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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in A Time for Reflection   
    It has recently been brought to my attention that due to the guild's negotiations with fellow members of MD, that my leadership of the guild may be under scrutiny. I would ask all citizens of MD to review the mission statement of the Fusioneer's and know that I take this to heart and will not falter in my beliefs. I sat on the beach while composing this, my eyes drifting off to the waters that surround the land I love. It is not idle thought behind my words, but a passion that resides within my very being. I will not be forced by the leaders to resign due to what lies within my heart, and will always do what is right and just in my own mind.

    Who are the Fusioneers?

    A small group of of Golemus Golemicarum citizens, The Fusioneers, have come together to provide heat to the citizens of Magic Duel. Armed with advanced technologies we roam the lands in search of the heat hungry. This loyal and tight knit guild walks not only with the pride of Golemus Golemicarum in their hearts, but with a [b]deep respect for all lands and their laws.[/b] Should you find yourself in need of our services, I encourage you to take a stroll throughout the realm in search of a guild member.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in The Grail   
    If you knew 100% that samon was the one who had the trophy for four weeks, why didn't you actually go and gather evidence or whatever? At least then you could say you actually put some [b]effort[/b] into solving the quest. If I spend time either making or solving a quest and you just come along and bypass the whole thing, that's simply ridiculous. It ruins the whole point of quests, which is to have fun, challenge people and offer rewards by doing so. The only reason you care about this, and you said it yourself, is because you want revenge of some sort for Phantasm pointing out that SoS had less than three members. You clearly didn't put in as much effort as duxie, or anyone else who participated, did, so what makes you think you deserve to win?

    The journey is more important than the destination.
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in Who are the Fusioneers?   
    The Fusioneers Guild

    A small group of of Golemus Golemicarum citizens, The Fusioneers, have come together to provide heat to the citizens of Magic Duel. Armed with advanced technologies we roam the lands in search of the heat hungry. This loyal and tight knit guild walks not only with the pride of Golemus Golemicarum in their hearts, but with a [b]deep respect for all lands and their laws.[/b] Should you find yourself in need of our services, I encourage you to take a stroll throughout the realm in search of a guild member.
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    With the heat stored near the Gazebo, there is definite interest in charging up the revival efforts, which were "For Seigheart" all along, and only expanded to "I want them back" later. We've topped 3 million active Heat there. You topped 3M. Sustained, Active Heat.
    That says that while others may wish Death to remain in a general sense, there is still the hope of turning it back in this particular case, when the numbers add up so long and so readily.

    If someone is to remain dead, let them choose it themselves.
    I want them back.
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in The Burning Of Khalazdad Soul   
    its not a "hardcoded" thing. Summoned army, like ANY other character that will attack you in MD, has behind it a human mind that can take decisions based on feelings, impressions, logic, or what other things he consideres. In case of the Summoned army, playing that character in true respect to the personality i wanted it to have, the Summoned Army felt in its fellow Necrovians an enemy. Please read the chat log yourself and see if you can tell from the chat who is on whos side. Having a necrovion ally sign on your profile makes you part of Necro, your blade and your actions speak for you.

    I could check who attacked first who, but its irrelevant! It was not a competition or a contest, it is not a artificial situation that needs an exact measure of facts, it is your interaction with the summoned army, which is not the Shade Sentinel i have to remind you. In your interaction with the Summoned Army, that came to fight against what was going on and defen the stone from any outside influence, you necro FAILED.

    It does not matter who attacked first, it does not matter if you were attacked because an other necro fighter instigated the summoned army, ..it does not matter because the Shades were allways seen as something close to a natural event. [b]Consider the summoned army a hurricane summoned in your aid, if it hit in its course friendly units it was still a necro representative to fight in a necro location[/b], that should have told you it is not fighting against necro, obviously.

    You forgot about the shades, you repeatedly mistaken them by humans and interpret their ways differently. That doesnt mean they changed in any way. Shade Sentinel dissapeared from the lands after the Traveler incident, there was a faint attempt to feed it in order for it to regain its powers, the Summoned Army is a shade sentinel without its individuality. The Shades never changed their ways, you wathced the whole thing from a distance, like a show. You join such events and observe them but behave as if you are not involved but then complain when you dont like the outcome.

    Note: some characters are animals, really animals, mine for example are quite some. Shades are sort of animals or natural occurences, not individuals, knaty is a large beast .. animals have instincts above reason, if an animal feels something is wrong, then for him it is. If knaty feels you talked without respect to him , so it is. Same with the shades .. you never learned to understand then.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    One of the corpses is my slave, and I find rude, defiling and many other things to even dare move him around like a trophy.

    Let the bodies rest at GoE, where anybody can visit them, interact with their spirits and pray for them. Stop using your leashes on them and let them be. If a resurrection is to happen for all of them, have them all in one location not scattered all over the realm.
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Shemhazaj in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    [color=#808080][i]Death is a part of life, it's important and it serves a purpose.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]Their deaths were premature. [/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]They need to be brought back and balance restored.[/i][/color]
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    Fine, keep Fenrir. Seigheart is being resurrected.

    That was quite inspiring

    Later today in the goE, at 20:00. I shall be sacrificing Fenrir Greycloth to Death. Using his Akasha, and the power of my Elemental Amulet, I shall restore the life to Seigheart's body.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sephirah Caelum in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    The dead should remain dead. Move on and lets them enjoy their new state of existence.
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Resurrection   
    An invocation, to the Powers That May Be, and to myself, in the meantime.
    Thank you all for your Heat these past few days.....

    [quote]Within each person, within their heart and mind, the Light beckons, and beacons.
    Beyond a single person, beyond each single heart and mind, the Light shines. We are one.
    Light is known to be energy, Creation, progress, and Life. The Principles clearly speak this Truth.
    Those dead, still speak. There is Life within them. Light can add to their Life.

    [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b]
    In the past, Heat has represented the Willpower of those outside, feeding the Will of Life to those who died. Revival of the corpses poured outside Energy to them, in the form of Heat, and they lived. Heat is being gathered,and stored at the hidden Orb, by the Gazebo of Equalibrium. Now, four lie died within the realm.[b] I want them back[/b].

    [b]I seek to bring the Light[/b]
    Adding Time, this moment of active Heat has stretched over days, steady in it's levels, through the actions and will of those around it. Heat has been gathered. Heat is gathered. Heat is gathering. This outpuring of energy Lights hope in my heart. The four were alive. The four are alive. The four will be alive again.[b] I want them back[/b].

    [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b]
    Death comes below, the darker Chaos. The balance shifted and life was snuffed. Heat facilitates all things, dark or light. The cycle turns, for Vitality and Action to renew. Syntropy fights Entropy, but outside this all, Heat still pools. I pool it in the Cause of Life. The other, the many, enforce their will to the draining of Time and enthropy. The dead will cycle back. Light blinds the death and banishes it.[b] I want them back.[/b]

    [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b]
    When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large? I reject this, and transpose my own Reality, if only for this moment. The will of many, the energy of the outer, can lift and bind the will of the weak. Balance can be shifted. Creation needs only measure and means. Our measured bodies rest, our means keeps the hidden Orb charged. The orb, suits Life, circled and efficient, as those orbs bind Creatuon of creatures. My will, our Heat, enforces this.[b] I want them back.[/b]

    [b]I seek to bring the light.[/b]
    Growing further, the Light of my will, The Heat of the Cause, I will purge the Darkness of death for those bound by it. I risk blindness, I risk Life, but the effort is mine to own. The targets of Seigheart, Guillak, Princess Katt, will Live. I also will live. The origins of Heat are abounding, surrounding, and focused. Light, Heat, Strength, Steadfastness, Strike Death down.[b] I want them back. [/b]

    [b]So may be.[/b]
    [b]Be[/b], very well.

  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Pact with Necrovion Renewed   
    Lets not forget the Law: "[b]A Chance One in a Million happens 9 out of 10 times[/b]".

    So any speculations should be welcomed.
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Gathering Stones for keeping one's Memory - an interview with xrieg   
    [quote name='Quashen' timestamp='1320590397' post='95373']
    I'm in a quite big difficulty reading the WHOLE post *cough*
    Is that because it is too long or because it is too poorly written?

    If the length bothers you, i suggest that you read only the bold parts. If that is still too long, you can focus on the video on the bottom.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Gathering Stones for keeping one's Memory - an interview with xrieg   
    My first article for the Legend Speakers was about the glass making. It allowed me to introduce some basic mechanisms of what a tool offers in Magic duel. The sand melter is transforming a ressource (sand) in a more elaborated ressource (glass)
    This second article aims to present another tool used to gather basic ressource: a [b]Memory Stone detector[/b].

