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Everything posted by Azull

  1. [size=5][sup]Happy B-day [/sup][/size]
  2. Some other things that came up during our brainstorming. (I'll just list them here without further comments for now, to entice discussion ) -Better rewards for scoring. -Land treasuries implemented. -Will torch bearers need at least one win to actually score, yes/no? -frequency and duration of the event.
  3. Azull

    365 Ideas

    Well UG would fight for necro of course ... (just kidding).......(or am I? ) It's just a suggestion. When TC was still going there were problems with not being able to fight against torch bearers with different mp levels. You mentioned this yourself once if I remember correctly. And now there is Established Housing to consider as well. But as I said, it was just a suggestion. If we all like this idea, maybe we should discuss possible modifications to TC in another thread.
  4. Azull

    365 Ideas

    The return of Torch Competition, but with some modifications. -Perhaps torches could be coded so that viscosity is not a problem. -Torches should only give access to land gates, not restricted places. -Only main lands can participate. -Better rewards. For this land treasuries should be implemented. Everyone likes rewards . Land leaders, kings/queens could then reward top scorers and/or defenders. -Other changes I haven't thought of yet. This is just an idea that came up in an interesting discussion with MRAlyon and Lazarus about war in MD. It obviously needs some work.
  5. [attachment=4378:funny-pictures-good-evil-cats.jpg][attachment=4379:lolcatsdotcomrlz2isi4xipy19ob.jpg] [attachment=4380:overconfidence.jpg]
  6. Both statements are somewhat complimentary. However, the clue you may have missed is “choice” or rather what I like to call “the forward rippling of choices”. The observers unhappend future is stable and perfectly balanced until a choice is made. A specific present will cause “forward ripples” and make another specific (future) present more likely to happen. For instance, when you jump off the roof of a building, the likely future present will be you hitting the ground at an unpleasant speed. I think this is enough to answer your initial question. If you think this makes sense, there are one or two other observations I might make
  7. [quote]5)[i]"A division of council duties and more openness in some of the decision making process might be the best way to go."[/i] Please explain.[/quote] I deliberately refrained from making “more detailed” suggestions because I lack a great deal of information necessary to do so. Something does come to mind. Let’s call it the Face of the Council. While I understand and agree with the need to keep the identity of (most) council members secret, there clearly seems a public desire for the council to be less anonymous. To have a face as it were. One of your members could be known to the community, be an “in game” representative for instance. (there may be other options as well) I am well aware of the risks and problems involved with this and finding someone willing and actually capable of fulfilling this role the right way may be very difficult. Depending on your inner structure and decision making process, certain tasks could be delegated to this person. (this is not all I might say on this subject, but it will have to suffice for now) As to “more openness in the decision making process”. As I said, I lack information to make a lot of informed suggestions. However, I think a council agenda update every two or three weeks or so, might go a long way in keeping the community informed about what things you are discussing and working on. No details, just the agenda. Obviously, (most?) decisions you make are announced. This seems to work fine as it is. I have a few other ideas that may enhance transparency without endangering council privacy and effectiveness. I will ponder on them a bit more and if I still think they make sense after that, I will post them.
  8. My two cents on this. Personally I'd prefer a "single king of the realm" However, to my mind, the only one really capable of having this role or function is Mur. So this option appears not to be a viable one. As to a "vast voting system as Awi puts it. Well, I'm not a big fan of democracy, in MD as in the real world it will quickly degenerate in to a popularity contest and veiled favoritism. Some things may be put up to public voting but most certainly not the majority of individual player related things. A division of council duties and more openness in some of the decision making process might be the best way to go.
