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  1. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Seigheart in Thoughts on when personality starts to form   
    Brain maturation is consistent in healthy fetuses and it is believed that by the (approximate) 24th or 25th week that the fetus responds to sound. This being the case one can argue that personality begins to develop in the womb. External stimuli does indeed play a factor in personality development. An unborn child receiving no stimulus vs a fetus that is subjected to Mozart (or Rob Zombie:P) on a daily basis..hmm. How does multi-tasking play a factor? The brain itself multi-tasks during all stages of development (in a biological sense). Does the stimulated fetus gain some type of advantage?
  2. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Thoughts on when personality starts to form   
    Brain maturation is consistent in healthy fetuses and it is believed that by the (approximate) 24th or 25th week that the fetus responds to sound. This being the case one can argue that personality begins to develop in the womb. External stimuli does indeed play a factor in personality development. An unborn child receiving no stimulus vs a fetus that is subjected to Mozart (or Rob Zombie:P) on a daily basis..hmm. How does multi-tasking play a factor? The brain itself multi-tasks during all stages of development (in a biological sense). Does the stimulated fetus gain some type of advantage?
  3. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Azull in Thoughts on when personality starts to form   
    Brain maturation is consistent in healthy fetuses and it is believed that by the (approximate) 24th or 25th week that the fetus responds to sound. This being the case one can argue that personality begins to develop in the womb. External stimuli does indeed play a factor in personality development. An unborn child receiving no stimulus vs a fetus that is subjected to Mozart (or Rob Zombie:P) on a daily basis..hmm. How does multi-tasking play a factor? The brain itself multi-tasks during all stages of development (in a biological sense). Does the stimulated fetus gain some type of advantage?
  4. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in Thoughts on when personality starts to form   
    (warning –also a lack of any psychology diploma ahead )

    There appears to be evidence that there are certain (basic) personality types. There also appears to be evidence that some personality traits are inherent from birth. Most of our personality develops over time though, due to age, social and environmental influences.

    A flexible mind (capable of multitasking among other things) certainly has an influence on the development of our personality. I think it’s too simply put to say that personality starts to develop when we learn to multitask. However the idea that multitasking enables us to observe ourselves and so influence our behavior makes sense. I have come across this concept, in one way or another, in several schools of psychological thought. (can’t remember exact references at the moment) And in a few instances have been able to “observe” this process in myself.

    So when does our personality start to develop? Given that there may or may not be basic personality types and inherent personality traits from birth. I think our mind/personality starts to develop as soon as our brain reaches a certain level of growth. (in a neurological sense, enough synaptic connections, capability to process sensory input and to retain memories and such)
  5. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Shadowseeker in Wedding Invitation   
    Well, I have been wondering whether to write it or not before I went to sleep...guess here's my overall rating of some of the people involved. If I wrote it wrong somehow or was misinformed, pardon me, I'll correct it if you tell me. If I missed any major actor, inform me as well please.

    A wedding is in essence pure roleplay. One of the most joyous occasions to have it even- now we have a wedding crasher, bridesnatcher, but how do the people react? With roleplay? Open the spoiler tag if you want to know what I think about the actions performed- 1 to 10 is the score, 1 the worst, 10 the highest.

    [spoiler]Eon: 8.5 Came prepared, actually delayed it for a whole while, but not prepared enough. There were a few more things that could have been done as the villain. But, highest score overall.

    Fyrd: 7.5 Hero in making- or pickling rather, he was the one who seemed to rush to the bride, supplying pickles to leave golemus. offering traces and pickles for those who wished to search for her, I do think he did well on this occasion.

    Sephirah, Amber: 7 Unless I am wrong these two silvertongued or toadspeaked eon at least once to prevent him from casting more spells. Arrived at the lighthouse very fast to do this as well.

    Azull: 6 Apparently did not run after them when the bride was abducted- as the ceremony master, that is not exactly what I would like to see happen, and I'd burn whoever tried this. Still, he used lockinchaos at the very least to toss Eon away. Only reason he gets into the positive scale.

    dst: 2.5 Very low rating for copying Eon and then failing to really wreck chaos in the same degree or new methods. She does not hopelessly drop, but at the very least she gets a negative score.