    To build this article, I decided to make an [b]interview with xrieg[/b]. xrieg is one of the 3 users who have been chosen to hold a Memory Stone Detector when they were introduced in the realm. I was both interested in what the tool technically allows (how it works), and what impact the tool may have in regards to the social life of its owner in the realm.

    But lets stop the blabla and check what xrieg told us. The verbatim of the interview can be found in the spoilers, while my summary impressions are written below in visible areas. Please note that the interview was conducted in game. It took us a bit of time to complete it because our agendas did not match well. And finally we managed to finish the talking in 2 sessions... separated by a few weeks! The only changes I have done to the verbatim are to correct the order of some sentences to make them more readable. And I also removed the few lines that were off topic or OOC.

    As usual, feel free to ask any question you may have on the tool, the interview, whatever... and I am more than willing to receive any suggestion for my next article. Whether it is about the subject, the format... Feel free to give advices.

    Oh and of course... forgive my bad English!

    The Weak, a passerby, your glass expert.


    First I wanted to know a bit more about xrieg. I was seeing him as a grinder, with all the good and bad connotations attached to that name. I knew him very few, but had to discover him a bit because he was regularly providing me with sand for my glass making, in exchange of some glass here and there. That's probably why I picked him: we were in touch... even if it was only for exchanging a few words about business.

    I discovered that xrieg as a name has no meaning... except a distant allusion to the German Krieg that mean war. And that sums up xrieg quite well: a grinder able to hit anywhere at any time to get a few stats for his profile.
    [log=[color=#0000FF]who is xrieg?[/color]] ***********PRESENTATION***************************
    Passant the weak: But first of all, would you like to present us xrieg a little bit? Where does the name come from?
    xrieg: nowhere I am aware of
    xrieg: it was much later that I realized the initial core must have biin picked from German Krieg
    xrieg: war
    Passant the weak: *smiles* interesting!
    xrieg: my subconsiousness :-P
    xrieg: I guess so - no time to concentrate on other aspects of MD most of the time
    Passant the weak: maybe you were born to be a fighter... what is xrieg main occupation / role ?
    Passant the weak: Luckily it is tranquility day I don't have much to fear!
    xrieg: mp difference protects you... and as I do not have skilldamage you have nothing to fear in general - every fight is beneficial
    Passant the weak: This is something worth noting for all our new players!
    xrieg: very low heat caps at mp3 and 4 would make it quite difficult to assimilate :-)
    Passant the weak: How old is xrieg in the realm by the way?
    xrieg: too old... but still kicking
    Passant the weak: My spies say 291 Active Days... would you say you are a young player, an experimented player or a veteran?
    xrieg: hmm 294 actually
    xrieg: and I would say between young and experienced
    Passant the weak: Sorry!
    xrieg: it's more about the intensity of your playing and your attitude than number of active days

    One thing that caught my attention is that xrieg is relatively young in the realm (less than 300 active days at the moment of the interview) and yet got his hands on a much demanded tool: a Memory Stone Detector. He says he was at the right place at the right time, and that his youngness allowed him to get the tool. That is something that I would like all young players note: [b]tools and goodies in MD are not only for fossile veterans[/b]. Actually they are more than often given to younger players. My own example confirms that: I am younger than xrieg and yet I got my own tool: a Sand melter. And I got it only because I applied when there was an announcement looking for candidates. So to you all young players: be patient... and you will yourself get some goodies sooner or later!
    [log=The chosen one or the lucky one?] **************The Chose one****************************
    Passant the weak: OK, so a relatively young player... and yet you have been holding a powerful tool: can you tell us what tool you got?
    xrieg: Memory Stone Detector - used to gather Memory Stones all over the realm
    Passant the weak: Wow, that sounds brilliant... before describing the tool, I would like to know... how have you been chosen? You, a relatively young player?
    xrieg: I was the first one to reply - most other ppl were idle then
    Passant the weak: That is luck!
    xrieg: at that time Lone Wolf and Aranna were already happy tool users - and Mur wanted one more to provide competition
    Passant the weak: So, you mean that ANYONE could have got it?
    xrieg: hmm I do not think so - maybe not anyone, Mur had some type of player he wanted the tool to have in mind I guess - but I assume newer player were in advantage there
    Passant the weak: That goes against a general idea I've heard from young players: they believe tools or good things go only to veterans or people who know Mur
    Passant the weak: You seem to illustrate it's way more open
    xrieg: I heard new features usually are given to younger player - not only that particular time
    xrieg: same about recent voice of council ad
    Passant the weak: It's true, and it's worth to be noted.[/log]

    The Memory stone detector is a [b]gathering tool[/b]: it allows its owner to collect memory stones if there are some at the location you try to use it. Actually you get to collect 1 memory stone at a time (along with sand that is a byproduct of the process).
    Memory stones are available in specific locations, usually in rocky areas. They are in variable quantity depending on the location and they regenerate periodically (50% of the available stones regenerate every day), just like aby collectable ressource in the realm (water, herbs, ...). Every player can check what we are talking about at the famous Gazebo of Equilibrium: one memory stone (maximum) is there.
    But the tool is quite complex: it needs to [b]cool down more than one hour between two attempts[/b] to gather stones. And that is the fun part: as there are 4 (3 at the time we started the interview) memory stone detectors available in the realm, there is a competition between all tool owners to get the maximum of stones in their pocket... unless they cooperate and share the resources, which seems to be what xrieg did with another gatherer: Lone Wolf.
    But a [b]memory stone[/b]? For what? It';s very simple:[b] if anyone owns a spell[/b] with more than 5 cast available, he can [b]imprint its memory on such a stone[/b]. And then the stone owner can [b]learn temporarily the spell from the memory imprinted on the stone[/b] (being granted up to 3 casts himself). And yes: stones can go from pocket to pocket, and anyone is able to learn their content. That makes them quite a popular item.
    [log=The tool]**************The tool****************************
    Passant the weak: OK, let's come back to your tool. Besides a fancy name... what does it do?
    xrieg: it allows user to harvest memory stones - and sand as byproduct. there are several locations in the realm it is possible - including Necrovion and Tribunal
    xrieg: one such location all players see daily is Gazebo of Equilibrium - with one stone available for harvest
    Passant the weak: Memory stones? What's this?
    xrieg: if one has more than 5 uses of given memory they can imbue it on a stone - and such a stone after usage allows to release it up to three times
    Passant the weak: Wow, that looks powerful. How many stones can you gather with the tool?
    xrieg: if one has more than 5 uses of given memory they can imbue it on a stone - and such a stone after usage allows to release it up to three times
    xrieg: there are several locations you can harvest - and 4 stone detectors in existence - some easy to rach some difficult.... also after each use the tool must cool down before next use - more than one hour
    xrieg: it depends on user - how determined he is to explore... and competitionh :-)
    Passant the weak: Hehe, looks like the mushroom hunt in my country... but that is another story!
    xrieg: usually after Necrobvion was closed each of us (myself, Lone Wolf, Aranna) was able to harvest 2 stones each daily
    xrieg: but if some of us overslept and others wanted to explore - more, my daily record was 11 I believe
    Passant the weak: Does the tool give you a bonus in any way (stats...)
    xrieg: Yes, there is dedicated t=stat - Finesse
    xrieg: You get is every time you use the tool succesfully
    xrieg: and that is the only stat you get as far as profile is cpncerned
    Passant the weak: Interesting: can you use the tool unsuccesfully then?
    xrieg: of course - you may try to use it in 'unpaved' location
    Passant the weak: I see, but how does finesse impact you? If you know.... and can tell!
    xrieg: To the best of my knowledge - currently it has no impact... but hopefully some day it will - or there is one already I am not aware of
    Passant the weak: That is MD and its mistery![/log]

    Worth to be noted: like all ressource gathering tool, the Memory Stone detector will give you fractions of a [b]new stats[/b] in your profile every time you use it. That stat is [b]finesse[/b]"... and don't ask what it impacts: nobody knows... except Mur of course... well, I am not sure he knows either actually! But we shall discover soon enough.

