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I've been unable to replicate the problem using Firefox on my Mac, so it must be something on your end.
[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1298326793' post='79242'] I noticed that exact strangeness and just keep a small message in my inbox all the time \. Honstly, I want my credit back almost because the 'cloud' is not really my favorite interface and I miss hte old "everything in one inbox" simplicity. c'est la vie, I suppose. [/quote] You can turn the cloud off in the options It's right underneath the above the mood panel statuses and right below the mood panel link. Once you click on "options" Underneath the header titled "Preferences" there's a box to check for the Cloud. Hope that helps!
[log=Worried 'Bout a Lead Coffin] sasha lilias the ghost, turns and looks at her body Brulant: *peers through the darkness* Does anyone see the coffin? Blade Faryn: I hadn't seen it. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. : Brulant makes a disgruntled sound Belexar: Why do I have the feeling something big hapened here while I was sleeping? Blade Faryn: It depends on what you consider big. Blade Faryn: No fights broke out if that's what you're thinking Blade Faryn: Unless you count one punch to the face. Brulant: It was certainly trippy and rather frightening. Belexar: Well, There are several strong beings standing there, looking for something, talking about a coffin... Brulant: *grumbles* I said I was sorry… : Blade Faryn grins at Brulant Blade Faryn: Ah. Well some are looking to bury Sasha lilias Brulant: And I'm looking to stop them. Strong? Brulant: *turns to the other Resurrectionists* If we can find some limewater or some magnesium hydroxide or even some pureish fluorine or chlorine we can ruin the coffin. Brulant: Or we could just get some rope and a log, tie the rope around the coffin, and then use the log as a lever on one of the pillars to create huge amounts of torque and drag it off the edge. Brulant: Oh, and the rope would have to be tied to the log, of course. *chuckles* Brulant: We could also use special lake water or some very basic dirt, but I don't know if that can be found here. Brulant: If someone was growing cabbage somewhere, the soil would dissolve lead. Blade Faryn: I'm sure there's a cabbage farm somewhere around here. Brulant: I dunno, how often do you see people eating cabbage? Blade Faryn: Maybe. Blade Faryn: Not often. But maybe Windy would know. Blade Faryn: She serves food too right? Brulant: And the dirt would take a long time. Days. Do you want to stay here and rub dirt on a lead coffin for days? Blade Faryn: Not really. Blade Faryn: Dumping the coffin off the edge might be easiest... if the coffin were here Ravenstrider: Still believing she's dead? Blade Faryn: Us or her? Ravenstrider: No will power at all. Ravenstrider: Both. Ravenstrider: Isn't she with us? Ravenstrider: Or we with her... Brulant: Oh look, it's Mr. Lets-beat-her-with-a-cane. Ravenstrider: What? Don't say you didn't have fun... Blade Faryn: I think that was more because of the nightshade than anything else.. Ravenstrider: It resulted in you with some nightshade in your system, if I recall correctly. Brulant: I don't really even remember anything before the dream. Blade Faryn: There were shiny lights. Brulant: And… candy mountain? Blade Faryn: ... Was there? *furrows his brow trying to remember* Brulant: *screws up his face as he tries to remember* Unicorns in a hole? Brulant: And… really bad Hamlet references? Ravenstrider: Perhaps Ravenstrider: I left after I saw the pretty lights and got everyone to smoke nightshade... Blade Faryn: maybe it's better that our memory is a bit hazy there Belexar: you peope smoke nightshade? That's dangerous, you know? Brulant: I think… I think we ate it. Brulant: Or sucked on it. Ravenstrider: Lies, all lies. Blade Faryn: we didn't smoke it. Belexar: That's a lot worse. Belexar: I heard it can make shades hunt you down! Blade Faryn: That might explain why I felt so horrible afterwards. Brulant: I really can't remember. I remember being in the dream though. Blade Faryn: Same. Belexar: Wait, you were in the same dream? Belexar: That's... Strangely that's quite common these days. Brulant: It was a group experience. *sketches a rainbow with his hands* Belexar: You know what's funny? I came here last night because I was following you. Or just some of you. I can't tell who I was following, but he, or she, took me here. Belexar: So... this coffin of yours... Who's inside? Blade Faryn: No one right now. Blade Faryn: And hopefully it'll stay that way Blade Faryn: Grido there and his helpers are wanting to put Sasha in. Belexar: Who's sasha? : Blade Faryn points to the body at the center of the gazebo Belexar: Ah... : Belexar walks towards the body : Brulant stands between the body and Belexar : Belexar pokes sasha and puts his fingers in her neck Blade Faryn: She's kind of in stasis at the moment. Blade Faryn: Or limbo Brulant: *gently pushes Belexar away with his foot* Sorry, kind let you do that until I know what side you're on. Belexar: Side? I didn't even know there were sides in this business! Brulant: There are sides in every business! Belexar: Wait, SOMEONE WANTS TO BURY HER? Belexar: Why woud they do that? Blade Faryn: .. I have mentioned this yes. Belexar: She's still alive! Blade Faryn: It's what the coffin is for Ravenstrider: In principle, a bunch of deluded people playing music and smoking nightshade. Blade Faryn: sort of. Ravenstrider: It's a lot of fun... Blade Faryn: Grido feels that burying her would be best, to free her soul. Blade Faryn: I'm with Brulant. Blade Faryn: Along with Adio and Azull. Ravenstrider: Oh, yes, and I forgot beatings and light invoked seasures. Brulant: Well, that's hardly doing his job as an Undertaker then. Belexar: OH, well... I guess due to my previous reaction my side in this matter is quite clear... Brulant: Gumba, Gumba, we accept you, we accept you, one of us. : Belexar laughs : Brulant winks at Belexar : Blade Faryn chuckles Brulant: Now… I think I shall rest for a bit. I will see you all later, perhaps. Brulant: If anyone finds the coffin, let me know! Blade Faryn: *nods* Will do Brulant. [/log]
I would think that that's a normal feature of the game because you are part of an alliance. Any ground that's not your homeland causes negative ve "bonuses" hence the "because you are on unfamiliar territory" part. At least, that's what I've heard Can't say 100% since I'm not part of an alliance.
