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Everything posted by Brulant

  1. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1323555160' post='97656'] A scene that could be called the TK's HQ would be excellent. Not entirely sure where it would be though. If it were in the Lands, a summon spell WOULD be needed because of the high AP. [/quote] Or the Gazebo could be fixed and there could just be a dedicated teleportation code. Or is the Gazebo permanently shut off? I never heard what happened to it. If they must have an office somewhere, why not just give them a "one way scene" somewhere that can only be reached through the Gazebo and automatically links back to the GoE when you want to leave? Echoing those before me though, I don't really feel that there is a need for an office or the summon/chase spells. It's pretty easy to get in contact with any of the "trainees" and there are already so many ways to transfer things…
  2. They're fairly scarce, so I don't think that many people would be willing to part with theirs. As far as I know, they're mostly given out as a sort of reward for helping with testing. I have 3 independent "items". Two of them really aren't tools.
  3. Clarification. By, [quote name='Quashen' timestamp='1323268306' post='97403'] [b]Update: [/b]For orders greater than 50[b][i]*[/i][/b], a bonus 3% of the quantity price will be added. (for example if you order 79 branches, that will be 7 SC + [3%] 2SC = 9 SC) [/quote] Do you mean, "for orders greater than 50, 3% of the quantity will be added to the base price?" I at first thought that you meant 3% of the base cost would be added, but that's minuscule number (You could say that 30% of the base cost will be added though, since the base cost is 10% of the quantity! )
  4. Dragual Monarth is not (and has never been) a citizen of Necrovion, Princ. I am, though
  5. By a newbie quest maker, Burns refers to people who are just creating their first quests and still learning how best to create and run them. A newbie quest maker doesn't necessarily have to be a new person to the Realm. Correct me if I'm wrong though, Burns.
  6. I'm so tired of writing the word "burette". That makes number 113.

  7. I can confirm that you can use a memory stone with a spell that you already have. I had 1/4 casts of move lock left and using a memory stone returned my casts to 4/4. Now, whether it just gave me three more casts or "refreshed my memory" is a different question. But, it does work.
  8. Here are Wikipedia's citations. On something as big as Republics, I think you can take most of what Wikipedia has to say as correct. As a quick forum definition, it should suffice, even if you wouldn't use it as a paper source. [log Citations][list] [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-0"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montesquieu"]Montesquieu[/url], [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_of_the_Laws"]The Spirit of the Laws[/url][/i] (1748), Bk. II, ch. 1. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Britannica_1-0"]^[/url][/b] "Republic". [i]Encyclopædia Britannica[/i]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-WordNet_2-0"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/republic"]"republic"[/url], [i]WordNet 3.0[/i] (Dictionary.com), retrieved 20 March 2009 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-M-W_3-0"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/republic"]"Republic"[/url]. [i]Merriam-Webster[/i]. Retrieved August 14, 2010. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-4"]^[/url][/b] See Aristotle's [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_(Aristotle)"]Politics[/url][/i] [url="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0058%3Abook%3D2%3Asection%3D1265b"]1265b[/url]: "In fact some people assert that the best constitution must be a combination of all the forms of constitution, and therefore praise the constitution of Sparta (for some people say that it consists of oligarchy, monarchy and democracy, meaning that the kingship is monarchy and the rule of the ephors oligarchy, but that an element of democracy is introduced by the rule of the ephors because the ephors come from the common people; while others pronounce the ephorate a tyranny but find an element of democracy in the public mess-tables and in the other regulations of daily life)." Aristotle is considered the crucial surviving source for understanding Polybius and Cicero's comparisons to Greek regimes. In[i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicomachean_Ethics"]Nicomachean Ethics[/url][/i] 1160a34 he says [i]politeia[/i] can mean the same thing as "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timocracy"]timocracy[/url]". In the [i]Politics[/i] 1293b22 he says [i]politeia[/i] can mean what is today often translated as a "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_regime"]mixed regime[/url]". [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-5"]^[/url][/b] Montesquieu, [i]Spirit of the Laws[/i], Bk. II, ch. 2–3. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-6"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_transcript.html"]Constitution of the United States.