  9. 18/11/12 12:00:01 Dragual Monarth was being voted on to join the land. Vote was successful 2205/4904 (45%) 18/11/12 12:00:01 Aysun was being voted on to leave the land. Vote was successful 3273/5188 (63%) 19/11/12 12:00:01 VorniC was being voted on to join the land. Vote failed 864/5200 (17%) 20/11/12 12:00:01 Eon was being voted on to join the land. Vote failed -3670/4930 (-74%) 20/11/12 12:00:01 Shammus was being voted on to join the land.Vote failed -2501/4323 (-58%) 21/11/12 12:00:01 Lazarus was being voted on to join the land. Vote failed 1516/4481 (34%) 22/11/12 12:00:01 Jester3214 was being voted on to leave the land. Vote was successful 3124/4490 (70%) 26/11/12 12:00:01 Pamplemousse Ribbit was being voted on to leave the land. Vote was successful 3020/4578 (66%) 27/11/12 12:00:01 Sunfire was being voted on to join the land. Vote failed 988/4589 (22%) 06/12/12 12:00:02 Mercurial Spectre was being voted on to join the land. Vote failed 954/5200 (18%)
  10. the "code of conduct" is indeed Khals old code .
  11. [u][b]Becoming a citizen of Necrovion[/b][/u] This is a world of spirits. Beings who think themselves anything other than spirits may not have what it takes to survive in Necrovion. You are encouraged to choose and develop your role as you see fit, as long as it doesn't conflict with the nature of this land. However if you consider yourself a spell caster of some kind, a shape shifter or claim some other powers, support it by using something real to this world. If you cannot, you do not belong here. Before you apply for citizenship you are encouraged to seek out and speak with as many Necrovians as you can- especially older citizens, alliance leaders and Death Guard members. [u][b]Service to Necrovion[/b][/u] In the course of events Necrovion may once again be threatened by outside forces. As a citizen you are expected to study the ways of combat and keep yourself in decent fighting condition - so if the need arises, you are able to respond. However, if the fighter's way is not yours, there are other ways to be of service to Necrovion and its inhabitants. [u][b]Encounters with Shades[/b][/u] If you happen upon a Shade, be respectful. We are all only guests in this land and have no authority over them. If a Shade interacts with you, consider yourself either very lucky or very unlucky. Proceed with caution. [u][b]Diplomacy[/b][/u] As a citizen of Necrovion you are expected to treat others, with courtesy and respect - have at least basic knowledge of current pacts, treaties and agreements and participate in ongoing land votes. [u][b]Protectors[/b][/u] Protectors are an important part of Necrovian infrastructure. New players are encouraged to adept to a protector in name, even if you are learning under someone else. Players of higher mind-power are encouraged to worship a Necrovian protector,as this can provide benefits to all. [u][b]Fortitude[/b][/u] As a Necrovian you are expected to solve your problems and challenges by any means you see fit. However should you decide to break the laws of this or other lands or break game rules, you do so at your own risk. Unless when acting under explicit orders from a Necrovian land leader. [u][b]Code of Conduct[/b][/u] [i][b]-Honor:[/b][/i] Necrovians are bound by their word. This word may be bent, but never broken. Speaking in half-truths is the equivalent of a Necrovian accent. However, blatant lies will not be tolerated. [i][b]-Control:[/b][/i] Everything a Necrovian does is exactly what they intended to do. Even if everything has seemed to have fallen apart around you. Remember, even this you can use to your advantage. [i][b]-Respect:[/b][/i] Name calling is not a Necrovian trait. Respect your enemies; show the proper manners and social graces - and knife them in the back when the opportunity arises. [i][b]-Mystery:[/b][/i] Never have all your cards on the table. Even if you are holding nothing back, people should feel as though you are. When someone thinks he knows everything about you, he will act accordingly. When you are mysterious, you are also fearsome.
  12. Zentao. Although I think Lightsage would do a good job, my vote goes to Zentao. Long explanations seem redundant by now. Suffice to say I agree with Pip.
  13. Happy B-Day
  14. Happy B-Day
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. Please read the rule. Golemites are allowed to harvest memory stones after receiving permission. Golemus charges rent for certain tools to any non Golemite that wishes to use one. Memory stone detectors they refuse to lend out at all. As to relations. I suggest you study history. (ancient, and not so ancient as well)
  17. Some rules in regard to Necrovian shared items, tools and resources. [b][size=5]Necrovian items, tools and resources[/size][/b][size=5].[/size] [b]- Anyone able to, can take Necrovion's shared tools or items and use them.[/b] [b]- Anyone can harvest resources in Necrovion. But do not reduce them below half of the maximum in a location [/b](rounded up in case of and uneven maximum)[b]. Locations with a maximum of 1 resource can be harvested to 0.[/b] If need be, these rules will be enforced. [size=2]reason for edit: An agreement with Golemus was reached[/size]
  18. Happy Birthday.
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. Princess of the evening sky. My friend and confidant. You wear death's shroud with pride and dignity. But it is time. By our will and yours. As you went, so you should return.
  21. [size=5][sub]Happy B Day [/sub][/size]
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