I am so up for this Lemme break out the ol' thinking cap and see what quest ideas I can come up with
I wish we had a log of the Dream, and of our meeting with Light. This is what followed after. There is sort of a summary of the dream later in the log, but you know how it is with dreams. The details fade away fast [log=After the Dream] Brulant: *lays back and looks to Adio* Her… harp. Brulant: The… fake one. sasha lilias: (If someone can put it onto the forum it would be great ^^) adiomino: *nods slowly* Brulant take time to catch your breath. Blade Faryn: I had a feeling that had something to do with her state.. Brulant: (we'll work on it. I wasn't keeping a log this time, maybe Grido or Dst or someone could grab it) : Brulant nods thankfully to Adio ChildOfTheSoul: (my net crashed. sorry for all the misplaced comments) Brulant: *opens his mouth to speak* In her dream, when I hit the bone-harp. : Brulant looks at his hand where small indents, as if from strings, can still be seen : Blade Faryn peers at Brulant's hand, frowning Brulant: It felt like something sank into me… and the harp itself felt funny. Brulant: Like… stretchy. Blade Faryn: Do you think we need to find a way to destroy that? adiomino: Hm.. Perhaps that harp is where that black substance entered you. Brulant: I think that the harp was a manifestation of… Light, as she *rolls his head towards Princess Katt* called it. Brulant: By the way… what is your name? Princess Katt: I don't know if we CAN destroy it, maybe it is part of her? Brulant: But… it was in me… so it can leave her. Blade Faryn: Which means it can be destroyed Brulant: Perhaps not. Remember what Miiriam said. Three way balance, one must take her place. Blade Faryn: But.. in other words that means someone would have to take that stuff into themselves Blade Faryn: unless we find some other way around it. Princess Katt: I think that would be very dangerous, you see what happened to Brulant adiomino: Funny.. how even though it was inside Brulant nothing seemed to have changed adiomino: between the soul and the body. Brulant: Maybe… if we all took small portions of it. Brulant: She took it back, Adio Blade Faryn: .. If it is broken up it may have less power over each of us adiomino: *shakes his head* For a moment you were the one that had it. Either there was still black water left manifesting her body ChildOfTheSoul: wouldn't it be better to compromise one than all? adiomino: or ... eh Princess Katt: We would have to try to recreate the dream somehow. Brulant: It did not feel as if I had all of it. Light talked to us after I hit the harp. adiomino: And no.. that is dangerous. Yes sure.. lets all drop dead for the sake of one. ChildOfTheSoul: rather than, I mean. I hear it takes over even in very small amounts. Blade Faryn: Would it still be worth it if we had to have one person take it all? Brulant: So what. Do we stuff it all into Miiriam, then bury her in their lead coffin? adiomino: Hm.. Miiriam ChildOfTheSoul: why Miriam? Princess Katt: Maybe there is some other way to neutralize it without putting it in someone else. Brulant: Because Miiriam knows everything about Sasha. Blade Faryn: Again... is it really worth sacrificing someone else over this? ChildOfTheSoul: it takes affect according to the victims' imagination. ChildOfTheSoul: maybe sasha can teach herself to control it? Princess Katt: What would happen if we coaxed her out into the sunlight? adiomino: *laughs sarcastically* Who has been known to control such an abomination.. ever? Brulant: I wonder why she thought that I was her brother… Blade Faryn: You and Adio, Brulant Brulant: Yes, both of us. ChildOfTheSoul: no one. adiomino: Besides granos and braiton. Brulant: Yes, both of us. ChildOfTheSoul: were Granos and braiton themselves infected? Brulant: Did the field we were in look like the Tranquil Plains? Or was it just me. adiomino: Brulant, that was her sanctuary. There was a mum and dad too. adiomino: And when we appeared we became part of her fake reality. Brulant: I wonder who the parents were. Brulant: But why us, Adio? Because we were the first to approach her? adiomino: Figments of her imagination. Characters created by her to assume roles in her reality. adiomino: I'm not sure. Blade Faryn: You two have been watching over her the most it seems adiomino: But i was her brother when i first contacted her in my dream, alone. Blade Faryn: down here I mean. adiomino: Seems likely Blade. Brulant: Interesting…… adiomino: We've made contact with her body.. Brulant: And made contact with Light. ChildOfTheSoul: *ponders for a moment* why do infected always unconsciously assume something negative with the black water? Brulant: Sasha has paralyzed… herself… adiomino: We've both made contact with her body before. And it is evident that her soul realizes and feels our touch. Perhaps she made a connection with us, Brulant. adiomino: What do you mean, Child? Brulant: *nods at Adio's words* Perhaps. Blade Faryn: Her ghost was crying when you were moving her Adio. Blade Faryn: So that is possible adiomino: I have noticed. ChildOfTheSoul: I mean, as far as I can tell, the effect that the black water has on us is determined independently on our own imaginations and connotations of the effect the water will have on us. Why always negativ ChildOfTheSoul: e> Blade Faryn: Possibly because of what Miiriam told us ChildOfTheSoul: paralysis, insanity, death. Blade Faryn: But adiomino: Perhaps because negative feelings are what manifests us all below the surface. Sure, we may all seem friendly on the inside but we may also harbor unpleasant feelings and negative emotions. Brulant: Oh, of course. There's not doubt of that. ChildOfTheSoul: hm... we're all paranoid of something. Brulant: So does black water take on aspects of ourself? ChildOfTheSoul: "fear is what drives us" maybe it preys upon our deepest fears. Blade Faryn: Not sure. adiomino: Let's think back on what we saw in our dream.. Blade Faryn: Brulant hwat were you feeling exactly when you had some of it in you? Brulant: Not much besides pain and confusion. Brulant: But for now. let's think back on our dream. ChildOfTheSoul: (I missed half of it, what happened at the end?) adiomino: (afkk again) Princess Katt: She tried to talk me into walking over the edge, remember? Blade Faryn: Lets see... we were in a grassy field and she was happy until Adio started to play the harp... ChildOfTheSoul: I was there when that happened Brulant: Then it all went downhill. Blade Faryn: Then the field started to die and the bone harp appeared. Blade Faryn: We reappeared here.. though without her body and a black form was circling the gazebo around us. Brulant: I reached for the bone harp and struck it's strings. Brulant: The sound made her happy, but when I did it again, she got mad. Brulant: She called us all liars. Princess Katt: The field had started to die when someone picked a flower... who did that? Blade Faryn: yes. And that's when we came back to the 'gazebo' Brulant: No, no, that was afterwards. Brulant: We tried to control the dream Brulant: Then came the flowerpicking. Blade Faryn: Right. Brulant: She told us that if we wanted to dream, we could dream forever. ChildOfTheSoul: (okay, then I didn't miss anything.) Blade Faryn: Ah yes. Brulant: Then we were here in the Gazebo, but we weren't actually "here" Brulant: It was another dream. Blade Faryn: we were still dreaming. Princess Katt: Yeah, dream forever by plunging into the void! Blade Faryn: And we found out that Light is a different entity from Sasha Brulant: Then "Light" spoke with us, and tried to smash the Harp. Blade Faryn: when the music stopped, she was able to leave Brulant: When the harps song was dulled, we all started to wake up. ChildOfTheSoul: why would it try to smash something so valuable? Brulant: Oh! And I punches Blade in the face. adiomino: Katt, why did you name it "light"? Blade Faryn: .. Yes Princess Katt: I thought that by naming her "Light" it would make her friendlier. Blade Faryn: Yes you did. And that hurt. ChildOfTheSoul: I was there for all that ChildOfTheSoul: I accidentally said we were dreaming. adiomino: Hm.. I see *nods* Princess Katt: The name "Light" did seem to soften her a bit.... Brulant: Sorry Blade. Brulant: Anyone have anything else to add? Blade Faryn: Pain is real in a dream. Blade Faryn: And... we're going to need to find a way to keep the music going Blade Faryn: next time we try anything Brulant: She was able to make us sleepwalk, but Sasha paralyzed herself so Light couldn't kill her. ChildOfTheSoul: and we shouldn't piss sasha off. Blade Faryn: Not Sasha. Light Blade Faryn: Sasha saved Brulant. Brulant: Sasha