    Dragual: 2 I'm not fully sure why, but the groom seemed to be shocked out of his mind or simply not reacting right after the abduction. Given that it was his wedding, I would have expected a bit more, especially taking Fyrd up on his pickle offers or listening when we said where she was previously. He did manage to walk to the Gate of Ages later, so not a total loss.

    Brulant: 2 Offering advice on location and whoever cast the spells, fine. That would have been 5.5. Actually using a silence spell and leaving it openly in chat afterwards at an RP occasion, then quoting announcements- there will never be punishment as he quoted, but it was a very poor roleplay choice, given the options. Fyrd said he bit the bullet, I disagree, that's like someone bringing a gun to a swordfight.

    Katt: 1 As the damsel in distress, there could have been a lot of good elements. I sorely miss the roleplay involved however- when Eon whisked Dragual and Azull away to the GoE, she spoke her vows to the air and audience...and actually did not repeat them later. For a bride, this romantic event ought to be emotional, and important. Not repeating them just to hurry the occasion, big minus. Add to the fact that she left alliance simply to teleport- an alliance is more than just a fancy sign and a free teleport or statboost. Waiting for rescuers, hitting Eon with fists...a lot could have been done, but it just had to be the simple way. Minus.

    I think Tipu has been wrecking (or trying to) havoc, but one piece of advice to him: Profanities are not the way to go. Interrupting in a certain manner yes, but as I was not personally involved anymore afterwards and thus did not see what happened later, I am not giving him a score, but I estimate it would be a 3 based upon previous incidents. Better than dst, yes, because of a different approach. At the same time I'd like to point out he will probably get jailed sooner or later if he continues like that, maybe even ban at the very end.

    Overall rating of roleplay: 2/10. Main characters from the wedding: Ceremony master, groom and bride did not actively do anything that would have been befitting for such a theme. Some people managed to do something, and "pay back" Eon properly, but it could have been much more emotional, romantic, essentially better roleplay.[/Spoiler]

    Edit, it seems people seem to object to my role of impassivity at the wedding. Fine, a small rant as well:
    [spoiler]People automatically seem to assume a knight equals to a good person, a paragon of an example, a paladin? A knight is not that- the term is only connected to the code of conduct each knight holds standard to, and there are different strands of those. I'd be shocked if Tarquinus suddenly stopped helping damsels in distress or Burns, Shem, etc would stop being helpful in general. Z is the protector type. Mur..well, his invitation later was more to restore the sancticity of the Order's book, but his, similiar to mine, is a dedication towards a certain goal.

    While people seem to confuse me with the cuddly helpful knight person, I'm actually one who attempts to stay neutral (meaning I do good and bad things alike- sue me), solely because the Knights Order is NOT only for good people- it's just that the worthy applicants all were of the "good" side. A dark knight would eventually be admitted as well, given the standards, applications and the like. In case people do not actually realize what my tag says: I'm a knight pretty much semi-retired and reading scrolls, looking at nature, etc to search for something. I still follow my own personal code (no I will not dissect my entire character just so you can be satisfied), still fight at times, do things to help/not help.

    I have made a pledge to help, yes. But that help does not mean to help you every time, including when you do not actually need it, when you ought to consider what you are asking and especially if you do not realize what you could do aside from asking for help. If I hunt, it's more comparative to the wild hunt, not a tamed dog sniffing a trail. If you cannot live with that I challenge you to become a knight so good I have no other choice but to flag you.[/spoiler]
  6. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in Wedding Invitation   
    Still, he used lockinchaos at the very least to toss Eon away.
    I used LiC twice actually, first time was to remove "someone" objecting to the marriage (which will cost me dearly I fear ) The second was to remove Eon.

    With hindsight, things could always have been done better. However I for one enjoyed myself very much.
  7. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in Coward is my name   
    Haha hey nad relax man. everything will turn fine in the end.
    we r here to have fun isn't? it so lets enjoy dude haha...

    Don't mind DST ..she is running short of people for her victims haha...
    She makes those who can't be defeated as her friends ..and those who can be defeated as her enemies. Thats why EOn falls in her friends category haha.

