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Everything posted by ignnus

  1. I have a silly crush on Neko case  -_-

  2. It would be very funny if Steph curry leave basketball and sleep in chairs, just saying

  3. 10/10 for me, it was interesting i didn't skip every 2 min which i usually do, idk maybe it was after garden state gave me a brain hemorrage
  4. ninth gate pitch black chronicles of riddick death race i am legend bonus: rushmore
  5. balance in all things !

  6. If i ever learned anything at all in this life, it is to trust your gut :)

  7. If you look at a compass you can at first glance at least "guess" it is not maybe very flat and has some kind of core, upon further math, u can painstakingly deduce it is in fact round. (need to read actual posts tho) edit:just remembered when u r drunk, the balance thingy in the brain goes away and u can feel merry go round like movement hence nausea
  8. funny I guess I'm a cruel person

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      See! all cool stuff are cruel

    3. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      sometimes the cruelest person is the most trusted person

    4. ignnus


      i hate the stench of unchecked chaos, literally or otherwise xD,and i love u as long as u don't torture cats

  9. dude, i've never read that much text in my life are you crazy, all i can contribute is even if returning older players are just like shades u must not fear them, they are practically zero with hero attitude.
  10. MD: Return of the Sentinels is on theaters yet?

  11. I feel like a level 99 pokemon. Switching to medieval lifestyle

    1. Ungod


      medieval lifestyle? why?

    2. ignnus


      its a time where i can hunt-gather like a boss but still have coffee and not die everytime i have flu

    3. Ungod
  12. i have been thinking for 3 months about this...Triss or Yennefer? Still can't decide, please help me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nimrodel


      Triss iggy. Triss is awesome. :D

    3. ignnus


      :) dat ending tho..

    4. Nimrodel


      Havent reached the ending yet >>

  13. please no more blood violin..aarhg *dies*

  14. Dude...ehm.. first some unnecessary info (don't read here) : I've grew up among THE hippie republic (my hometown Izmir = most hardcore\in worst shape\faking sharks kind of libbies gathered, and my neighborhood is literally called coldwell)..result is permanent brain damage. This piece reminds me of the times when i catch myself showing extreme interest on something new and it is short lived(3 second), it's all because of a sneering/exploding ego who endlessly whistles nasty things to my ear..then i realize the only way i can get some peace at all is to find someone/something who i can't mimic successfully, like a power source which experience shows eventually will degrade even before naturally running out/some people would call that loser. Long story short: have some backbone and just die if you are dead instead of sticking to concepts like equality and goodness..grrr So that's why playing Md has been fun for me. After that ridiculous bit i must say this was an awesome read...most people lack and love that "i care" vibe, not sure how this would be received by general public, cause it is very personal and not "professional" enough, however this story is gold and if only there were a lot more like these..
  15. i'll be honest it annoys me on some baser level but i've come to respect so called "liberty" nowadays and there is whole bunch other things is annoying me at any given time so it's ok. plus it's an awesome name
  16. i need to study so i'll write a poem to not do that i'm so rich i even surprise myself as much as i can be surprised you are the best food i never ate or a song from before the history or something today i like the legs excuse me since i prepared the frigin paperwork yes..the only iron being worked glows bla bla bla i will break your face you sly wanna be mastermind blind screeching pile of dirt
  17. "grow together" you know when you feel you have to do something and it seems too much work well...do the chore in order the get some tolerance levels..since you know...if you can't control the taint at least partially it controls you,also one must keep in mind this is not an attempt on redemption or some kind of strange balance concept, but a necessary "evil" (obviously if you can't fuse with that thing at every point not only it's "fairly" useless but what's the point?),still the thing is..the taint loves control beyond all else and if you are unable to not let taint control you completely, let's just say..taint will lose volume, that's a danger as well because taint is drawn to power basically, to kind of power that can be likened to double edged sword so i should say one's aim here must be to beat the taint to it's face,you will make that uncontrollable thing your slave only to see it slip from your hands to return as better than before. p.s. i have no life :D
  18. This silly little quest starts at Dark Vibrations(untitled document) and continues from the (clickables of) mysterious statue, if u ever wondered what your truename is give it a go, answer the questions and if u somehow able to finish it among the million possible bugs,that is..well..awesome, it's an easy 3 step journey so there is no other rewards other than the joy of completing it.(thanks to DD and Neno Veliki for testing). And hello to all, i won't be as active but i see lots of new developments and should drop by once in a while to check on what's going on. best
  19. ignnus


    The answer to this was mini jester so no winners.(very) honorable mention goes to Dark demon for going the other way around and finding the answer innocence.Though he should have known better that I would never make my quest the word innocence not even if the hell froze and the movie waterworld got box office hit all around the world or if the world flopped inside out and there was lava rivers and stuff and you flower waters on reverse gravity..wait..I could do that so lemme give you extra pickle when i see you DD.
  20. ignnus


    Trees in Shock
  21. Feels the dude:D keep up the good work bro whoever you are..
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