is the ghost. Light is whatever is in her. Brulant: No, I take it back. Sasha is in there too along with Light. Brulant: But Light seems to be stronger. Brulant: Or I suppose you could make an argument that Light is masquerading as Sasha in her body… Brulant: Hmm... Blade Faryn: It's hard to say Brulant: Ghost = Good. Body = Good. Mind = BAD. Blade Faryn: Or something like that adiomino: When did light start to appear? adiomino: Or after what Blade Faryn: In our dream or in general? Brulant: Well, was Light Sasha when she was confused about us being brothers? Did Light cast us into the void? Or did Sasha? Brulant: Did Light appear with the Dream Harp? adiomino: the dream Brulant: Or when we arrived at the false Gazebo? Blade Faryn: Light might have been the bone harp Blade Faryn: Light could have been the Sasha in that dream as well Brulant: Maybe all Light wants is a body. Blade Faryn: To possess someone? Blade Faryn: .. Blade Faryn: That might explain what Miiriam said as well Brulant: She is in the grasp of Black Water…… Brulant: *lays back on the ground* I am going to rest for a while… While we didn't bring her back, we still learned a lot. Good work everyone. Blade Faryn: *Nods* That we have. Blade Faryn: Though while we answered some questions.. many more came up to take their place. Blade Faryn: Rest well Brulant. Brulant: *laughs* That they have... : Brulant slips into sleep, a little worried at what might meet him there [/log]
This happened before Adio's stuff [log=More Logs!! O.o] : Brulant chuckles adiomino: Warning? TTL: Does Sasha Lilias mind want to be alive again or not? Brulant: "And finally...her soul must be brought back to a "living" state...but....another must.."die"." Brulant: Wait wait wait, TTL. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Brulant: (Adio, there are new logs up) Brulant: (The old one called "Trapping Sunfire" is why he's angry) TTL: Thats the beggining Brulant i think Brulant: I wish to address something that I noticed though. Brulant: Die was said as if figuratively. Like "die" *makes air quotation marks with his fingers* Brulant: And Miiriam also said, "Otherwise they may perceive the answer wrongly" Brulant: So let's not jump to conclusions. Brulant: We're working on a way to be able to talk to Sasha. During that talk we will find out whether or not she wants to live again, and we even might be able to persuade her. Brulant: But it has to be her choice, otherwise I do not support our actions. adiomino: *shrugs* It has to be her choice anyways for our ritual to work. ~~Missed this part~~ Brulant: I've heard "black water" mentioned before, but I have no idea what it refers to. TTL: wait wait she disappeared because she wants to remain dead Brulant: We didn't actually try to move her. TTL: I think it reffers to the underground adiomino: Let me share what i know about it. : adiomino produces a few old pieces of parchment and proceeds to read off of them adiomino: "After the water covered all the internal organs of the subject, the liquid continues to flood, turning them into solid black shapes, separate from the subject's body. " adiomino: "Balck Water isn't actualy a real element. Its reality is in the imagination of the user and is amplified by the vulnerability of the subject.. adiomino: ...The user of this malevolent device shouldn't keep memories of using it, for those memories would turn inside his body." adiomino: In essence, it is a transformative liquid. adiomino: Sagewoman has told me that the fountain of dark vibrations is filled with black water. Brulant: Interesting. adiomino: I'm still puzzled on what Miiriam said about her being brought back on the grasp of black water. adiomino: *nods* It is. Brulant: As am I… : adiomino he kneels down next to the body of sasha lilias as his mind wanders deep in thought TTL: *sits down* What if the user of this device can talk with Sasha adiomino? adiomino: *his head turns* What do you mean? Brulant: It's an inner spell doc too. TTL: You described a device with black water Brulant: "Black Water is formed out of energetic debris brought into an inert form and then condensed into a black, thick, homogenous liquid with a slippery aspect." Brulant: The fountain? The fountain is just where Sasha "died" *again makes air quotes* Brulant: And I don't really want to follow her. TTL: I do : adiomino nods Brulant: TTL, if you "die" as well and we can't figure out how to bring Sasha back. You'll be stuck. ~~Keep missing bits, sorry everyone, I really need to get a log capture spell~~ Brulant: Without killing you. Brulant: How do you know that you'll be able to come back? Brulant: Furthermore, we don't really know what Black Water does. Brulant: And we can't afford to lose anyone. TTL: *takes a puzzled expression* I dont TTL: Maybe this is what we need to ask tomorrow TTL: how to contact sasha... Brulant: Oh, we know away. Adio's done it through dreams. adiomino: How do you two plan on using the black water? You seem to think that using it can bring you to a different realm.. in particular the one where sasha's spirit is. Brulant: (read the end of log three on the three log post) Brulant: I don't plan on using it. I don't know enough, and therefore will leave it alone. adiomino: *shakes his head* Then sasha will no be able to be brought back adiomino: I will do my best to learn more about black water for now.. Brulant: ^to try and follow her. adiomino: Hm.. Whats that? Brulant: I'm trying to think who would know about it…… TTL: Adio you talked with sasha threw dreams? adiomino: *nods* Yes TTL: Did you ask her if she wants to be alive or not? adiomino: I couldn't.. she did not seem to know she was dead. Grido smiles Brulant: From what Adio told me, it seemed that she refused to even acknowledge that she wasn't in our reality. adiomino: *he ponders in his thoughts* Well.. she seemed to be at war with herself.. When i mentioned the idea of her being dead she started crying Brulant: Good morning… Grido. adiomino: And she ran off eventually in tears. TTL: Adio do you have something that belongs to her? Grido: morning adiomino: The harp was hers. adiomino: *nods to Grido* G'morning TTL: Did you try to use it to show her that she is dead? Brulant: *smacks Adio's arm gently* For shame! You made a women cry. TTL: Morning Grido *waves* adiomino: I believe that part of her may know she is dead. But she rejects the idea. : sasha lilias the ghost, stands beside her body : adiomino chuckles TTL: Then use the item to force her into seeing the truth : Grido tilts his head at the ghost, smiling adiomino: *nods* That is what I've been trying.. to do Brulant: TTL, if you had been a part of our talks from a few weeks ago, you would know this. Grido: So you attempt her acceptance? Of what has happened? TTL: (i had personal issues i am sorry) Grido: intrigueing : Brulant nonchalantly stands between Grido and Sasha's body adiomino: *he closes his eyes for a moment in deep concentration* In the dream she seemed to know that the harp was hers. Grido: Personally if I was trying to get her back to life I'd steer her her away from the idea of death, but that's just me Brulant: (not trying to blame you TTL =( ) Grido: and why should you trust me? after all, i'm trying to keep her that way Brulant: But you aren't. You're trying to steer her towards death. Brulant: So does that mean you're steering her away from the idea of life? Brulant: If I were you, that's why I would do. TTL: adiomino i have an idea Grido: If she accepts death, she's more likely to stay there *shrugs* adiomino: Funny grido, If i were you I'd do the same but for a different cause. To keep her dead. Grido: because i oppose you, i cannot speak sense? adiomino: Please share what you have to share, TTL Brulant: I don't think any of us said that you do not speak sense Grido. Grido: If you accept something, it makes it more real, after all TTL: Adiomino in the dream world if you destroy an object is it destroyed in reality as well? Grido: so if she accepts death, the death becomes more real, and she's more likely to stay dead : sasha lilias the ghost, turns around facing another figure : sasha lilias there before the ghost stands another, the form familier to that of Grido adiomino: *shakes his head* What kind of object? TTL: She is not dead... We need to convince her both things... she is not alive nor dead TTL: The harp : sasha lilias the ghost, smiles and goes to hug the other....but it fades before her arms can move.. Grido: *tilts his head again* humhum TTL: You can destroy the harp and then go back and show her that nothing happened to it adiomino: Interesting idea.. Brulant: Let's not destroy the harp. We