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J-D last won the day on June 25 2012

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About J-D

  • Birthday 03/30/1998

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    Depends on when you're reading this
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    Reading, writing, fencing, games, pie
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  1. People fight, people argue, death items become increasingly common while those with revival items won't use them. Death prompts arguments, accusations, more chaos, more death. 'Tis a truly vicious cycle.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seigheart


      Easy to say when you have friends with revival tools.

    3. Phantom Orchid
    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      I think he means Peace's necrosic smelling salts.

  2. I agree with DarkRaptor, this cloudflare thing is getting in the way of a lot of things and doing more harm than good.
  3. It seems that the URL I pasted into my notebook was the problem. Fixed now, thanks.
  4. So MD thinks I have a virus on my computer but my antivirus doesn't? That's a new one...
  5. Here is your printscreen BFH. [attachment=4125:notebookerror.png]
  6. Very nice, I like the look of the one at the top of the paper the most.
  7. When I went to edit my notebook, it had me enter a captcha. It has never done that before, and I have a feeling it is this "cloudflare" thing that was doing it.
  8. I agree with Tal and Peace, heat isn't hugely expensive from what I've seen but it's definitely not [i]that[/i] cheap.
  9. Wow... you have a talent for this!
  10. I think story mode should be finished before people completely mess with the mechanics [i]surrounding[/i] it. And I agree, story mode should [i]not[/i] be optional.
  11. Perhaps another solution to that would be to explain in the tutorial that the battle log is very helpful to read and encourage new players to read through their battle logs in order to see what each of the creatures does.
  12. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1344350658' post='119559'][list] [*]We should include a new interface which allows them to give tokens to those creatures. It should explain what tokens are and how they help. [*]Immediately when they click any token they choose, system should show them an interface explaining the relationship between token and principles and allowing them to choose a couple of principles. [/list] [/quote] Isn't the way that individual tokens work something that players are supposed to discover for themselves?
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