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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. 1 gold, 5 silver.
  2. As far as I can remember, the going rate on tokens has been 2 silver per. so yeah, a little over 2 gold.
  3. I would appreciate it if the example is removed/changed or a mod forcefully removes/changes it. There are some people that shouldn't know how to cast silence and will after reading this topic. >>
  4. 4 silver.
  5. Banned for banning someone for a ridiculous reason.
  6. I managed to get one. Please close this topic.
  7. I can go 13.
  8. I'll give you 6 gold for that santa, you'd be a third of the way toward any of those creatures.
  9. My mistake, 11 gold.
  10. As the title states, I'm looking for a GG Drachorn. Please pm me or post the creature with your asking price. Thanks in advance.
  11. 10 gold.
  12. I vote for Zen Tao. I believe she possesses the required experience and motivation to run the Treasure Keepers both successfully and efficiently. I can say from personal experience that she communicates well with others and is driven by care for the alliance, rather than personal gain.
  13. Happy Birthday, Zen.
  14. Although I am applying myself, I agree that Zen is the most suitable candidate.
  15. Name: ChildOfTheSoul ID: 203739 Active Days: 676 I have been a member of the treasure keepers for a little while, and a member of the community for almost two years. I believe I am capable of running a clean and organized alliance. I feel like the Treasure Keepers under Fang Archbane's leadership lacked communication and organization, which led to alliance inactivity and a downward trend in quest sponsorships. If I were to become leader of the Treasure Keepers, it would be my first priority to keep all of the members networked and informed of any changes and messages from the Council or Mur. Additionally, I would ensure responsibility and accountability in the alliance by documenting everything. -Cots
  16. Edit: I'll just bid 3 gold, and see if that works.
  17. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1351268948' post='124666'] Vanity [/quote] Narcissus
  18. The Treasure Keepers will sponsor this with a Reindrach for first place and Rusties for second, third, and fourth.
  19. Seeya around, Seiggy.
  20. Good luck with your position, fang. I would like to have my tag and description removed if I am no longer to have any affiliation with this alliance.
  21. Happy birthday to me. :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Seigheart
    3. Kaya


      Happy Birthday! :D

    4. ChildOfTheSoul


      Thanks guys. I personally feel like this is cooler than a birthday thread. :P

  22. Yes, but instant gratification is platinum.
  23. Darn, I have to wait one and a half weeks for my gold avatar token.
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