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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. Its that special time of year. That magical, wonderful, time of year. Its the time of year we all look forward to, eagerly awaiting its arrival. That's right, the day has finally come around once more - Mur has misplaced has slave driving tools, the elves have escaped from captivity in Golemus, and the strange being we think of as Santa is more confused than ever before! Join us for a whirlwind adventure through six of MD's Lands! Will you be working for the little people of Golemus, eager to see their elf slaves returned to captivity? Will you be working with the 'Loreroot railroad' to help the slaves escape to freedom? Or will you just be hunting down the secret Christmas treasure that was stolen in the breakout? The third one, of course! Follow clickie based clues, and solve puzzles and riddles, in a race to find the hidden MD Christmas Treasure! But don't let Santa know what you're after - or he might have a shipment of coal with your name on it! This quest involves visiting NML, NC, LR, MB, MDA, and LotE, tracking down and solving puzzles and riddles that have been left on interactive clickies. Passsword: MD Treasures How to Start: State your player Name Here Quest Start: Day: 357 Reward: Aramor - 9th Anniversary Edition 1 WP - Sponsored by Chewett Spellstones - Sponsored by Chewett 1 WP - Sponsored by Nimrodel 3 aged birds - Sponsored by Fang Archbane 5 Silver Coins - Sponsored by Fang Archbane 6 Spicy Pickles - Sponsored by Syrian 4 Heat Stone - Sponsored by Syrian Restriction: No alt The eligible for the rewards are the players sign-in Sponsor are welcome
  2. You can participate, I think.;)
  3. http://magicduel.com/players/*Eagle%20Eye*&override=true
  4. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Fang Archbane Have a blessed Birthday, more more more more more Years to come
  5. Every day got 2 points Main + 2 Secondary + 2
  6. I got 9:)
  7. Thats what im looking for, need to updates my flash, thank you chew
  8. But there is no cliki because of the errors. When you touch nothing happened http://storenow.net/my/?f=ff949c4d12400255cdebf83de61b5332
  9. same error. thanks rich
  10. Happy Birthday wish you a lightful birthday have a blessed birthday all the time
  11. Eror: Type Error. Err description: undefind. Err number: undefind. Err message: sounds. TGotoLabek is not a function . Ajax response: var chatobj= document.getElementByld('live chat'); chatobj.innerHTML="<div class=/chatlistitem'> no recent messages...</div>"; chattobj. scrollTop=chatobj.scrollHeight. I can't move and i can't see the arrow and i can't see the menu bars. after the tags changes and activate. Using mobile phone
  12. Happy Birthday Brother Krioni May the Forest Blessed your Birthday and more years to come to your life
  13. Grasans from the MDShop can be melt to a milk cow
  14. Thank you for the beautiful Advice BFH*bows*
  15. Champion Fighter - darkrator. Best Beautification - Neno Veliki
  16. Outstanding Service to MD - Kyphis
  17. Top Techie - darkraptor. Rockie of the year - Rophs
  18. Happy Birthday DD Have a happy day of your Birthday More blessing come to your life. Enjoy
  19. Happy Birthday Ivorak. Have a blessed birthday. I wish you all the best and good health
  20. ID:657824 3SC
  21. i would suggest additional check box to shown of how many ritual do you have. It is use to handle your ritual not to exceeded and aware of crashing interface
  22. When you see yourself by clicking a name Edgar
  23. Hello Im Eagle Eye Active: All the time (except calamity and black out) practicing to be a artist :D and creating quest Role: Loreroot Judge The judicial branch of the Lorerootian government should ideally consist of members of Loreroot with significant age and experience in the realm, both in terms of the wisdom of Loreroot, i.e. what it means to be Lorerootian, and in terms of canonical lore and relations between the lands. The Council necessarily plays an advisory role to the Assembly: its members are neither above nor below the Assembly, but should know how to guide in a balanced, appropriate manner. As Council Judges, persons are sought possessing the wisdom and temperament to focus strong-willed Lorerootians on law and policymaking in an effective and fair direction. A Judge of the Council should work first and foremost for the advancement and health of Loreroot, and should embody what it means to be Lorerootian. Silvan Watch The purpose of the Silvan Watch is that it will be the eyes and ears of the land, will keep it united, will train for it, and most importantly: increase activity within it. Therefore, a member will have responsibilities such as resource management,, training, guiding (or touring) and helping newcomers into Loreroot and into the realm, etc. Another thing which should be done is maintaining order, i.e. reporting a Lorerootian if s/he has done something wrong, or supporting and standing up for him/her if right. Protector (MP6) Helping to the call of newbies, guide, mentor him and give a blessing and aid my Worshipers and Adepts
  24. Happy Birthday Neno Veliki Have a blessed birthday and fruitful years of your Birthday
  25. barren soul #6 = 2sc Barren soul #10 = 2 sc
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