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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in GC Gathering Season Argument thread   
    Excuse me Demon King ...Lord Tipu objects this...

    Shop resets should be a global one and should not be available for any kind of rewards, auctions or for achievements.
    If u want to auctions any shop items Plz go ahead but not shop resets. And if u r run short of $$$ yeah plz increase the resets as u wish but for everyone.

    The above is the standard rule followed in all those FREE mmorpg. And u being a game developer for over 7 yrs should be knowing this better than me.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Liberty4life in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    O.o ouu cmon murs experiments were inside of game before game was even playable, its game's core foundation, from very first story line, through roles till dna test thingy, that what is talked in here about kings... thats just specially selected tests, while on larger scale everyone of you is being tested from day 1, and i dont see whats issue here every should be aware of this by now, i got aware of it during mine first week of playin, maybe mur should re-say it somewhere in TOS or someplace where ppl would notice it... but then again...

    lol@degree part

    @kyphis: no i dont mean jester, i meant on external enemy to land, somethin which suprasingly never happened in md on real scale

    oh and just to mention, all your super-market cards irl, facebook profiles, and other crap, all of them are doing tests on you and they never said it, super market cards give ya right to discount, but their real use is to see what each customer is buying and therafore see what to offer to which one, what else he could be interested in, thats way more depper character mapping and it extends to your full self, practically its legal spying you never agreed to, but since ya took card it counts as if you did even if ya arent aware of it, and facebook for example has stuff that can see what ya like and what not, and according to that it does its best to pop up adds with things that ya like, and where exactly user agreed on all that stuff or was even told of it?

    so stop the bullshit every other thing you do you are being personality tested/mapped, but in case of super market they make money out of that while mur doesnt
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    good you cleared that up.

    i find your reaction most amuzing since you were never targeted by such tests, yet you cry about rights and such. Anyway, your 'human rights' have nothing to do with your character rights...otherwise you might want to sue me for jailing people or turn them into frogs ....

    Excuse me for not having a degree in ..anything at all actually, lol. According to that social standard I am a mediocre imbecile you find everywhere. Am i really?
    Last time i checked i was not writing any medical prescriptions or giving any psychology advice and such. Do I need a degree for scouting the human mind in my own way for my own wisdom? My actions go no further from the characters you play and that character is as you pointed out a fraction of your true self. The really sad thing is that from all this it is you that have to learn the most, by 'you' i mean those 'tested'. I learned what i learned, but did you? Failing dramatically or experiencing unexpected turn of events in an online game is the perfect sandbox to learn something about yourself ad the people around you. If you prefer to shut yourself down and point the finger at my crazy experiments..i really wondered why and how you survived md so far.

    Rights do not protect you from your own mind..sadly enough. You like to generalize and fit all this in the "crazy scientist" making experiments on "humans" category? Sounds so cool, thank you, but if you really want to understand what I said don't lose yourself in preconceptions.
  4. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Sharazhad in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326991614' post='101236']

    @Sharazhad, the breaking points are only in relation to the persons role. I constantly push and test CHARACTERS in key positions, in such ways that they will never notice or know it and hopefully when they less expect it. It has nothing to do with the person behind the character. [b]My role in the realm is one of a demon and i play it fully.[/b] You think i crossed the line? I only redirected certain forces to certain purposes, things IN REALM against things IN REALM.
    Why was it not "public"? First of all you have no idea what it is you are talking about that it was. Secondly it was not public because if the involved person would pass the test, the only possible reward for that person would be its own success. Thirdly, if you know you are tested you would not behave as you are and the 'test; would be influenced. Come on people, this is so obvious.