need it. TTL: In the dream TTL: he will destroy it in the dream : sasha lilias another shape appears behind sasha's ghost sasha lilias this one is robed and holds an odd looking weapon in one hand, a gauntlet in the other : sasha lilias the ghost, turns and reaches out for the robed figure sasha lilias the figure turns, weapon poised to strike and the ghost quickly hides her face, waiting for the impact : adiomino turns his head to stare intently at the ghost's silhouette adiomino: Her murderer? *he mumbles* : sasha lilias the ghost, moves her hand after waiting..only to see the hooded figure is gone and now, in it's place, sits Adi....a harp sat before him : sasha lilias the ghost, smiles..before Adi's ghost disappears from sight : adiomino he smiles at his own silhouette : sasha lilias the ghost's face becomes that of a sad lady, and she begins her would around the gazebo Grido: humhum : Brulant reaches out an arm as Sasha's ghost walks by Brulant: Ghost… one moment? adiomino: *turns to Brulant and whispers* What did that figure show us? The one figure holding the weapon and something else.. in its hand. Grido: Death... Grido: The one that looked familiar to me, they're more curious to me Brulant: *whispers back, still waiting for the Ghost to acknowledge him* I have no idea. It may have been death, it might have been fear, it may have been something that lives in all of us, it may have been Brulant: someone we knew. adiomino: Grido might you know who that was? Grido: They look familiar, but the name escapes me... Grido: I will think on it : sasha lilias the ghost continues her walk around the Gazebo...blind to the real world : adiomino nods slowly Brulant: Even though we are on opposite sides, it doesn't mean that we have to be enemies. *smiles at Grido* Please let us know what you discover. Brulant: *lowers his arm* Ah… so she can't see us. Grido: I have no enemies *smiles* Grido: Not anymore, at any rate Brulant: *laughs* Alright then. : Tipu marches in along with his rusted armor clak clak clik Brulant: *sighs* Hello, Tipu. Tipu: *salutes Team leader Grido* Sir yes sir Tipu: hi Brulant Grido: *smiles and nods* Tipu : Tipu points Team leader to the newly dug Grave : Tipu drags the Newly made Lead Casket near the grave Grido: *smiles* nice work Tipu: *waves the Flag of Team Undertakers and starts laughing* muhahaha : Brulant looks over at Adio Brulant: Tipu, what does your flag look like? Brulant: And I was also wondering, why lead? Tipu: Why lead? thats secret hehe Brulant: I would assume so it would poison the body slowly, but Sasha's body seems pretty safe from harm. : Tipu looks at Grido with evil grins adiomino: You dragged that here all by yourself Tipu? Brulant: Thirdly, I don't know how suitable this is for a grave spot. Look at all the cracks in the ground. Grido: poison the body slowly? what do you take me for? Brulant: Not a fool *grins* Tipu: Yep i draged myself alone ( ... Brulant: I'm just trying to figure out why lead. ~~Was away~~ sasha lilias: (Unreactive?) sasha lilias: () adiomino: *smirks* This little guessing game is fun.. Brulant: And how'd you dig through this stone… adiomino: You two would bury someone that isn't truly dead? Brulant: Oh! I know! If we superheated it it would make for an awesome clay glaze. : Brulant laughs Grido: *smirks* combine a few of those answers, there's an additional property you've still overlooked currently Tipu: *looks at sasha* thats good she is mummified already hehe Brulant: You must have had an amazing shovel, can I see it? Brulant: Besides the poisonous one? adiomino: And what would happen to her wandering soul after you buried her body? Brulant: Lead preserves. Tipu: i didn't use a shovel but.. Tipu: i used my wepon itself... *takes his rusted sword from its sheath and points at brulant* : Brulant walks over to examine the coffin Brulant: Oh please, put the weapon down. There's no need for violence. Grido: aside from poisonous, I'm pretty certain Sasha's body is poisoned otherwise anyway, lead wouldn't do worse Brulant: *taps the coffin* Quite remarkable. Come see Adio. : Tipu puts his sword back in his sheath Tipu: ho yes take a good look cos soon ur friend will be buried alive muhaha Grido: not alive Grido: she is not living, after all Tipu: ho yes half dead hehe Brulant: Hmm. A quick correction Grido. *winks at him* adiomino: *walks over next to Brulant, he address Tipu and grido while examining the coffin* Neither of you have yet to address my question about her soul after the burial. Grido: I must have missed it Tipu: actually i don't care about her soul.... Brulant: *places his hands on one side of the coffin while he peers at the top* Does this say RIP? : Brulant laughs adiomino: *nods slowly* What would happen to her wandering soul after the burial? Grido: You asked what would happen to it? adiomino: Yes Brulant: Tipu! How callous of you. Grido: That would be up to her Tipu: all i care is the Gold she is holding hehe adiomino: Its often my belief that once the body is buried the soul will be able to rest in peace wherever it wants. adiomino: But she is not dead.. Tipu: i will take all her wealth, gold after she is gone muahaha Grido: lead is heavy you said, or dense, for another word Brulant: Then this is not about burying the dead, nor does it have any honor in it for you Tipu. adiomino: *shakes his head* Sasha lilias seems to not be able to move from this one location while this body is here.. adiomino: I wonder if she'd be stuck here. Grido: She doesn't seem very stuck as it is Brulant: She can't leave the Underground. Grido: I've seen her break the barriers of this cavern, after all Tipu: Honor ...haha it is not in my dictionary... Grido: Time tests all things Tipu: all i care is gold gold and more gold hehe adiomino: That's a terrible existence.. Brulant: Grido. A question. Why do you wish to bury the body? adiomino: Tipu, that is disgusting. *sighs* Brulant: I second that. Grido: Every culture has their customs Brulant: And each person has their own beliefs Grido: indeed Tipu: Its is just my first plan more evil plans is going to be unleashed hehe Brulant: Respect for life happens to be one of mine. Brulant: Tipu, how did you carry this thing? *knocks on the coffin* Grido: But she is not alive Brulant: Her soul is. Grido: How do you know if bringing her back from half-death would not be detrimental? Brulant: And her body does not decay. Tipu: thanks to the wonderfull rusted armor... Brulant: How do you know that it won't? Grido: and currupt her soul as well? Brulant: (will^) Brulant: Mya's done it. Grido: well, how did she die? Tipu: when the legendary army general KC gifted me this rusted armor i was angry with him.. Brulant: From herself. Tipu: but soon i came to know that the armor was not for battle but for its magic .. Grido: something to do with the Black Water, no? Tipu: with the help of this armor u can easy to move heavy objects hehe Brulant: Her own mind killed her in the end. Grido: but the start Brulant: *turns to Tipu* That sounds marvelous! Might I try it on for a small moment? Brulant: Still her own mind. She went insane. Black water holds her. Whatever that means. Grido: yes Grido: so the Black Water has vanished from the body? Grido: Or might it still be there? Tipu: No way i have signed a bloodpact with commander i can't remove my armor ...untill ur mission ends.. Brulant: Grido, I'm so young that I barely even know what Black Water is. Brulant: What about just a gauntlet then? : Blade Faryn comes on across the bridge, surprised to see this many people here Grido: That is understandable, but I ask, if the black water holds her, caused her insanity, is it likely to have left her? Grido: The gauntlet is an old, old friend of mine *smiles* adiomino: (eh was afk warming my hands) Grido: Or represents him Brulant: Not of it's own accord. But that's why we're here. Your solution is to just bury her and forget her? If it's so easy as to remove the black water from her why haven't you done it? Brulant: This is not answering why you decide to bury her Grido: Forget? no : Blade Faryn furrows his brow and glances between Grido and Brulant, taking in what is currently happening Tipu: why bury her? cos we r evil hehe hope that answers u brulant Grido: And it'snot easy to remove the black water, I donot know away [/log]