    So, a tool, what for? Gathering finesse? Gathering memory stones? Sure! But also to [b]start a business[/b]! And that's what xrieg did. A fierce business, as there was some competition between the Memory Stone detector owners... Most of the people (and me the first of them!) believe that xrieg made lot of money with its tool. Well, he is not precise on that, but claims he made much less than we think. Due to the competition but also the negotiation skills of his customers who preferred to buy in bulk orders (with a discount) rather than units at full price (2sc per stone at that time). Still: he says he gathered an average of 2 stones per day... that should leave room for some benefit in coins! However, according to xrieg, he makes much more value for less effort with Quests achievement than with stones business. but a trader is a trader, and xrieg trades anything he can (creatures, stones, resources...) so maybe what HE calls not much benefit" would be huge for some of you!
    [log=Owning and losing a tool] ****************Owning and losing a tool******************
    Passant the weak: Do you still have the tool now?
    xrieg: no :-(
    xrieg: IT become shared tool in Golemus Golemicarus Lab...
    xrieg: Priority for Golemus citizens... and as there is only 4 tolls in existence I expect the waiting line to be a long one
    Passant the weak: You seem sad, do you miss your tool?
    xrieg: (Well... I miss the fun - but on the other hand waking up a few minutes early to grab a stone before taking a shower was not that healthy :-) )
    Passant the weak: ( you just answered my next question!)
    xrieg: In a ense I am also glad - some ppl considered it very unfair monopoly
    Passant the weak: What did the tool bring you?
    xrieg: ?
    xrieg: rephrase pls :-P
    Passant the weak: You just started to answer: a monopoly... do you mean you made a lot of money thanks to your stone detector?
    xrieg: I made some money, definitely... But much less that you would have expected
    xrieg: The official rate going for most of the time I was using the tool was 2sc/ stone
    xrieg: Yet most stones was purchase in barter - for enchanted stones for example
    xrieg: So in terms of my income in the last few months stones were 2nd or even third
    Passant the weak: Oh, are you a trader? What else are you making money with?
    xrieg: I trade all I can :-) crits, heat infused crits, enchanted stones, resources...
    xrieg: but I also participate in all quests I can
    xrieg: so actually in terms of valuables earned quests qould be 1st
    Passant the weak: And would you say that selling stones was a difficult business? Time consuming?
    xrieg: time consuming... well it depends
    xrieg: there are stones in easy to reach areas - No Man's Land and Loreroot
    xrieg: gathering them takes no time and effort
    xrieg: and finally there is quite a few stones in Necrovion - these were most difficult to reach
    xrieg: and every second day one of us - Lone Wolf and myself - would enter Necrovion after if bbecome 500AP entry to gather stones - it was about 5h of no training
    Passant the weak: So, it's a race with other stone gaterers?
    xrieg: a bit - yes
    xrieg: Not that much really - we had some agreement. Each of us had one location for themselves to provide small but stable source of stones independent of waking time
    g: with GG stones and NV stone I worked together with Lone Wolf - we competed for the market, but worked together for optimal harvest in terms of time
    Passant the weak: Oh, you are training too: a grinder... you must have busy days in MD!
    xrieg: grinding can be done as a background task - that is what I do most days
    xrieg: every few minuted just a few attacks and back to major activities - MD unrelated
    xrieg: grinding alone id not that time consuming
    Passant the weak: A well organised person *smiles*
    xrieg: lol[/log]

    It is worth noted that xrieg has no more his tool: [b]all Memory Stone Detectors have been allocated to a remote place of Golemus Golemiracum (as shared items)[/b] and are now reserved by GG king to its citizen. I had the feeling that xrieg, despite missing his tool badly (not only the benefit he could make off it, but also the simple pleasure and proudness of holding it) was a bit relieved too, as if someone had taken a great weight off his shoulders. Because competition has also side impacts. Like "forcing" you to stay online a bit more than you should, for not missing the "good occasion"... Well, when you are a competitor in essence of course, and all grinders are!
    I was however interested in the impact the tool had on xrieg reputation. And here the result is... so so! On the right hand, it [b]generated a bit of jealousy[/b] and xrieg was often associated with greedy... why sell something he could get with no effort? I had the feeling that he was a bit sad about that, because gathering resources and making a business DOES require efforts... But on the other hand, that business allowed xrieg to meet with people he would probably never have talked with. And that [b]helped him get a new position in the realm[/b].
    [log=Conclusion] ***************Conclusion*************************
    Passant the weak: We reach the end of this interview, but I have one last point I want to adress
    xrieg: it has disadvantages - I often cannot afford timewise to follow chat so when ppl ask me something I may appear rude not answering but keep attacking
    Passant the weak: That leads to my point:
    Passant the weak: would you say the tool helped you socialising, and escape from a "grinder" reputation? Or brought more jealousy than friendlyness? What was the impact of the stone detector on your general reputation?
    Passant the weak: (crap, too long)
    xrieg: I guess it worked both ways
    Passant the weak: You have to chose!
    xrieg: As I was among few stones prooviders it offered me a chance to meed many ppl I would not otherwise - and for that I am grateful
    xrieg: On the other hand my way of handling - 2sc/ stone or equivalant - broght also some unfliendliness; some ppl considered me a greedy person getting huge money for nothing
    xrieg: My offer to trade regenerating currency - stones - for other regenerative currency - enchantments
    xrieg: some accepted as solution to avoid spending hard-earned coins - other scorned that I wanted to get something for nithing
    xrieg: as for overall reputation... I guess more ppl recognize me now - but I think my grinder reputation remains intact
    Passant the weak: And now that the tools are in GG hands. Has it changed for your reputation?
    xrieg: I wish them luck. I hope we will soon see new batches of great tools for other lands
    Passant the weak: How do you feel the massive introduction of various tools lately? Good or bad for MD?
    xrieg: I tthink most of them are good - but waiting for more. viscosity + herbs + tea I like the most
    xrieg: I regret some ppl seem to consider their mission to deplete herbs about everywhere
    xrieg: so as a result few ppl ever harvested herbs or had a chance to brew tea
    Passant the weak: Thank you xrieg!
    xrieg: thank you :-)
    And maybe those tools, and those people depleting ressources...
    Passant the weak: all that will bring us a good war instead of grinding parties!
    Passant the weak: That would be very good for the journalist I intend to become *smiles*
    xrieg: was?
    xrieg: war requires sides - we do not have them;
    Passant the weak: That was the interview of xrieg, a nasty grinder, a greedy trader, and a very pleasant peson to talk with
    Passant the weak: And war... can be the realm against the depleter
    Passant the weak: so many ways to make war
    xrieg: we shall see
    xrieg: gtg
    Passant the weak: But that is for another inteview I guess
    xrieg: nice talking to you
    Passant the weak: Thans again, very much and see you

    xrieg showed me during the interview that he loved his tool and the role associated to it. And he seems so convinced that he wishes lots of additional tools everywhere in the realm. I must admit I agree with him on that. One thing that I am sure of, is that all tools that we have recently discovered bring a new animation in the realm. We have people fighting for herbs, people regrouping for making tea so... maybe soon a war between main lands for the possession of resources and tools?
    But that is another story. A fiction... at the moment!

    And to conclude this article, a short entertainment dedicated to xrieg to than k him for his time. Xrieg has been travelling in the mountain a lot to gather stones. Him and his memory Stone Detector, his Memory machine that he loved so much

    ~The Weak, a Passerby


    EDIT: I had to edit the post because some strange code appeared here and there. Not sure how it happened, I hope I fixed them all. Apologies if not.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Diving into Necrovion darkness - What happened to that land ?   
    [size=5][b]PART 3 - A historical voice of Necrovion speaks[/b][/size]

    After talking with the rebellion, it seems natural to speak with official authorities. My choice went on [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Peace"]Peace[/url]. Each time I was talking about Necrovion her name came in the discussion. I wanted to know how she felt on the rebellion and the current situation of her land.

    [b]It was easy to get a date with her[/b]... No! Don't reach conclusions too fast, you male readers who are in love with her golden body! It was probably just because I said it was about Necrovion: She seems to be always willing to speak about her land.

    We started with a discussion about her history. [b]She had been Queen before but then resigned[/b], I wanted to know why, and she said that time was her main issue. Which is understandable: a land like Necrovion surely is eating most of your time.
    When reaching the subject of rebellion, she said something that I had heard before. To her main reason of first rebels were mostly outside the realm. I would like to disgress a bit here and remind something: nobody can force you to go in a relation outside the realm. Some people like to use external way of communication like YIM.... but trust me: you can still enjoy the game without those. And if I was not that shy and feared to be pretentious, I would add, that you will enjoy the realm MORE by avoiding those means of communication. Oops I said it!