    [color=#008000][i]OMFG. If I ever had a reason to leave a game this is it. Tell me Mur, do you have a degree in Psychiatry? Psychology even? Where do you even get off "testing" people? What is your basis for this? What do you hope to achieve? Do really you see yourself as a scientist and we are your labrats? [/i][/color]
    [color=#008000][i]You say that your "tests" have nothing to do with the person behind the character. I say you are mistaken. On the start up page you appeal the player [b]to take a part of their own character [/b]and give it a name. Who are you testing then if not the player themselves?! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If you are going to be performing experiments on people, they should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to be part of this twisted scenario. I hope you realise that what you are doing (finding breaking points on your unknowing subjects or whatever other crazy experiments the MD populous is undergoing) is unethical and can be considered a violation of human rights[/i][/color].
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Regarding Illusions and influencing lands   
    I think that the illusions do have a role, and should not be removed.

    However I definetly think that the gaining of land loyalty should not be tied to the illusions. Your land loyalty should be about who you really are, not who you pretend to be.
    An Illusion is not mean't to be perfect. There should be ways to tell who is actually behind the illusion. There certainly are a lot of them already, but with the gaining of foreign land loyalty it makes passing as a spy too easy.

    I do not think that the gaining of land loyalty by pretending to be part of a land makes sense. Illusions should just mask your citizenship, not temporarily change it.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Liberty4life in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [*]kingslayer is simbolic meaning, as mur said it doesnt have to be king but it could be any person that was considered leader (see annoucement for exact quote)
    [*]there was NO mission/quest for screwing kings/leaders, players who did it did it on their own initiative and responsibility
    [*]i persoanlly found this very good thing to award such actions, leaders should always be tested of their abilities on how to handle things that concern them, if they cant then they arent fit of their position
    from mine point of view this is same thing as bug testing, consider this one called social testing, bug testers test if system is workin as intended while this social testers are testing if leading bodies are fit for their function, just imagine if instead of them there was person who was willing to go step further and not only break king but break whole land as well
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    "[i]otherwise it look to be a load of BULL to reward players for nothing.[/i]"

    so damn CUTE. what else can i say I can and will reward anything i consider worth rewarding from good to bad things, organized effort is rewardable. The decision to give this medal is solely mine. Ofc you can ask why, I never mind that, however i do mind the sort of attitude you have on this one.

    "Whom they took down and proof of this."

    I gave the medals so late, because I didn't wanted them to sound as a motivation as if i would say "good boy this is the way to get medals, kill your neighbor". Obviously I will not detail the secrets of a secret mission. I assumed this is clear from the start. I will not mention who slayed who, out of[b] respect [/b]for the involved people (those 'slayed'). Imagine how it would be for me to say "haha, dst mentally slaughtered , lets say, seigheart" ..or such things. The medal is well deserved but just that.

    @Sharazhad, the breaking points are only in relation to the persons role. I constantly push and test CHARACTERS in key positions, in such ways that they will never notice or know it and hopefully when they less expect it. It has nothing to do with the person behind the character. [b]My role in the realm is one of a demon and i play it fully.[/b] You think i crossed the line? I only redirected certain forces to certain purposes, things IN REALM against things IN REALM.
    Why was it not "public"? First of all you have no idea what it is you are talking about that it was. Secondly it was not public because if the involved person would pass the test, the only possible reward for that person would be its own success. Thirdly, if you know you are tested you would not behave as you are and the 'test; would be influenced. Come on people, this is so obvious.

    @seigheart, last time i checked i didn't hired you as lawyer
  8. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Sharazhad in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [color=#008000][i]0.o Chewy did you really just say that?! [/i][/color]
    [color=#008000][i]That annoucement basically encourages online bullying and harrassement!! It sends out the message that Mur stands for that because he: 1) sent out people to on a "mission" to "test breaking points" and 2) he awarded people for it! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]Why is Mur's judgement on this not questioned when this little "quest" clearly crossed boundaries? Have you forgotten that Mur is still human? The fact that he knows a sufficient amount of programming doesnt give him god-like status. He has no right to make such a twisted quest. I dont care if you ban me from MD, or throw me in jail for saying this but what Mur did was WRONG!!!! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If the purpose of this mission was to get rid of the kings, why not do something similar to festival of pain, or make a forum post about it. These tactics are underhanded and unethical. [/i][/color]