[log=From TTL, Question 2, Day 50] Miiriam: Sasha is not dead, yet she is not alive. Sunfire: hah was it you that stroke without honor on me when i was defenseles ElementalSage: ok brb in abit vanaisa: not ready vanaisa: i mean not set Miiriam: To be able to bring Sasha back to a state of "living" you must have a balance. Miiriam: Light and Dark balance, as do Water and fire, Earth and Air, all things must have a counter part. Miiriam: Thus...for her to live there are three parts that must be balanced. Miiriam: Mind, Body..and soul. : Keida huggles Kiley Miiriam: Her mind must wish to be brought back, and there must be another that wishes for her not to be. Miiriam: Her body must be brought back from the grasp of black water, whilst anothers taken over by it... Miiriam: Her body must be brought back from the grasp of black water, whilst anothers taken over by it... Brute Heretic: Sounds like shes' got a rival if shes already dead Miiriam: And finally...her soul must be brought back to a "living" state...but....another must.."die". Miiriam: Without this balance she will die [/log] [log=Same Place, Same time, When I showed up] : TTL thinks for a moment what miiriam said before "Her body must be brought back from the grasp of black water, whilst anothers taken over by it..." TTL: Her body is in the gazebo and you must be forced to go there... Brulant: TTL. We do not force. Brulant: *walks over and stands by Miiriam* Good morning, Miiriam. TTL: (@ brulant taken over = To capture physically) Miiriam: Hello Pointer... : Brulant sends a note to TTL Brulant: You're never going to forgive me for that, are you? *chuckles* Miiriam: *shrugs* Forgive, yes. Forget, no. First impressions are always the most important. Brulant: *nods and smiles* Wise words. Ingenuitas Magnu.: the kiddies still raging ? Brulant: *turns his head to looks at TTL* Either way, TTL. We do not force. Everything must be done of their own accord. Brute Heretic: define raging? Ingenuitas Magnu.: two hours ago you both were getting it off.... *amusing* lol TTL: *looks at Brulant* But if in order to bring Sasha Lilias back to life we need to force we will not do it? Brulant: Would you really sacrifice the life of one for another so easily? : Phear Wolf starts to breath more calmly, his ears down as he falls asleep TTL: *nods* Yes aaront222: SHOUTS: Luuuppppuuuussss!!! *run up to her and epiccc huggg* ! Brute Heretic: and you'd give your own life before asking another? Ingenuitas Magnu.: anyway I'm leaving the park bbs =) *smiles as the rebron sage leaves* TTL: no TTL: and i never said anything about asking : Phear Wolf opens one of hois eyes, angrily staring at aaront Brulant: That's despicable. TTL: *grins* Thats the way you see it Brute Heretic: i see, sounds more complicated than catching lighting if you ask me. Brulant: Do you think it would work if we took an unwilling replacement Miiriam: *looks between the two* I see cracks in the foundations.... TTL: I think that the replacement need to be unwilling for it to work TTL: if somebody is willing to die it will not work Brulant: *glances over his shoulder at Miiriam* It's called free thought. After we iron these out we will be unified. It just shows that we're thinking. Miiriam: We shall see.... TTL: Brulant i already know miiriam is the one that needs to die... Brulant: *grins* And besides, TTL is a newer member to our cause. He's more like one of those fancy pillars than the foundation. Brulant: *looks back at TTL* As did we, TTL. Brulant: xrieg has surmised as much for a long time. Brulant: But morally, most of us stand against it. There has to be another way. TTL: It is in her own words that the replacement needs to be taken over Brulant: It is our last resort, TTL TTL: I rest my case then TTL: If you think moral is more important than logic... i rest my case Brulant: *turns back to Miiriam* Did TTL use our question for the day? Miiriam: It is amazing....how words when spoken must be constructed correctly for the listener... Miiriam: Otherwise they may perceive the answer wrongly.... Miiriam: *nods Brulant* Yes Brulant: Normally I'd agree with you, TTL. But when dealing with lives, I tend to trod the more moral path. Miiriam: He did. Brulant: Even a few weeks ago I would have agreed with you unconditionally, but not now. Brulant: And, we need to discuss it. We do not decide things we just two people of the group. TTL: I know... i just stated what i was thinking Brulant: I know *smiles* I'm not trying to chew you out or anything. : TTL grins : Brulant sighs and stands up Miiriam stands silently Miiriam: I shall make my departure now. Miiriam: *picks up her bag and salvaged pictures* Farewell... Brulant: Goodbye, Miiriam, and thank you for shedding more light on the topic. [/log]
The three logs from Day 50 for people to read over. A lot to read. [log=GoC, Day 50] Brulant: Have the undertakers done anything? adiomino: I don't know.. Brulant: *kicks a pillar* It's just so… frustrating. Brulant: Has anyone tried actually moving the body> Brulant: I mean, why are we down here? adiomino: I don' know that either Brulant: I've seen her ghost try to leave the Underground, why don't we bring her body to the surface? adiomino: That could be arranged. adiomino: But why not leave her here in isolation away from eternal sun's beatings, away from all the immature children. adiomino: Perhaps there is a deeper meaning behind our location.. Brulant: Do you know it? If we moved her, we might discover it *grins* Brulant: And 'tis better to leave her in the gloom and murk than to bring her to the sun? adiomino: We are at the edge of darkness. light shines down on our gazebo. But it goes no further as it is swallowed by the dark void below us. adiomino: The sun is what ages things, Brulant. adiomino: Let's not mess with her equilibrium. adiomino: For now Brulant: If time is stopped for her, than her soul will never rejoin her body. We have to restart the clock. Brulant: *nods* Alright. I defer to your wisdom Adio. adiomino nods back at Brulant Brulant: *grins lopsidedly* For now. adiomino: Brulant, she was killed on the surface of our realm. Correct? Brulant: Correct. adiomino: For some reason, she was brought here. adiomino: I'd like to find out who and why. adiomino: I saw Miiriam earlier today. I wonder if she knows Brulant: As would I, adio. Brulant: I also saw Miiriam. I was tempted to ask her, but she slipped from my sight. adiomino: *sighs* She is not awake right now. Brulant: Perhaps by bringing her to the surface, we will learn who and why. Certainly we aren't discovering anything right now. adiomino: *smirks as his mind starts to change* To the gazebo of equilibrium then? Brulant: *glances around* Where did Sasha's ghost go? adiomino: I'm starting to grow tired of this dark location as well. The darkness doesn't suit me. Brulant: *smiles* Now you're talking. adiomino: Now.. how should we move her. Brulant: Do you think the two of us could manage it? adiomino: Ah..! Miiriam is awake! Brulant: *mutters* One of us could take her arms and the other her feet… adiomino: *grins* Shall we rush to the surface, Brulant? Brulant: *glances up at Adio* Shall we go look for her? Brulant: *laughs* My thoughts exactly : Brulant runs up the bridge adiomino: Let's go then. We'll revisit the topic later. [/log] [log=In the Park, Day 50] : adiomino rushes in the gazebo from the steps : Brulant nods to Adio and points towards Miiriam adiomino: *his back straightens after he catches his breath and his head turns, he chuckles* No pointing now, Brulant. Brulant: *chuckles and lowers his hand* Sorry, Adio. : Blade Faryn looks back and forth between Brulant and Adio Ravenstrider: Do you have signed documents that confirm the bet? : Miiriam raises an eyebrow at the rather rude pointer Ravenstrider: Witnesses? Ravenstrider: I didn't think so. Brulant: *winces as Miiriam looks at him* Sorry. adiomino: *calmly, he takes a last deep breath and approaches Miiriam slowly. He smiles and bows his head softly to her* Greetings, miss. Miiriam: Do not worry, it is what I expect from brutes such as yourself... Ravenstrider: You're showing you're not Necrovion material already. : Brulant follows Adio over to Miiriam Miiriam: *turns her gaze to the other man* If you expect money then I do not have any to give... Brulant: *smiles at Miiriam's unkind words* Brutes? So be it. Beauty, or lack there of, is in the eye of the beholder after all. Miiriam turns back to her drawing adiomino: Brutes..? Why I am an innocent boy come here to ask of you innocent questions. Brulant: Actually, we would just like the opportunity to talk to you. : adiomino he peers down at Miiriam's drawings and smiles : Blade Faryn watches the two with curiosity Brulant: What are you drawing, Miiriam? adiomino: *he shrugs* Though brute would almost be a compliment, milady. If it wasn't spoken so harshly. TTL: *stares angrily at Ravenstrider* Mya is asking me to ask people around and write down their opinions on this question. Not