A) 14- MagicDuel is a game without classes, races or main goals. It is fueled by your imagination.
Follow the game of legends on Twitter.@MagicDuel
12- @MagicDuel World of symbols, puzzles, mysteries that can keep giving you more for years.
Can you reach outside the box?
10- @MagicDuel Have you ever heard Little Birds tweeting?
#MagicDuel Birds have a tweet you will never forget. Join us and listen !
B) 14- @MagicDuel = Successfully using humans as Guinea pigs since 2005! #magicduel
12- @magicduel A goat who protected a tree. A Jester who became king,
Now all we need is jesus dressed in leather posing as a model #magicduel
10- @MagicDuel Contest 2 : The Only Game were players wish to stay at lower lvls hehe #magicduel
C) 14- #youknowyouuglywhen you wake up your Grasan in #Magicduel and he opens his eyes saying "Daddy, that's You?" @MagicDuel
12-@MagicDuel 81 is a number that #getonmynerves in #Magicduel