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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. Actually, yeah. I was curious as to whether we were bidding for both of them, or whether the bids on them need to be separate. At first, I misread and thought that Rhaegar had locked down one at a bid of 16 gold,which turned out to be an initial bid of 16 silver. If we are bidding on individual tokens, then the auction is thoroughly messed up.
  2. ChildOfTheSoul 7 gold.
  3. I would be willing to buy yours for 15 gold. Keep that in mind, I guess.
  4. Having participated greatly in the hibernation of the CotE badge, I would like to say that I wish for it to be returned. I had this strange expectation that Pip would actually do something with it once he acquired it, but he didn't. I don't see why it shouldn't be returned to its' rightful owners.
  5. I think it's ridiculous that the Legend Speakers' badge was killed. I always considered the "three or more" rule to be more of a security fail-safe than anything else. So that one person couldn't monopolize an alliance badge. Am I wrong?
  6. Uh... spart just died because no one in the entire realm was willing to save him? I have something like 50 gold in my inventory going nowhere. What kept the decent people in this realm from resurrecting him? Is there something I'm missing here?
  7. If this game were just blue text, half of the player-base would be gone.
  8. Alright, auction closed. Sold to Stavaroiu for 23 gold.
  9. I decided to make this in a separate topic from my tainted thread for organizational purposes. Same rules as the last one, will last one week or 24 hours after the last bid. I will accept credits, coins, and rare items. As always, I will not cancel except under extenuating circumstances. Child's Madhorn Stored Heat: 12088677 Age: 535 Tokens(20): darkshield, onyxfangs, goldbelt, claw1, stardust, antifreeze, darksky, blacktear, claw2, blackdiamonds, goldtear, blooddrop3, kellethafire, enlightening, purpurmoon, firedrop, sineshine, claw3, blooddrop1, blooddrop2.
  10. My phrasing was pretty bad on that one. It was mostly meant to keep the auction open for any potential bidders, even after the week period, but I suppose I can end it. I was waiting on an anonymous bidder, but I think he's done negotiating. Sold to Shadowseeker for 15 gold. Edit: A moderator can close this topic.
  11. In the past, my auctions have been disorganized and have sold far too many creatures. I thought I would take it a little bit slower this time, and just sell my tainted. I will accept rare items, credits, and coins as bids for this auction. I will assign a price to the item, if need be, and credits convert to coins at 5 credits to one gold. This auction will end after one week, or 24 hours after the last bid.[b]This auction will not be canceled except under extenuating circumstances. [/b] Alone Stored Heat: 11615758 Age:252 Good luck, and happy bidding.
  12. Even on hiatus, I can't help but feel like I'm playing MD about as much as I usually would.

  13. My life has been kind of a mess lately, and I just haven't had time for MD along with everything else. I will log in occasionally to perform TK tasks, if need be, but I really won't be around until April 14th. I understand that I haven't really been active lately, but I thought that I should put something up just so everyone knows.
  14. You will be missed. Good luck with everything, Sagewoman.
  15. And the new content keeps on piling up.

    1. Chewett


      try the mark community read button

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      I'm sure I'll just read it all eventually. thanks, Chewett.

  16. From a universal standpoint, life has no inherent meaning or value. Living is not the intrinsic "positive" over death, because the universe assigns no intrinsic value to anything at all. Unless we bring religious opinions into the conversation, human beings have no real way of knowing what happens after death, only what they experience in life. Personally, I believe that we as individuals must struggle to assign purpose and fulfillment to our own lives. It is only us that determine whether our life was lived fully and complete or not. We only achieve what we believe we achieve. We only have lived a full life of purpose and happiness if we believe we have. I like to think of life as a book, and we fill it with our experiences and feelings. It is our choice how our book is written, and how it ends. We determine whether we write a good book, or a bad book. Just a couple of thoughts on the subject.
  17. Have a good move, Peace.
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