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Posts posted by AmberRune

  1. With running and fighting taken care of, why not have a performance the last day? If people are already gathering, they may as well have a show.

    Someone already left a list under a rock at the GoE so start at “The beginning” and have fun!

    (There are 5 checkpoints in this one)

  2. Tethered to the fountain at Marind's Roundabout are 3 miniature hot air balloons with a sock monkey waving out of each basket.


    The goal is to get your balloon higher than the other team’s balloon by adding heat.
    Team 2’s balloon is tied down at the crack on the left side of the fountain and Team 3’s balloon is tied to the brick on the right side.

    You can do whatever you like to either put heat in your balloon or to prevent the other team to do so. Getting help from independents, spells, combat or any other mean is legal except tempering with the clickies.

    At the end of the contest, we will that stop the heat transfers and measure the heights.

    You can make your difference too! You have a balloon like the other teams tied down at the big brick in front of the fountain (by the arrow). In addition to helping the teams if you want, you can also raise your own balloon.

    The password for all is:Full of hot air
    (Team 1's first event)

  3. [cquote]
    The results are, ranked highest to lowest, based on the reputation when
    we counted it:

    Chewett – Citizenship – (21)
    Liberty - Combat Redesign - (17)
    Seigheart – Start the AL again, but fully player influenced – (13)
    Soothing Sands – make more long-term quests – (9)
    Samon - Research, connections and spell docs – (8)
    Fenrar - find some more information about heat cap and its effects
    early, training caps frustrating – (6)
    Stavaroiu – More cauldron tools – (6)
    Fyrd Argentus – Fix grammar and spelling in the game – (6)
    Samon – Make land loyalty reflect actual loyalty to a land – (5)
    Soothing Sands - make creature age worth something – (5)
    Apophys – Option to mute all sounds in MD – (5)
    Fyrd Argentus – In-Game ruling forces should be able to create and
    dissolve alliances at will, and reward or punish their subjects by
    changing land loyalty. Alliance leadership should be based on land
    loyalty. – (5)
    Seigheart – More Spells – (4)
    MR Alyon – Make Skilldamage based on the opposition’s gain. – (4)
    De Mimsy Porpington – Implement Illusions – (4)
    Awiiya – More MP levels and ability to move up and down between them –
    Burns - Restore balance being desirable - (4)
    Seigheart – Inventory list upgrade – (3)
    Tom Pouce – Fix combat so we don’t need to find a player to do things
    – (3)
    Seigheart – More achievements. All accessible with hard work and
    determination – (3)
    Fyrd Argentus - Alternate views of your creatures would be good – (3)
    The Warrior – make tool related stats mean something – (3)
    Fyrd Argentus - The % power selected for an attack rit should actually
    pop up as the default, not 50%. – (3)
    BFH – Change MD Filters in preference to player retention. Complete
    revisal of initial tutorial. – (3)
    Rannel – Make the Kake edible – (2)
    Lightsage – Tabs for the creature page so loading isn’t so slow – (1)
    DarkRaptor – add quantity field to transfer options – (1)
    Burns - MP6 needs attention - (1)
    Fyrd Argentus - New players ought to get some inventory items early
    on. Maybe a resource or silver coin or such – (0)
    Fyrd Argentus – Hints need to be updated, esp about rpcs. – (0)
    Fyrd Argentus - viscosity & heat and action points should be
    rationalized – (0)
    Fyred Argentus - You should be able to sort the order of items in the
    inventory transfer menu - or at least pick your default – (0)
    Tom Pouce – Make more tools available, remove loyalty requirements for
    tools – (-1)
    Fenrar – do not allow instant log out – (-1)
    Tom Pouce – Remove viscosity or make it easier to counter – (-2)
    Samon – Make HC a real contest again – (-2)
    Isabella Finch – Divide resources in inventory – (-2)
    Tom Pouce – Make no mans land loyalty work – (-3)
    SkyArmy - Mirror spell can epic MP4 to MP5 - (-4) (no idea what that
    Fenrar – prevent new players to find info about Marind – (-5)
    Tom Pouce - Give MP3s the option to fight without or with gaining heat
    - (-11)

