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Posts posted by ERO

  1. WTS:

    Marksmen 1 -Age before transfer:17
    - Heat:1,6 mil

    Marksmen 2 -Age before transfer:4
    - Heat:5,69 mil

    WB 1 - Age before transfer: 25
    - Heat: 14 mil

    WB 2 - Age before transfer:25
    - Heat: 14,6 mil

    Imperial Aramor - Age before transfer:6
    - Heat: 9,7 mil

    10 cups of tea

    Post your bids!
    The auction will go for an week, at least, or until i am satisfied.

  2. [b]7[in use]Tea leaves[/b]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b]5[in use] Aromatic herbs[/b][/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b]...the resources involved in tea brewing process are blocked...this is what i have lost from this...[/b][/font]

  3. Yesterday, me and other player tried to brew tea...first attempt failed...and my resources involved in proces (Aromatic herbs and tea leaves) get lost...the problem is that all my Aromatic herbs and tea leaves (from my inventory) have a message [in use]...so i can't use them again...i know that the failed attempt to brew tea make me lose the resouces involved in process...but not all my resources...later we've manage to brew tea, but i have loan resources from other player, since mine was blocked...we use the same teapot as before...
    ...it is a bug?

  4. I was teleported to GG, too...while i was idle at the fenth press...i wont idle again..i'll gest log off...one can't make an strategy to follow when wake up in another place suffering alot of atacks....

  5. 1GC+7SC for :

    Creature: Pimped Grasan 3

    Age: 40

    Heat: 711434

    Tokens: [claw1][claw2][stardust][blooddrop3][blooddrop2][blooddrop1][kellethafire][emeraldglare][jewelshards][onyxfangs][darksky][blacktear][antifreeze][purpurfog][osirisbelt][darkshield] = 16

    ID: 717108

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