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Everything posted by Trola

  1. Item 1 x 1 - 15 plushies Item 2 x 1 - 10 plushies Item 13 x 4 - 40 plushies Item 15 x 1 - 7 plushies Total: 72 plushies ID: 850955 - jewelshards, kellethafire ID: 859436 - jewelshards, kellethafire Thank you
  2. Happened to me at least once, I was online a lot and collected quite a few chest so maybe more you collect less you get
  3. Teleport to Paper cabin stone please
  4. Thanks for all the offers, got what I needed. Not sure how I can close this thread, besides writing above.
  5. Is it too late to make one small additional purchase? 3x Item 12: 1 wiiya. Price: 1 plushie - total 3 plushies
  6. Not sure about value, but we will figure something out
  7. Hope this this is still going on???? This was ma second attempt - first one failed miserably???? Everything prepared. Few moments later everything is ready About week later first sprout spotted! Exactly month after planting here's the progress After another month and a half month later we do have some flower buds Here is firs bloomer ???? (unfortunately card with name haven't make it, but you can still see L) Shortly after rest joined
  8. Item 6 - Wind Drachorn egg - 2836 age ID 793846 - 55 plushies
  9. Item 6 - Wind Drachorn egg - 2836 age ID 793846 - 45 plushies
  10. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 55 plushies
  11. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 51 plushies
  12. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 45 plushies
  13. Item 8- Darkling 40 plushies
  14. Item 1, item 2, Item 3,Item 4, Item 5 - total 77 plushies
  15. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 30 plushies
  16. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 20 plushies
  17. I'll go with 3 tokens applied to creature, please Don't know which ones yet... Any suggestions? Edit: Possibly I read that wrong and I don't get to chose tokens:P Here is ID: 601643
  18. I can confirm, lost around 350 by not logging in yesterday????
  19. Then 1 GC + 15SC for Santa 2
  20. Will you accept 1GC + 15 SC as a bid for Santa 1 or 2?
  21. When clicking on the bottle in front of Howling Gates alert with syntax error is showed up (seems like related to playing sound since AP increase is working) In Avatar Vault following warning is displayed Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/userprofile/load_avatarvault.php on line 48
  22. While uploading an avatar following warnings are displayed. Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/userprofile/ajax.avatar_upload.php on line 27 Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/userprofile/ajax.avatar_upload.php on line 185
  23. Due to lack of skills and even less experience I chose something simple yet delicious - pieczonki ???? Ingredients: couple carrots twice as many potatoes one beetroot 3 onions couple sausages solid piece of bacon bit of lard (optional) salt & pepper cabbage leaves (optional) Step 1 Chop and cut everything into thin slices. Step 2 Note: I'm using here iron cast pot due to special cooking method, but plain heat resistant pot and oven are just fine Now place ingredients into pot in following layers. First potatoes, onions, beets, bacon & sausages, salt & pepper and optionally small piece of lard (usually when lean meat used). Afterwards repeat until either you don't have enough ingredients or enough place in pot ???? Step 3 Once you finished with stacking layers put on top cabbage leafs (just under pot cover) or thin aluminum foil, and cover everything up. My pot has screws because you know MAG is hungry so more layers = better???? Step 4 Rather simple step prepare heat source - either oven (180 degrees C) or plain bonfire. Trick here is to put pot on embers(?) not open fire. Usually it takes 1:15 hours to cook, but believe me you'll smell when they're ready ???? Step 5 - hardest one Wait until ready Step 6 Once taken out of the oven or bonfire, mix contents thoroughly. Step 7 Enjoy! Smacznego
  24. I would like to participate too. Everything is prepared for tomorrow. But I would like to ask if it's ok to enter tomorrow morning? I though there was time till the end of April, but now I cannot find it and I'm afraid I confused deadline with some other quest ???? Edit: Actually found the deadline
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