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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. haha, yeah. I was thinking about making a bug report on the subject, but tankfans beat me to the punch.
  2. Well, there are quite a few announcements and only a few pages on the wiki. Wouldn't this kill the random page function? I picture myself always jumping to a random announcement page. Other than that, I think it would be a good idea to move them over to the wiki. You say you want them moved, and not duplicated? Meaning they'd be removed from the site and placed on the wiki?
  3. Goodness gracious. I didn't want to make it seem like I was forever going to randomly close my auctions, so I put "sold, please close." to avoid saying, "canceled". Let me rephrase: I didn't sell the drach at all, I just canceled the auction due to a personal reason. I wonder which answer makes people less angry. >>
  4. ...
  5. Just as we were beginning our epic adventure, too. This news falls on my heart like an anvil. I'll miss you, lord tipu.
  6. yeah, I saw that. It was in Tipu's thread.
  7. I suppose you're right. I just don't feel like just because we have alcohol, sex, and death we should add theft and drugs. Honestly, I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I have nothing against adding ways to steal or have a black market. It would be pretty neat, but there might be a line somewhere that we shouldn't cross. Maybe just keep things light-hearted, I don't know...
  8. Hi there. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brulant


      Because it's getting harder and harder to breathe? What is that from… oh no… Maroon 5. *rinses his brain with Brahms*

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      *pollutes his mind with bleepy music*

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Sorry bru, you lose a point. Pink Floyd.

  9. So you're saying that Magic Duel should both advocate and frown upon the use of drugs and alcohol?
  10. I agree with Grido in that Mur has to maintain a certain standard within the game. Although the game is populated with a majority of adults, I believe that older players and the creator do a good job in keeping MD clean and friendly to people of all ages. Including questionable activities, like getting high off of nightshade may be crossing the line a little bit. As for the sexual activity in-game, it is frowned upon. I don't think MasterB states what the effects of the nightshade are... it's not like he posts in the Mood Panel, "Oh, I'm tripping so hard right now." Anyways, I don't think that nightshade is a big deal, but maybe there are certain lines that we shouldn't cross that I'm not thinking of.
  11. I would buy and drink SO MUCH WATER. Just saying....
  12. I was curious about whether or not he has some sort of control over head movement when he fights. Edit: phrased strangely.
  13. Regardless, I'm pretty sure that everyone is getting the same treatment. Is Eon in control of whether or not he can perpetually gain heads? Can he turn it off? Is it worth ranting about in the mood panel, forum panel, and multiple topics?
  14. so you're saying that because he's attacking you, he's breaking some sort of rule, or is abusing his power? I'm pretty sure Eon attacks you 24/7 anyhow. BHC is no exception.
  15. Well, that's not very threatening of you...
  16. edit: Eon gave an answer before I could type anything. I suppose that MDA should still be off limits if the tribunal and gg are.
  17. I placed with one of my MP3 alts by logging in once and idling.
  18. Heads contests are meant to be challenging. Being teleported back to central areas, clash between BHC and regular HC, and other general unfairness serves to keep the competition alive. Like Pip said, just be paranoid. I understand your frustration, but I also think you should just enjoy the ride. HC can be really fun.
  19. Edit: I don't know how to phrase my post without it sounding offensive. I'll leave it alone.
  20. I'll put myself up for auction. I've purchased the first clicky access (is that grade 4?), and your wish is my command. ,
  21. I agree with Falronn. Having one leader for each land just makes sense.
  22. I agree that MD should have more of an interface designed to facilitate war. If a war spell like that does get made, I would suggest making it a four cast or less spell, just so a person can't make a "declare war" stone. haha. There are other ways to accomplish the same task other than making "Declare War" into a spell. There could be an item or, like I said, a programmed interface. I suppose we'll see what happens with the monarchy and government system.
  23. Completely swapping the influences might be a bit extreme. Maybe make it similar to skillvampire and only drain some influences?
  24. [quote name='durex' timestamp='1327863759' post='102797'] Unholy Priest Heat 702122 Age 257 Imperial Aramor Heat 513958 Age 240 i accept credits ,trade ,sc , [/quote] I think there's an Imp and a UP left.
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