    [log=Peace about herself and about rebellion]

    Passant the weak: I want to speak with you about recent events in Necrovion and their implication on the future
    Passant the weak: But first can you tell more about you for our young readers...
    Passant the weak: You are former queen of Necrovion ,right?
    *Peace*: Well, my story is there for everyone to see.
    *Peace*: Yes.
    *Peace*: Adopted daughter of Khalazdad, who was the first King in Necrovion.
    Passant the weak: Why are you no more queen?
    *Peace*: I resigned.
    Passant the weak: Can you summarize your reasons?
    *Peace*: I had no issues with my people. I had issues with time.
    Passant the weak: Allright, that is clear
    Passant the weak: Jester is the last king of Necrovion, his reign has been marked by a high level of rebellion. What do you know about that rebellion?
    *Peace*: I had no issues with my people. I had issues with time.
    Passant the weak: Allright, that is clear
    *Peace*: This rebellion was mostly based on personal issues, outside of Necrovion.
    Passant the weak: outside? what do you mean?
    *Peace*: There were accussations of treachery, backstabbing and a lot of harassment.
    *Peace*: But it had to primaly with relationships that were outside of this realm.
    Passant the weak: Does that explain that high level of rebellion, or just a few rebels reasons?
    *Peace*: The main rebels.
    *Peace*: Pamplemousse, Aysun.
    *Peace*: The rest followed because of them.
    Passant the weak: I understand.
    Passant the weak: Now Jester has been banned, do you understand why?
    *Peace*: And because they did not like the attitude of the King.

    (snip)[i] (Not recorded due to lack of efficient tool : but Peace said here, that jester was still king and his state was "to be hang to a rope")[/i]

    Passant the weak: OK, do you understand why? And will you hold the rope?
    *Peace*: If there would be a ceremony of it, I wouldn't want to.
    Passant the weak: Does it mean you don't agree with that decision?
    Passant the weak: (lag here)
    *Peace*: (same to me, awful one)
    *Peace*: Jester may have gotten more crazy than his usual at his end, but he still remains a friend of mine.
    Passant the weak: (I cleared cache)

    Then we adressed the future of Necrovion and her wishes. She explained to me that [b]Necrovion is still alive and active through a group of self appointed leaders[/b] (Peace, Azull and TTL). They still owned the[url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Tainted_Warriors"] Tainted Warrior[/url][url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Tainted_Warriors"]s[/url] alliance and were regrouping people to the cause of Necrovion. Although they had no way to grant citizenship to anyone but by an invitation in the alliance.
    She seemed to regret that loss of power associated to crownship (the citizenship granting is one example), but in the same time [b]she seemed to not wish a new King for Necrovion[/b]. Her thoughts is that a Monarch does not help to unify Necrovion citizens.... while a more unformal groups does manage. That sounds like a paradox doen't it?
    I wonder if that "unity" is really reached the way she describes it.... or if unity is reached within a group who wants to be united... but they are not representative of all Necrovion sensibilities... But how can i know? Those Necro people are so secret!

    [log=Peace about Necrovion crownship]

    Passant the weak: I see, what do you expect to happen now?
    Passant the weak: What do you wish to happen actually
    Passant the weak: A new monarch?
    *Peace*: Not really.
    *Peace*: With the Monarchs I realised that the people, Necrovion people, weren't too united. Maybe they were but I just couldn't see it.
    Passant the weak: Then... what? The void? *smiles*
    *Peace*: After the final desicions and the closing of the lands, I gathered a handful of people with whom I see to work perfectly united as a group.
    *Peace*: I see... activity and this pleases me.
    *Peace*: We do not know what the future will bring us but...
    Passant the weak: Could there be different groups similar to yours? Acting in parallel for Necrovion?
    *Peace*: Yet outisde of Necrovion?
    *Peace*: Yes, there are some. Few visible, others are undercover.
    Passant the weak: No, within Necrovion.
    *Peace*: Ah, no.
    : *Peace* ponders.
    Passant the weak: Why no?
    *Peace*: Unless you mean the groups within the initial group.
    Passant the weak: I will try to explain better
    *Peace*: Please.
    Passant the weak: You have regrouped within the Tainted Warriors, I suppose it's the group you are talking about
    *Peace*: Not just the ones with the badge, dear.
    *Peace*: There are others of us.
    *Peace*: Yet, we all work together.
    Passant the weak: So, is it possible at the moment to be Necrovion citizen and with no Tainted badge?
    *Peace*: Yes.
    *Peace*: Though officially we have no means to grant citizenship, but there are a fwe out there who work with us.
    Passant the weak: What should I do myself if I want to become a Necrovion citizen?
    *Peace*: You would need to earn the trust of three people.
    Passant the weak: Assuming I manage.... have you the right to give me citizenship right now?
    *Peace*: No, we do not have the tools to do so.
    Passant the weak: is that something you expect to change soon?
    *Peace*: I guess, if Necrovion is going to have another Monarch.
    Passant the weak: So, you wish there is no other monarch... but right now a monarch is needed to give citizenship.... it's a coplex situation isn't it?
    *Peace*: Very.
    *Peace*: But I am guessing all lands currenlty experience the same issue.
    *Peace*: We were just the first.
    Passant the weak: True!
    *Peace*: If you let me state something.
    Passant the weak: But if no monarch, what give legitimacy to the 3 people you mentioned?
    Passant the weak: (sorry, go ahead)
    *Peace*: Hierachry.
    *Peace*: None of us have power over citizens.
    *Peace*: But some of us have reputation.
    *Peace*: I may be the oldest left in Necrovion, but I hold no power over its citizens.
    *Peace*: I merely am a Mystagogue.
    Passant the weak: I don't understand what it is! *smiles*
    *Peace*: A teacher, one who initiates you in an art.
    Passant the weak: I see
    *Peace*: I show paths to others to walk on.
    *Peace*: And I guide them through the way.
    Passant the weak: Before Jester's fall, I saw many many recuits in Necrovion, is that something you approve?
    *Peace*: In terms of citizens or alliance members?
    Passant the weak: citizens: it looked like you just had to ask to get citizenship
    *Peace*: Yes, but that wasn't going through me.
    *Peace*: Just Jester.
    *Peace*: Jester needed recruits.
    Passant the weak: What for?
    *Peace*: No clue, at the time he wasn't telling me, nor was I asking.
    *Peace*: Jester worked in mysterious ways.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* this is the necro attitude I guess
    *Peace*: As Necrovion always did, yes.
    Passant the weak: Lets name the 3 people you mentioned earlier....
    Passant the weak: Peace?
    Passant the weak: Azull?
    *Peace*: and?
    Passant the weak: TTL?
    *Peace*: Aye. *smiles*
    *Peace*: Azull is the leader of the alliance.
    Passant the weak: *grins* i'm a reporter after all....
    *Peace*: TTL is in the Committee of the invites of the alliance.
    Passant the weak: Shouldn't Shade Sentinel be the real monarch?
    *Peace*: Actually, he IS the committee.
    *Peace*: No.
    *Peace*: Because he isn't human.
    Passant the weak: Allright... I have one last question....
    *Peace*: Oh, you could bomb me with questions really, I enjoy it.
    : Passant the weak smiles

    Anyway, I had that question in mind: [b]can Necrovion be ruled by a human?[/b] And Peace believes yes, as the past has shown it.... She mentioned her father Khalazdad, herself, and Jester to prove it can. But I am not convinced yet. And yes, this is my personnal opinion I state here. About those three people, only one (Peace) is still in a good shape. And that is the one who resigned... Doen't it tell a lot about how Necrovion as a land is stronger than its monarchs?

    [log=Peace about the future]