[/url] [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-7"]^[/url][/b] Rubinstein, Nicolai. "Machiavelli and Florentine Republican Experience." in [i]Machiavelli and Republicanism[/i] Cambridge University Press, 1993. [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-2"][sup][i][b]c[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-3"][sup][i][b]d[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-4"][sup][i][b]e[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Ideas2099_8-5"][sup][i][b]f[/b][/i][/sup][/url] "Republic" New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz. Vol. 5. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005. pg. 2099 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-9"]^[/url][/b] Lewis, Charlton T.; Charles Short (1879). [url="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3Dres"]"res, II.K"[/url]. [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Latin_Dictionary"]A Latin Dictionary[/url][/i]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved August 14, 2010. [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Haakonssen_10-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Haakonssen_10-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] Haakonssen, Knud. "Republicanism." [i]A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy.[/i] Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit. eds. Cambridge: Blackwell, 1995. [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-William_R._Everdell_2000_11-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-William_R._Everdell_2000_11-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] William R. Everdell. The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans. University of Chicago Press, 2000. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-12"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Bloom"]Bloom, Allan[/url]. [i]The Republic.[/i] Bsic Books, 1991. pg. 439-440 [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Kingsxxiii_13-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Kingsxxiii_13-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] William R. Everdell. The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans. University of Chicago Press, 2000. pg. xxiii [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Monarchy_14-0"]^[/url][/b] "Monarchy" [i]New Dictionary of the History of Ideas.[/i] Ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz. Vol. 5. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-15"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Finer"]Finer, Samuel[/url]. [i]The History of Government from the Earliest Times.[/i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_University_Press"]Oxford University Press[/url], 1999. pg. 950. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-16"]^[/url][/b] Nippel, Wilfried. "Ancient and Modern Republicanism." [i]The Invention of the Modern Republic[/i] ed. Biancamaria Fontana. Cambridge University Press, 1994 pg. 6 [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Rahe_17-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Rahe_17-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] Paul A. Rahe, Republics, Ancient and Modern, three volumes, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1994 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-18"]^[/url][/b] Reno, Jeffrey. "republic." [i]International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences[/i] pg. 184 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Pocock_19-0"]^[/url][/b] Pocock, J.G.A. [i]The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition[/i] (1975; new ed. 2003) [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-20"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://p2.www.britannica.com/eb/article-9074639/Vaisali"]http://p2.www.britan...9074639/Vaisali[/url] Vaisali,[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica"]Encyclopædia Britannica[/url]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-21"]^[/url][/b] Bindloss, Joe; Sarina Singh (2007). [url="http://books.google.com/?id=T7ZHUhSEleYC&pg=PA556&dq=Vaishali#v=onepage&q=Vaishali"][i]India: Lonely planet Guide[/i][/url].[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonely_Planet"]Lonely Planet[/url]. p. 556. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number"]ISBN[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/1741043085"]1741043085[/url]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-22"]^[/url][/b] Hoiberg, Dale; Indu Ramchandani (2000). [url="http://books.google.com/?id=DPP7O3nb3g0C&pg=PA208&dq=Vaishali#v=onepage&q=Vaishali"][i]Students' Britannica India, Volumes 1-5[/i][/url]. Popular Prakashan. p. 208. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number"]ISBN[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0852297602"]0852297602[/url]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-23"]^[/url][/b] Kulke, Hermann; Dietmar Rothermund (2004). [url="http://books.google.com/?id=TPVq3ykHyH4C&pg=PA57&dq=Vaishali&q=Vaishali"][i]A history of India[/i][/url]. Routledge. p. 57. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number"]ISBN[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0415329191"]0415329191[/url]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-24"]^[/url][/b] Sharma, RS. [i]Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India.[/i] Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 1999 pg. xxix [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-25"]^[/url][/b] Radhey Shyam Chaurasia [i]History Of Ancient India Earliest Times To 1200 A.D.[/i] Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2002 pg. 296 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-26"]^[/url][/b] Alterkar, AS. [i]State and Government in Ancient India.