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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. Congratulations on the move, and good luck.
  2. six silver.
  3. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1330237356' post='105171'] how sure are you that participants will not use more than 200 attack of their profile stat? [b]most[/b] of the players hide their personal profile page with other stuffs [/quote] I would suggest that Krioni receive a "Profile and Personal Characteristics" Screenshot from every entrant. Then again.. some people might not like that.
  4. Do you consider a sharptear to be a lorerootian creature? It's from the shop but a variation of a lorerootian archer..
  5. Either angien: 3 silver. (maybe a stone thrown in if you're actually interested in that bid.)
  6. edit: understood. bid retracted.
  7. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1329410829' post='104465'] If I had access to the dice in game I would run it differently but I don't so I wont. [/quote] Doesn't everyone technically have "access" to the dice in-game?
  8. Yeah, we definitely want them back.
  9. It's been said before, but I should probably mention: Firefox is the browser that MD was intended for, and it seems to produce the least bugs. With chrome I've experienced messaging problems, more ajax errors, messed up fonts, scene loading errors, and so on. I use chrome for everything BUT md.
  10. I like the "People who also viewed this item viewed" section. You just HAVE to buy the accompanying horse head mask.
  11. This is a little poem I wrote tonight standing in a blizzard. Here we go.... February Fourteenth Snow falls this morning Like a sick cherub's molted feathers Thick, furious flakes Hordes of people flock to stores Skin red and sore Love's bite, the sting of Love's arrow A car crashes into a snow bank Love's gentle embrace Yes, snow falls On the day of warmth and love Wishing you a warmer Valentine's Day than mine,[center][center] - Cots[/center][/center]
  12. By its' very definition, a slave is the legal property of an owner, forced to obey their wishes. If this were the singular definition for a slave in MD terms, wouldn't the idea of "buying" the rights to someone, from that person be impossible? If the property of a slave becomes the owner's at the time of sale, how can any slave turn a profit from selling themselves? Or is slavery in md just control of a person's free will, save giving away their items and such? Maybe slavery changes to a certain degree, depending on how a person was sold. A slavery auction is supposed to be fun, where you have your slave perform certain tasks, slavery by Mur's definition is having a leash around your throat, Hedge's definition is having ownership to a person permanently, etc.? Is there a way to define slave in MD terms that encompasses the opinions of everyone? Please share your thoughts and opinions.
  13. If this item existed, people would be scared to idle. I like having idle targets.
  14. Should I message my master to make slavery arrangements? o.o
  15. You know you've been on MD too much when your inbox looks like a mountain range of "Re:"s. Edit: When looked at from the side, of course.
  16. I feel that the first thing I should note is that Pipstickz created the forum topic "The Fate of CotE" of his own volition. I did not goad him into responding to my Public log entries. That aside, I appreciate him standing up for me. I am aware of the fact that the members of CotE speak in character, most notably Tarquinus, Phantom Orchid, and Amoran K Kol. I am not angry at the labels that they have given me, I am also fine with whatever thoughts or opinions the general public might have of me. As Esmaralda said, it's the actions that define a person, and my actions spoke when I decided to hand over CotE to Pipstickz despite making an oath to protect and defend it. The second most important fact is that I failed to give CotE back, despite promising to follow through with that action as well. I deserve whatever label those affected feel the need to give me, and maybe someday I will change their minds. That is all I have to say on the subject.
  17. I can't help but agree with Udgard. Whether someone depletes resources is up to them, but is also subject to public disapproval. They aren't really stealing, but they are making the decision to open themselves up to criticism. It is perfectly reasonable to let other people know who's been depleting resources as a public announcement for trades and such, but people tend to go to extremes.
  18. Alright, sounds good. You can message me with your quote.
  19. I think it's fine to have the Crafters material vault keep the badge of the Crafters. It's not really a player anyhow, so you would really have to be saying, "The rules apply to everything." Plus, it's not like they're breaking any rules, it was just there before alliance play was restricted to MP4+. Rare, but not worth eliminating.
  20. 100-200, sir Nadrolski.
  21. Currently, I have an assortment of enchanted stones, 48 blank stones, a sharpie, and various other creatures and items. I'm interested in purchasing water, tea leaves, and aromatic herbs. If anyone is interested please contact me in-game, or via forum conversation.
  22. I really enjoyed finding songs for everyone. It took a little bit longer than expected, and I might go back and change some of the songs... but it was really fun. I'm glad everything worked out so that you could make this.
  23. I've been having a lot of timeouts when trying to get to MD and refreshing it. I just browse the forums during downtimes, haha.
  24. Four kiwis later, I realize that I'm allergic to kiwis. ouch.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      yeah, it's mild. swollen lips, pain, a little bit of bleeding. And yes, I SHOULD have eaten bananas. :)

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol
    4. ChildOfTheSoul
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