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Everything posted by Brulant

  1. I think this makes sense. There's a pretty simple equation to finding outland heat; Viscosity + Heat Gain = Percentage of Viscosity Those multipliers, the outland x1.00 , x3.00 etc, are really percentages of the viscosity. 1.00 = 10% 3.00= 30% etc. So, to find heat gain for an outland scene with a x1.00 multiplier; Viscosity + Heat Gain = Percentage of Viscosity - 80 + Heat Gain = .1(-80) -80 + Heat Gain = -8 Heat Gain = -8 + 80 Heat Gain = 72 Here's my guess for inland Heat Gain; To find the same thing inland; Heat Gain = .1(Briskness) + Percentage of Viscosity Heat Gain = .1(437) + .1(-80) Heat Gain = 44 (I rounded) - 8 Heat Gain = 36 So, the latter doesn't quite work out. Any idea as to what it could actually be? Pip's thing is a bug, where as Azull's is normal from what I can figure.
  2. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1320074272' post='95023'] Are people ignoring the second sentence? That they're so friendly they won't even fight? lol - why're you trying to give ability suggestions? [/quote] Are you ignoring the third sentence? They're curious beings And if there was a lot of color involved, I'm sure you could convince an Elu to do anything!
  3. That CTC wasn't complete, it could only be used for checking the creature if you so desired.
  4. If Eon logs out or avoids the time, then the event can be rescheduled and the Realm is 'safe' for the time of the event which accomplishes one of Manda's goals. Manda and co. win if Eon logs out. But, I don't think that Eon will log out just to avoid them. Because that's not a very Eon thing to do.
  5. I was thinking about that, because there are some creatures that you would want the color removed from and some that you really really don't. So it could do a wide variety of color stealing things depending on its mood, perhaps? It'd be silly if you could just take its paper, kick a few times, and end up with a gg.
  6. Ability suggestion: Because the Elus love color so, so much, happy Elu's can sometimes go a little crazy for it. If they get really happy and go berserk for color, they'll randomly steal the color away from your other creatures, be it through tokens or just the color from your shop creatures.
  7. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1319954223' post='94879'] I think there are: every 2 weeks you get additional enchanted stones on the market. Eventually, there will be hundred of cast of each spell available in players pockets in the form of stones. [/quote] As it is right now, not many people have enough money to buy that many stones. The cost is the main thing that's stopping everyone from running around with every spell in the book. Frankly, I think it's doing a pretty good job so far. And, sure, enough stones may exist eventually, but who's going to want to spend 10sc on an acousticremains stone and then have your last cast fail when you need to take an important log? And lets just imagine that you need to cast the spell 100 times before you can cast it perfectly. You'd have to spend upwards of 22gc before you could rest easy knowing that you'd always be able to cast it when you needed to. Maybe it'd be a different story if the stone enchanters dropped their prices, but that would make spells even more available which I think is rather counterproductive if you already think that spells are too widespread. I'm not sure where I stand personally on the idea, but I do know that I've spent upwards of 3gc buying and experimenting with spells just because I'm a curious person. Part of me thinks the idea makes sense, but my checkbook will be hurting. Edit: I did some math wrong. ((100 casts/3 casts per stone) x 10sc per stone)/15sc per gc = 22gc. I don't know where I got 6 from. Heh.
  8. Brulant