[/i] Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 2002 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-27"]^[/url][/b] Martin Bernal, [i]Black Athena Writes Back[/i] (Durham: Duke University Press, 2001), 359. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-28"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/15"]Aksum[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO"]UNESCO[/url] [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-29"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://upress.kent.edu/Nieman/Concepts_of_Democracy.htm"]Concepts of Democracy and Democratization in Africa Revisited. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Kent State University Symposium on Democracy. by Apollos O. Nwauwa[/url] [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-30"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-iceland-free-speech-20110403,0,5332545.story"]http://www.latimes.c...0,5332545.story[/url] [*]^ [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Finer_1999._pg._950-955_31-0"][sup][i][b]a[/b][/i][/sup][/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-Finer_1999._pg._950-955_31-1"][sup][i][b]b[/b][/i][/sup][/url] Finer, Samuel. [i]The History of Government from the Earliest Times.[/i] Oxford University Press, 1999. pg. 950-955. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-32"]^[/url][/b] William R. Everdell. The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans. University of Chicago Press, 2000 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-33"]^[/url][/b] Ferdinand Joseph Maria Feldbrugge. Law in Medieval Russia, IDC Publishers, 2009 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-34"]^[/url][/b] Finer, Samuel. [i]The History of Government from the Earliest Times.[/i]Oxford University Press, 1999. pg. 955-956. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-35"]^[/url][/b] Finer, Samuel. [i]The History of Government from the Earliest Times.[/i]Oxford University Press, 1999. pg. 1020. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-36"]^[/url][/b] "Republicanism." [i]Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment[/i] pg. 435 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-37"]^[/url][/b] "Introduction." [i]Republicanism: a Shared European Heritage.[/i] By Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner. Cambridge University Press, 2002 pg. 1 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-38"]^[/url][/b] "Republicanism." [i]Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment[/i] pg. 431 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-39"]^[/url][/b] "Latin American Republicanism" New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz. Vol. 5. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-40"]^[/url][/b] Anderson, Lisa. "Absolutism and the Resilience of Monarchy in the Middle East." [i]Political Science Quarterly[/i], Vol. 106, No. 1 (Spring, 1991), pp. 1–15 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-41"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Lewis"]Bernard Lewis[/url]. "The Concept of an Islamic Republic" [i]Die Welt des Islams,[/i] New Series, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (1955), pp. 1–9 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-42"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OED"]OED[/url], [i]s. v.[/i] [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-43"]^[/url][/b] "Presidential Systems" [i]Governments of the World: A Global Guide to Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities.[/i] Ed. C. Neal Tate. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. p7-11. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-44"]^[/url][/b] Article VII, Constitution of the United States [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-45"]^[/url][/b] Article II, Para 2, Constitution of the United States [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-46"]^[/url][/b] The novelist and essayist [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.G.Wells"]H.G.Wells[/url] regularly used the term crowned republic to describe the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom"]United Kingdom[/url], for instance in his work [i]A Short History of the World.[/i] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred,_Lord_Tennyson"]Alfred, Lord Tennyson[/url] in his poem[i][url="http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/t/tennyson/alfred/idylls/chapter13.html"]Idylls of the King[/url][/i]. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-47"]^[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Montfort_Dunn"]Dunn, John[/url]. "The Identity of the Bourgeois Liberal Republic." The Invention of the Modern Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-49"]^[/url][/b] "[url="http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/republicanism/"]Republicanism[/url]" [i]Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.[/i] Jun 19, 2006 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-50"]^[/url][/b] McCormick, John P. "Machiavelli against Republicanism: On the Cambridge School's 'Guicciardinian Moments'" [i]Political Theory[/i], Vol. 31, No. 5 (Oct., 2003), pp. 615–643 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-51"]^[/url][/b] Pocock, J.G.A [i]The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition[/i] Princeton: 1975;2003 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-52"]^[/url][/b] Philip Pettit, [i]Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government[/i], NY: Oxford U.P., 1997, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0198290837"]ISBN 0-19-829083-7[/url]; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-53"]^[/url][/b] William R. Everdell. [i]The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans.[/i] University of Chicago Press, 2000. pg. 6 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-54"]^[/url][/b] GOVERNMENT (Republican Form of Government)- One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people ... directly ... Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, P. 695 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-55"]^[/url][/b] W. Paul Adams "Republicanism in Political Rhetoric Before 1776."[i]Political Science Quarterly[/i], Vol. 85, No. 3 (Sep., 1970), pp. 397–421 [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-56"]^[/url][/b] Bailyn, Bernard. [i]The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution[/i]. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967. [*][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic#cite_ref-57"]^[/url][/b] Kramnick, Isaac. [i]Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism: Political Ideology in Late Eighteenth-Century England and America.[/i]Ithaca: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornell_University_Press"]Cornell University Press[/url], 1990. [/list] [/log] Or, you know, there's always the dictionary. [quote] republic |riˈpəblik| noun a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. [/quote]
  9. I think it's probably wise to wait until the rest of this announcement pans out, and then see what we can do from there. Maybe after Mur comes back from being sick/on vacation. [quote] [color="#CCCCCC"][font=Georgia,]Ann. 2096 - [2011-11-18 18:46:01 - Stage 11][/font][/color] [b]King Firsanthalas resigns[/b] Due to yet untold reasons King Firsanthalas resigns from his position as King of Loreroot. A forum topic about this was opened. Like the other resigned Kings, Firsanthalas agreed to finish some of the remaining kingship related activities and leave LR in good standing. Currently all kings are resigned or unable to rule (jester). I will not open any new elections season for now. [size=4][b]More details about why and what will happen next will be given in a few days. (currently there is no set plan but elections is clearly not the solution).[/b][/size] [/quote]
  10. Thursday is December 1st all over the world… Wednesday is the 30th. If you mean 2:00 ST Nov 30 then the event is in 7 hours. If you mean 2:00 ST Thursday then the event is in 31 hours.
  11. Brulant

    HC Bug?

    You're MP4, Zori. Were you victorious when you defended, or did you merely win? When you're MP3, you only have two battle outcomes. When you're MP4 and up, there are four outcomes. [quote][list] [*][b]~~VICTORIOUS~~[/b] (win+1) This type of outcome happens when both players lose at least 10% vitality and the difference between both oponents is at least 30%. The win gets counted with the win/loss ballance. [*][b]WINNER[/b] This happens when you win the fight but you don't fulfill the rules to achieve ~~VICTORIOUS~~. The win does not get counted with the win/loss ballance. [*][b]~~DEFEATED~~[/b] (loss+1) When the difference between the players is at least 90% and you lose, the lost fight gets counted with the win/loss ballance. [*][b]You Retreated[/b] When you lose a fight but the difference between you and your opponent is less than 90% you get this type of outcome and the lost fight does not get counted with the win/loss ballance. [/quote] [/list] [quote] [b]How you get heads?[/b] Every time you win against a player you get a head from him. If you are VICTORIOUS (read rules when a fight makes you victorious or just winner) you get ALL the enemy heads. While in sanctuary you can attack other players holding heads. If you have no creatures to defend yourself anybody who attacks you will get all your heads. [/quote] So, you might've just won which will still net you one head.
  12. Brulant Inner Necrovion 47 days Heraldry fully applies. And before anyone asks, it's out of focus on purpose. You'll notice that the background and shadows are completely crisp. [size=5][attachment=3358:Dream Sigil.jpg][/size]
  13. This is what it looks like. The "MagicDuel" becomes split when you have tabs open and I think some of the theme gets cut off along the bottom. I personally am not a fan of themes on my browsers, but if you get the kinks worked out of this one I just might switch over [attachment=3353:Screen Shot 2011-11-26 at 5.30.55 PM.png]
  14. 5 silver and 5 pieces of candy. Edit: For the branches. Sorry
  15. It starts on the 1st of December, MasterB 5 daysish.
  16. Happy birthday from 32k feet in the air, Pippy! And many mooooooooore~
  17. Going to be absent through most of this week while I travel. I'll still check PMs once a day, so if you need to reach me do it that way.

  18. I also have this problem. It happened most notably in the past where I had fight alarms for 4 days after Heads ended. Refreshing the browser, clearing cache, restarting the browser, using a different browser, and rebooting didn't fix it for me, so I just muted my computer for 4 days. I'd really like to see a mute alarm button (that mutes everything including alliance and pms) or just a way to reset the fight alarm.