    From this we can see citizenship won, and shall be the first thing as
    look to work on[/cquote]

  4. [cquote]
    Part of how the council is built is with anonymity as part of its
    structure, because of this sadly we cannot attend this meeting in person
    nor in cloaks despite some of us really wanting to. This is something
    Mur was very specific about and we will honour his wish with regards to
    this. As some of you have raised on the topic, we all discuss the things
    asked of us, any questions posed at such a meeting would lead to the
    perspective of individual members, rather than us as a whole. Every
    decision we make is made between us, so any individual view would not
    represent the council as a whole, and multiple representatives would
    just mean multiple individual views. In addition, our identities may be
    easily determined by our speaking, like suggested, in game. If we were
    to be publicly known then those of us in game would not be able to
    effectively assess what is happening in the realm, as players would
    modify their behaviour when we are around - much like players do when
    Mur is. There is also a benefit to being anonymous when dealing with
    players that are known to those of us in game, as we can be a lot more
    impartial due to a lack of repercussion on familial relationships,
    should we decide unfavourably towards them.

    We are not coders. We try to manage requests and requirements and keep
    the game functioning. We also have none the less tried consistently to
    create and evolve things. The difficulty being that many things that are
    creative require a substantial amount of coding time and the coders
    available do not have a lot of time for the sheer amount of things that
    would be ideally done. In addition, we are frequently receiving personal
    requests from people for things which we have tried again and again to
    accommodate. We add these to our lists of things to do and discuss them,
    in doing so often other things are delayed but we are always impressed
    and enthused by the community ideas and imagination for the things they
    ask for and so we try to do these things so that you each might know
    that even though we are slow to do them we still respect your wishes and
    try our very best to accommodate them. Sadly we see that our accepting
    them seems to suggest they will be done quickly, and this is just not
    possible as there are other things we do for MD that have higher
    priorities. While you may think two weeks is slow, in actuality with the
    discussions as well as the coding restrictions we have, a month is a
    fast change period. The MD Birthday Cake for example may have seemed
    like a small and simple idea, but in reality it took a much larger
    amount of time to get working properly than we initially perceived,
    delaying other projects in an attempt to get this finished.

    We enforce the rules of the game and, where needed, we will evolve
    them. The new rules then take precedent over the old ones based on the
    evolution of the game. MagicDuel would be empty without players as has
    been said, but without a ruling force there would be chaos, and more
    over it would die faster than the lack of players.

    We have seen a number of people both in email and generally commenting
    regarding Mur and his word vs ours. Please understand that Mur is still
    the creator and owner of MagicDuel, and that will be the case no matter
    what. He added us to his system himself, and with that he gave us
    authority over MagicDuel in order to ensure that it continues - that
    means, in terms of authority, we are equal to him. When he is not here
    to keep things ticking, we are. This is not an easy task and we know
    many of our decisions will be, and are, unpopular, but they are none the
    less necessary. We know it can be aggravating to see some of these
    decisions come to pass that you as players do not agree with. Please
    understand that we do have members who watch what is going on and voice
    player views, these are incorporated in the decision making process.

    Often it is true that some of our decisions are delayed due to the
    'hung jury' issue. This is because many of us are willing to stop and
    listen to one person's disagreement and hear them out to see if we might
    want to change the decision that was come to by the rest of us. This
    frequently happens when a council member sees something a small group of
    players have said and throws it into the conversation. Most requests,
    and our own ideas, require a lot of consideration and discussion before
    they might be transposed into the realm which hopefully helps you to
    understand why things seemingly take a long time. We also have to
    consider the implications of things we do, not just in terms of it's
    popularity and how current players see something as good or bad, but
    also along the lines of the game as a whole in it's future timeline with
    the planned growth developments being taken into account. Many of the
    things people may want to see fixed as soon as possible are put on a
    back burner while something else takes priority, but when we are able we
    take something you say and try to fix it, such as the PM titles on RE RE
    RE issue that was brought up on the forum. We attempt to try and get
    some of these quicker fixes into the game as they are brought up on the
    forum so that the issue is dealt with fast, however this also slows down
    other coding projects. In the Development Focus thread we are getting
    your information regarding what you want done, so that we can prioritise
    this better.