    [color=#696969][i]edited for typos[/i][/color]
  9. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Sharazhad in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [color=#008000][i]I also have some question marks about this announcement.[/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]From the announcement it is stated that players were put to a breaking point; which is assumed to be a mental breaking point, because any other breaking point would not be feasible in game. This would then mean that the dynamics of the game would be shifted from MD to RL as you are now "messing with the person's head". The fact that someone is awarded a medal for testing a person's breaking point is sick!!! I do not stand for this, it is wrong and twisted. Is this where MD is heading to? if you cant get them in game, play mind games?! Pathetic! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If the kings left, it can not be assumed that it was due to in game issues only and shouldn't be awarded for it. [/i] [/color]
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    There are three other kings other than yourself Yrth
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to phantasm in Resource Depletion   
    aye agreed with seig. It is not authority of "authority" you should be looking for, but the mass. Rise to the movement. Posting and keeping records of depletion is good. It must however be used to get the masses on your side, not a 'judge' as it were. I think people keep missing my point about this. A small force of movement can roll into a typhoon in MD if you move int he right direction. The conglomerate is capable of overtaking anyone or thing. No king is every mightier then the mass that it controls
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Menhir in Music Thread   
    I would like to start a music thread, with the very simple task:

    What kind of music are MD infected people are listening?

    You can use anything possible to give an idea what you like. I will use mostly youtube links.

    In each post I will list 9 Songs plus 1 special Song.

    Here the first gathering:

    [i]something “deep”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Tiamat – “Gaia”[/color]


    [i]something “dark beautiful”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Primordial – “Dark Song”[/color]


    [i]something “true”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Shape Of Despair – “Curse Life”[/color]


    [i]something “fragile”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Opeth – “Coil”[/color]


    [i]something “progressive”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Deadsoul Tribe – "Spiders & Flies"[/color]


    [i]something “aggressive”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Heaven Shall Burn – “Endzeit”[/color]


    [i]something – “meaningful”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Insomnium – “In The Groves Of Death”[/color]


    [i]something “old yet wonderful”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Neil Young – “Words Between The Lines Of Age”[/color]


    [i]some “masterpiece instrumental”?[/i]

    [color="#FF0000"]Amorphis – “A Thousand Lakes”[/color]


    [i]special song number I[/i]

    [i](probably the best Band from Rumania)[/i]

    [color="#006400"]Negură Bunget – "Dacia Hiperboreană"[/color]


    Why do I choose this band as first special song appearance?
    It has something to do with MD coming from Rumania.

    If you like to understand Negură Bunget there is much more needed then listening to their songs just once.
    Same with MD.

    You need alot time to experience all the beauty in it.
    Same with MD.

    There is nothing commonly with the band.
    Same with MD.

    Not everyone will like their music and only few will truely understand.
    Same with MD.

    I could continue.

    And the second important condition – its my tribute to the genius of one of the most successful exceptional bands in the world.

    I hope some of you enjoyed this little inside view of my music taste.
    I´m looking forward so see some awesome lists of yours.

  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sharazhad in Stand Against SOPA/PIPA   
    [color=#008000][i]SOPA/PIPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act/ Protect IP Act. At first glance, this seems pretty kosher. After all Piracy is a crime in many countries. However what it is really is a thinly veiled excuse at internet censorship. You may ask: Why is this bad? and Why should I stand against it?[/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]Well, The U.S Congress wants to pass a bill that will allow the U.S government to shut down any website accused of copyright infringement. This includes, barring of online advertising, filesharing, barring of payment facilitors and search engines servicing and linking accused websites. This Bill would make streaming copyrighted content a crime, with a maximum penalty of five (5) years in prison. So downloading a Michael Jackson song, would land you more prison time than his doctor who killed him. [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]You like watching vids on youtube? Well, if this Bill is passed, say good bye to that. Infact, say bye-bye to MD due to the music played on certain locations like Winds Sanctuary. It also means that Mur is responsible for the ENTIRE content of his game, including the things we say. [/i][/color]