    And Eon she is just having fun out here and yeah by giving u some trouble hehe ...just play sportive and don't take anything to ur heart.

    Bottom line is have fun and enjoy dude don't take anything serious after all its just a virtual world haha...
  8. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Pipstickz in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Great thread dst, I see you're back to picking on whoever you don't like, as long as they can't fight back. Bravo indeed, you have a very special talent for fighting when there's nothing to lose. It's clear your punishment last time didn't change anything for you, and even though the announcement says "next time will be worse" ([color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2017 - [2011-09-19 15:29:32 - Stage 11][/color]) , I highly doubt anything will be done.

    You want hypocrisy? Look at the person with the role dedicated to finding abuse asking someone for proof of abuse. Either you already know that there's no abuse and you just like making others look stupid, or you just don't care to look because you like Eon. I wouldn't put either one past you, though I find the former much more likely, because both you and Eon just love seeing people look stupid when they get frustrated with you.
  9. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Mya Celestia in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]From what I've seen (my observations only), Mur goes out of his way to not let money give privilege. If you spend money, he's more likely to watch you to make sure you behave yourself. [/font][/color]

    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I've seen many alts around over the years. Some of them were abused and the situations were dealt with and adjustments were made (ie not being able to attack your alts). Someday someone may make the wrong complaint on the wrong day and the button will get pushed. Then all the alts will go 'poof' and you won't be allowed any alts. Better to silently observe and gather your information than to make a big show without a mountain to back you up.[/font][/color]
  10. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to duxie in Role of the council in regards to ingame diplomacy   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd say... if you have a tool/ability/opportunity - it's a feature you can use on your own for whatever reason you feel it's suitable, unless it's stated otherwise by some higher authorities/rules.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Azull had an idea, will and opportunity - no kings, no government = chaos, anarchy, why not to use that? great idea, btw, nice move.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Kiley had an ability/authority and used that power for whatever means/profit. none should judge that - anarchy, remember? and none from existent higher authorities ever stated it's illegal.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]Yrthilian had a tool and he used it for his own reasons. [/color][color=#282828]another and way more important question would be - why he still had this tool? unless someone from higher grounds wanted to make Yrth as a tool for his own intrigue...[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]there's no way Azull and Kiley should be judged for initiative and creativity using the situation. i'd say the same for Yrth, unless it was stated by higher authorities/rules that those tools shouldn't be used... but then again: if you want to prevent some action - take the tools [/color][color=#282828]away[/color][color=#282828]. the one who should be blamed the most in this situation is/are the [/color][color=#282828]higher authorities, unless it was done on purpose... *grins*[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd just like to point out that for whatever reason this blaming/judging is done - it is destroying the community, free mind, creativity, ideas, initiative... i still have a hope that his game is more then another governmental/social system of nowadays and is ruled by more open minded people. such ideas and actions should be stimulated and motivated instead of being choked. this game would become boring if some higher authorities would start coordinating or judging each social, political in-game action... [/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]try to be more objective and based on rules as much as it is possible. that's a new year wish for the council from me.[/font][/size]
  11. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  12. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from lashtal in A couple thoughts and ideas   
    I love your passion Krioni. Put on those dancing shoes and have some fun:P
  13. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Sasha Lilias in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I am posting here before I read so as I post JUST my views.

    Yrthilian is [b]no longer king[/b]. Therefore he has no higher authority other Golemus than that of Quas over the Undergrounds. He may be seen as a spiritual leader still, but he [b]does not [/b]have the authority to say who is allowed in or out of an alliance in Golemus. He has that right, but he declined it. As far as this matter goes you have done nothing more than abuse your powers and made your retirement nothing more than a simple lie.
    As far as I see it, you have retired, that does not mean that you still must hold the fort and throne whilst a new king is elected.

    You abandoned your land as their leader, and now you decide to dictate who they may have in their alliances? Ridiculous.

    I am [b]fully[/b] on Azull's side here.

