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  1. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Peace in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    Fang you crazy rascal, I have a question for you. Have any of your rewards been late yet since you became leader?
  2. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Fang Archbane in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    Not that i know of O,O

    If im wrong though, feel free to come forward oh Item Winners, and let me know of the lateness ive caused.

    *chants to the heavens as he does some kind of indian tribe ritual*

    hi how are ya hi how are ya how hi are ya >xD

    *hopes no one catches that*
  3. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Fang Archbane in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1352198906' post='125053']
    [b]He is using his position to try and get revived which is wrong.[/b]


    Ok. Fine. Done. At this point i just dont give two DSTs so its done and done.

    Ill have my Treasure Keepers do all the deliverys until im revived. Im done with this argument. If the People think they know how to lead this Alliance better than me, fine, fair enough. Ill do it your way. If it works, yee motherluvin haa. If not, oh well right?

    Well do things your way for now. Why not. What do i have to lose?

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1352188973' post='125046']
    Should I remember you that you're still in trial probation?

    No. You seriously dont need to do that. I realise that, and ive made it CLEAR that i realize that. If the Council doesnt like me, they can BOOT me and get someone who would do the job better, and the only one i can think of off the top of my head is ZenTao

    (Let this be know T-T If im to be booted, i nominate Zenny as the TK Head until further notice)
    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1352201185' post='125057']
    Mur went out on a limb all the time.

    ... you got me there Pipster... my love for Mur is kind of... extreme... hrm...

    [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1352202607' post='125060']
    1. Fang you impress me very much with a well played role, which is not only played immature but at the same time taken out straight forward of the hollywood & bollywood movies of the last 20 years.


    2. You´re truly like this.

    In all honesty? Im not too sure myself, but i would have to guess its the second O.e;

    [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1352220564' post='125076']
    Also, I believe that fang is just being cautious about his job and about his posts, believes that his posts would make things fun. I don't think one need to behave maturely to take care of their work. I don't think he'd give the sponsoring part to his 'crew' if he didn't trust them and I'm sure his fellow TK's know that.

    Nimmehz ;~; Your sweet, and i thank you for trying to find something that might not be there but, please, dont defend me

    Im an idiot. Thats really all there is to it :|

    I love all, dislike very few, and hate even less :/

    But some have... earned that right >>;

    Some are just given it D:

    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
    I can, and have done better.

    Good for you? o,O Im sorry, but ive heard way too many bad things about when you were in charge to even CONSIDER giving this to you O_O

    *waves a ZenTao for President flag and chants the ZenTao National Anthem*

    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
    Already applied long before this shenanigans.

    hehe... Shenanigans is putting it lightly xD

    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
    Stop pussy footing around and do his job. stop being a blamer for his own short comings. Be more mature, etc. Really. All of these 'ideas' have been said time and time again. Yet he doesn't seem to get the idea.
    Oh well. his fault, his folly.

    So let me get this straight. Your asking me to stop being myself and be some uppity boring tool for the man?

    *waves a revolution flag*

    Rhe Vo Lou Scion!
  4. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from nadrolski in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall.


    In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth.

    With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader?

    Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?
  5. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Nimrodel in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    MD population as such can be classified in two ways:
    1. Eon-dst- No one haters and non haters.
    2. Lorerootian haters and non haters

    As Menhir said it was wrong to provoke Eon. Yes, the whole skill damage is a pain in the back side and he seems to win everywhere, gets away with almost everything, gets medals, and seems to be favored by council, Rendril, Mur etc. People dislike him because they feel its not fair that he gets away with almost anything, or consider him immoral or feel jealous of his accomplishments.
    You should really see Eon's profile page. Doesn't really justify his behavior but you do get to see things from a different point of view. People who think they are 'good' aren't that 'good' really.

    Fang you are a nice person, who had it in you to see good even in fenrir. What in the devil's world made you go provoke Eon even though he is barely active nowadays? Anyone with a sane mind knowing Eon would agree that the probability of something like that happening is very very high. But still you had to do it. So the inability to do your work is almost entirely your fault. Fault No. 2 is blaming Eon for it. Fault no. 3 is not being diplomatic enough (which kinda is coz of how you feel towards him) to think over what your post would sound like in public.

    Also, I believe that fang is just being cautious about his job and about his posts, believes that his posts would make things fun. I don't think one need to behave maturely to take care of their work. I don't think he'd give the sponsoring part to his 'crew' if he didn't trust them and I'm sure his fellow TK's know that.

    Really lets stop being so hard on him or Eon as a matter of fact.
  6. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall.


    In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth.

    With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader?

    Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?
  7. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall.


