The Treasure Keepers are now actively accepting new applicants.
They must meet the following criteria:
1. Active Days: Below 365, but higher than 100.*
2. Active Day Percentage Above 60%*
3. Clean Record*
4. Those with Official Roles will not be accepted
The applicants must not be in the servitude of another Land. If you are, you must be relinquished by your King, or Queen, before they enter the Servitude of the Demon. Your allegiance will no longer be to your King, or Queen, but to the Demonic One.
Meaning you will not have any authority over anyone. Including you.
The purpose of the Treasure Keepers is to distribute the Wealth of the Demon to those he wishes to reward, or sponsor. This is not a glamorous job, but it does have its benefits. What those benefits are will become clear in time, but they are worth it in the end.
If you wish to apply, please state the following as such:
Game Name: Seigheart
Active Days: 444(87%)
Current Allegiance: Lands of the East
Tag: Information Specialist
I will approach those who apply, with either an acceptance, or rejection, letter in-game.
Good luck, and Mur’s Speed
*Slight variances are acceptable.[/center][/center]