    Passant the weak: Can Necrovion as a land handle a monarch?
    *Peace*: Yes.
    *Peace*: It did before.
    Passant the weak: Did it? So many kings...
    *Peace*: So long as the said Monarch can handle the land as well.
    *Peace*: Khalazdad, myself, Jester.
    *Peace*: I was following the steps of my Father and I wanted to expand his methods of the dessert, alas other were not pleased by the idea.
    *Peace*: They wanted something fresh. Most chose the path of war.
    Passant the weak: That's the point.... necrovion citizens seem rebel to any hierarchy...
    *Peace*: To any that does not meet the rebels's ideals.
    *Peace*: But people should know that they are people for a reason, and for a reason they have chosen a Monarch.
    : Passant the weak scribbles
    Passant the weak: Allright, then my very last question
    *Peace*: Are you sure? *winks*
    Passant the weak: If you had the power to chose, what would you wish for Necrovion after Jester is officially dismissed?
    Passant the weak: And i am never sure *laughs*
    *Peace*: I wish to see Necrovion united. All people working as one mind.
    *Peace*: The old moto is still applying for some.
    *Peace*: Strength. Dedication. Brutality.
    Passant the weak: ANything you want to add to this interview?
    *Peace*: And if there is to be a new ruler, let it be someone who understands the land first and its needs. Necrovion is not like other lands, it has a voice of its own.
    *Peace*: That is what the rebels never understood...
    *Peace*: The Monarch oughts to listen to that voice first, then his people.
    *Peace*: After all... we are merely humans in service of the Shades.
    Passant the weak: Can you name someone able to be that ruler?
    *Peace*: Unfortunately no.
    *Peace*: There were people who approached me, asking me if I would submit again.
    *Peace*: It brings me warmth in this cold heart to know others still believe in me, but I had my chance.
    *Peace*: I will support whoever candidate seems more fitting for the position and will guide him at all steps they take, but that's it.
    Passant the weak: (finished?)
    *Peace*: (unless you have more questions )
    *Peace*: (when it comes to necro, I can talk all day )
    Passant the weak: That puts a good end to that interview!
    Passant the weak: I have only one administrative question left: do you accept this to be published?
    *Peace*: I do as long as you interview both Azull and TTL.
    *Peace*: These are the voices of Necrovion for now, and it is best to know each perspective.
    Passant the weak: You can't force a journalist to do interviews!
    : Passant the weak laughs
    *Peace*: *chuckles* I was merely the apetizer.
    *Peace*: You need a main course and the desert.
    Passant the weak: I did interview Azull, I do not plan to interview TTL at that stage
    *Peace*: What stage?
    Passant the weak: That would unbalance things, as I had only 1 rebel in interview so far
    Passant the weak: And a couple "rehgular " citizens
    *Peace*: One rebel? May I ask who?
    Passant the weak: I mean, before I publish my article
    *Peace*: And it is good to put all aspects in that article.
    Passant the weak: Who would you recommend to interview in the rebels? (I tell you after)
    *Peace*: Keith Moon.
    Passant the weak: The only left in the first wave of rebellion?
    *Peace*: Aye.
    Passant the weak: I did interview Keith Moon
    : *Peace* smiles.
    Passant the weak: So, can I have your permission to publish, even if I don't interview TTL?
    *Peace*: Could I see a copy of the full article once it is finished, before publishing it?
    Passant the weak: Yes, although I plan on publishing in several episodes
    Passant the weak: Too much to be said
    *Peace*: That would make an interesting reading.
    *Peace*: I look forward to it.
    Passant the weak: I will definitely send you the part you will be in, before publication
    *Peace*: Thank you.
    *Peace*: As you sure ther eis nothing else you wish to ask me?
    Passant the weak: You will check if you give authorization then, allright?
    *Peace*: Alright.
    *Peace*: I can't go against the will of a reporter.
    Passant the weak: No at the moment miLady... but when writing I might come back to you for some clarifications
    *Peace*: They will write what they want in the end anyways.
    *Peace*: I will be here to answer anythng.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* true. But you have 100% right to forbid me to publish the log
    Passant the weak: Thank you very much miLady, that was very useful and much interesting

    Passant the weak: I think it was too much effort and she has faint!
    *Peace*: *smiles* No, the wind caught my attention for a momen.
    *Peace*: I assure you it was a pleasure, Pazy.
    *Peace*: And I look forward into more of this.
    Passant the weak: I am slow.... but this will be published before the end of the century.
    *Peace*: Lovely.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* always a pleasure to speak with you miLady
    Passant the weak: I wwish you a pleasant day, and all my hopes go to your land
    : *Peace* nods thankfully.
    Passant the weak: May it raise again, and shine of all its darkness
    *Peace*: Until we meet again, Pazy.
    *Peace*: Long days and pleasant nights.

    You are now used to our moto, aren't you? Yes, I found a good quote from Peace to go in our collection.


    [i][b]Anonymous: Necrovion has altready one King, it's the dark side inside us. That's why it's hard to rule Necrovion: you will just become a puppet King[/b][/i]

    [i][b]Keith Moon: Her father ([/b][size=2]Note from the author:[b] [/b][/size][/i][size=2][i][url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Khalazdad"]Khakazdad[/url], former Necrovion ruler[/i][/size][i][b]) was the Speaker with Shades. He didn't claim to be more than that, but that title says an awful lot if you think about it.[/b][/i]

    [i][b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]*Peace*: Necrovion as a land can handle a monarch...So long as the said Monarch can handle the land as well.[/font][/color][/b][/i]
    [i][b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/quote][/font][/color][/b][/i]

    I wonder if there are still candidates for that crownship! Maybe I should address that in the next part?

    But for the time being, I would like to thank Peace for sharing her view with me, and dedicate that song to her.... and her actions. May you manage to bring unity to your people!... or not


    [log=Together lyrics]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Oh yeah we're back now, oh[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]More bad news on the radio[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Planet Earth she's about to explode, yeah[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]The stars have lost their shine today[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]They have all been blown away[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Together, only hope can be away[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Let me hear you say[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One day, we'll be together[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]We'll never be apart,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One heart, one mind yeah[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One day we'll be together[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Remeber this old world is yours and mine (Yeah)[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3][ From : [url="http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bob-sinclar-lyrics/together-lyrics.html"]http://www.elyrics.n...her-lyrics.html[/url] ][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]See that man with a pen and gun[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Says its over for everyone (Oh no)[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]No I don't believe it's true[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]But, I guess its up to me and you[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Together, we will find a way through[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I believe in you[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One day, we'll be together[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]We'll never be apart[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One heart, one mind yeah[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]One day we'll be together[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Remeber this old world is yours and mine (yeah)[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Oh oh oh[/size][/font][/color]
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Diving into Necrovion darkness - What happened to that land ?   
    [size=5][b]PART 2 - A step within the rebellion[/b][/size]

    Talking with loyal citizens of [b]Necrovion [/b]was good. But I wanted to feel the taste of the other side: [b]Rebellion[/b]. That word sounds so cool to my ears! I imagined a band of warriors teaming up together to get the power and throw the legalist towards the shades .... or better, sink them in front of Angien shrine!

    But where to start? I quickly realised rebels are rebels to the bone. I could not even get their names! After asking much around, only 2 names were left in my mind: [b]Keith Moon[/b], spotted as a figure of the rebellion by most Necro citizens (including high authorities) and Ravenstrider, which i personnaly knew as doing a few things as a rebel.

    I never found Ravenstrider, but Keith Moon was easily spotted. I remembered where he stays, on a coast, and he promptly agreed to talk with me about Necrovion. I found a very open mind facing me, who knows exactly what he thinks. He was very different from most other Necrovion I met: not so secret... or at least not showing that he was keeping secret certain things! Maybe he was, we never know with Necros!

    So we started to talk, and it lasted.... a long time.

    As I have no easy mean to gather logs, I may have lost a couple sentences here and there, but you will find the log I recorded below. I recommend any young player who wants to know a bit about Necrovion Rebellion history to read it. I would also recommend the same to Necrovion past authorities. Although they will probably learn nothing, at least they will know what a former rebel has to say.

    First part of the interview was about the start of the rebellion. I realised that the small group of people who rebelled, were [b]acting against king Jester[/b]. They just considered he was not able to rule Necrovion anymore. But things are never easy with royalty: there was of course a love affair involved, at least as far as Keith Moon was concerned. I was not aware, but that poet (yes he is a poet, and let me state it straight: a good one!) was in love with [b]Pamplemousse[/b], another figure of Necrovion. The problem was that Jester was also interested in that Lady.... and that lead to strange actions, which justified a Rebellion to Keith Moon and Pamplemousse's eyes.... and long after put a certain light on the reasons why Jester was banned a few months ago.

    So rebellion started with a small group of people, Pamplemousse and Keith Moon, at the same time as [b]Aysun and Rask[/b]. The 2 others probably had different reasons, but they all joined the rebellion roughly at the same time. Did they team up? Not really as far as I understand. Rebels were Necros in nature: more following individual path than a class action! (Oh my... I could get hanged by Necrovion people for saying that...).

    [log=Keith Moon about the start of rebellion]

    Passant the weak: ARe you ready for a chat ?
    Keith Moon: Sure.
    Passant the weak: You know the context, I won't remind it. I am interested in knowing more about rebellion....
    Passant the weak: You decided to enter Necrovion rebellion, why?

    Keith Moon: Pample and I had been in Necrovion alliances for several months.
    Keith Moon: Jester kept kicking me out, but always took me back in.
    Keith Moon: Eventually his behavior got so erratic that we felt he could no longer serve as an effective ruler.
    Keith Moon: To be honest, we'd always sorta doubted his ability to do so in the first place.
    Keith Moon: The pressure he put on Pample and me became too much to bear.

