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Everything posted by ERO

  1. Happy B'day, Mercurial!
  2. happy birthday!
  3. Happu birthday, my friend!
  4. STAY
  5. [color=#0000cd][b]6GC[/b][/color] for number 5-[color=#ff0000][b]Rustgold Drachorn[/b][/color] 601570 Heat 448300 Age 552 Tokens (16) [blooddrop1][blooddrop2][blooddrop3][claw1][claw2][stardust][antifreeze][kellethafire][emeraldglare][enlightning][jewelshards][firedrop][onyxfangs][darksky][darkshield][claw3] [b][color=#0000cd]1GC[/color][/b] for number 16-[color=#ff0000][b]UnholyPope[/b][/color] Heat 3824580 Age 666 Tokens (14) [stardust][antifreeze][kellethafire][emeraldglare][enlightning][purpurmoon][jewelshards][firedrop][onyxfangs][blacktear][darkshield][darksky][goldbelt][claw3]
  6. Happy birthday, Shem!
  7. Happy birthday!....Apir to my friend nad
  8. 5 gold+5silver
  9. Happy Birthdy!
  10. Happy birthday and Happy Easter!
  11. You're allready missed, Sage...hope things will get better for you and you'll get back....i wish you the best of luck....
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. Bug fixed..thank you! Please close topic!
  14. thank you! ..pls close topic...
  15. how do i do that?
  16. 5[in use] Aromatic herbs 7[in use] Tea leaves I reported this bug to Mur a few moths ago...he told me it will be fixed....until now, it wasn't....
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