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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. Ace of red clubs, jack of red clubs, queen of black diamonds, jack of black hearts, one of each so 12 silver?
  2. The morphs are still snowballs, I've kept them tradeable since the last melt.
  3. acorn, amber-ed rune, angien cufflinks, angry mask, apothecary box, awful pie, blue ink, brass monocle, cherry jam, colorful stone, crystal chimes, drachorn book ends, elf ears, exotic perfume, exquisite bookmark, flower pot, fool's cap, heretic archer pin badge, gum wrapper collection, knator essence, marble slab, messenger bag, mulled wine, petals, plumed hat, root warrior pin badge, smelling salts, toy fairy, wool gloves, white flower wreath.
  4. I don't train anymore, but have a relatively large collection of rare creatures that some might find more useful than I. This will not go in typical auction fashion but you can pm me or leave a message in this thread if you're interested. I am willing to sell/trade them for an agreed upon sum of credits or in some special cases rp/non-rp items. Morph - 1412 age 18 tokens [spoiler]claw2,claw1,stardust,antifreeze,blackdiamonds,goldtear,emeraldglare,firedrop,purpurfog,onyxfangs,darkshield,blacktear,darksky,sunshine,goldbelt,claw3,blooddrop1,blooddrop2[/spoiler] Morph - 1352 age 0 tokens Rein - 1659 age 20 tokens [spoiler]goldtear,blooddrop1,blooddrop1,claw1,claw2,stardust,antifreeze,enlightning,onyxfangs,blacktear,darkshield,sunshine,goldbelt,claw3,blackdiamonds,emeraldglare,kellethafire,osirisbelt,firedrop,darksky[/spoiler] Rein 1411 age 19 tokens [spoiler]claw2,claw1,stardust,antifreeze,blackdiamonds,goldtear,emeraldglare,kellethafire,osirisbelt,firedrop,onyxfangs,darkshield,blacktear,darksky,goldbelt,claw3,blooddrop2,blooddrop3,blooddrop1[/spoiler] Angien 1577 age 20 tokens [spoiler]claw1,emeraldglare,stardust,darkshield,onyxfangs,goldbelt,sunshine,claw2,antifreeze,kellethafire,blacktear,darksky,blackdiamonds,goldtear,firedrop,osirisbelt,claw3,blooddrop1,blooddrop2,blooddrop3[/spoiler] GG 837 age 0 tokens I also have a couple of sharpies, a soulweaver, and a couple of santas(one heavily tokened) if anyone is interested.
  5. An item that temporarily marks a location for public meeting. Balanced in that it merely gives a person the option to jump to that location. Could be used for quest givers that don't have the spell to congregate participants. Not something you'd put at a shared item location though.
  6. Yeah, I apologize. I was feeling mischievous, not that it helped me anyway.
  7. Muahahahaha. I didn't like your cakes.
  8. Here's my entry. It was a fun and tasty experience, I hardly ever bake. Happy birthday MD. :) [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  9. ChildOfTheSoul AD: 907 I've been around for a while, and have been reasonably active during that time except for lately. I am impartial enough that I can keep secrets and help to make the appropriate decisions required of a council member.
  10. I'm sure since Alyon is the boss heads master he is capable of just removing the stats* from the participants for the contest period. MP5s have always had a distinct advantage over Mp3s and 4s combat-wise. He's just not limiting the contest because other mind powers may want to play anyway, fully upgraded creatures or not. Edit: or restricting the use of stats between competitors through game mechanics, etc.* Edit 2: There aren't any rules against colored creatures this time, it seems.
  11. Thanks.
  12. I would participate in this.
  13. Alright, no judging. Sorry Chew.
  14. Correct. My family has so many pilots in it, I feel ashamed for not having one of them teach me. P.s. My roommate is out of the house, at boot camp then off to serve a term. So technically I live alone right now.
  15. DD - 1? Nah, my dad actually [i]is[/i] in prison.
  16. I play a ton of league of legends, it's what I spend most of my time doing, by far. Which is... kind of depressing, I guess. If anyone wants to play with me, I'd be happy to add them. My main is lucidflash, even though I play on EU and have an NA smurf. Back in middle school, all we did was play go, but I'm a bit rusty. As for console games, I'm a huge fan of Shooters/RPGs and a mixture thereof. Bioshock, the mass effect trilogy, even games like Dead Space and Dishonored appeal to me. I have a Wii, 360, and Ps3, and I tend to play a variety of genres, but mostly shooters. My friends all enjoy tabletop. Our local hobby shop always has something going, whether it be Settlers of Catan or Heroclix. While I haven't played much of it lately, I've collected and played Magic: The Gathering for over 8 years. Also, I live with someone that DMs quite frequently, so I tend to get roped into his campaigns for D&D. Basically I play everything. >>
  17. Cheng - 3? 1. My father is in prison. 2. I know how to fly small aircraft. 3. I live alone in an apartment.
  18. Happy birthday, Change. p.s. When I read this topic title at first, I thought DD was asking for a change to something with the abbreviation "hbd"
  19. 4 gold for that santa. o.o
  20. I'd like the tag "wanderer" and 4-8 casts of the Teleport to Papercabin spell, so that I can always find my way back home. I'd like these to start building a role around. I know it should be the other way around, but this thread was started, and I couldn't help but ask. Edit: If the tag that I'm requesting has certain connotations, seeing as it seems like it's kind of... taken, then I'd just like to request the Teleport to Papercabin spell.
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