    Passant the weak: So, you and Pample entered the rebellion at the same time?
    Keith Moon: The rebellion was not well coordinated. Rask had his claim on the throne, and Aysun was pretty much against Jester, period, and he returned that animosity.
    Keith Moon: Pample and I did everything at the same time. I was a Legend Speaker for a long time; I was briefly part of the crew of the Crimson Blade; but over time, Pample became the only thing that mattered.
    Passant the weak: I see. Who was the first rebel?

    Keith Moon: I entered the Tainted Warriors because she wanted me to, and later she wanted me to be a Sentinel.
    Keith Moon: Aysun, Rask, Pample, and I all declared our rebellion at roughly the same time.
    Keith Moon: Pample and I were communicating with Aysun. Rask was doin his own thing.
    Passant the weak: Allright, and all this.... "animosity" started right after Jester election for King?

    Keith Moon: Depends on which animus you want to focus on.
    Keith Moon: Jester has been obsessed with Pample for a long, long time.
    Keith Moon: He's never liked me for my closeness to her.
    Passant the weak: What do you mean by obsess?
    Keith Moon: Well, that's how he put it.
    Keith Moon: He denies the ability to feel emotions, but I think it's pretty obvious that he was in love with her - or his idea of her.
    Passant the weak: Forgive my ... well.... were you and Pample like.... a couple?

    Keith Moon: We were. We were always together, lost in each other. I wait on the Storm Coast because that's where she last lay down to rest, and I don't like to leave it.
    Passant the weak: *blushes* I suppose that is what they call love
    Passant the weak: But back on topic!
    Keith Moon: The bulk of my poetry was written for her.
    Passant the weak: What did you expect from rebellion?
    Keith Moon: I didn't expect it to work, frankly, but I think Pample and I had some vague hope that we could discredit Jester

    Keith Moon: I don't think we could've managed a coup d'état, which is what a lot of people thought Pample and I were planning.
    Passant the weak: And then?....
    Keith Moon: See, Jester had tried to make Pample his Queen. That was a total disaster.
    Passant the weak: Was it before the rebellion?
    Keith Moon: Yeah. At one point, he gave her most or all of his tools of office.
    Keith Moon: Including the power to excommunicate him, which when he started getting shaky, I strongly encouraged her to do.
    Passant the weak: Interesting: she had the power to do the Coup d'Etat... but did not use it
    Keith Moon: She demurred and handed it back to him. Soon she was jailed and I went and insulted him until he excommunicated me - so I could be with her.
    Keith Moon: Pample wasn't power-hungry, despite what people thought.

    Keith Moon: And though I'm flattered that some people painted me as the evil mastermind behind an elaborate plot, I'm just a poet in love with a remarkable woman.
    Passant the weak: So, Jester is now quite discredited... up to be banned... so did you succeed in one way?
    Keith Moon: No.
    Keith Moon: I don't hate Jester, and I never have. I was real angry with him for some of the things he did and said to Pample, but I've always respected his mind.
    Keith Moon: I think his story is a tragedy, really. I take no pleasure from it; and Pample's long gone, and very likely will never wake again.
    Passant the weak: Does Necrovion matter for you... or just Pample did?

    Keith Moon: Necrovion does matter to me. I was once Peace's lover, and we're still friends. I served Khalazdad as his personal court bard.
    Keith Moon: All of that was before I and Pample got together.
    Passant the weak: Then would you say Jester soon being forced tro leave his crown is good for Necrovion?
    Keith Moon: Pample and I hoped - one as Sentinel and one as Tainted Warrior - to serve Necrovion as pillars of the land, custodians of its mystery and its culture.
    Interesting thing is that Pamplemousse could have excommunicated Jester at some point, and taken over Power. She did not. I don't know why. Was her dark side attracted by Jester. Jester being the dark side of the Moon? Was she just not power hungry? I don't know. Just I notice that things could have gone completely different if she had used that power.
    Because yes, our actions in that realm do matter. They can change the destiny of a land, they can get us killed, they can.... I disgress, but surely you got what I mean.

    Keith Moon and I then talked about Necrovion itself. He claims the land did and still does matter to him. And that not only Pamplemousse was his concern. While I personnally doubt anything mattered more than Pamplemousse to him at that time, he highlighted a few things about Necrovion that made me meditate.

    He also mentioned the name of a[b] potential successor to Jester[/b] for Necrovion. But you will have to open the log below if you really want to know!

    [log=Keith Moon about Necrovion present and future]

    Keith Moon: Necrovion does matter to me. I was once Peace's lover, and we're still friends. I served Khalazdad as his personal court bard.
    Keith Moon: All of that was before I and Pample got together.
    Passant the weak: Then would you say Jester soon being forced tro leave his crown is good for Necrovion?
    Keith Moon: Pample and I hoped - one as Sentinel and one as Tainted Warrior - to serve Necrovion as pillars of the land, custodians of its mystery and its culture.
    (asking if good or bad anbd he says it's a du=isaster, for exaample door is closed)

    Passant the weak: Well... it is but I spotted some people going in...
    Keith Moon: I've got pass papers to let me through the Gate, but the Shades have made it all but impossible to pass within, papers or no.
    Keith Moon: Sure, you can get inside if you're willing to juice yourself up and have the friends to do it.
    Keith Moon: But it ain't easy.
    Keith Moon: And once you're in, the viscosity is fierce.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* well, I have also seen the door open from time to time... but I should maybe not mention that!
    Passant the weak: Let's believe it's a temporary state
    Keith Moon: A twisting column of smoke?
    Passant the weak: What would you expect fro necrovion in the future? A new king?
    Passant the weak: Yes sir
    Keith Moon: That'd be Peace's doing.
    Keith Moon: She inherited that magic from her father.
    Keith Moon: If Necrovion is to re-acquaint itself with the rest of the realm, I'd say it needs another Khalazdad - someone stubborn, smart, and respectful, with a deep passion for speaking to the Shades.

    Passant the weak: Azull... I hear that name quite often.... jester's hand...
    Keith Moon: He's a force in his own right.
    Passant the weak: So it's good to get Jester's hand taking over Jester's crown?
    Keith Moon: Jester is smart as hell, but sometimes a little out of touch with reality.

    Keith Moon: I don't know, Passant. I know that I respect Azull and think he's doing the best in some really adverse conditions.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* and I got his interview ready in my book yet
    : Keith Moon smiles
    Passant the weak: Rebellion rose a bit after you and others started it
    Keith Moon: Good for you. You're a better Legend Speaker than I ever was.
    Passant the weak: Do you know of the other rebels?
    Keith Moon: Not really, no.
    Passant the weak: I see... I will neeed to find one of those more recent rebels... but it's not easy
    Keith Moon: I'm sorry to seem so self-absorbed, but Necrovion holds a lot of grief for me, and I find it hard to get over Pample's absence.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* I'm a journalist, I want to understand facts, and you are way more helpful than I could hope
    Keith Moon: I'm happy to serve, if I can

    Passant the weak: A king.... can Necrovion really handle a king? AFter all.... there was the Shade Sentinel
    Keith Moon: That's a question you should ask Peace, in my opinion.
    Passant the weak: I will, she is next on my list... but what do YOU think?
    Keith Moon: Her father was the Speaker with Shades. He didn't claim to be more than that, but that title says an awful lot if you think about it.
    Keith Moon: He'd have liked you.
    Passant the weak: Hmmm, that' s a bit of important information for a young player like me, thank you
    : Keith Moon smiles
    Keith Moon: There was a lot to him, really - I'd be talking for hours and not cover it all.
    Passant the weak: I think I have covered all I wanted... do you wish to add something yourself?

    Keith Moon: He was fractured at one point. Light and darkness warred within him, and for a time found an uneasy truce.
    Keith Moon: No. Thank you. I hope I've been helpful to you.
    Passant the weak: Very very helpful. Besides peace, would you recommend a name to get an interview with?
    Keith Moon: Hmm...

    Keith Moon: A lot of the older folks could tell you more about Khalazdad. About the new rebels, I can't help you - yet. But I'll put out feelers and see if I can find somethin for ya.
    Passant the weak: Thank you! *bows* Also an administrative question: do you allow publklication of that log?
    Passant the weak: Or do you require anonymity or so?
    Keith Moon: I wouldn't have agreed to talk to you if I'd been worried about that, brother.

