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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. Selling a 28M heat infused creature Creature type : Knator Creature Age : 15 Creature Heat : 28M reserve price : 14 sc immediate buy: 1 gc + 8 sc auction duration 48 hours + 12 hours over the last acceptable bid. Notes: 1. no bid retraction is accepted.
  2. this is by no means a complaint! i'm sorry if it looks like that! I was so happy with my creature that i had already maxed it out :-P It's was nothing very special and was fully functional ( maybe except on level 3...)
  3. even if was broken... it was a gift and i treasure it like that... it's disapointing to see it being replaced..
  4. probably relative to this change: " [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2144 - [2011-12-26 18:58:29 - Stage 11][/color] Fixed an issue with using CTC's when a player had creatures immortalized in a bestiary. " Now on creature transfer i got attached error. Still the creature was properly transfered. Edit by Chewett: sql message removed on request by R
  5. [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Soulweaver 2Gc 5 sc[/font][/size]
  6. [b]5sc for the Fresh sharpie[/b]
  7. The MD Xmas Festivity! [attachment=3563:ZenContest.jpg]
  8. 5 sc BP id:517192
  9. 4GC 7sc for ID 741888 Rustgold
  10. 1 sc Elemental5 ID [color=#999999][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]757029[/size][/font][/color]
  11. Sasha's Bra legend born on this Xmas Carols, grown on Xmas Letters and Ends NOW! Even because my wife did find out that i've been writting about a bra for 3 days.. i'm soooo dooomed :-) I would also like to say that was NOT my intention at any mean no disrespect or offend any the characters or persons i've put into the stories. My sincere apologies if i did. darkraptor
  12. Not in the last weeks. Maybe it can be closed.
  13. 4GC 5sc for ID 741888 Rustgold
  14. 3 Silver for Elemental1 [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ID 56888[/font][/color]
  15. If my wife dreams that i've been writting about a bra for 2 days... i'm soooo dead! Lol
  16. correction: POOR ZenTao's Dress!!! :-P
  17. Never thought "secret people" would mean a vote pool :-)
  18. 2 Silver for each Elemental
  19. Well i must say, from my point of view, That kind of "alliance move" is not a honorable one. In fact, and by whats being said, my perspective of Eon character was totally wrong, since i considered Eon a Fierce But Honorable fighter... Still, every day that passes the alliance badge is paying out on land loyalty.
  20. Many things have been said about resources and resource depletion and now recent alliance moves seem to have made a giant step into the depletion of the East... Its a sad day to me and even if i'm not a citizen of the East i care about its depletion, until now viscosity was probably the best thing to avoid it. Its hard to realize that starting today it seems viscosity will no more be a obstacle to one of the well known depleters. There is still some hope... behavior is possible to change.. soon we will see...
  21. 4GC for ID 741888 Rustgold
  22. 3GC for ID 741888 Rustgold
  23. 2 GC 1 silver for the rusty
  24. Auction Ended. VorniC was the top bider. Please close
  25. Just got access to script, i would like to study and learn from your code Fyrd. Thank you
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