The final burial, complete chatlog.
[log=Log final burial]Tipu marches in waving the flag of Team undertakers
Tipu: Lets bury the dead muhaha
: Azull steps out from behind a pillar
: Tipu salutes Team leader Grido
Tipu: Shouts : *tipu Reporting sir* sir yes sir
Azull: *chuckles* your leader seems to be sleeping Tipu
Tipu: ahh comm on team leader can't sleep while on duty *tries to wake him up*
Tipu: haha seems he is in deep sleep nwm.. *turns to azull*
: Azull smiles watching him
Tipu: *looks around and plots a evil scheme* hehe
Azull: *grins* Don't get any ideas brother..
Tipu: *moves towards azull and starts whispering in his ears* hi azull
: Azull listens
Tipu: ho u r in a bad shape *points to Azulls dress*
Azull: *looks at his kilt and cloak* this.. I like it
: Tipu takes shiny coins out of pocket
: sasha lilias the ghost, hovers around her misformed body and waves her arms, desperatly seeing if anyone can see her
: Azull turns to watch the ghost
Tipu: *starts bribing Azull* hey why don't u join us
Azull: *laughs* You should know that won't work
Tipu: *starts his brainwashing speach* hey join us u will be be rewarded
: Azull chuckles
: Tipu takes few more coins from his pocket and shows to azull
: Azull takes a big, heavy bag of coins from his pack and shows it to Tipu
Tipu: com' on man u can do a good spy job for us...
: sasha lilias the ghost, begins to mimic the placing of her body in the coffin
Tipu: what's the point of staying friendly to a dead body...
: sasha lilias the ghost, looks urgently at the people gathered
Azull: Why don't you join us, together we can convince Sunfire too
: Azull watches Sasha's ghost intently
Azull: *turns to Tipu* All of KC's guard on the same side again, what do you think eh
: sasha lilias the ghost, waves her arms more urgently this time as the tentacle begins to move a little
Tipu: ahh now i can see her... *looks at the ghosts*
: Azull steps in front of Sasha's ghost and extends his arm towards her
sasha lilias: *the ghost, closes her eyes and concentrates before moving her lips* P...please... *she tries harder* the...body... *holds her side as if in pain but continues trying* co..coffin....bury..
: sasha lilias the ghost ,collapses from the strain, hovering a few inches above the ground
Azull: *speaks to the ghost* you want us to bury you?
Tipu: ahh looks all she want is to have a proper burial...thats what she want ..
Tipu: all the dead should rest in peaceee..hehe
Azull: *turns to Tipu looking at him* so it seems
Tipu: u c i was correct iam always hehe
Tipu: what we can do is to bury her then she will have a good rebirth and will start a new life ...
: Azull looks at Sasha's ghost again
sasha lilias: *the ghost, looks up towards Azull and speaks once more, using the last of her energy* Death... *points to the tentacle* Life..... *points to herself before falling unconscious* .
Tipu: *scratches his head* !!!!@#$#%
Tipu: ok understood i will translate the Azull.. *tries to bluff*
Tipu: all she said was " plz bury me" ....
Azull: *looks at Tipu* ok, lets put her body in the coffin then
Tipu: all right then *jumps happly*
Tipu: *runs towards the lead casket and opens the door ...* cracckkk
Tipu: *takes a deep look in side the casket* poor sasha
: Azull looks from Sasha's ghost to Tipu
Tipu: *hold the legs of sasha body* hey azull help me out ...she is heavy even after her dead ..
sasha lilias: (There are no legs! ><)
: Azull steps to the other side and lifts Sasha's body carefully
: sasha lilias the ghost, watches weakly as they bury what is left from her body. She smiles a little and thinks to herself..."I..beat you..."
Tipu: then who's body is this... *turns to body* what sunfire..!!!!
Tipu: *ignores sunfire and move towards azull to help him out ..* ok her i come..
: Tipu lifts the body along with Azull
: Azull together with Tipu places the body in the coffin
Tipu: *laughs* hahaha...
: sasha lilias the ghost, slowly rises, still weak from speaking, but walks towards the coffin
Tipu: hey azull take a finall look at ur friend ... for she will be buried muhaha
: Azull glares at Tipu
: sasha lilias the tentacle begins whipping around ferociously as if it knows what is happening
Tipu: hey azull how about buring the ghost too..lets end this once and for all..
: Azull pushes the tentacle down
: sasha lilias the tentacle continues to whip around as Azull holds it down
Azull: *looks at Tipu still pushing down on the tentacle* you can't bury a ghost Tipu
: sasha lilias the ghost, watches with horror as it moves
: sasha lilias the tentacle whips at Tipu, a large tear appearing in his armor as it rips it open like a tin can
Azull: *strugles with the tentacle* Come on Tipu, help me out here
Tipu: haha i will show this ghost not to mess up with KC guards
Tipu: i will cut all her tentacles muhaha
: sasha lilias the ghost, glowers towards Tipu and points towards the coffin lid
Tipu: *tries to draw his rusted sword* in the name of undertaker...but..
Azull: *turns his head to Tipu* get the lid of the coffin Tipu.
Azull: But wait until I get my arms out
Tipu: *his rusted sword get stuck in his sheath* damn ...stupid amor.
Azull: *strugles with the tentacle* hurry up man
Tipu: ho ok * runs to the coffin lid*
Tipu: *drags it towards azull* what now..
Azull: *pushes down on the tentacle* get ready to close the coffin, but mind my arms yes
Tipu: all right iam ready..
Azull: *grunts as the tentacle trashes around* ok, on three, close the lid..
Tipu: *nods* ok
Azull: *pushes down hard* one...
Azull: two...
Azull: three, do it NOW *pulls his arms out quickly*
Tipu: *quickly slides the coffin lid* yes yes we did it muhaha
: sasha lilias silence Sasha's body is buried forever
: sasha lilias the ghost, smiles sadly, knowing she will never be human again
Tipu: *starts dancing his family dance* ..bur bur burrrssss
: Azull turns to watch Sasha's ghost
: sasha lilias the ghost, moves silently to her now ghostly creatures and smiles at them
Tipu: *starts lowing the casket into the grave* hey not yet finished
Tipu: lowering*
: sasha lilias the ghost, looks towards her pile of gold, silver and lumber, lying in wait of her use
: Azull watches her
Tipu: ahh gold... *tipu looks around*
: sasha lilias the ghost, the ghost looks towards Tipu and frowns
Tipu: why the dead needs gold.. *moves towards sasha's treasure*
: Azull walks toward Sasha's ghost and stands beside her looking at Tipu
: Tipu starts collecting all gold and silver and stuffs his pocket
: sasha lilias the ghost, shakes her head and smiles as the coins melt into sand before reforming upon the pile...waiting for the ghostly touch
Tipu: what the hell!!! * looks at the coins turning into sand*
: Azull smiles
Tipu: noooooo !!!this can't be i was so close
sasha lilias: (By the way....the quest is still not over (; Death is only the beginning....)
Tipu: *covers the casket with sand and burys it once and for all* ..
Tipu: places his Team flag near the burial and shout : UNDERTAKERS HAVE WON muhaha
Azull: *chuckles* you think so..
: sasha lilias the ghost, shakes her head and smirks
: Tipu walks towards MB capital.. disappointed as he looks his empty pocket
: Azull watches Tipu leave then turns to Sasha's ghost
: sasha lilias the ghost, smiles towards Azull and gestures for him to go and take a few of her coins...
: Azull nods and kneels beside the pile of coins and takes a few coins[/log]