    [color="#008000"][i]Same applies for Bloggers and tweeters. [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]People who are proponents are saying that this bill would protect intellectual property. Opponents are saying that it goes against the First ammendment, violates the internet, and censor free speech on the internet. Wiki-leaks and other whistle-blowing websites will be shut down. Over 7000 websites went "black" in protest against this bill, which was led by Wikipedia, Reddit, Wired.com, Yahoo! and Google. [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]Wanna do something? Please vote against it [/i][/color]

    [i]This Bill was temporarily shelved, but it needs to be burnt!! If you want more information I've listed a few websites below.[/i]

    [color=#008000][i]The full text for Sopa:[/i][/color]
    [color=#008000][i][url="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.3261"]http://thomas.loc.go...z?c112:H.R.3261[/url][/i][/color][color=#008000][i][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]:[/font][/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Full text for Pipa:[/font][/i][/color]
    [i][url="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.968"][color=#0000ff]http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.968[/color][/url][/i][color=#0000ff][i][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]:[/font][/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]Other sites:[/i][/color]
    [i][url="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.968"]http://thomas.loc.go...ry/z?c112:S.968[/url][color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]:[/font][/color][/i]

    [color=#696969][i]edited for typos[/i][/color]
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Esmaralda in Resource Depletion   
    Yes, absolutely. As pointed in other posts, what 'everyone knows' cannot be used in a court of law. As screenshots are needed to proove anything, we should continue to post about depletors as they continue to deplete. Further, the more instances we see of a depletor, the worse their public image gets, thus perhaps forcing them to adjust their behavior or get shunned by their peers.

    Note also that this is not about just Eon. This post has a number of depletors of various resouces. We should continue to post about any depletors we see.
  15. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs?

    Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds?

    Didn't think so.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Resource Depletion   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326827440' post='101049']So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs? Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds? Didn't think so.[/quote]

    No, but I do consider that some Lands have rules for their citizenry which apply to harvesting/dowsing/lumberjacking in other lands.
    So while Eon and the other depletion harvesters continue, folks will (and should, IMHO) continue to post evidence of such, for any future cases.

    In that vein, I was sent this to post on forums (Gort has no forum access). Water's not as used, of course, but the laws of the Land in Golemus do clearly state "no more than half" should be gathered. Leixer had reduced the Water beyond that self-implied limit[log='Water below half']http://storenow.net/my/?f=3725[/log]
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Regarding Illusions and influencing lands   
    Lately, some thoughts struck my mind regarding Illusions:

    There are illusions that are able to influence a land is ways that are going very deep.
    My personal thought is, that they may want to get reviewed, because of this.

    [u]First example (Summon tag spell):[/u]
    Mur: “[i]My intention is to make it a shared item BUT make special shared items that can be grabed only based on land loyalty[/i]”

    Right now, there are illusions that are able to give the illusionist land loyalty. And I fear it might lead to having someone who is not loyal to a land grab the shared item, and ruin the purpose of it.

    [u]Second example:[/u]
    Dst now has a tag called “gatekeeper of Necrovion” and has been opening the Howling Gates. Gates that are semi-closed for a reason. And the illusion is kind of screwing with that idea.
    Not to mention that newbies get trapped in there, and have no AP to leave.*

    [u]Third example:[/u]
    [i]I want to say first that I have no proof of this incident, and that it happened a long time ago.[/i]
    [i]Please do not start arguing about the incident itself, it's about the idea behind it.[/i]

    The essence of the incident was that someone had the Loreroot Soldier Illusion on, and was talking not so nicely about Loreroot and its inhabitants.
    This illusion makes one look as an ambassador for a land. When it does speak badly/rude towards the land and its citizens, I feel there is something that does not fit well.
    This may not look like a big point, but it may cause confusion towards people who do not know of the Illusions, and think the Loreroot Soldier is an actual ambassador for said land.

