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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. If it says it is redeemable as both, it is.
  2. No, it is staying an independant tool. Even if Shared items come out.
  3. Yes, I did. It was denied. Full List Here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11503-unaccepted-gc-gathering-requests/page__fromsearch__1"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11503-unaccepted-gc-gathering-requests/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  4. These are the following things that won't be accepted for auction (that I have requested). Feel free to post your own, so that others may save the trouble of asking for them, and to save Mur time from having to read multiples. Lumber Resource Collector Water Resource Collector Memory Stone Resource Collector Heat Resource Collector Wiiya Resource Collector Herb Resource Collector MP6 Token Send to Knator's Vacation House Spell Control of Empty Aramor Mur Level Invisibility Others I know to have been denied: Access to Angien Shrine Edit: Mur won't respond to the Auction Requests. You won't know if it was accepted or denied until Mur posts another set of Auctions. If you had submitted it before those auctions went up, and still isn't up, it has most likely been denied.
  5. Rumi, it won't be accepted. I asked for one.
  6. I win!
  7. 1g
  8. 24 hours the auction shall end.
  9. Still accepting applicants.
  10. The way I see it is that we are born with an inherent disposition towards a certain attitude. Some people are born really kind, but their experiences will either enhance it, or dull that personality trait. For instance. Mahatma Ghandi. Everyone knows who he is. He was known for liberating India. But what most people don't know is that he was regularly beaten and punished for being Indian. Now, he had two options here. He COULD have turned against them and strike them(like most of you would have done) but no, he followed his inate personality. He rose above the prejudice, and become on of the worlds greatest protestors of violence. Some people are born more intune with their animalistic side. Again, life experiences either enhance, or dull it. I have this aquaintence, shall be named Bob, that was a bully from the moment he could crawl. Slapping his younger and older sisters, stealing their food, what ever he could do, he did it. He ended up growing up to be a complete dbag. Everyone hated him for his attitude. He only got worse and worse. Now, my sister met this guy when she was six or so. She tried being friends with him. Failed. We moved to another city, and they didn't see each other for about 20 years. They reunited while he was in prison(for armed robbery), and she was working there as a parole officer. She took a special interest in him(ended up getting married), and it literally changed him. He's now one of my best most reliable friends with a promising future in MMA. He has won several world championships in the last 5 years. 3 Golds, 2 Silvers. You can't fight your inherent disposition, but you can certainly change the degree that it effects you. As for the multitasking thing, we can't just split our attention into two pieces. Our brains don't work that way. We can focus on one thing with one half of our brain, and another. Through this, and practice/development of our brain, we can multitask with our bodies. Ever tried rubbing your stomach, while patting your head? Then switching? Well, it's difficult/almost impossible to do at first, but over time you can train your body to do it. However, your two halfs of your brain are working as one at that point. Originally, they were working together, clumsily. (right brain works the left side of the body, and left side controls the right) And after training, your two halfs start to work together more efficiently. They cannot, and will not work seperately. Brains, 99% of the time, can't do seperate things. They may seem like it, but studies have shown that your brain "translates" the seperate processes into a series of single commands that your body then performs. and focus our cerebrum on another(the part that handles our coherent thoughts). We can control our bodily functions with the medulla oblongata, and we can do two simultaneous things with our body(or more) with practice, but we can't think two different simultaneous trains of thought. Your cerebrum can't focus on two different things at once. It thinks of itself as one. It may have hands and feet(metaphorically) that it can grasp onto seperate things, but it becomes cluttered and confused. Try calculating how many seconds are in a day, while reciting the national anthem from memory. It's not possible to do, without practice. But when you do manage to be able to do it, through practice, your brain doesn't see it as two different processes, but a single integrated thought process.
  11. is for horses...
  12. It's interesting. I had done something similiar to this for the Festival of Pain last year. Anyone who would give up all their creatures (sacrificed them) would be rewarded. I can't remember if anyone else did it, but I did.
  13. Well, I am sure we can work out a deal?
  14. Phantom, do not spam my topic. Peace, a price? Really? But we're such great friends.
  15. So, I've been killed. I need to get back on my feet so that I may continue my duties as TK Leader. No one seems to know how to get resurrected other than Council or Mur. Council won't resurrect me. Mur is way to busy to be bothered with this. Apparently Chewett has a way to do this, but I dunno for sure. Anyone else know how?
  16. It is intended to be used to put you back in an alliance? Even though you've been kicked out?
  17. My question is if this bug was reported before? If not, isn't that bug abuse since she clearly knew about it.
  18. The following people, through the TKs, have been awarded WPs, or WP codes due to posting exceptionally good forum topics. Junior for: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11123-cashing-out-notes/page__fromsearch__1"]http://magicduel.inv...__fromsearch__1[/url] Laphers for: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11247-a-true-merry-christmas/page__fromsearch__1"]http://magicduel.inv...__fromsearch__1[/url] I shall be rewarding WPs, at my own discretion, for players who make exceptional forum topics. Edit: Yay for Neg Reps for being nice to those who do nice things for others!
  19. I dont think anyone is willing to just give up what they have earned IG. Maybe start a new account, and not play the old one, but just hand over everything to you? Doesn't seem like it's worth it.
  20. If you get kicked from an alliance while in an illusion, at the end of the day, you're still a person in an illusion. Meaning, that the alliance kick is still an alliance kick. Just because you put on a disguise doesnt mean your character shouldn't be affected by anything. It is still there, wearing a mask.
  21. I want to know how as well. Should have just disbanded it when you had the chance.
  22. 124. dst's going to explode when she finds out her beloved alliance has been taken over. It will then be revealed that she is actually a robot, designed by Mur, to annoy us.
  23. LOL @ dst. Can't wait for reaction.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pipstickz


      She used methods not available to everybody to do it.

    3. Burns


      Which is just the reason why dst was asked to do the job, isn't it?

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      My point is, she could have made it much more interesting than it turned out to be. However, that's too much to ask for someone who does not enjoy encouraging fair game play.

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