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Everything posted by duxie

  1. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]stay safe, and keep the same spirit in RL [/font][/size]
  2. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]*shrugs* I'd like to participate [/font][/size]
  3. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1309540562' post='86948'] Apostrophes in clickie titles... Use & then # then 39 then ; (five characters in a row - when I put it here, it turns into an apostrophe!) This is then interpreted as html. Thanks for the tip, Chewett. btw - chewett says use code tags in the forum, and it will let you spell such things out. That's [ followed by "code" then ] then the thing itself then [ followed again by code, then / and ] [/quote] [size="2"][font="Verdana"]about code thing: you can use "Code" style from drop down box at top left corner (near fonts, size). you can even mark a piece of text you want to make as code and then select that style btw slash thingie "/" must be right after "[" in closing tag part like in any other closing tag [/font][/size]
  4. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]I don't like the last one, but that might be the matter of taste. And not sure about the one before the last I love the one with shades. Overall they're nice, tempting. Interesting background, hehe [/font][/size]
  5. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1308162209' post='86288'] I think it's sad that MD seems to be boiling in its own vapours and majors research results do not result in new insights and features but recognize that some door that were opened for everybody should be shut... And if you joined the game later - well, sorry you missed the bus. [/quote] [size="2"][font="Verdana"] xrieg, one experienced player once told me that something like 2-3 months before I joined the game, they've been sacing Angien eggs for max VE (4K he said, if my memory doesn't lie to me). I can't confirm that fact, it might be just a rumor - elders can tell us. But how would you feel to miss that train? Lets not forget GG drachs were easy to get at some moment, we missed that one too. New mp5's could complain they can't max their crits so easy as it was 2 months before - they sure missed that train. Everything's changing, but MD prevails. That's the fact and it talks for itself. [/font][/size]
  6. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]*shrugs* if to talk about combat - not like Angiens do really help newbies nowadays. If you know how to use them properly - you're not a newbie. I have a good example of me and lone wolf pup It was my mistake to lose interest in Angiens, but the situation in MD really helped here - I was too concentrated in getting and understanding more rare creatures, hence I worked way more to get into and understand other lands then explore MB. Anyways, I had 0 friends in here when I started playing, I was/am a total newbie, not like few of you against this idea You knew where you're heading to from the very beginning, I had/have to find this yet, and the mystery factor does work here at least for the kind as me. I love backlash ro post, hehe... "It s not enough that all of the contests,quests(mainly the good stuff) go to the old players" - only in combat situations where most of the old players are mp5-6, which has nothing to do with newbies. Everything other (contests, quests) in fact help newbies to get closer to elders, makes them more equal, stats/creatures/mp doesn't help here, which is... what you want, no? Not like Angiens will become a rare creature after this. There are what? Thousands of them in our pockets? They might become hard to get for newbies, this is true, but also newbies will be way more anxious to get such a reward. You wont be able to get rich on newbies - they don't have the buying power, and every elder has them, so no money for Angiens this way too. But there's a lot of players who don't really care about another piece of silver and they will support contests/quests with excess of Angiens, which is great - more pleasant reward = bigger interest in quest, and quests are what elders use to move newbies around... or keep them attached Be fair, Angiens will still be way easier to get for newbies then drachs... not talking about GG one, to buy a drach from the shop you need to become mp4 + spend > 250 days in MD which doesn't make you a newbie anymore for sure. And no newbie will pay a $ for the game he hasn't played enough to like it, which again doesn't make him a newbie. bleh, sorry, made it too long... [/font][/size]
  7. [size="2"][font="Verdana"] *claps* IMO correct motivation and a good start. I just would put the entrance to the Angien's Shrine inside Sage's Keep (boat or tunnel *shrugs*), so it is still in a reach, still draws attention. That way it is more interesting, more tempting, more mysterious then the banned one. Also I would think to put a WP payment for that entrance, so only really dedicated to the secret people would want to take it. That might look the same as to put 3WP payment on the current boat, but from my small experience I would say that Sage's Keep has the least popularity comparing to other "secret" places in other lands (I might be wrong, but that's just an opinion). So that way you would have 2 secret places in MB more wannable to research, and people use to stick to the places of their purpose. That's just an idea, tons of alternatives are possible. All i want to say - things are way more interesting when they are hard to get, then impossible ones [/font][/size]
  8. [size="2"][font="Verdana"] woohoo! *high fives Nim* nice job! thanks for the quest, Burns! totally agree with Nimrodel, it moved me to a different level of the game [/font][/size]
  9. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1307480638' post='85905'] If an idea is seen that has been asked before, consensus can usually judged, based from what happened previously, which is then the responce. [/quote] [size="2"][font="Verdana"]erm... what? [/font][/size]
  10. [size="2"][font="Verdana"] i had an idea about this... shouldn't be hard to show a static timer next to the link on how much time left for it to refresh (24 hours interval). each time i go to free credits i wish it to be made [/font][/size]
  11. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]happy birthday, Shem [/font][/size]
  12. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]a little off-topic - Neno, you're the author of both your avys? i mean the plushy bear and the current?[/font][/size]
  13. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]could be a button before "Players online here:X" called something like "Brief scene info", or just "Info". when you click it - new on-top panel pops up with info about the room. such panel already exists with some info about this and that in some scenes, you just need to press a clickie. would be useful for those who needs the info, and not disturbing for those who don't. [/font][/size]
  14. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]close this, please. thank you [/font][/size]
  15. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]as topic says - i want to buy Tainted Angien. i'm willing to pay 23gc + (add your negotiation price). PM me in forums or in game if you're interested in this offer [/font][/size]
  16. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]woohoo! happy birthday! [/font][/size]
  17. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]heh ok, 22gc for tainted [/font][/size]
  18. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]tried it too few days before. with chrome it didn't work, with FF - did.[/font][/size]
  19. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]tainted 20gc[/font][/size]
  20. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]tainted 17gc[/font][/size]
  21. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]tainted 16gc[/font][/size]
  22. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]cancelling my bid for now.[/font][/size]
  23. [size="2"][font="Verdana"] *nods* thanks, dst, for response [/font][/size]
  24. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]*ponders* now where did the promised reward go?.. or is this just me who's left without it? i thought it was: Aniv. Aramor, GG drach, 10gc. am i mistaken or something else happened? would love some clarification. thank you. [/font][/size]
  25. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]i might try if i'll have some spare time and... price really depends on requirements, i.e. on your explanation what you want [/font][/size]
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