    In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth.

    With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader?

    Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?
  8. Downvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Menhir in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall.


    In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth.

    With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader?

    Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?
  9. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from lashtal in Quest: A day of Fear   
    I'll sponsor this with a WP to first prize.
  10. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Fang Archbane in Addition to Feature: Trigger Box Playername   
    I'd been thinking of this for a while now too, and I definitely support the idea.

    Thanks for getting this out Burnsy, as I did not have the time :3
  11. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Seigheart in Quest: A day of Fear   
    No, it will be random.

    I have permission, from Mur, to use my WPs however I see fit, as long as I do not use them on myself.

    If Council has a problem with it, well, they know what they can do.

    It's halloween, cheer up, have some fun.
  12. Downvote
    Mallos reacted to DARK DEMON in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    [quote name='Vicious' timestamp='1350723212' post='124344']
    i think that certain crits should be used for HC... which is what someone else said... becuase when i was MP3 i remember some people having angiens and other powerful crits that are hard to get... ok it is a bit easy-er to get angiens and stuff at MP4 but thats not my point... i mean that a selected group of crits should be used in HC so it isn't just "oh... i have an angien... i am just going to kick your... Knator's (?) butt!!!" i think that heads contest should be about tactics AS well as strenth.

    angiens can be easily beatable with simple crits, and you DO need tactics to find out

    if you don't know how, then don't complain
  13. Downvote
    Mallos got a reaction from lightsage in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    I had an idea that there could be a sort of constant torch contest going on in the realm. People could pick up torches if they wanted to compete and have a little fun. The main changes I had in mind was there could be other ways to flag you as competing and run the risk of getting killed.

    Depletions have been a big issue in the past and we complain that theres nothing to be done about it. Say if someone depletes a lands resources below half (typical land law amount) they would be considered killable to that lands citizens, perhaps untill they left the land or a certain timeframe passes.

    Im not sure exactly how fast you get resurrected in the torch competition, but the values could be made a little longer, say an hour or a few hours?
  14. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Zyrxae in What MagicDuel Lacks   
    More people would help, but there's a lot more that matters:

    [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1350322371' post='124037']
    back then things were happenin, nowdays majority of players are passive

    The RPC era had its flaws, but at least people were actively seeking something. Spelldocs, role-related objects, new lands, the defeat of a powerful enemy, the aid of a friend...all these and more were goals "back in the day".
    [b]Festivals:[/b] Summer, War & Remembrance, Halloween

    [b]Ongoing: [/b]Newbie intros, Maebius' mini-quests, Lost Path, Z's transposition, Lashtal's mirror quest..
    [b]Seasonal:[/b] Halloween (Day of Fear, colorful skulls), community garden (writing, scarecrows, pumpkins)..
    [b]Temporary:[/b] Fang's trivia, Androme's hide-and-seek, assorted expeditions through viscous areas

    [b]Efforts[/b][b]: [/b]VISION group, community garden, newspaper...and some others rarely [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12720-buying-materials/"]mentioned[/url] on the forum or even publicly ingame.

    This may look like a lot, but it's not unified. In the time of the AL many people worked toward a few large but mostly achievable goals.

    [size=1]*This is not a complete list by any means; no offense meant if your quest is not mentioned here.[/size]

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1350339779' post='124048']
    Okay, then stop idling all day long and do something.

    People [u]are[/u] doing some things. They could do more, sure, but the main issue is that they're mostly focused on their own spheres [size=1]cubes[/size] rather than any uniting factor.

    I assume that in Wodin's day everyone wasn't constantly talking about Wodin and his quests. Plenty went on on the side..but there was an air of 'something important is going on in MD right now' about.

    Maybe it was nothing like that, but from conversations, readings, and personal experiences (the Dominion Journey and some projects in the realm beyond) I get the feeling that most people were interested in the Big Thing going on at the time.

    Things will come together to a smaller extent during Halloween, but lacking a strong unifier the collective spirit may very well dissipate as quickly as it gathered.
  15. Downvote
    Mallos reacted to Chengmingz in What MagicDuel Lacks   
  16. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Dragual in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    I had an idea that there could be a sort of constant torch contest going on in the realm. People could pick up torches if they wanted to compete and have a little fun. The main changes I had in mind was there could be other ways to flag you as competing and run the risk of getting killed.

    Depletions have been a big issue in the past and we complain that theres nothing to be done about it. Say if someone depletes a lands resources below half (typical land law amount) they would be considered killable to that lands citizens, perhaps untill they left the land or a certain timeframe passes.