    We feel that having an updates thread where the current information on
    what we are working on is a great idea. We would like, if he will
    accept, to have Awiiya as a direct go between, between ourselves and
    yourselves the players. If he accepts, he would be kept up to date with
    what we are working on, and will be able to talk to the players
    regarding any issues they have or recommended improvements. Awiiya would
    also be informed of what we are currently dealing with so that he can
    respond to individual players questions regarding their queries since it
    seems you want to be able to ask this information from a player. He
    would be in charge of keeping a public thread updated so that people
    know what stages of development features and items that we are working
    on are at. Having multiple queries from multiple people come to us in a
    single email makes it easier and quicker for us to respond to. This
    would make the work of the council much more open and public, since he
    would have the power to ask us for more information so that it is
    distributed, instead of telling a multiple people the same information.
    This person will also be in charge of telling us the public's mood,
    arranging for polls and other collection of information, so that they
    can tell us directly, "The people want this feature to be worked on
    first". This will be easier for us and yourselves, since we can work on
    something that "you" want done. If you have some issue with what is
    currently being worked on, and wish to enquire why "your" feature isnt
    being worked on, you can find Awiiya and talk to him directly.

    We are sorry that many of you are frustrated. We are trying very hard
    for you even if you cannot see it, or do not accept it. We spend many
    hours trying to deal with MagicDuel's requirements in a fair and
    balanced way. This, unfortunately, does take time, and we know ourselves
    that this is frustrating.

    MD Council[/cquote]

  5. [cquote]
    Trial denied. Ignnus has broken the BHC rules in at least 2 cases:the
    one Eon reported and another time when we ported ignnus out of a
    restricted place where he was hiding [/cquote]

  6. [cquote]
    This case is between Lone Wolf who brought the case and Seigheart, and
    the judgement on it is reserved for those parties. Anyone else wishing
    to call a trial or make a claim about this event should do so separately
    or email us directly.

    Seigheart did initially hold an auction for charity that was called off
    at the last minute. Then he ran this one. Cutting and pasting issues
    cannot excuse a lack of clarity. The major problem with this case is
    that Seigheart has changed what he states regarding how the prize will
    be split throughout and after the auction. He was specifically asked who
    the money would go to later in the thread and continued to be vague
    about it. Seigheart never once made it clear to the participants where
    the money would go and as the person holding the event it would be his
    job to. In reviewing the posts we find these statements from Seigheart:

    ...then I deliver your Master's funds for Santa to random people in the
    Slaves will get a small bonus at the end for being good slaves.
    The gold will be distributed amongst the slaves
    Once everyone pays up, the slaves will get their portion of the bids.

    Each seems to contradict the next, and being vague regarding this is
    not an excuse. He should have set out a concrete auction details at the
    start of the auction.

    If Lone Wolf wishes it, Seigheart should either give the money gained
    from the sale of Lone Wolf to charity in some way (the one stated in the
    original thread or one that Lone Wolf approves of) or buy back the leash
    (for the amount said donor paid) and give it to Lone wolf.

    Since there has been no other comments as for people complaining, we
    are assuming that everyone else is happy, and therefore this trial is
    closed. [/cquote]

  7. I think it was pretty nifty. I'm noticing that some people have some pretty high percentages in certain creatures but I don't see their names on the list. Makes me wonder what they picked that we completely missed when thinking of them. =]

    Thank you Guillak for the quest/game and thanks for allowing the people who went off to the race to still send in responses!

  8. Spreading the word

    The Treasure Keepers are celebrating MD's 7th Birthday by holding a 7 party!

    Anything you hand over to the TKs, resources, items, etc, in multiples of 7, will net you a point.