  14. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to lashtal in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  15. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Pipstickz in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325506420' post='99369']
    First how little you know before asking such questions tut tut tut
    it again is kiley is just as guilty for lack of diplomacy as you say.
    As a land leader you have the right to run your alliance as you wish but when it come to matter of the LAND you don't have the right to decided by yourself.
    it is that simple.
    Kiley has been nothing but polite and respectful in this matter and all others I have seen her involved in, which is a feat, considering the nature of the forum. From what I can tell, you think you can't have possibly done something wrong, so I see little point to continued discussion.

    A split seems clear between older and younger members of Golemus. Perhaps GG should try to take a page from the Lorerootian book and talk about your problems amongst yourselves, so you can at least appear cohesive.
  16. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in Soothing Sands Stealing Spree on Christmas Eve   
    Great mighty kings with all their godly powers tried to stop Eon ... but ended up in retiring.
    Phantom killed Eon ...only to make Eon immortal.
    And all the community with all their powers could not stop Eon from training. After all this.. Eon was not shaken.

    But u single handedly just by ur action ...u annoyed Eon so much that he stopped his training and hold u for more than 4hrs WOW...
    This by itself is a one hell of a achievement. So finally it was a FUGITIVE that stopped Eon from training..hehe.

    Do u all think he did all these for my Quest rewards. Even i got no idea of the rewards. He might end up with just a sc and he knew this very well. But why he did this ...u need to ask urself.

    Fugitives were not born ...they r created
    they r created by the community in which they live in.
    So stop blaming soothing sand and blame urself.

    The day will come when this community learns to feel others pain until then We fugitives shall not Rest...In...Peace.....MUWAHAHAHA..
  17. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from xrieg in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.
  18. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from lashtal in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  19. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  20. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Azull in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  21. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Pipstickz in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  22. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Kiley' timestamp='1325465447' post='99324']
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.

    First Kiley as a GG leader you of all players should know the land rules and know that a necrovian citizen is NOT allowed in Golemus.
    as a land leader you are also expected to know better and should have know your action had a much bigger issue that you say.
    It is very disappointing you decided by your self you know better how a land should accept a player into a land.

    The same could have been said that you should have contacted me or the other land leaders before letting a necrovian into Golemus
    you say land leader did not approach you and same in reverse.

    [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1325479029' post='99338']
    Going slightly offtopic: I agree with Paracelcus. Beyond the retired king thingy, there is a very strange behaviour of Golemus as a land: they jail someone, because he was invited in a GG guild.... That attitude, puts a negative light to GG in my eyes. If they had an issue with him joining that guild.... well, couldn't they have him off the guild?

    He was told by a citizen of Golemus that he may get jailed. ALL it take is to read the land rules to know that he was not acceptable as a citizen of Golemus
    So far only 1 player has been jailed that is not accepted as a citizen so your argument of the strange behaviour is mute as this is a single case of this happening.

    [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1325503329' post='99366']
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    1 - who they are;
    2 - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    3 - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.

    First how little you know before asking such questions tut tut tut
    it again is kiley is just as guilty for lack of diplomacy as you say.
    As a land leader you have the right to run your alliance as you wish but when it come to matter of the LAND you don't have the right to decided by yourself.
    it is that simple.

    answer to the above
    1. read the forums and you would know who the leader are it has been mentioned many times by me and the others. stop being lazy
    2. LOL again lazyness has failed you here too. read of the past and you will have your answers.
    3. wow really you should actually read the forums. your lack of information is what blinds you to the happening of a land.

    the same as the lack of diplomacy from the Fusioneers leader.

    Look it is like this.

    Keily has the right to bring in members she feel FIT with the alliance.
    But it is also expect that she will not bring in someone into the land that is a know hostile
    it is also expect as a land leader and leader of the Guild that she will abide by the rules of the land (in this she has broken them)
    My action that i took was not as a king but as a player with the power and requested to do so.

    Yes there was a big breakdown in communication and from my point of view and from what i seen
    action was needed to be taken quickly. The jailing is just part of what the tool does.
    This is more an issue between Necrovian and Golemus from a diplomatic point of view.
    The issue of king.ex king is also mute. as per murs response.

    You know this whole issue would never have happened if one player had read and abide by the land rules.
  23. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from ignnus in Name Change for The Wind & Rain Pub   
    My blessings follow you both. I can't wait till the grand opening:P
  24. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.
  25. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Passant the Weak in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.
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