people. Again, this is for your benefit.
  5. Okay, continuing the auction with LW with the C/B of 14gc. 24s must go past without a bid before Auction ends. Also, Phantom Orchid is no longer allowed to participate in TK auctions for a period of 6 months.
  6. Any news on the winner for this contest?
  7. While this would be acceptable (while unwanted) event for a typical player held auction, this is a MUR auction. I dunno if that makes a difference or not, but these are not my creatures I am auctioning off, but Murs.
  8. I was unaware of this information. Thank you LWP. Suggestions are still wanted. You all keep bugging me that I don't give a damn about the public's opinion, and I am giving you the opportunity to tell me how to do my job, and you're not taking it? Come on now...
  9. I'd like to thank the person behind Santa for the awesome job he did. I heard he made fun of me a few times... I'm gunna have to talk to him about that but, it was all in good fun. I think... And to Rendril, BFH(for his Christmas Quests), and All you other people that made it a fun christmasy month!
  10. You clearly weren't around for the last Christmases either. I got a Sword Shade last year. And a Tutorial Shade the year before that. These creatures become commmon so to speak over Christmas.
  11. Yep. She said she accidentally gave away all her creatures and gold in the festive spirit.
  12. Well, it seems Phantom Orchid has renegged out of her bid for the Reindrach of 15gc. Now, there are several options I could take here. I want to know the publics thoughts first before I decide. What do you think should be done?
  13. I got a morph. I traded it for an item.
  14. So, people who create accounts right before Christmas, to get the presents, don't abuse the tree. Simple. Yeah, the tiny few new players who get affected still get a present from Santa. A Big one. Do you know who many morphs, darklings, and other INCREDIBLY rare creatures were given out this year? Tonnes. The small gifts you get from the tree are chump change compared to the Confused Santa gifts.
  15. Seigheart


    dst: The problem is Mur hasn't been around lately due to RL issues. It's the holiday season. I am busy with RL stuff. Sorry. I have a family, I have a life. I have more important things than MD right now. You don't. That's the problem. Sorry. You could have figured that out on your own. The rewards will be figured out in a few days time when my schedule(and Mur) returns to normal.
  16. Weird. I hear Santa did a fantastic job of entertaining the crowds with his chaoticness, and confusedness. Yeah, the method wasn't perfect. He often overlooked people due to the overwhelming number of people yelling "Me" when he asked who hasn't recieved a gift. And how many of those "Me"s were actual people who haven't recieved one? Would you had rathered you just clicked a few buttons and got some free crap, or would you have rathered you had an interactive being to "play" with? I think Santa did quite a good job with what he had available to him. (A list of CTCs, and a red name)
  17. Seigheart


    What? Am I supposed to be nice to everyone that is constantly biting my ass for nothing? Not a chance. Now go back to your logs, and cyber sexing dst where you belong.
  18. Sold to Grido. Close.
  19. Selling a Morph I got from Confused Santa. Why? I don't have any room due to all the other morphs and stuff in my creature inventory. So. C/O is 25gc by Lone Wolf.
  20. Well, I wish the best of luck to you Peace. What ever happens to Necrovion will happen, and we all know it will survive.
  21. Seigheart


    What are you freaking out for? First off, I knew about it since it was posted. Second of all, Mur JUST got around to dealing with it. Third of all, try having some composure. You have a public role now, act like it. Edit: It seems that Mur may have forgotten about his little promise to the other participants. I will remind it. Sorry for the delay to those of you who it affects.
  22. Seigheart


    That is because I only got told about the rewards today. And dst, what are you talking about? You have nothing to do with the TKs for this event? From what I know, only Duxie and Dragon get something from the TKs.
  23. I agree with BFH. Try to reinvest in the new Necrovion. Don't rely to heavily on Khal, and the Dynasty anymore. The best thing I can see happening ere is starting soemthing new. Giving Necrovion a fresh start. Seigheart
  24. Should have clarified, I'll be rewarding those he can't.
  25. Keep posting what you have. This is for your benefit.
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