    Keith Moon: You can do with it whatever you like.
    Passant the weak: *smiles* What I expected, but it was an administrative question
    Passant the weak: I will probably publih my research on various chapoter: you will be in rebellion
    Passant the weak: *chapters
    Keith Moon: Fair enough.
    Passant the weak: *bows* Thank you very very much, that was really interesting...and I feel more educated
    Keith Moon: I was the Bard of Darkness once. Flux in the energies of this world made me the Bard of Time.
    : Keith Moon offers his hand
    Keith Moon: My pleasure.
    Passant the weak: *shakes the hand* very nice meeting you

    He also reacted to something I said in the Part #1 of that article. Remember it? No? There we go:

    [i][b]Anonymous: Necrovion has altready one King, it's the dark side inside us. That's why it's hard to rule Necrovion: you will just become a puppet King[/b][/i]

    [i][b]Keith Moon: Her father ([/b][size=2]Note from the author:[b] [/b][/size][/i][size=2][i][url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Khalazdad"]Khakazdad[/url], former Necrovion ruler[/i][/size][i][b]) was the Speaker with Shades. He didn't claim to be more than that, but that title says an awful lot if you think about it.[/b][/i][/quote]

    Well, let's think about it while listening to that song that I dedicate to Keith Moon. Thanks a lot for the time spent with me Keith Moon. I hope the best for Your Land.... and your Love.


    [log=My land lyrics]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]My own land has closed ots gates on me[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]All alone in world, it's scaring me[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I am here to prove you wrong[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I'm accused of something I live for[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]In my dreamland, there's some who understands[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]A friendly soul, trusting life in my hands[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Yes, I gave it all I can[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Now it's invaded by a stranger[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Keep in mind what you have heard today[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]You might find that you're not so brave[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Are you man enough, carry the load all alone[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]When other have your own[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]My old land is but a pile of sand[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Cold and bare but something still is there[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I am here to claim my land[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]You can't keep me away forever[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Keep in mind what you have heard today[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3][From: [url="http://www.elyrics.net/read/s/sonata-arctica-lyrics/my-land-lyrics.html%5D"]http://www.elyrics.n...nd-lyrics.html][/url][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]You might find that you're not so brave[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Are you man enough, carry the load all alone[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]When other have your own[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I'm a true patriot, you are my land,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]you have my soul, you have all I had[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Now I am here, and I want it all back[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]In my dreams, I climb the hills I see[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]and let a gentle breeze lead me to[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]plains I once have seen and[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Clear blue sky, I swim in lakes I find[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I build a house right there[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]that you can't take away[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]I am here to claim my land[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]you can't keep me away, forever, ever[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Keep in mind what you have heard today[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]You might find that you're not so brave[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Are you man enough, carry the load all alone[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]When other have your own[/size][/font][/color]
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Diving into Necrovion darkness - What happened to that land ?   
    A few weeks ago (well, a few is vague enough I guess to prevent any remark on how slow I am).... a few weeks ago I started interviews with some current and past [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Necrovion"]Necrovion [/url]citizens. Of course, slow as I am, nothing was published yet, but now time has come and you will find in this thread what I have gathered. Allright I must confess: interviews quoted here are from November 2011. That's not that old, is it?

    [b]I was intrigued by the situation in Necrovion, following Jester's actions and punishment.[/b] I will not summarize those facts, as it has been done recently by [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Peace"]Peace [/url]in that [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11207-so-far/"]thread[/url]. For those not familiar with what happened, I suggest reading first post of peace, which includes all official annoucements related to the matter.
    If you are way too lazy, this is a very high level summarize: [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Jester"]Jester [/url]King of Necrovion got in trouble with his actions, got banned for a long duration and Necrovion land was left without any active King and "closed" to visitors.
    To be complete, I should add that Jester account has been unbanned recently, which lead to some new troubles within Necrovion.

    My main questions when i decided to enquiry about Necrovion were:
    -[b] how do Necrovion citizen react to jester's punishment[/b]
    -[b] how do they feel in regards to Necrovion land being declared "closed" (even if it is not technically closed)[/b]
    -[b] what citizens wish for the future of their land (a new king?,....)[/b]
    - [b]who could be a good king?[/b]

    The facts themselves, I will not cover in this article, but I will rather try to make you share what the feelings of involved individuals are... or at least how I have perceived them!

    I was personnally interested in exploring the Necrovion dissidence too. I had noticed that Necrovion had the most rebels within all lands, but never managed to know why. Therefore, I decided to try and get an interview with a representant of the rebellion.

    To build this article, I will give you the feedback I got from various view-point
    [b]- Part 1: how do "regular citizens" of Necrovion view the situation[/b]
    [b]- Part 2: vision of a rebel[/b]
    [b]- Part 3: interview with a historical figure of Necrovion[/b]
    [b]- Part 4: the future - a candidate for crownship?[/b]
    [b]- Conclusion[/b]

    Each part will come on time, after a couple days (a couple meaning anything between 1 and 2 dozens days! ). Hopefully my slownyness, my lazyness will not prevent you from learning a few things about Necrovion situation. Probably the veterans already know most of what will be sai dhere, but I believe some new players like me will still get something off those interviews.

    I would like to express my thanks to all Necrovion people who have accepted to answer my questions. And my gratitude for supporting the longgggg delay between he moment we have met and the moment it is published here on the forum.

    Passant, the Weak.
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Diving into Necrovion darkness - What happened to that land ?   
    [size=5][b]PART 1 - Discussion with "regular" citizens[/b][/size]

    [size=2][b]Reminder: interviews were taken 3 months ago. Opinion of people I talked with may have evolved since then... yet they are worth a look.[/b][/size]

    Something amazing with Necrovion citizens is how secret they are! It's real identity of Necros to hide things and use the shadow to perform actions! What I mean, is that almost all citizens I've met have accepted to answer my questions.... but have required anonimity. Even for me quoting them anonimously, they are cautious and ask to review what I'm writing first.

    But another thing to be noted is that they usually have something to say. And that makes discussing with them rather interesting and instructive.

    The common point with most Necro citizens I've met is the fact that they don't feel very comfortable with the situation of [b]Necrovion[/b]. They have various reasons for that, but my personnal feeling is that they probably don't feel comfortable with their land, Necrovion, being put [b]in front of the sunlights[/b]. Well, that makes sense doesn't it?

    I would have believed that Necros are individualists in essence. I don't know exactly why, but that was my idea. And I've been surprised to see that most of the citizens I've met have one prioritary wish for their land: to give it a King to replace jester.

    Passant the weak: So, what is the situation of NV now? And how do you expect it tio evolve?
    Anonymous: Currently, we're without a king but with an alliance. Though I see about half the alliance at a time, I think we're keeping in touch.
    Passant the weak: What do YOU want for the future? Unless you are happy with that situation.
    Anonymous: Well, I personally would like to have a king around and the other alliance up and running. And to be able to walk in, but that's a different story

    So, indvidualists they are, maybe, but a ruler they need, probably! Oh my god.... what did I say? I just prepared my own graveyard and I expect some remarks from Necrovion people about that!

    Another common feeling I could perceive among people I interviewed, was a certain hesitation to stay in Necrovion after those events. But that hesitation was often combined with a fascination . Fascination about all that dark side of Necrovion, including the events involved by Jester's actions. Talking about Jester, it seems that Necros citizens understood the punishment he suffers. Some would regret it, but most of them accepted it.

    Fire Starter is an exception among Necros: he is the only one who accepted to be pubicly quoted. You will find his interview below. I find it rather representative of what I heard from citizens of the darkness..