mine. Miiriam: *looks up to the two men with a rather un loving look in her eyes* You wish to ask me questions yet your little companion here *glances at Brulant* seems to have a rather twitchy finger. adiomino: A roguish exterior is nothing to be ashamed of. Brulant: *chuckles* Brute is almost my name. And I do believe we've forgotten our manners, Adio. Miiriam: Not particulally a very good way of introducing yourselves... : adiomino he nudges Brulant softly with his elbow Brulant: *bows* I sincerely apologize for the pointing, Miiriam. Brulant: My name is Brulant, and this is… *turns to Adio* adiomino: Please, call me Adio. : adiomino he bows his head and motions with his hand a tip of the hat, yet he wears not. He smiles Ravenstrider: And that obliges me to tell you? *laughs* Seriously... adiomino: Forgive us, mi'lady. Though we would like to use up some your time. Miiriam: *nods to them* Hello Brulant, and Hello...Adio... TTL: No it does not... I merely asked for your help raven Brulant: Because time is nothing if not shared, so why keep it to yourself? *smiles kindly* Miiriam: *a small smile touches the corner of her mouth and she nods* Very well. Brulant: We will try to keep it brief, mi'lady. *gestures for Adio to take the lead* ~~I was eating~~ Miiriam: *her eyes shine at the questions but she remains still* I am...willing to answer one question a day... Miiriam: So..which question do you wish to know? adiomino: Who killed sasha lilias? Miiriam: Who killed Sasha Lilias? The truth is... Miiriam: She did. Miiriam: It was her inquisitive nature that led her to the water, it took over her mind, making her believe she were crazy. : adiomino his expression turns rather cold as he listens to Miiriam Miiriam: Due to this she thought it was a sign from the void, that she could "hear whispers" which of course was not true....for some time. Miiriam: You see...she believed in these whispers so much that in the end, they became real, but only to her. Then as these whispers "spoke " to her, she began to believe that the voids grip was upon her. Miiriam: This led her to the fountain, to learn more and, as she would say.., to listen. bloodelvenwizard: On other new's any mp4's have a non damage def rit? : Blade Faryn furrows his brow and frowns as he hears all of this Miiriam: So I repeat....it was her own mind..that killed her. The minds perception and imagination...are things that are not to be messed with... : Miiriam sits back, obviously finished with her answer Brulant: Interesting. Thank you for you answer Miiriam Miiriam: *turns to the the other man* Opponions? adiomino: Heh.. so she was a danger to herself. *mumbles* When she was alive. Miiriam: *turns back to Brulant* I assume you also have a question? bloodelvenwizard: well thats not a bit far fro the truth adiomoino : adiomino bows his head lightly to Miiriam in thanks bloodelvenwizard: from Brulant: Are we each allowed a question? I would not want to use more of your precious time *winks at her* : adiomino shoots Brulant a rather stern look as he speaks Brulant: *chuckles* Sorry, Adio. bloodelvenwizard: hey adiomino got any tips for stat traning? Miiriam: *raises her eyebrow* Play it rude, tis fine. Miiriam: As you wish, one question a day. Miiriam: Not per person, per day. bloodelvenwizard: eh? : Miiriam stands and packs her things away Blade Faryn: There is always tomorrow then. Brulant: *bows his head, still smiling* So be it, Miiriam. Thank you for your time. adiomino: *turns his head to blood* Kill everyone in battle bloodelvenwizard: (is it just me or are there more people these days then usual?) Miiriam: Farewell. bloodelvenwizard: easy for you to say : adiomino turns back to Miiriam and bows his head lightly to her in thank : Miiriam turns as she palces her bag over her shoulder before walking away Brulant: *calls after her* Thank you!! Brulant: *grins* Race you? [/log] [log=Back in the GoC, Day 50] : Blade Faryn comes on down after what he overheard in the park Brulant: *taps his foot on the platform* Slowpokes! : Brulant laughs happily adiomino: *takes a step on the bridge and sees Brulant* Huh.. you beat me : adiomino he walks over to Brulant and smacks his arm, he smirks Brulant: So, shall our next question be, "Why is Sasha's body at the Gazebo of Chaos?" adiomino: Brute.. adiomino: *shrugs* Yes.. i suppose Brulant: *flinches back from Adio and then grins* Proudly so. It is a fool's prerogative to utter things no one else dare speak! Blade Faryn: Maybe she was brought down here as a reflection of her state of mind? Brulant: Let us not maybe and suppose, for we shall know tomorrow. : adiomino his head turns, smiling he nods to Blade Brulant: Let us discuss how she killed herself. adiomino: Not a bad idea, Blade. : adiomino shakes his head Blade Faryn: I meant when she was alive. Blade Faryn: But as you said, we'll know for sure tomorrow Brulant: Mmm… much insanity is ordered. And I do not mean to be blunt or rude by using that word. Brulant: "Due to this she thought it was a sign from the void, that she could "hear whispers" which of course was not true....for some time." Brulant: Do you think she still hears the whispers? Blade Faryn: It's possible. I haven't really seen Sasha's ghost, and when I did she was merely dancing about. Brulant: So would it be presumptuous to call her ghost also insane? Brulant: *winces at the word* I hate that word. It's so ugly. Insane…… : adiomino nods adiomino: She did not have a grasp of reality when i spoke to her. adiomino: Or so it seemed. Brulant: Do you think the voices keep her separated from her body? Adio, Blade? adiomino: Let us discuss the voices further, friend. Brulant: *smiles* I get ahead of myself. Blade Faryn: Seeing how they had a hand in her end.. it's quite possible adiomino: *nods* Yeah.. adiomino: This is all a bit for my innocent brain to process.. in all honosty : adiomino ponders over Miiriam's words Brulant: So… how do we go about convincing her that the voices aren't real? adiomino: *shakes his head* Imagination really is a powerful principle isn't it.. Brulant: I believe that the point of our music has changed. We have to drown out the voices long enough for her to listen to us. But she must make the choice to come back. Blade Faryn: *paces before getting struck by Minotous* .. Brulant: All of the principles are powerful… but imagination is limitless. It's its nature. Blade Faryn: You have a strong point there. adiomino: *nods* Indeed. "Imagination is the arena in which anything can happen" Allow me to regress a bit. In my dream it seemed that not only did she not have a grasp on reality.. but she had created a adiomino: new reality with her mind. Blade Faryn: You don't suppose those voices were the ones to tell her of that reality? adiomino: If i start to not make sense.. tell me. My thoughts are jumbled at the moment. adiomino: The voices brought her to the void.. Brulant: Blade, the voices are herself. Brulant: She, according to Miiriam, essentially tricked herself. Brulant: *smiles* But you know what this means. She's 100% not truly dead. Blade Faryn: Ah, then I've misunderstood her words : adiomino shakes his head and he plops on the ground adiomino: So brulant, what was your thinking on the purpose of our music in all this? Brulant: What is it, Adio? Brulant: Originally as something to draw her back. Now, I believe that it will silence the "voices" long enough for us to truly speak with her. adiomino: You seem to think that the voices are still a distraction to her spirit.. Deterring her from reality. So the music would be used to drown out the voices adiomino: Ah.. yes Blade Faryn: Well then we're on the same page here. Brulant: She got quite agitated during your dream, correct? Brulant: So perhaps the music made the voices, the things she was using for guidance and support, leave her. adiomino: Yes. She completely rejected the idea of "reality" Brulant: Or, not leave her, but be silent adiomino: *he ponders as he stares at sasha's body* It is true that the music was heard the entire time during our dream. adiomino: And she still did not remember who she was. : Blade Faryn rubs his chin as he thinks about all of this adiomino: In fact, for some part of the dream she was actually playing the harp. Brulant: Well, we'll just have to have a rational discussion with her. adiomino: Heh.. I wonder how we'd go about doing this. Blade Faryn: I feel like we're going to need something more than just the music... but I dont' know what at this point Brulant: *snaps his fingers* Lucid dreaming! Brulant: Group dreaming. Brulant: That way we don't have to make her spirit corporeal. Brulant: And if we have her