    Im not sure exactly how fast you get resurrected in the torch competition, but the values could be made a little longer, say an hour or a few hours?
  17. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to dragonrider7 in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I fought a lot today, I took a break...near the Willows Walk....ah!! clear water and the Water Demons swimming around. I sat and took a bottle of water....ah what can water be used for....making coffee, tea, bath???.....but I was told that water can give life....let me, as a Water Dowser...let me give life to something...I enchanted the bottle of water with all the life spells that I know.....I threw it into the lake and waited...concentrated......!!.....!!.....!!.....nothing happens....I concentrated..!!...!!...!!...!!
    ah!! nothing again.....but inner peace....!!......!!....!!......Splash!!!!!!!!!! I heard a noise of water rising up....I opened my eyes...Ahh it was unbelievable....my water made life....a handsome water warrior...let me call him [b]Joe "The Waterman"[/b]. And here he is......hmmm!! water demon traffic is increasing ha ha.. he have WD mark also..

  18. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Tom Pouce in where is the logic?   
    It seem that my use of planting in an inderect way a medicinal plant in a make beleive garden in MD was to be taken as being incitation to transgress law. So not allow

    When i see that MD is condoning murder in an explicit and even with some game mechanic way
    and to be specific i can give for exemple murder of NAD, murder of POE, murder of Fang, murder of chewett, murder of Fyrd, murder of Peace , murder of many others ....

    i wonder if there is not 2 way of rulling different

    Is not murder agains all countries laws, and so should not me allow in MD? because it can be concieder an incitation to trangress law?
  19. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Fyrd Argentus - Major Rededication of Focus   
    Fyrd Argentus (speaking ooc) has been grappling with Death in the realm since the beginning of the Lost Path Adventure. Concerns have increased as players have been killed, and others been demoralized by having no apparent way to recover from this, and left the realm. Always there is the seeming arbitrary power the older characters have over the newcomers. Fyrd has attempted several activities personally to rectify this situation, but it has become clear that a group voice must be raised to address concerns of such magnitude.

    This thread announces the formation of a GROUP with a common dedication to improving the lot of new players, and their retention in the realm. First efforts will be dedicated to establishing a revival path that allows new players to feel secure in their time and emotional investment to the realm. Other issues will be tackled as needed with this same goal.

    Fyrd is setting aside his claim on leadership of the (now defunct) Legend Speakers alliance to lead this group. In fact, he is dropping his MDA citizenship and joining the Underground to learn from those that have braved the shadows before him. Please note, this new group has NOTHING to do with the Underground or Shattered Illusions alliance.

    How can you join and support this effort?
    In increasing order of commitment…..
    1. You can pledge resources on this thread or privately, in case an important tool can be purchased.
    2. You can support the growth of the Community Garden, which is a wellspring of life and potential source tools for revival of the dead.
    3. You can sign on as a "Friend" of this group.
    4. You can sign up as an adept or worshipper of Fyrd Argentus.

    Yes, Fyrd is going for MP6 again. As Protector, Fyrd will represent the voice of this group. Signing up as a Friend, Adept, or Worshipper is to say that Fyrd speaks for you in matters related to the charter of this group.

    Now all we need is a good name.

    Now, we have a thread for The Plan:
  20. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to DARK DEMON in Trading Credits for Gold   
    I think it's meant to be 5 creds for one gold or something like that...

    So... is that a deal?
  21. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  22. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Peace in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    I think Peace is a good protector and would like to see her be able to continue doing well. I try to pray to her often and would like to see her revived to put good use to the heat from me and others.
  23. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from lashtal in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    I think Peace is a good protector and would like to see her be able to continue doing well. I try to pray to her often and would like to see her revived to put good use to the heat from me and others.
  24. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Tom Pouce in The value of Life in MD   
    Really?? Death a pre-ban punishment? What have those killed done that is so severe to warrant such action (yes Seigheart included)?

    Im inclined to think anyone may do mostly whatever they please as long as it follows the ingame restrictions. Death stops this.

    As I see it death has been thrown around too freely lately. Take when the kings were killed as an example. Lots of death but wasnt it all planned out? They were all more responsible with it then.

    Nowadays.. Why was nadrolski killed? "Disturbance?"
  25. Downvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Liberty4life in The value of Life in MD   
    Really?? Death a pre-ban punishment? What have those killed done that is so severe to warrant such action (yes Seigheart included)?

    Im inclined to think anyone may do mostly whatever they please as long as it follows the ingame restrictions. Death stops this.

    As I see it death has been thrown around too freely lately. Take when the kings were killed as an example. Lots of death but wasnt it all planned out? They were all more responsible with it then.

    Nowadays.. Why was nadrolski killed? "Disturbance?"
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