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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Screenshot would help
  2. [quote]We have confiscated a Bestiary from [censored] that was taken from Demo Account. Please sell this item to raise some coins for Mur. The ITC is [censored] Please take it and confirm there are no creatures inside it already. Currently it has the name "stolen Bestiary" Please make a comment that once the purchaser has bought it, they should mail us if they want the name to be changed. That we wont change the name for anyone, just for this auction item. Thanks[/quote] I am currently selling a bestiary. Named "Stolen Book of Creatures". Stolen from the Demo Account. Council shall change it to what ever name you wish upon purchase. Auction starts at 1gc. All coins/notes are acceptable.
  3. All they ever do is ddos. They can't do anything else but ddoses.
  4. Yes, it means the on going auctions will be cancelled. So, if you bid 300g(not likely) on a single auction. All the others will be closed.
  5. That says absolutely nothing but the fact that they happened. Doesn't say who, or how the mission was performed, just that it was. For all you know, it could have been Firs sending the orders to have Lifeline quit.
  6. I really like that idea. +10
  7. Okay, if Mur told Eon, dst, and Granos to go harasss someone until they have a nervous breakdown, then we have a problem. But from what I see is he saw them put a strain on those in MD. For all I know, I could have been one tested. See dst vs Seigheart crap. Does that mean Mur told dst to do it? No. He didn't. That's just dst. Eon was just being Eon. And Granos was just being Granos. Mur was rewarding them for being themselves and actively shaking things up. And to be honest, because I adapted, and survived, I was made into a better person. Yeah, I had to learn to deal with an unseen opponent in an online game. I deal with people in RL in a very confrontational way. Without MD, it would have taken me longer(if at all) to learn how to indirectly assault someone. A saying comes to mind for this "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the Oven." Or my favourite saying, Nut up, or Shut up.
  8. If you wish to hear my reasoning behind sponsoring that quest, I'm more than glad to.
  9. Oh, don't get me wrong, I dont think this deserves a medal at all. Infact, it sounds more like jailable material.
  10. What he could mean is that Eon, dst, and Granos are so annoying and purposely do things like this for fun, and some king said **** it, and gave up.
  11. How about you stop assuming things, Sharazhad. You don't know what happened. Stop making conclusions until you hear both sides of the story.
  12. There are three other kings other than yourself Yrth
  13. Yah, I am kind of curious about this event as well... I know there was a plan to have the current set of Kings removed, but as far as I know, only dst and Granos were involved, but that plan failed due to them resigning
  14. Still accepting applicants
  15. Will the Tribunal get to participate in this, or is this mainland only?
  16. Eon is a citizen of the Tribunal due to his take over of the SoS, right? According to Game Mechanics, he is until he leaves the alliance.
  17. There arn't any laws for the Tribunal. Anything being imposed on others are through the citizens themselves. That is why Eon is doing it, the citizens don't have any authority over him what so ever. He CAN do it, so he WILL until you find a way to stop him.
  18. Ill be IG all day trading silver coins at the scene to the left of GoE.
  19. Run, run while you still can!
  20. So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs? Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds? Didn't think so.
  21. Child has already spoken to me about that, thanks for your concern though BFH.
  22. WP Shop Addition Adding Music to a Scene by using a WP
  23. [center][center][url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/magicdueldominionofmur.png/"][img]http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9131/magicdueldominionofmur.png[/img][/url] The Treasure Keepers are now actively accepting new applicants. They must meet the following criteria: 1. Active Days: Below 365, but higher than 100.* 2. Active Day Percentage Above 60%* 3. Clean Record* 4. Those with Official Roles will not be accepted The applicants must not be in the servitude of another Land. If you are, you must be relinquished by your King, or Queen, before they enter the Servitude of the Demon. Your allegiance will no longer be to your King, or Queen, but to the Demonic One. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL POSITION Meaning you will not have any authority over anyone. Including you. The purpose of the Treasure Keepers is to distribute the Wealth of the Demon to those he wishes to reward, or sponsor. This is not a glamorous job, but it does have its benefits. What those benefits are will become clear in time, but they are worth it in the end. If you wish to apply, please state the following as such: Game Name: Seigheart Active Days: 444(87%) Current Allegiance: Lands of the East Tag: Information Specialist I will approach those who apply, with either an acceptance, or rejection, letter in-game. Good luck, and Mur’s Speed --Seigheart *Slight variances are acceptable.[/center][/center]
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