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Everything posted by Azull

  1. A) 14- MagicDuel is a game without classes, races or main goals. It is fueled by your imagination. Follow the game of legends on Twitter.@MagicDuel 12- @MagicDuel World of symbols, puzzles, mysteries that can keep giving you more for years. Can you reach outside the box? 10- @MagicDuel Have you ever heard Little Birds tweeting? #MagicDuel Birds have a tweet you will never forget. Join us and listen ! B) 14- @MagicDuel = Successfully using humans as Guinea pigs since 2005! #magicduel 12- @magicduel A goat who protected a tree. A Jester who became king, Now all we need is jesus dressed in leather posing as a model #magicduel 10- @MagicDuel Contest 2 : The Only Game were players wish to stay at lower lvls hehe #magicduel C) 14- #youknowyouuglywhen you wake up your Grasan in #Magicduel and he opens his eyes saying "Daddy, that's You?" @MagicDuel 12-@MagicDuel 81 is a number that #getonmynerves in #Magicduel
  2. We are a small group yet have a crucial role in the affairs of Necrovion. Not everyone is suited for this responsibility. If you wish to join the Tainted Warriors.Send me a message containing the following information; -Name. -Active days. -Citizenship and alliance membership. (previous and current) -Abilities and spells you may have. (no imaginary things) -Interests. -A short explanation why you would be an asset to this alliance. Your application will be reviewed and you may have to pass a few tests. Before you apply be sure you are committed to serving Necrovion and its rulers. [size=5][color=#FF0000][b]No recruiting until further notice[/b][/color][/size]
  3. shade, 4 gold 11 silver
  4. 4 gold, 5 silver for the shade
  5. Thanks everyone
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Do you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? Time has slipped away. Your life is stolen. You tarried with trifles, Victim of your folly.

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah


  8. Better late than never. Happy B Day brother.
  9. Count me in as well. I'm most interested in research
  10. Happy Birthday Indy
  11. [b]Name[/b]: Tainted Warriors [b]Alliance Duty[/b]: Gathering knowledge, secure the safety of the land and its rulers but from a different perspective than the Sentinels [b]Currently Active[/b]: Yes [b]Members available[/b]: 10 [b]Active Members[/b]: 10 [b]Land Association[/b]: Necrovion [b]King[/b]:none [b]Brief Summary of Activities and History[/b]:Several past leaders, if you wish to know more, talk to the current ones
  12. Happy Day J. ..Don't mess with lye
  13. here's my list 1)1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it. 2)1 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it 3)1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max 4)1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max 5)2x unaged pimps 6)2x unaged pimps 7)1x unaged pimp 8)1 silver coin
  14. Happy Birthday Nim.
  15. A little late, but still Happy Birthday
  16. I want to sell the following creatures. PM me in forum or in game with an offer if you are interested. [s][b]Angien [/b][/s] no longer available Age 168 Exp. 57663 Tokens: Kellethafire Blackdiamond [s][b]Angien[/b][/s] no longer available Age 146 Exp. 86920 Tokens: Stardust Blooddrop I Kellethafire Onyxfangs [s][b]Sharptear[/b][/s] no longer available Age 51 Exp. 131052 Topic closed
  17. Happy Birthday
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