    Again, this is my personal opinion, and I’d like to get feedback on this.

    * edit
  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Eclipse sabotaged   
    To the Children of the Eclipse:

    Some of you already know this, but I wish to announce it here: Lord Pip, an alt of Pipstickz, managed to gain entry to the CoE, take control of it through judicious sacrifice of creatures to boost his loyalty score, and expel all the members. He has since been joined by MRWander, formerly of the dastardly MR Fraternity.

    I am not sure exactly how I plan to get our badges back, but I am sure what I will [u]not[/u] do. This ought to go without saying, but just to be clear: I will not be approaching Mur or the Council about this matter, and I will not be attempting to prosecute Pip in the MD Court or any other body. I have no reason to think Pip used a bug or exploit to get into the CoE, but if he did, I leave such matters in the hands of those whose position it is to regulate them. Until I am given reason to think otherwise, I will assume Pip achieved this act of sabotage through honorable, game-mechanical means.

    [b]The Eclipse is not disbanded.[/b] Those who now wear its badge are not the "new" Children of the Eclipse; they are merely brigands. As for those who wore its badge until now, it remains to be seen what we are. Are we knights and priests, warriors, teachers, and questers, or are we merely talk? This turn of events forces us to demonstrate what we are made of, both in and out of character. I intend to carry on with the Eclipse - when we regain our badges, it will be because we have earned them, nothing less. Those of you who have sworn oaths to defend Loreroot and serve the Sibyl (Amoran) are not discharged from these oaths. This is [u]particularly[/u] true for our knighthood: if you think yourself a knight, now is the time to prove it.

    I asked Lord Pip (in character, as Tarq) politely to return our badges. He politely declined. While I intend to use all available in-game means of restoring them to our membership, I wish to be clear that I will use in-game means [u]only[/u]. Pip is honorable if mischievous, and I expect our knights and priestesses to treat him courteously even while we work to undo his schemes.

    I have often said that the worst thing that can happen in MD is also the best thing: that something interesting will happen. If the loss of our badges does not interest you, perhaps you have no place in the Eclipse. In the meantime, I call upon all of you to join me in fighting to restore what is rightfully ours: and I must observe that if we cannot regain our in-game alliance and keep it, then perhaps we do not deserve to have it. Let us speak through our actions from this point forward.
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in The hokey cokey   
    A few examples recently I thought I would bring up in regards to in/out in/out shake it all about reactions to things. Why? because people just will not stop complaining that role-play is dead and that MD is nothing but grinding and is boring and that the forum is more busy that the game etc etc. Well you make it that way if it is like that for you as far as I can see it.

    1) What Shadowseeker said about the recent wedding has been slagged and negged and all sorts - but he is right. What if you had actually reacted as your character in it's world rather than started complaining, how great and fun could that have been? Ok so the ranking thing was a bit harsh, but that was his opinions and it brought the point home with examples no? Im not saying nobody did but a lot of people just complained about the situation (and are still complaining about it...) rather than immersing themselves. Yes people use their mechanical tools in annoying ways sometimes, and fine yes complain, but you can use that to have a lot of in game fun if you want to as well.

    2) Neno in prison...ok so you have been in jail longer than your minimum sentance, people agree it is unfair, that's great....so do somethng? You arn't banned, you are in a part of the game, a physical part called a jail. It isnt as if you have been banned in such a sense that you arn't allowed in game and so should be handled by game managers as such. Picking at Grido for not using his 'admin' tool is ridiculous. LHO master was never supposed to be all shine and light, the first one (the amazing Jonn) was a recognised torturer. No kidding. How about considering Grido like one of those orc jailers instead? Im not saying he is but think what you/the group who support you, could actually do with this. Anyone tried to dig Neno out? protested in game? tried threatening Grido with setting fire to the PC? bribing him? anything? anyone? The jail is a perfect rp scenario, it's a shunned gift really.

