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Ur Lord is Away for 6 months

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[b]WARNINGS : The following will be very emotional , sad. Girls r requested to have their kerchief standby. Try not to Cry :(.[/b]

Yep my bank balance have come to negative and my parents/friends had enough of me. Also my ship is ready so me going to sail again will be back only after 6 months. Will start ..my Sea adventure from 2marro...[i]Sao Paulo[/i] Brazil (I heard Girls r awesome :wub: over there )

To friends : Hey guys i know u might be very very sad by hearing this news ...But u know all Good things have to end *coughs coughs*

To MD girls : Yeah i can see the tears flowing down ur gorgeous faces. Don't cry girls ..It makes me sad. :(.
But It doesn't mean u won't be logging to MD anymore. Plz do login, there r other guys here too ..SS, FS, Princ Rhaegar, Meter Shem and many others. Give them a chance ..ofcourse they aren't smart like me :cool: but u never know even monkeys goes bananas..hehe.

To my Dear Enemies : Don't think this is my End but its actually the beginning of ur ENd.
Prepare urself for the rebirth of Lord Tipu...
say ur best prayers ...

"When u r confused which path to choose Right or Wrong ...u can take Left or Straight - Lord Tipu :D" .

Edited by Tipu
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Lord Tipu, with utmost sadness I am witnessing your depart.

I hope you won't forget about MD in that period of 6 months, and in the meantime, don't grudge those girls for finding comfort with me in your absence :P

I'll miss your jokes and "hehe"s a lot, they made quite an atmosphere in MD. :)

All the best, don't forget us!

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  • 1 year later...

Alright folks its that time of the year  yes I got to sail... can't live ever with negative bank balance hehe ...


Departure on 29th May will return after six months. This time touring Chile, Mexico, Panama and China..i got to say girls in these countries r fortunate * coughs coughs*. 


Will hang around for the next two days ...yes even guys like me have things to do in MD b4 I going away.  


So c u all and always remember 'What yours is Mine and what Mine is mine' hehe



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