    A Puzzle

    First Clue: I say quasi Metal Bunny because Bun's puzzles are crazy, outside of the box, and mind bending. This one isn't. It's completely by the book.
  9. Could a mod please close this. Thank you in advance!
  10. It's a different sort of ban, Tipu. At least, I think it is, I'm not entirely sure. I never received a bot check email. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though. I'm pretty unfamiliar with the different bans and I intend to keep it that way. When I got banned for malicious code in my COS, I could access the main page and that was it. If I tried to log in, I got a message that told me to contact Mur. I emailed Mur, waited a few days, and then I was unbanned. Keep checking, Ledah, you'll be unbanned eventually, give it a little time.
  11. [b]“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.”[/b] [b][attachment=3272:Screen Shot 2011-10-28 at 4.33.01 PM.png][/b] Okay, so it's not that great if you don't know the reference
  12. Clowns have always scared me... [attachment=3260:Screen Shot 2011-10-25 at 4.40.52 PM.png] All editing was done in Photoshop.
  13. We've been discussing (complaining about) this for quite some time now. MoM [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10608-resource-depletion/page__p__92112#entry92112"]had a topic in mid September[/url] about managing the resource depletion. So, I'll say the same thing now as I said back then. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1316299736' post='92155'] I like this idea, so I'll make a suggestion. When you have your list of everyone who agrees to this rule, MoM, why not create a dynamic gathering schedule? Pros: 1) Everyone who has a gathering tool that week, regardless of when they are awake and able to play, will be able to gather the maximum amount of the resource that is deemed 'fair'. 2) It's easy to see who breaks the schedule if you have a schedule. 3) Everyone will begin to accumulate resources which will drop the prices of resources overall and encourage economic movement in MD… but that's an entire topic on its own. 4) It's more 'fair' for everyone. Cons: 1) You're still going to have to figure out what to do with the people who refuse to agree to the overall rule. 2) It takes a lot of work to make a good schedule. 3) People might be inclined to break the schedule, but, see Pro 3. 4) Who decides what 'fair' is? Just my two cents. [/quote] So, if it's so important to everyone let's show some initiative and get some lists started. This week, starting on Day 297: Brulant id: 207201 -- Independent Dowsing Tool I agree to never deplete resources and to abide by any guidelines that the community deems as fair.
  14. Windy, Hedge, and Falronn have been returned. Edit: Andrew, I'm sorry that I couldn't also grab you. I tried to teleport you but you were not online.
  15. [quote] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2057 - [2011-10-19 23:59:16 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Jesters Punishment[/b] Jester has been banned for at least 3 months for repeated harassment via multiple mediums and previous offenses. This does not mean jail but a full ban. After the new year the future of Necrovion shall be decided and further action taken, until then Necrovion still has jester as a mock king. [/quote] Well, there it is.
  16. [quote name='Mighty Pirate' timestamp='1318929993' post='94277'] As for the topic title: What is an 'aesthetic bug'? How can aesthetics be buggy? [/quote] I consider a bug to be anything in an electronic system that doesn't behave the way that it should be. Aesthetic bugs are just things that look wrong; like missing fonts, missing images, floating buttons, etc. And, like I said, [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1318900368' post='94257'] It's not exactly a bug per se, [/quote] but it's still buggy. Does that make more sense?
  17. If you bring up your Progress for the Day while voting on the Free Credits page, the flash ads float over the rest of the screen which gives you something which looks like this: [attachment=3244:Screen Shot 2011-10-17 at 8.03.55 PM.png] It's not exactly a bug per se, but it doesn't exactly look nice. If it's an easy fix I'd like to see it fixed, but if it'd be something hard to change I don't think that it'd really affect too many people I mean, how often are people checking their Progress for the Day while they vote? Edit: It's happening on both Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari.
  18. That happens every hour on the hour if you attempt to save your papers after the hour 'expires' I.e. you start editing at 3:55 and attempt to save at 4:15. Refreshing the page should fix it
  19. Bumpity
  20. Brulant

    A Puzzle

    [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1318587911' post='94100'] Unless it is supposed to be that way? [/quote] It's quite possibly maybe definitely supposed to be that way. The quality, that is. I'm not sure about the notes Everything is exactly the way that it's meant to be.
  21. Brulant

    A Puzzle

    Hello all, I have a puzzle for you to work on. It's quasi-Metal Bunny difficulty, so it should keep you busy for a while. I don't have much to offer to those who eventually solve it, although it really does warrant a wishpoint if you get all the way through. I'll go and ask around for sponsorship, but I thought I'd post the puzzle as soon as I finished it so you guys could get an early start. You have to tell me something. That something is hidden in the music. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye. I'll update with hints and clues every week or so if a good number of people work on it. Good luck! And remember to have fun. If it's making you unduly angry, leave it be for a while and come back to it. [attachment=3238:Musicscorehiddencipher.png] [log First Clue]I say quasi Metal Bunny because Bun's puzzles are crazy, outside of the box, and mind bending. This one isn't. It's completely by the book.[/log] [log Second Clue] [attachment=3306:Stego.jpeg] [attachment=3307:nog.jpeg][attachment=3308:graph.gif][attachment=3309:y.jpeg][/log]
  22. There's always enforcing a cap, so you can't completely eliminate the effects.
  23. This is in the more info section on the stats page. [quote] [i]Energetic immunity:[/i] [i]…[/i] The effects of spell damage can also be under the influence of this modifier. [/quote] Is spell damage the same thing as stat damage? --If no: What's spell damage? I looked through the forum and found no reference to it using the search terms [spell, damage, spell damage, "spell", "damage", and "spell damage"], but I've been known to miss things that are right in front of me. Is it referring to temporary stat drain by a spell? --If yes: Does Energetic Immunity actually affect stat damage? There are a couple of different types of stat damage and drain, be they spell, item, angry fugitive, or Eon, but I've never seen my Energetic Immunity help me with any of those. --If yes and Energetic Immunity doesn't affect stat damage: Would it make sense if it did? People, myself included, have been complaining about Eon's stat damage for a while, no, I don't want this to be a rant-about-Eon-topic, and I'm sure that they'd complain about fugitives stat damage too if they got attacked by one for a while. Plus, if Mur keeps releasing new land weapons I'm sure that stat damage would get included in one of them eventually. So, I personally think that it would make sense to use an already existing stat to lessen, but not eliminate, the effects of stat damage. Thoughts?
  24. What about an imp with 738383?
  25. Bump, first post updated.
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