consent, it will all be much easier to rebind the body to the soul. adiomino: Hm.. go on Brulant. I'm interested in this idea. Blade Faryn: It would be easier.. hopefully, if more of us were aroud to speak with her Brulant: And I agree with Blade. We need more than the music. adiomino: What do you suggest then? adiomino: Heh.. nightshade. Brulant: Lucid dreaming is essentially conscious dreaming. It unlocks the imagination and allows everything to happen. Blade Faryn: .. I guess we will need a fair amount o nightshade for that yes... Brulant: Perhaps something similar to nightshade. I doubt any of us would be sane enough to have a rational discussion with her after smoking some nightshade though *winks* adiomino: *chuckles* Perhaps you're right. Blade Faryn: *chuckles* At least we may be able to connect with her more easily if we were less sane? Brulant: *shakes his head* We don't want to follow her down the paths of insanity. Although. That is intriguing…… adiomino: What else could produce the same effects as nightshade? Blade Faryn: It's a risky path. Brulant: Send someone, or someones, down after her while the rest remain sane? Brulant: In a dream… anything is possible… Brulant: Ask MasterB. If anyone knows, it's him. adiomino: Was just about to suggest him.. adiomino: He's hard to get a hold of though. adiomino: He drifts on and off. From imagination to reality. Brulant: *nods* I could send him a note though. Blade Faryn: The only time I've managed to find him was when he was asleep Brulant: If you tie it to his face, he's sure to notice it when he awakes. *smiles* Brulant: Alright, so our plan is coming together. : adiomino shrugs Blade Faryn: Slowly but surely. Blade Faryn: Do you know what else Sasha was tied to heavily? Aside from her music? Blade Faryn: Perhaps some sort of dance? adiomino: The fountain of dark vibrations. adiomino: A dance..? I don't remember her as a dancer Brulant: *laughs* Waltz her right back into her body. Blade Faryn: Her dancing as a ghost must be something new then.. adiomino: You've seen her ghost dancing? Brulant: As have I Blade Faryn: Yes. It's the only time I've seen her Brulant: I quite like the idea of dancing with her during our dream. Blade Faryn: And how hard would it be to... override her reality by fabricating the fountain in our dream? Blade Faryn: Since we can't actually bring it here Brulant: Well, there are more of us than there are of her. adiomino: Not that I'm opposed to dancing with the colors of the wind in a dream.. adiomino: Though how is that supposed to help our situation? Brulant: Get her to talk to us. Brulant: It's all about getting her attention and getting her to come back. Brulant: For we cannot, should not, force her to return. : adiomino nods adiomino: Alright then Blade Faryn: So we attempt to dance with her to the harp music at the fountain then? Brulant: I see it more this way. We slip into the dream, drown out the voices, then offer to dance with her, the slowly work her back to the Fountain. Brulant: There we talk to her, and convince her to come back. adiomino: *shrugs* Let us all materialize the entire scene then. The fountain, the talking rock. Brulant: To slowly change and remold the dream while we dance. Brulant: We need to isolate her from the "voices" *smiles* I like this plan. adiomino: Hm... you have a stronger grasp of this dream idea than I. It was you two that formed it anyways. Brulant: And it needs to be little by little… we can't shock her into running from us. adiomino: But it does sound like you are on to something. Slowly remind her of who she was. Brulant: But don't you see, Adio? Dreams allow us to unleash our imagination to it's fullest. Which is exactly what we need. adiomino: She when she does actually return to her body, she is essentially sane. And she is "sasha lilias" Blade Faryn nods slowly at all of this adiomino: I see, Brulant. Brulant: *snaps his fingers again* Replace her voices with ours. Then, she will be alive and sane again. adiomino: Care to explain? Brulant: If we bring her back, and she's still insane, our effort will have been for nought. Brulant: So, we have to find away to eradicate the "voices" I was just thinking out loud. adiomino: Indeed.. isn't that the purpose of doing everything we plan to do in the dream? Brulant: *nods* Yeah, I suppose so. [/log]
[quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1298088614' post='79050'] their amount of earned WP would increase by one (not sure about the spent WP, my guess is it would too) which means [u]they can go further inside the wishshop without spending any effort gaining more WPs[/u]. And for the sake of bragging rights, they get +1 on the wishpoints top list. Hence, I don't think this should be done. Otherwise, once the precedent is set, we'll start seeing abuse to unlock the shop using "trade" as an instrument. [/quote] I totally overlooked that and it's an incredibly important detail. I bow to your wisdom Udgard.
[b]ECHOING PIPSTICKZ DISCLAIMER [/b] Okay… this is the way I see it. Sasha has earned her wishpoint, but hasn't had it rewarded to her yet. Person X has also earned a wishpoint and has it to use. Sasha is essentially asking Person X to use their wishpoint to create an item that they will give to her. Sasha will then have Jester give Person X the wishpoint that would've been hers because Person X used their wishpoint creating the item. As such, it would be like Sasha paid her wishpoint to create the item. The coins that she's throwing in are payment for a speed delivery. Sasha would not be rewarding Person X with a wishpoint to have that item created. The example I would use is this. You and a friend go out to eat lunch together, but you forget your money. Your friend picks up the entire bill and has essentially paid 2X where X is the cost per person for the meal. Later on, you pay your friend 1X back. So each person has lost 1X of money. Balance is restored, and the numbers crunch as they would if both you and your friend paid for the meal when the bill was due I'm pretty new and haven't even earned a wishpoint yet, so I don't know how the system works. But I don't personally see anything wrong with the above method.
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1297948948' post='78976'] Aren't actions acted on a player that aren't counterable, considered...godmodding? … I don't know your characters' background Brulant, so I'll ignore how strong you'd have to be to pick up a headstone and "lob" it over the side… [/quote] I just expect Sunfire to cut his way out, he's certainly not trapped or in a position that's impossible to counter. How tightly did I tie the rope? How tall was the tree? Does he have a knife in his pockets? Won't someone else untie him? I didn't mean for him to be trapped forever, I meant only to have a bit of fun. He's really the only Undertaker that I've dealt with in the quest so far, and so I like to poke him a little bit whenever I see him The size of the headstone wasn't specified, but I thought it to be rather small since Sunfire just "picked up some rubble" to melt into a headstone. Surely, since it wouldn't get any bigger or heavier, just more dense, I would be able to pick it up and "lob" it. What I imagined in my head was something more akin to a discus throw, but I did not emote that. I apologize. Furthermore, I've picked up and carried around headstones in RL and they really weren't all that heavy, but headstone size is standardized and I don't know how big Sunfire's was And, yeah, it probably could have been done a lot better, but I'm trying to improve my role playing, which is admittedly rather shoddy, and this quest seemed like a good place to start Thanks Sasha Hope that explains a little bit of what I was thinking. EDIT: Spelling errors
In the Defensive Quarters… [log=Trapping Sunfire] Brulant: *walks slowly up the steps* Sunfire : Brulant thinks quickly : Brulant climbs up onto the table and detaches the rope from the ceiling : Brulant quickly loops it around Sunfire and then uses the tree outside the north exit as a pulley, pulling Sunfire over to the tree : Brulant ties Sunfire securely around the tree and looks back inside Brulant: Hmm… : Brulant opens a barrel to discover that it's full of tar Brulant: *chuckles* Oh, what fun. : Brulant smears the ropes with tar and steps back to admire his handiwork Brulant: Have fun getting out of that without burning the forest, Sunfire. : Brulant salutes Sunfire ironically and walks off [/log] Tar does not burn as a solid, but melts, fairly easily, into a highly combustible liquid. If Sunfire just burns his way out, then he will cause a large explosion in the forest.