  19. All trades have been completed and this can be closed! Thank you for you work, Mods.
  20. And the auction is closed. I'll stick around the Tranquil Plains for the next couple of days to make the trades.
  21. [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1321803929' post='96276'] If you need a force of 20, and have a constant of 10, the power must be twice the time, right? What you said is that more time = more power, but i think less time = more power. Super-fast casing means a more concentrated spell, i guess. More time lets the heat escape, you know? ~ [/quote] Thank you for catching that!! I seriously messed up some variable descriptions when I wrote them down. My handwriting isn't exactly the greatest and there were arrows everywhere! Too many arrows! Instead of rechecking what went wrong where, I just tried to make it work ([b]making me a very stupid person if you read my earlier status[/b]). To be truthful, I was rather confused when I was typing it up because it didn't sound [i]anything[/i] like what I had said earlier and it sort of broke part of my earlier theory... It should be straightened out now, sorry for the confusion. Don't allow me to work on things after midnight! [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1321803929' post='96276'] And for that last image, i think it could have a few more axis than 2. Each plane is a new level of complexity... [/quote] I could draw so many arrows and axis that it just looks like a black circle. The point of a force diagram is to help you visualize. Adding so many axis would be incredibly confusing. If you want to map out everything that affects Reality, please be my guest, it's less work for me! I didn't even want to include the Y-axis, but the engineer in me wasn't happy looking at it without a "normal" force and "gravity". [quote name='ColdSteel566' timestamp='1321780209' post='96253'] In the discussion, we never mentioned [i]where [/i]the 'object' (reality) is. Which, is significant... Consider the object of reality like an airplane, it must have enough upward force to fly, along with enough forward force. (I know a bit about planes so can further explain what I mean) [/quote] Where Reality is? Um, it's sort of everywhere. Reality is Reality. It's not a box, wheel, sled, car, ball, spring, plane, penguin, carrot, molecule, or person. It just Is. It's an object at rest unless something acts upon it. When it is at rest, there are only two forces affecting it; Decay and growth.
  22. Last day of bidding, auction ends at 00:00 ST tomorrow.
  23. "Q&A in the DQ", "Implications of the Former", and "Changing the Variables of Magic" were just added to the initial post. The latter is a practical culmination of what I have theorized and hypothesized so far.
  24. Here is a log of a lovely conversation I had with Krioni in the Defensive Quarters. In it I answer a couple of general questions and he asks some very interesting questions that I begin to answer. I suggest that you read it [log Q&A in the DQ] [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]Hello, Krioni. [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]And Pothos! This is where you got to. [20/11/11 02:12] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello Brulant [20/11/11 02:15] [b]Brulant:[/b]I hear that you're studying magic. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]closes book[/i]* Well, as much as I can I think. I read what I could find in the Archives. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b]Trying to figure out what to do next. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* The Archives are a good start. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]leans comfortably up against the wall[/i]* What have you learned so far? [20/11/11 02:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, it seems the majority of what magic is is some sort of netherly cloud, not really defined. What can be defined are these Principles. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But the principles themselves can be contradictory to each other. I know I don [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Don't comprehend all of it. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles broadly[/i]* I believe I may be able to help you, if you don't mind a bit of reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I love reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]I myself just concluded enough research to feel comfortable in creating a few new theories. [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Brulant:[/b] [[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10985-interaction-of-principles-theory-and-magical-force-hypotheses/"]Forum link[/url]] [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]I saw what you had written, though I haven't read it all yet *[i]begins reading[/i]* [20/11/11 02:22] [b]Krioni:[/b]So to make sure I understand correctly, Laws are derived from what the Principles are, right? [20/11/11 02:23] [b]Krioni:[/b]Neat teleportation example. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Sorry, I spaced out. *[i]shakes his head to clear it[/i]* [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]The Laws, as I put them, are summarized principles. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* no problem. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Since the Principles define this Realm and, by extension, Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]They are the "laws" of Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right. More of what they are instead of just a name. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Hello Krioni. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Greetings Sir Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol blinks.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello! I don't believe we have properly met. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]A..ah.. Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol chuckles.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]No we have not, not formally. [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]I am Amoran Kalamanira Kol, I am the Sibyl of the Eclipse. *[i]smiles[/i]* And you, friend? [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, I am Krioni *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not much more, not much less, still learning. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b] *[i]furrows her brow and goes quiet, turning to Brulant.[/i]* Pardon me if I interrupted a conversation. Word had reached that magic was being discussed here. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]In a way. I have grown curious on the subject and exhausted the Archive, so I am reading Brulant's theories on the subject. [20/11/11 02:33] [b]:[/b][i]Krioni finishes reading[/i] [20/11/11 02:34] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]thinks for a moment[/i]* I believe I understand, though in a way that the more I understand, the more I realize I don't. [20/11/11 02:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]I think about a simple example and say "Oh, here is the combination and theory in how it acts* and then realize that each of those combinations could be even more complex. [20/11/11 02:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the action of a spell has distinct start and end, acceleration and deceleration. Than the F-something is then the acceleration. [20/11/11 02:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]The spell runs its course at the speed desired and slows via the Magic Friction to Reality's natural resting point. Except that point is ([i]hopefully[/i]) where the caster desired. [20/11/11 03:16] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is something tricky that we're not sure is possible. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is the change of speed over time, and who's to say that spell speed can be increased? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, when I think about it, lets say I want to heal someone. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then again, who's to say it can't? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]And lets talk Magic acceleration, much like you talk magic friciton. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]*friction [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]Alright. You have piqued my interest. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Let us in this case assume the person would naturally heal over time. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But I want them healed now. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I want to shift them to that reality where they are healed, though reality is already slowly turning to that existence. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]So I apply a force to displace them to that position faster. I apply a force. I accelerate them. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ahha! See, you've said it yourself. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are accelerating the _person_ [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Not the spell. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]I misspoke them, I meant to say the spell itself is the force. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]*then [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Brulant:[/b]But your force itself isn't changing. Just the person. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]But, what would happen if you could accelerate the spell? An interesting question. *[i]thinks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Krioni:[/b]Wait, what do you mean my force isn't changing? [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are applying a constant magical force to that person. [20/11/11 03:23] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which is defined by the amount of Reality's static friction that you must overcome. [20/11/11 03:24] [b]Krioni:[/b]So can you not just apply enough force to overcome that static friction? [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]This is where I'm not able to concretely tie things in with my theory yet. I've talked about them, but am not confident in saying this is how it is. [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm, but how would you do it. How can you apply more force to someone else without displacing yourself? How do you anchor yourself? [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]Whenever we cast a spell, it costs heat, yes? [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]I assume, that is what I have read. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]You don't need anchoring, you're not applying force to yourself. *[i]winks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]Or even through yourself, really. Reality fills in the opposing forces. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]That heat allows our spell to overcome Reality's static friction. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Is what I am assuming. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then, another force, which could be heat but might not be, is the actual force of our spell. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]F"something" [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which I think we could call Fmagic to make things easier. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]Fheat is _always_ equal to Fstaticreality. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]So our principles and the spell structure the direction, the heat allows us to overcome the Reality static friction, and then the F-something actually is the force that begins the acceleration. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]But there is no acceleration, you see. Not of the spell. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]If Fmagic was GREATER than Fmagicalfriction, then the spell would speed up. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not of the spell, but of the object through reality. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]It depends what type of spell you're casting. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]For instance; a movelock spell. There we twisting reality to imprison someone. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]I wonder if we could create spells with heat upkeeps to keep the force running… hmm. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things only decelerate or stop if the backwards force is greater than the forwards force. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]is muttering to himself now[/i]* So our forward force, the Fmagic, must suddenly disappear… but why I wonder... [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Krioni:[/b]So there is a reality that says x object can move y speed. We want to change the reality state of x to where y is zero. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]looks back up[/i]* _A_ Reality? I think it's safe to say that there is only one Reality. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]And we're not just changing Reality for that one object, we change it for everyone. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]Everyone has to accept that that thing has changed. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Krioni:[/b]But what if there is one active reality for each person, though an infinite amount of possible realities. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Krioni:[/b]And then an overarching Reality which is the state of all current realities for every real object. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, I would call those an existence, not a Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]We can change something existence, but not its Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]The principles only let us change how we act through Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]somethings*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, if we change definition like that, wouldn't a real objects current existence be it's reality? [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]But something cannot have it's own Reality unless it reject every other Reality. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then the reality and the object operates under its current state as defined by its resting state. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]And if it does that, it can no longer affect other Realities. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright, so you are saying there is one Reality. No matter how many real objects exist in that reality. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]I am. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]Object exist, Reality is. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]Objects*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]My, I'm having trouble with my "s" key tonight.[/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b]So then spells affect reality, right? [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b] ([i]no problem [/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Yes. [20/11/11 03:39] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then why does reality snap back in some instances and not in others? If you teleport, you do not un-teleport later, right? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Krioni:[/b]But then why do people who are move-locked regain the ability to move? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Good question! *[i]grins[/i]* [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Think of the rubber band as Reality wanting to return to it's non-fluid state. [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things don't return to exactly the way they are [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]But Reality does become concrete again. [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh, so what if you think of teleporting as the act of not existing in a material place. Reality can snap back to you existing, but then you have modified where. [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of it as I allow Reality to snap back, but I guess that's one way of saying it. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]As long as we apply the force, Reality will allow us to change it. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]Oh! Think of it like making a clay pot. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right, so you can keep applying the force to stay non-material. Than just release the force when you are done. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, but what exactly does applying that constant force mean for you? [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Most spells seem to happen in a heartbeat. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Resisting Reality can't be easy. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, what if time is a factor of reality as well. Maybe this entire time we are expending a certain amount of energy to create a force that counteracts the time factor of Reality when we do a spell. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Brulant:[/b]Time is factored in to force. [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]You can't calculate a force without a time.*[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]F = m x ([i](Vf - Vi[/i]) / ([i]Tf - Vi[/i]) ) [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Krioni:[/b]In the physical world. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of Magic as a physical force. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the force to suspend aspects of reality operates via a different unit? [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, suspending different forces of Reality is something… different. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Because if you act to do something instantaneously, it should take in infinite amount of force. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Such as teleporting. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]In our time, it seems to happen instantaneously [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Brulant:[/b]It's 1) Not instantaneous, just very very very very short and 2) You'd still only enough force to overcome the instantaneous force of Reality. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]But it takes a finite amount of resources for you to do it, right? [20/11/11 03:49] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]This is fun. [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, yes it is. [/log]
  25. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1321738844' post='96228'] I like this, and will type up a bigger erply, but in my own Magic Theory, I simply use Fstaticreality & Fmagicalfriction = Viscosity. Without our effort in moving, or magicking, Viscosity tends to crystalize Reality into a static form. In movement, and otherwise. [/quote] I look forward to your reply, Maebius. Viscosity is a force that may act upon Reality, but does it act against Magic? I don't think so. it's present but not part of. However, I think you maybe possibly might have just filled in one of the Y-axis forces. I was hesitant to name a force that I hadn't give much thought to, and I still am, but Viscosity may fit in very well. ----- Edit: A couple of hours later and I'm still not sure what the Y-axis forces are. I know that Viscosity is a part of the down force, but it definitely isn't the entire down force. Maybe I'm attacking this too straight on. What opposes Viscosity… hmm ----- Edit 2: Actually, as I say that, I think I know what they Y-axis forces are. My initial problem was trying to relate the X-axis forces that deal with Magic to the Y-axis forces, but, just like with a dragging a box across a table, they really aren't related. In the example of the box, gravity and normal force have nothing to do with the dragging force and friction. Get it? That being said now, the Y-axis downward force in Entropy (death, decay, disuse, viscosity, forgotten history, etc etc etc) which would make the upward force is Syntropy (the events that will come to pass, growth, new life, people, ideas, innovation, exploring, etc etc!). If those two forces are not in check, Reality would collapse much like a box would if gravity was taken out of the equation. Does that make sense? ----- Edit 3: There is now a more completed diagram at the end of the initial post
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