    In cases of Resources, for the next 24 hours, you will get 1 point for every group of 7 you donate. So, if you donate 25, you will get 3 points because 7x3=21. The remaining doesn't count.

    However, if you donate 77, you get 11 points, and 2 more for having two 7s in the donation!

    Also, if you complete the following puzzles, you will also gain 5 points.

    (To complete the puzzle, and have it count, pm me, IG, the screenshot of the screen after you have completed.)


    PS - I'm sure someone will ask, so ALL resources gathered through this event will be given to the Garden Initiative.

    Good luck, have fun, and Happy 7th Birthday!

  9. [cquote]
    We have asked for this to be looked into because the PM Dst received
    from Samon seemed out of character and deliberately evasive in a way
    which would stop someone from doing necessary further investigation. We
    have had no evidence to demonstrate how Samon treated participants of
    this quest fairly as his responses to PMs no longer exist. From the
    evidence we have seen it seems like dst was treated unfairly by
    seemingly out of character responses stating he had not looked into the
    quest. We consider it unreasonable to expect someone to continue
    following this line of inquiry from the responses we have seen.

    We are asking one final time for anyone to submit relevant evidence to
    show fair treatment of participants of the quest. A judgement will be
    given in 7 days.

  10. [cquote]
    We have been sent more evidence regarding this and will therefore be
    opening an investigation. We are considering the current infomation
    that was emailed to us, and in this thread. If anyone has relevant
    evidence please send it to us. We will be contacting individuals for
    information, please could all slaves post their view of the situation
    on this thread or if they wish to remain anonymous thn please email us
    at [council].[/cquote]

  11. [cquote]
    The council trusts everyone with a public role to do their job
    correctly and well. Therefore, we trust Siegheart to not steal
    creatures or use funds for his own personal gain. However, if anyone
    feels there is any occurrence of wrong-doing then they are free to
    contact us regarding it. Bear in mind when responding to this topic or
    contacting us, as he has stated: His auction was conducted in an
    unofficial capacity as a player of Magic Duel, not as head of the TKs.

    If you wish to provide further evidence on this please email us, but
    as it stands there will be no trial.


  12. They could be moving. Foreign exchanges tend to take at least a month (they take about 3 months for my school, a bit longer for some of the other ones that friends go to) and people seem to get to know wherever they stay during that time. Maybe even "visiting" since 1-10 days (like a trip or vacation) doesn't help as much as staying for a month or so but lots of vacations somewhere can help you get to know a place.

    Or they're trying xrieg's idea in a way that they can -since visits aren't taken into account but days in the lands are. Or I'm completely wrong since I haven't gone off and asked people who have jumped around what they're up to and if they are trusted by the citizens who've been there longer.

    It was a way that I could understand why to people move around and connect to why people would do it in the game.

  13. I think the current way works.

    Some people move a lot while others stay in the places where they grew up. When you move to a new place, you don't automatically lose your sense of direction of the places you were before. Works in life, should work here. Also, I don't think places remember people. People remember places.

    Maybe calling it something other then "loyalty" (like "recognition" since it works with both showing that you're part of the land and that you should know your way around there better than someone who isn't from there) would make more sense with how I see it, but that's how it looks to me.

  14. I've been to Mur's gate almost 100 times and can give directions on how to get there and I've gone through most of the maze around 50 odd times and made (and just recently re-made) myself a map to help keep on my path, but I go through places over and over again to build "muscle memory" for how to move through them. While getting to move through those areas, I've also made a lot of mistakes and these areas would also be easier to walk through.

    While it would be nice, especially since I'm one of those people that walk around a lot, I don't think having visits reduce the amount of ap to walk through places is the way to go.

  15. The requirements just makes you figure out how you're going to get there. Then you'll have to decide if the round trip of your path is going to be worth it or if you're going to wait until you can get there and back in a comparatively short amount of time.

    It's still your choice to go to GG. The ap and time costs are just the things you're going to have to consider when making that decision

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