[log=Filling In Her "Graves""] : Tipu: nvm its just one of my eveil plot muhahaha : Tipu continues to dig the Grave : Sunfire walks in Sunfire: *whispers to not wakethe guards* need somehelp there? : Sunfire pics up some stone rubble and melts it into a nice headstone : Sunfire looks at the harp and frowns Sunfire: *srugs and heads out again Sunfire: *notices lin coming in and sighs* lin... WhiteRabbit: This is the most active I've seen it in here... : adiomino his eyes open to see the gazebo ravaged and dug up, he calmly proceeds to fill up the holes as best he can with the surrounding rubble : adiomino notices the sleeping cuthilion and decides to head out for a while in search of someone : adiomino returns to the gazebo and positions himself in front of his harp, his hands reach out in front of him and his fingers strum the golden strings. Melodic tunes reverberate in the cavern : Brulant walks down the bridge, lost in thought : Brulant stubs his toe on something as he crosses the platform Brulant: *looks down and notices the headstone* Tsk. : Brulant picks up the headstone and lobs it over the side into the cavern[/log]
Code Geass? Yes.
[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1297520632' post='78779'] Great idea, I'm sure you'd get some interested players if you set up registration. The number of weapons, rooms, etc. might have to be adjusted based on how many players responded. Definitly need to find a way to control the "how often you can PM a suspect" question - how about you must alternate? No second question until they ask you something in reply. [/quote] Yup, working out weapons/rooms ratios and all that jazz I still need to find some better sounding and plausible weapons though. I like your alternating idea. That combined with the repetition rule and the room rule should get people to actually move around [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1297546137' post='78792'] i'd sign up. Its basically clue except inside MD. [/quote] Pretty much But I'm working on ways to twist it a little bit, and if you have any ideas to make it more interesting feel free to add them!
[s]TEMPORARY TRUCE BETWEEN THE RESURRECTIONISTS AND UNDERTAKERS: While discussing things in the Gazebo of Chaos, Sunfire and Brulant came to an agreement. Both parties agreed that more information regarding Sasha's current state of being and happiness needs to be gathered so we are able to make more just decisions. The end goal of this Truce is to find a way to communicate with Sasha's Ghost. During the Truce no action will be taken on the spirit, body, or surrounding area by either Team. For now, this Truce applies only to Me and Sunfire until the rest of each team comes to a consensus. Please refrain from doing anything to Sasha's body until a discussion can be had by each Team regarding the truce. Thank You! - Bru ~CURRENT MEMBERS IN TRUCE~ [u]RESURRECTIONISTS[/u] Brulant Blade Kuroda [u]UNDERTAKERS[/u] Sunfire[/s] Truce OVER
This topic is just to get community input and see if anyone would actually like to see this event run ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING CAN BE CHANGED! I would love some better weapon suggestions Disclaimer: The suspects are just people that everyone recognizes for right now, they can be easily changed. Second Disclaimer: It's late for me, and I'm probably not going to explain this well. Also, this is my first attempt at doing anything, so we'll see how this turns out. I've been thinking up a way for everyone to play a game of mutated Clue up in the MDA lands. Here's what I've got so far. Set up: Oh noes! Brulant was happily wandering through the MDA lands when he was snuck up upon and brutally murdered inside the Archive building! Now, it's your job to figure out "who done it"! Rules: 1) At the beginning of the game a suspect, weapon, and location will be chosen and removed from the pool of available suspects, weapons, and locations. 2) The remaining suspects, weapons, and locations would then be distributed to the players of the game. 3) After the game begins, players will travel from location to location in an effort to find out which suspect, weapon, and location are missing from the pool. 4) Once at a location, players will PM other players in that location with an "accusation" 5) An "accusation" consists of a suspect, weapon, and location. THE LOCATION THAT THE PLAYER IS IN MUST BE INCLUDED AS THE LOCATION IN THE ACCUSATION. 6) Upon receiving an "accusation" the player looks through the suspects, weapons, and/or locations he/she knows 7) If they have a suspect/weapon/location that was included in the "accusation" they send a reply with the suspect/weapon/location included. YOU ONLY SEND ONE. If the player does not have any of what was guessed, they send a reply saying "Nothing" 8) After they receive the reply PM the original player marks it on their Detective Notes (which are included in this post) 9) In this way, the last things in each group that are not checked off are the correct suspect/weapon/location (This may be getting confusing, bear with me) 10) You can only message one player once in a row. For example: I could not send Curiose three "accusations" in a row. But I CAN send one to Curiose, then to AmberRune, then to Curiose. 11) The game continues until someone figures out "who done it" and PMs me the correct answer. Please include in your subject that it's your final guess. If you are wrong, you are out of the game. I think that the Detective Notes should help explain this, I'm attaching them to this post. The locations on the Detective Notes are the only locations in which you can send PMs Someone already suggested coding some clickies to give hints (and red herrings! ) to people. Alas, I cannot code clickies, but it anyone could offer their skills it would be highly appreciated. Also, there is really no prize since I have nothing to give. But, I think that it would be fun even without a prize, yeah? Well… I'm probably forgetting something, but I'm too tired to remember it. Anyways. Feedback would be much appreciated, even if it's a, "Yeah, that could be fun." EDIT: Thinking about changing it so you can only accuse once per room before you have to move to another. [attachment=2557:Detective Notes for MD.doc]
[quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1297345296' post='78729'] a couple of question: 1. Is sasha already dead? (your quest description is a little confusing due to lack of information) 2. If so where is the RP of it? 3. When will this *choice* be decided? 4. What will the outcome be of each choice? (if sasha stays dead is the char gone forever?) [/quote] I can try and answer some of these from what I've picked up about the quest: 1. Sasha is suspended in a sort of limbo, she is neither dead nor alive. Think of it as a crossroads where we decide the output. (Even though she is "dead" according to game mechanics) However, this is from the side of the Resurrectioners. The caretakers may say that she is already dead. 2. The main RP will probably be happening in the Gazebo of Chaos, since that is where Sasha's body is. 3. Sasha really hasn't given a clear indication, but it could be a few weeks. During a torch competition most likely. 4. I can't answer this one I hope that helps a little bit.
Alright, Thanks Fyrd. Please close =)
Joker Negligible age (10 days), no tokens. 2sc or a creature offer. I just really want to get rid of it.
I like them Addy They remind me of some of the Zelda characters, or of the more spiritual characters in Miyazaki (of Studio Ghibli's films). I know that I certainly haven't gotten drawing humans down yet… that's why they're always in really baggy clothes when I draw them Personally, I kind of find the lack of perfect proportions kind of appealing, but that's just the opinion of an amateur artist.
It's interesting that so far most people lean towards the "both" option. I like looking at all of the various polls on the forums, as a sociologist how people answer polls is one of my favorite things to look at
Seekers Of Enlightenment Research Quest
Brulant replied to emerald arcanix's topic in The Seekers of Enlightenment
Were the results of this ever announced? I may have missed them… sorry if I did.