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Everything posted by Brulant

  1. Happy happy Birthday, Chew! Take a day off, we won't break anything.
  2. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1316353463' post='92192'] Main problem is as they said GREED. There is no stopping that. People will find ways around it. Making alts and being on right when tools spawn in order to gather more resources for themselves... [/quote] [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1316355985' post='92194'] Greed is not a problem... [/quote] I would say that greed is [u]the[/u] problem right now. However, I would also say that it's an entirely fixable one. All people need to do is think about what happens in the future instead of just what is happening in the present. It's not greed as in "I will hoard all of the resources!" it's greed as in "Oh, look, there's 14/20 herbs here, what could taking one more hurt?" I think that a schedule would address both types, though. It hinges on people being logical, though. Which is what makes it hard Let's look at the first scenario: "I will hoard all of the resources!" If there's only one person thinking that way and depleting all of the resources, it's pretty obvious to see who it is. There would be mass shunning, people might refuse to trade with them, we as a community would find some way to punish them. If there are a few people doing this, it's still pretty obvious. Just go ask everyone on the schedule up until that point, and if they have 47 of each herb, I think you've found the culprit. The second scenario, "Oh, look, there's 14/20 herbs here, what could taking one more hurt?", requires a similar fix, but it's much more draconian. - You check in at the beginning of the week with the amounts of resources that you have. - Week goes on. - Check in at the end of the week. - If amounts have increased as they should, nothing wrong. - If you have more herbs than you should, you get in trouble. (I foresee alt abuse problems with that, though.) I hate that we would have to police ourselves like that. We shouldn't have to. But, right now, it's the only way I can that would let the entire Realm have fair access to the resources. It's stupid, but necessary. Really, all it takes is for people to realize "Oh hey, I can gather 15 herbs this week instead of 1, maybe" and then it should straighten itself out. All you have left are the people who are just depleting out of pure spite or the people have who the minor greed problem, which the schedule should fix. One more thing (my this is turning into a long post). I've never had any problems getting any of the tools that I want after the resets that occur in my timezone. On the first day, I started in the Tea Market and ended up with one of everything. I didn't hold on to any of the tools except my teapot though. Because, really, all you need is tea.
  3. I think I would also have to vote for Burns for the reason that Pothos stated. Denying one's cuddliness only makes one all the more cuddly. And Katt, why not add a poll?
  4. I like this idea, so I'll make a suggestion. When you have your list of everyone who agrees to this rule, MoM, why not create a dynamic gathering schedule? Pros: 1) Everyone who has a gathering tool that week, regardless of when they are awake and able to play, will be able to gather the maximum amount of the resource that is deemed 'fair'. 2) It's easy to see who breaks the schedule if you have a schedule. 3) Everyone will begin to accumulate resources which will drop the prices of resources overall and encourage economic movement in MD… but that's an entire topic on its own. 4) It's more 'fair' for everyone. Cons: 1) You're still going to have to figure out what to do with the people who refuse to agree to the overall rule. 2) It takes a lot of work to make a good schedule. 3) People might be inclined to break the schedule, but, see Pro 3. 4) Who decides what 'fair' is? Just my two cents.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. --- Already sold ---- Figures
  7. I do as well, in any browser. Edit: Do you know if it doesn't show up for anyone but yourself, Awii?
  8. So, if the spell doc pages are coming back and wishpoints are becoming more freely available, does that mean that Inner Magic is going to become more common?

    1. Grido


      You mean, actually exist? :p No inner magic (that I know) has happened in a looong time.

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      I am sure of it! However, the real question is -when?-

