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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. Secret Scene, unaccess scene don't count or counted. It depends on you if you want to add it.
  2. All the Land location scene. If you choose Necro all the scene of Necro to decorate:) More participants participate this contest. Someone will give additional rewards
  3. Horror Land Scene This is artwork contest, Decor and add something that can become scary and horror land scene You can use anything edition of editing that can make your Artwork beautiful Bloody scene. All you need to do is Choose a Land in the realm and all location of the land you choose decorate it. To make your Land scene Hunted, Horror and Scary looking. You can do anything you want to your artwork.Its a way of represent the Halloween. If you have Land or without Land are good. It is up to you, Its yours that you feel better. Create and spread your Imagination to the highest level. Make the land and your land proud of you. Your Submission end on November 3 Feel free to ask: Sample: Land: Loreroot Maple Road http://i.imgur.com/6VWq3WY.jpg Territory: Loreroot Coord: 1_-3x1_1 Ash Arch http://i.imgur.com/VHYHtfE.jpg Territory: Loreroot Coord: 1_-3x0_1 Reward: 20 Silver Coins from me Sponsor are welcome More participants and participates Chewett sponsoring some pre-release drach lair items
  4. The Post Man can see the address. thats part of his Job
  5. Eagle Eye


    MP5 - If the Heat Tolerance bellow 4200000 drop tp MP4 and lossing % of principles MP4- If the Heat Tolerance bellow 380000 drop to MP3 and lossing % of principles Tasks for MP3 To advance to next MindPower To advance to the next mindpower level and replay the story to gain more skills you need to win 100 fights. You are also required to LOSE 100 fights. You cannot change/choose another principles because you already finish the STORY MODE
  6. Have a blessed Birthday Intrigue My wish to your Birthday good health, Happiness life and another years of your Birthday Happy Birthday
  7. mp5 lifesteal lvl 5 max against mp3 become lifesteal lvl 2 or 3 like a waterdemon abilty
  8. mp5 lvl 3 grasan against mp4 no change the level only the ability of the grasan and the aura
  9. mp3 can attack mp4 and mp4 can attack back to mp3?
  10. Quest End I will pick the winner soon
  11. The Quest End Congrats to all the winners and to all participants
  12. morph 33% drach 75% bird 100% Its a Big Changes hoping this is allow?
  13. Happy Birthday Kamisha My wish is more years to come and a happy birthday to your life. Fruitful years and a blessed year of your birthday
  14. Happy Birthday my friend gonzalocsdf95 I wish you all the best, Blessed year always and a Happy family, also wish for a divine good health all the time. Happy Birthday
  15. Vote MD Before voting you need to register and lets register and Vote MD to make high Rank
  16. MRAlyon, Ary Endleg and Syrian Finish the Puzzle state above whos finish the puzzle. Azrafar still on the way and stock. I will message to the author;) and let see how things goes on thank you Lania and Ary
  17. Puzzle Winners List: Updated *Syrian* finished on 2014-10-01 02:10:27 with 661507 seconds Ary Endleg finished on 2014-10-01 03:10:00 with 1865 seconds MRAlyon finished on 2014-10-01 10:10:21 with 8707 seconds Asthir finished on 2014-10-02 11:10:22 with 4853 seconds Current Players List: [spoiler] *Eagle Eye* started on 2014-09-17 05:09:57 solved 0 in 0 seconds Assira the Black started on 2014-09-22 02:09:38 solved 2 in 4261 seconds The Warrior started on 2014-09-22 03:09:44 solved 6 in 2198 seconds Arion Ibruson started on 2014-09-22 03:09:08 solved 0 in 0 seconds Intrigue started on 2014-09-22 04:09:00 solved 0 in 0 seconds Kamisha started on 2014-09-22 05:09:02 solved 0 in 0 seconds Azrafar started on 2014-09-22 08:09:08 solved 1 in 1388 seconds Haedrin started on 2014-09-22 16:09:18 solved 0 in 0 seconds *Dark Demon* started on 2014-09-22 17:09:55 solved 0 in 0 seconds TheRichMerchant started on 2014-09-22 17:09:36 solved 0 in 0 seconds ZulNaar started on 2014-09-22 17:09:38 solved 1 in 9306 seconds samon started on 2014-09-23 15:09:06 solved 0 in 0 seconds Pipstickz started on 2014-09-24 09:09:30 solved 0 in 0 seconds Rophs started on 2014-09-24 15:09:18 solved 0 in 0 seconds darkraptor started on 2014-09-30 10:09:56 solved 0 in 0 seconds Lania started on 2014-09-30 22:09:43 solved 2 in 9864 seconds *Clock Master* started on 2014-10-03 00:10:16 solved 0 in 0 seconds dst started on 2014-10-03 01:10:04 solved 0 in 0 seconds[/spoiler] The Best Time 1st: Ary Endleg finished on 2014-10-01 03:10:00 with 1865 seconds 2nd: Asthir finished on 2014-10-02 11:10:22 with 4853 seconds 3rd: MRAlyon finished on 2014-10-01 10:10:21 with 8707 seconds Anyone can beat the Ary Endleg time
  18. Fixed and now available please read it carefully the CLUE
  19. Happy Birthday Azthor I wish your Birthday enjoyable and more blessing this year and every year and a good health