    3) Cheers to Tarquinnus. Here you are flying the flag for real in game reaction to real in game events, despite the fact that in your case a coupling with some out of game recation due to alts or what-not would be quite justified - I certainly wouldn't chastise you for that, but I will definitely cheers to what you [i]are[/i] doing.

    Anyway, there, I've said it. Not everything I say will make sense, it is me after all....but surely you get what I am getting at here? Come on people! or...wait...what did Phan say? ...Rise brothers!?

  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    The dark age has begun.

    The lord Tipu unleashing the first ever [b]Fugitive quest : " The Master of all Stealer "[/b]

    [b]Mission[/b] : Is to steal others property by what ever means(Rules apply see below).
    It can be either coins, items, creatures, avatars, or anything that can be stolen.(use ur imagination to the fullest).
    Cheating, lies, backstabbing, bullying, blackmailing, robing, anything goes.

    (Even Fugitives have Honor and Code)
    [b]Rules[/b] : 1) Bugs/ Scripts not allowed.
    2) Hacking/ Stealing passwords of others account not allowed.
    3) U need to hold the "stolen property" until the end of this Quest. U may if u want can return the stolen property back on good will after the Quest ends or can keep it to satisfy ur greedy needs hehe.
    4) All ur fugitive adventures( proof with screen shots) should be posted in this part of the forums. So that we can verify ur bragging.
    5) If someone complains ur action to council members or take u to court then its ur problem and this Quest won't protect u. So take calculative risk. (There is no gain without a pain)
    6) Don't even think of cheating me. If u dare then u will be a Victim to my Fart Attack for eternity hehe.

    [b]Duration[/b] : The Quest will run until 31 Dec 2011.

    [b]Judging[/b]: The winners will be judged by three judges. (Judges will be announced latter currently hunting them down)
    Judging will be based on the valuable of the stolen items, planning, tricks, time, and other things too.

    [b]Rewards [/b]: Sponsored by treasure keepers.

    Remember the cheaters who get caught r called fools but those who don't get caught r called Fugitives. Do u have what it takes to be a Fugitive? if so then show the world ur dark side hehe.

    MDers Start insuring ur valuables items or creatures or urself...Yes whether u like it or not u r already a part of this Quest. Cos' this is no ordinary Quest it is FUGITIVE GUEST and during this time Hell will be relocated down to Magic duel.

    Let the chaos Begin...

  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    Alright Finally its time to announce the winner of Fugitive Quest 1 haha..
    So the Master stealer 2011 is Soothing sands.
    Scores r Soothing sands 3 Points , Raven 2 Points and Shadowseeker 0 Points (Thanks to Judges)

    ok now the reward r a rare creature [b]ELU[/b] with a rare Item [b]History of the Elucubration Creature[/b]
    So Soothing sands ur Rewards r ............[b]NOTHING [/b]haha...
    I stole ur rewards ... Epic isn't ? hehe
    Just kidding hehe ..Check ur forum PM i have send both the CTC and the ITC. Congrtz . (Thanks to seigh and his team. I liked the choice of the rewards. Since Elu does represents fugitive in a way hehe)

    In fact everyone could have applied for this Fugitive Quest. Yes i mean u all.
    The guys who trains at the Park (Stealing others creatures ve to gain stats)
    The guys who have SD ( Stealing others hard earned Skill to gain personnel stats )
    The people who steels Victory ( " can u set a tree for me plZ " )
    The people who deplete resources which r meant for everyone and even sells it to gain power.

    And even those who wins Contest and gets away with Wps and rewards just cos they have extra 20kg brains or smarter than u or faster than u.The red carpet is laid down for them, congratulations r pouring from every corners and claps r made and smile gestures towards them.
    But when a fugitive uses his skills and outsmarts u and gets away with an item or creatures u people handcuff him, tag him as criminal, remove his citizenship and put him behind bars and make him to beg for unban.

    Now u will all say the above r lies ...

