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Everything posted by Lania

  1. edit: Player ID: 248361 Never whithering Peony - A pink and plump flower unaffected by the passing of time. Smells differently to each person. Ironic skeleton key - Should open any door, but doesn't seem to work at all. Paper spider pet - A spider made of paper that is somehow capable to weave webs. Also, enjoys tingling its owner. Dead mans whisper - Small vial containing the last whispered word of an unknown man. Nobody has been able to understand it so far. Small star fragments - Crystallized pieces of light from a faraway star.They glow and feel slightly hot to the touch. Reversed hourglass - A hourglass containing black sand of unknown origin that seems to fall upwards. Mummified middle finger - A seemingly ancient middle finger that was probably showed impertinently to the wrong person. Was possibly cut and kept as a trophy. Pouch of Fiery seeds - A pouch with 9 seeds said to sprout flowers capable of setting fire to any other plant around them. Nobody ever had the courage to plant any. Mur: very few are actually usable for what i need , not bad, just not fitted. Blue ones are awesome, but cant use them now i think
  2. Lania
  3. Adventuring Award - AmberRune Helper of the Year - Samon Most Addicted - Dark Demon Most Popular - Dark Demon Pre-eminent Role Player - Lintara Rookie of the year - Azrafar
  4. Happy birthday! :) Have lots of fun!
  5. I'm active almost daily. Activity: socializing from time to time, rp-ing. I have no role, but am not looking for one either, for now. Times are chaotic and I don't want some responsibility that I wouldn't be able to look after. So yeah..I don't know why I'm posting, really, but here it is.
  6. Happy birthday, Neno, dear. :)
  7. 5 gold for the Reindrach.
  8. 4 gold and 5 silver on the Raindrach.
  9. 3 gold on the Reigndrach.
  10. Happy Birthday, you jolly folks! :) Have a good one and lots of fun!
  11. I get it. Just wanted to point out that after the whole Eon thing started, I was one of the "I'm not going to participate anymore" ones. :3
  12. After the second time, I actually didn't want to participate anymore. And that only because I calculated my chances and I realized I didn't have a real chance at winning. Oh! And waiting for ap regeneration and Rophs keeping Legna at the gazebo and the late hour, I had to go to sleep. :P
  13. Discovering or gaining access to new scenes (new for me, of course), participating in clicky quests and rp-ing. The usual here, I guess. :)
  14. Happy birthday, Intri! :D
  15. Super happy birthday, Gonza! Have lots of fun!
  16. So the contest is who finishes in the shortest time, if I understand correctly. In that case, Azrafar seems to be the quicky in the list. :P
  17. Happy birthday, Silvertongue! :D
  18. Happy birthday and lots of fun!
  19. Happy birthday, you! :)
  20. Happy birthday, Kiley! :)
  21. Happy birthday, Samon!
  22. 1. Lashtal was destined to kill the god; 2. To learn from the gods death; 3. To prove his love (and loyalty) to the god; 4. To be known as the godslayer (or the one who freed the god from his physical cage-the body); 5. To free himself from the chains of god worshiping; 6. Because the killer had a secret and the god knew about it; 7. Because they both shared a secret and "2 can keep a secret if one of them is dead" - credits to: The Pierces - Secret :D
  23. The killer wanted to collect Mur bones. :))
  24. Mur probably: - gave the wrong answer to a serious question. - acted cocky and ranted how he is all powerful and how he can do this and that and can not be touched. This made the killer want to prove him wrong. The killer: - wanted to surpass his own limited condition and killed Mur to inherit his powers. (old belief) - believes that by killing a demon he will be forgiven / cleansed of his sins or such.
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