    3. Maebius


      Inner magic already happens, I thought. *mysterious smile*

  9. [quote name='Windy' timestamp='1315252749' post='91520'] But will there be enough activity going on to warrant restarting the paper? [/quote] In response to this, I would like to direct you to two meaningful things said in [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5832-calling-all-archivists/"]this topic[/url]. The initial statement: [quote name='Gargant'] "1. The newspaper is behind by months because there is nothing worth writing about, if there were then the writers would write." [/quote] The rebuttal: [quote name='Akasha'] "...a newspaper, with true journalists [u]always [/u]finds something interesting to write about." [/quote] And, really, think about all of the stuff that's been happening… I mean, we just changed Stages, there's all of the cauldron testing, Necrovion's current status… I'm sure that they could find something to write about if they put their heads together. Don't expect news to fall into your lap, you have to track it down. Enough said.
  10. Just saw this today: [quote]"Causes are group actions, leave empty if you didn't planned this first with more fighers or if you are uncertain what this is about. Fighting for a cause consumes all active heat"[/quote] So either I can't read (which is entirely possible) or it was recently added (which I doubt). I was able to declare a cause and use heat without losing it before, but now it works as it says it does. Case closed. Could a mod please close this? Thank you!
  11. If you are silenced by the common silence spell, not the LHO one, you can override it by drinking some alcohol which will allow you to just continue spamming chat or insulting people. Except now you're harder to understand. AmberRune and I both tested this. Again, this kind of works conceptually with being drunk so it could have been an intended feature (I promise I do not spend all of my time drunk and looking for bugs. ) Edit: Oh, I almost forgot (might have something to do with it being 2AM), but once someone is drunk trying to silence them only returned error messages for me. I'm not sure if this is because I had already 'silenced' them, or if it was merely the act of being drunk. If someone would like to test that further please do so, otherwise I will sometime tomorrow.
  12. This was a wonderful way to spend my morning. My sincerest thanks Maebius. I look forwards to seeing what the rest of the "Little tour" has in store
  13. You can drink and fight if you want to, you just can't drink and fight for a purpose
  14. If you are drunk, release heat, and attack someone and declare a cause to be fighting for, then you lose all the heat that you had released. I tried this twice and AmberRune tried it once. It happened all three times. If you are drunk and attack with heat without declaring a cause, then you get to keep your heat. If you have heat released and attack with a cause, you also keep your heat. It's only when all three conditions are met that you lose heat.
  15. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1314731626' post='91081'] [b]The rule is only in the announcements (as far as I know), and should be pinned somewhere more visible.[/b] [/quote] It seems like that's the only place you can find it. The rules and restrictions page has this to say. [quote] "You can talk dirty things on chat, only if you are on a remote location on the map and not a public place, and if none of the players reading your crap will complain about it." [/quote] So at the very least the Restrictions page needs to be updated.
  16. This one? Found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9294-available-art-work/page__p__81048#entry81048"]Here[/url]
  17. After 3 extensive and mildly interesting hours of Microeconomics, I have decided that nothing is wrong with the MD economy :D

  18. [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1314626755' post='91004'] Will be posted any information regarding participants, winners or prizes? [/quote] Inno has been working on it, give it a little more time
  19. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1314622057' post='91000'] I trust you know your papers only work on firefox? Opera and IE are totally broken with them.[/quote] They also work on Safari and Chrome.
  20. [font=times new roman,times,serif][u]Tea Recipe Book[/u]: A book full of details about aromatic tea recipes, details about their medical properties and of course instructions on how to prepare them proper[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]instructions [/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]---[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif][u]Tea Cups[/u]: Cups suitable for tea, coffe or other purposes. [/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]---[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif][u]Flowers[/u]: Some nice random decorative flowers[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]---[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif][u]Nichel bar[/u]: A silvery-white lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge. Useful for alloys, plating, coin manufacturing, magnets and more.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]---[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif][u]Heat Storing Jar 6K[/u]: A glass jar able to store heat. Its miraculous property could be explained by its special proportions and the highly reflective interiour. It glows slightly in the dark when it is charged.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif](the stable heat storing jars probably all have similar or the same descriptions)[/font]
  21. This was absolutely great, guys. Thank you so much for putting it together and running it! All of you! Inno, Fyrd, Eggs, Kyphis, Burns, Keith, Awii, and all the participants that made the festival so much fun. Keep up the great work.
  22. [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1994 - [2011-08-22 23:52:11 - Stage 11][/color] The woodcutting tools are now usable just by Lorerootians. A similar restriction will be placed on other resources (like it was when tools belonged just to a guild). In this way becoming citizen of a land means also that you could gather certain resources or not. Tools limited to a specific land or guild can be still taken by anyone else, just not used. --- Answered.
  23. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1313970240' post='90549'] What about a spiral, such as the one seen by new players when they encounter the wall shades? [/quote] I like the idea of incorporating a spiral into the coat of arms somehow, but I would suggest doing it in the form of a triskelion: three connecting spirals that posses threefold rotational symmetry. They can be quite simple like this: [attachment=3135:Triskele-hollow-triangle.png] Or can get fairly complicated like this: [attachment=3136:Triple-Spiral-labyrinth.png] Either way, the concept of threes seems quite important to me in regards to Necrovion, and I'd like to see it represented in the coat of arms.
  24. Did you reclaim the recipes and teapots? As soon as I picked up the Tea Cups, both of mine disappeared. I guess I'll walk all the way back to the Tea market... again.
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