  20. Change [spoiler]Thyme for Tea A young girl wrapped up in a blue cloak was walking along the grassy Plains of Liberty picking tea leaves. She had successfully gathered a couple already, some aromatic herbs, and some plants that she couldn't unidentify. Things were going quite well for the girl. Suddenly, the girl spotted a bunch of herbs that looked like all of the colours of the lands. She excitedly skipped over to the herbs and knelt down to inspect them more closely. The herbs were divided into three groups. In the centre, there was a bunch of greyish green flowers with black streaks in the leaves. She avoided those, feeling that they'd be no good to drink. To the left, she saw a bunch of dull white flowers, with six petals each. They looked kind of interesting, so the girl grabbed the bunch by the stem and pulled. They broke off easily, leaving the roots in the ground. Putting them in a corner of her basket away from the other herbs, the girl then looked at the last group. These definitely were the flowers that the girl had been attracted to. The flowers were completely leafless: the petals looked like they were bursting through the ground. And what colours! One of the flowers had four petals--a red one, a blue one, a yellow one, and a green one. Another one of the flowers had two petals that were coloured white with blue polkadots. Yes, those flowers, and there were plenty of them, were very attractive. But one moment, thought the girl, her nose wrinkling as she sniffed the air. What was that thing that smelled vaguely of lemons? It was very strong, but the girl couldn't find it. Closing her eyes, she buried her nose in the greenery before her. Moving her nose to the left, she winced as she felt a foul smell enveloping her senses. Quickly moving to the right, her nose touched the long, silky flowers that she guessed were the colourful ones. They smelled like nothing. Her slight disappointment was erased when she moved her nose forward a bit and was almost overwhelmed by the smell. Opening her eyes, she frowned as she just saw a bunch of little green leaves with bright yellow edges. Sniffing it again to make sure, she confirmed that it was the beautiful fragerant lemony smell that she had smelled earlier. With a shrug of her shoulders, since she really cared more about how it smelled than how it looked, the girl grabbed the herbs with her left hand, and ripped them out by the roots. Below them, she saw something moving and screamed, dropping the lemony flowers as she ran back to No Man's Land. In the hole in the ground, a large white rat was scurrying around chasing many different colours of bugs. Some it ate, some it didn't notice. Curiously enough, the rat was wearing some red and black checkered clothes. An Alliance for Change I would like to join, have joined, and have always wanted to join an alliance in which I could actively do tasks for other people. I joined the Fusioneers so that I could, among other things, provide heat stones and heat jars for others to use. Why the Fusioneers over other alliances? It'd take too long to explain that, but let's just say that I thought, and still think, that heat is one of the most closely associated 'things' (though it's an energy) with change. Essentially, I desire to help others enact the changes that they wish to see done in the realm. Whether or not I'm good at this isn't the point. (I wish to be far better than I am now at it, needless to say.) This is why I first wanted to join the Dowsers, an alliance that provides water to others. Similarly, it's also why I wanted to join the Treasure Keepers, an alliance that rewards other people for enacting change in the realm through quests and other things. Thus, I'm considering joining an alliance again, seeing if I can find yet another small and manageable way to help change happen in MD.[/spoiler] Nava [spoiler]Story 1: Land Walking through the House of Tainted Times, all the arachnid queen saw were books. But this was not the Archives, the books here smelled old, forbidden, and spicy. The collars rippled like a tainted river, entrancing fools and warning the wary. Nava was a wary fool, but only for a spider. As her children crawled around her, colouring the dark floor black, and tickling the nerves in her humanoid legs, she heard the pages whisper to her; tempting the Necrovian with promises of secret knowledge. Her eyes narrowed at the book to her left; it was title-less, but it spoke louder than the rest. It communicated not with words, but with raw emotion--as if understanding the Spinner to her core. Nava responded with a touch, before falling to the ground with her children. But so much happened within that moment. Time folded upon itself, breaking in the spider queen's mind. It ceased to exist, yet was born anew. Within the moment, more happened than in all her lifetime. And she would be able to savour every vision, feeling, and message the title-less book gave to her--for as long as she wanted, as they all existed simultaneously in her mind at that specific moment. Meanwhile, she was standing up, and walking deeper down the dark halls. But it did not stop there. She was also on her deathbed, while also being born--and everything in between. And then she fell to the ground, waking up only three seconds later. Time had been torn from her, but only for a moment. It returned ever stronger, and more durable. The spider Queen left immediately, in a state of shock. Nava was never in a state of shock. Then again, she just saw all of her life flash before her eyes--past and future. The House of Tainted Times; it is an appropriate name. Nava: I still need to write the second part.[/spoiler]
  21. 1. Lash killed Mur to be an opposing force to a god (god slayer) 2. Lash killed Mur to create a new path 3. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name 4. Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle 5. Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion 6. Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction 7. Lash killed Mur to satisfy his will 8. Lash killed Mur as a reflection of his own destruction 9. Lash killed mur because he had to act in accordance with his nature 10. Lash killed Mur to break the limits
  22. Happy, Happy, Happy BIRTHDAY wish you more blessing to come, more years to come and a good health everyday. Enjoy
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