    This world was never about truth or lies
    there r only hard facts ...Despite that ...
    everyone who lives in this society mistakenly believes that ...
    only facts that r favorable to them r truths...
    they know no other way to become powerful ..
    But for the powerless and weak who makes up most of this society..
    Facts that act against them r the only truths..

    Do u all know the Facts?
    Well the fact is that they(Fugitives) just want to be like u ...to become rich ..to be on Top ..to dominate ..to gain power ..but in a different way.
    In fact there r more legal criminals outside than many innocent players in Jail just cos' they r different from the way U wanted them to be.

    I dedicate this Quest to many fugitives who were IP banned, and those who rotted in jail without unban, and many more who were jailed. just cos' we can have fun peacefully...cos' ur live shows in MD don't gets interrupted...cos' we don't want ur chat rooms to be spammed...cos' we want to have fun in ur own way.

    KC guard
    Pending MB citizen
    EX- Fugitive
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to duxie in Role of the council in regards to ingame diplomacy   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd say... if you have a tool/ability/opportunity - it's a feature you can use on your own for whatever reason you feel it's suitable, unless it's stated otherwise by some higher authorities/rules.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Azull had an idea, will and opportunity - no kings, no government = chaos, anarchy, why not to use that? great idea, btw, nice move.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Kiley had an ability/authority and used that power for whatever means/profit. none should judge that - anarchy, remember? and none from existent higher authorities ever stated it's illegal.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]Yrthilian had a tool and he used it for his own reasons. [/color][color=#282828]another and way more important question would be - why he still had this tool? unless someone from higher grounds wanted to make Yrth as a tool for his own intrigue...[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]there's no way Azull and Kiley should be judged for initiative and creativity using the situation. i'd say the same for Yrth, unless it was stated by higher authorities/rules that those tools shouldn't be used... but then again: if you want to prevent some action - take the tools [/color][color=#282828]away[/color][color=#282828]. the one who should be blamed the most in this situation is/are the [/color][color=#282828]higher authorities, unless it was done on purpose... *grins*[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd just like to point out that for whatever reason this blaming/judging is done - it is destroying the community, free mind, creativity, ideas, initiative... i still have a hope that his game is more then another governmental/social system of nowadays and is ruled by more open minded people. such ideas and actions should be stimulated and motivated instead of being choked. this game would become boring if some higher authorities would start coordinating or judging each social, political in-game action... [/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]try to be more objective and based on rules as much as it is possible. that's a new year wish for the council from me.[/font][/size]
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Role of the council in regards to ingame diplomacy   

    I make reference to this annoucement by the council about the Yrthilan/Azull question (use of King tools after retirement). I have a question regarding the council's role in general.
    [i]Please don't discuss here about the yrthilian/Azull dispute in particular, this is not the subject, and there is another thread for that.[/i]

    [log=annoucement][color="#cccccc"]Ann. 2156 - [2012-01-02 23:16:00 - Stage 11][/color]
    All king items have been removed from the Kings, all King powers have also been removed.
    Azull has been unjailed.
    Our thoughts:
    -Yrthilian is guilty because he used tools although he was not supposed to as he is no longer King, items are allowed to be used by those who possess them though.
    -Kiley is guilty for breaking the land rules put in place by the former king.
    -Azull is guilty for not fully thinking about what his actions meant.
    Past what we, the council, have already done, we will take no further action.[/log]

    While I understand that the coucil voices his opinion/judgement about yrthilian (he is using tools from the game that are subject to game rules/regulations), I was suprised that the coucil voiced his opinion about Kiley and Azull actions. Those actions are to me pure ingame actions, involving nothing related to game rules. I would have thought that this is not council responsibility to decide whether those actions are legitimate or not.

    My question: is the council to raise opinion about diplomatic/ingame policy? I looked for a definition of the council role, but did not mange to find one.

  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in A couple thoughts and ideas   
    I love your passion Krioni. Put on those dancing shoes and have some fun:P
  25. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Aelis in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
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