    [log=Fire Starter says]Fire Starter: So, where shall we start?
    Passant the weak: It's better *smiles*
    Passant the weak: Just a few ords of context
    Fire Starter: I have noticed this is even less populated than Nv
    Passant the weak: Haha true!
    Passant the weak: I am preparing an article on NV recent events
    Passant the weak: Therefore having a few interviews with NV citizens (legals, rebels, officials, citizens...)
    Fire Starter: *laughs* Indeed, in Mur's terms it can be called "recent"
    Passant the weak: *smiles* I'm as slow as huim
    Fire Starter: I see. How can I be of assistance?
    Passant the weak: First the rule: I may publish the log unless you request not
    Passant the weak: And you can request anonimity
    Passant the weak: I have only a couple questions for you:
    Passant the weak: Do you understand why Jester was "banned" and do you accept that decision?
    Fire Starter: This is going way out of MD borders. As far as I am familiar with the reasons it can be said that I do both - understand and accept.
    Fire Starter: I understand it from both Mur's and Jesters point of view.
    Passant the weak: (sorry had some lag here)
    Passant the weak: Allright, and are you happy with the current situation of Necrovion?
    Fire Starter: They both do what they were supposed to. Only one not familiar with the realm wouldn't understand.
    Fire Starter: Lets put out smth -> I'll use this: ||| to indicate I am finished with my thoughts. Otherwise it's hard to know when the other is ready to advance in the interview. Ok?
    Passant the weak: Great!
    Fire Starter: In RL it's easier
    Passant the weak: ||
    Fire Starter: Well, infact nothing much has changed since Jester was jailed, so I don't know what exactly do you mean.
    Fire Starter: |||
    Passant the weak: I mean: the land is "closed", the king is still king but no more present |||
    Fire Starter: This is true, our king is just a formality now, but the land is never closed for me. As you know, certain used techniques make any place accessible.
    Fire Starter: Right now I am working on researching, so I don't really need to be inside. Otherwise in a mather of minutes I can enter.
    Fire Starter: I am more interested of who will run for the new King, than what will happen to Jester. But I am Necrovion after all.
    Fire Starter: |||
    Fire Starter: Realy there are many Necrovions, who I haven't even met, and they are much older and wiser than me. With that said I really thing I don't have enough look on my fellow citizens to...
    Fire Starter: ... state something like that.
    Fire Starter: Still, if looking from kind of a different from my point of view, maybe Peace is suitable for this, being Khalazdad's daughter. |||
    Passant the weak: Allright my last question: you are back Necrovion citizen... but no Tainted warrior. How is it possible?
    Passant the weak: As i was told you needed to join the alliance to get back to Necrovion ||||
    Fire Starter: *grins* Ah, this one question is a first. The answer is logical, but maybe not that close to the mind. And maybe because it has to do something with "the right place in the right time".
    Fire Starter: I had enterd the TW for few things to be tested. Then, when I exited I noticed, that loosing alliance makes One loose his land too. I have just re-gained my citizenship moment before Jester did...
    Fire Starter: ... everything.
    Fire Starter: Of course all those words have a simple, but not that much explaining answer: Pure Luck.
    Fire Starter: Which, in my case, comes rarely than the Univers is created.
    Fire Starter: |||


    One final word. A citizen of Necrovion had an original idea about Necrovion getting a King. He told me that, at the beginning of my interviews. And at the end of them I found it very true. I would summarize as follows:

    [quote][b]Anonymous:[/b] [i][b]Necrovion has altready one King, it's the dark side inside us. That's why it's hard to rule Necrovion: you will just become a puppet King[/b][/i][/quote]

    I couldn't say why, but that part #1 reminds me of an old song... Well, enjoy.


    EDIT: Song's lyric added as per lazy reader's request
    [log= Epitaph lyrics]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]T[/size][/font][/color][color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]h[/size][/font][/color][color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]e wall on which the prophets wrote[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Is cracking at the seams.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Upon the instruments of death[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]The sunlight brightly gleams.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]When every man is torn apart[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]With nightmares and with dreams,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Will no one lay the laurel wreath[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]When silence drowns the screams.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Between the iron gates of fate,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]The seeds of time were sown,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]And watered by the deeds of those[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]( From: [url="http://www.elyrics.net/read/k/king-crimson-lyrics/epitaph-lyrics.html"]http://www.elyrics.n...aph-lyrics.html[/url] )[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Who know and who are known;[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Knowledge is a deadly friend[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]If no one sets the rules.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]The fate of all mankind I see[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Is in the hands of fools.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Confusion will be my epitaph.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]As I crawl a cracked and broken path[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]If we make it we can all sit back[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]and laugh.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#A0522D][font=verdana][size=3]Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.[/size][/font][/color]
  18. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Seigheart   
    I'd like to point something out here, the person who gave out the warnings (you know who you are), you're wrong about me "not caring" about being "dead".

    Through your little note, you claim that I do not have the will power to be resurrected because I've done nothing to bring it about....

    I'll say it once more, I brought about this attempt. I was the one that contacted Katt to set up these Vigils. (I figured she was in a better position within the community to pull something off like this than I). I was the one that contacted Zleiph, Chewett, Grido, and several others on how one is to go about being resurrected.

    I am not one to make a huge scene over something like this? Why? Because it doesn't bother me to the point where I start begging and crying for help. I don't do the whole "planned RP" thing, like Eon's resurrection. I don't really care for people being "nice" to me, like Katt/Maebius are doing now. It's just weird now, especially when most people treat me with disdain. And I would find it extremely weird if the entire community came together to help me.

    Just because you didn't see these efforts doesn't mean they weren't made. Get your facts straight before you go on killing others.

    So much for being a "demi-god."
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Seigheart   
    The plant is learning to remember things [i](hopefully)[/i]. Every hour it will now recall how much Heat is active.
    (well, every "observed" hour so only if folks click it).

    This should make a nice trend to show our sustained efforts.
    Too bad I didn't think of this yesterday when first starting the Vigil. Would have been neat to see how fast the first few hours jumped!

    (I noticed that on the hour-mark, if there is multiple activity within the same second, it is doubling up that "timestamp". Sorry, but I'll factor that into account when graphing the results over the next week or so, if this still is active. )
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Seigheart   
    1 Million mark has been reached and recorded. Server time: Feb 10 17:00:00 ~ Day: 40 Year: 7 ~

    (Lets shoot for 5 Mil? )

    Also, I want to state that in no way will the plant clickie display a "[i]winning condition[/i]". The mechanics of raising Seigheart are not mine to control.
    [b]This exists only as a visible display of community effort. [/b]

    If the little plant grows to 10 million active Heat, or drops to under 1k, it matters little to the "code".
    It is [b]you all[/b] who make things Happen.
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in Pact with Necrovion Renewed   
    You argue valid points and hypothetical concerns - but they do not take into account that the CoE has had a defensive pact with Necrovion allies years. We have witnessed the disbandment of the Sentinels and 'takeover' of the CoE, and felt it prudent to solidify and reinvigorate this pact - one reason being the significant shifting of alliance members.

    And doesn't any mutual agreement and consensus-based decision assume an inherent 'faith' that all parties will abide by it?
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to ChildOfTheSoul in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    I feel that the first thing I should note is that Pipstickz created the forum topic "The Fate of CotE" of his own volition. I did not goad him into responding to my Public log entries. That aside, I appreciate him standing up for me.

    I am aware of the fact that the members of CotE speak in character, most notably Tarquinus, Phantom Orchid, and Amoran K Kol. I am not angry at the labels that they have given me, I am also fine with whatever thoughts or opinions the general public might have of me.

    As Esmaralda said, it's the actions that define a person, and my actions spoke when I decided to hand over CotE to Pipstickz despite making an oath to protect and defend it. The second most important fact is that I failed to give CotE back, despite promising to follow through with that action as well. I deserve whatever label those affected feel the need to give me, and maybe someday I will change their minds.

    That is all I have to say on the subject.
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Liberty4life in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    oke so we know he was told by pip to enter coe and then to hand it over, thats fact #1 which furthermore leads to conclusion that his pledging of fealty to coe never was true for him, ie he didnt mean wut he was sayin, so thats fact #2 which also means he cant be betrayer of somethin he never put his true loyalties in, ie he cant be betrayer of coe

    now we have assumption, that inviting neno was just a setup planned to fail in order to show back some good will towards loreroot, if that is true then he aint betrayer to pip, meanin he aint betrayer to anyone, he is just a spy that did well on his mission, but if this assumption aint true then he is only betrayer to pip and only an hostile agent to coe
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Pact with Necrovion Renewed   
    [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1328808926' post='103899']
    If the hierarchy of Loreroot decide it should go to war with Necrovion, you would not? You would go against the decision of the land, in essence rebelling from it? Would you then aid Necrovion, or just "ignore" the warring?[/quote]
    By the terms of the Pact, we would not join the war. This is a dire hypothetical and we would do our utmost to prevent its coming to pass. If open war were declared between Loreroot and Necrovion, the Eclipse would remain neutral. There are further hypotheticals, such as Necrovion invading Loreroot, and that is something that we clearly, as defenders of Loreroot, cannot allow.

    The previous terms of the Pact were legalistic and very specific. It is my opinion that we should trust each other to act in good faith and work out the nitty-gritty details as they arise. The Pact I have posted above is a much simplified version that presupposes good faith and cooperative spirit. I do take your point about conflicts of interest, but my opinion is, oh, what the hell. It's just a game, and the worst thing that can happen is that something interesting and unpredicted will happen.

    I could be wrong. But I'm willing to take the chance, in the name of fun and good relations in the game.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to duxie in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]everything's cool, but i'd just like to note one thing: you can't betray someone you've never pledged your loyalty to.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'm not sure about the whole situation, but i guess CotS was tricked by Pip, bribed physically or mentally, but that doesn't mean CotS offered his loyalty to Pip.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]so, i wouldn't count this as a double treachery. on other hand, if CotS tried to help you to take CoE back, that would mean he's still loyal to you, or what?[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]but then again, as i said - i'm not sure about the whole situation, sorry if i've missed something.[/font][/size]
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