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Resigning from BHC position


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This council decision is absolutely absurd. Particularly the part about the Council overriding Mur; that I find simply laughable.

Regarding BHC, the only reason I don't enter is that the entry fee is quite steep, with not much chance of a return on your investment (particularly for me, having only 1500 attack and pretty much tokenless).
If it was free like the regular HC, or cost a renewable resource (like fenths), I'd be participating in every single one.

I find it very sad for Eon to be resigning, because in my humble opinion he managed it well. Most importantly, he won his contests fairly, without abusing his powers, and I respect that.

Edited by apophys
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Wow wow wow people. We can argue a lot of council's decisions, but this one was spot on.
They presented some problems regarding BHC:
-Lack of people competing
-Conflict of interests due to Eon participating in a contest which rules he forms

All they did was point that out and offer few suggestions (and decrease a trust point from Eon, but he would have had them more left, and it's kinda deserved, because of the mentioned points and the general discontent of the public).
As soon as he got that, he rage-quits.
It is Eon's job to make the BHC work, it's not his private property.

Sure, we all understand Eon's "uneasiness" regarding council's lack of doing/fixing things, but it's the case with all of us, not just with him. There's even an urban myth that Dst and Eon get all of their requests done!

Okay, you don't like the council, but be objective.

Edit: We all know Mur is absent for quite some time, and we don't know for how much longer will it be the case. The authority of MD at the moment is the council, they are supposed to make sure things work, so, change certain details if things are going wrong in some situations. Eon hiding behind "Mur said so" and "Mur is my captain" mask is not that elegant at all.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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It is no big secret that my character, Fang Archbane, despises the character Eon to his very core. Eons role is that of a villain, Fangs, a hero, so it makes sense.

But I will say this.

As a person, from man to Eon (whatever he/she may be) I give Eon my complete respect.

I also trust, obey, and abide by Muratus above all else, Eon and I are not that different.

I'm on your side on this one Eon... Words I never thought I'd say, but I'm not too proud to admit it.

I think the majority of MD has your back Eon, be proud of what you've done, your a great influence on us all.

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I agree with Eon, respect... but I also feel that there is also a big task ahead, to get more souls in MD, and keep them. I do not agree with the way the council acts again, but I welcome the attempt to try to make things better.

Yes, we can laugh at the struggle to make the realm better. We can punish the few remaining veterans. We can leave... but it doesn't help I think. We need to build.

Edited by Fenrar
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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1339651987' post='114696']
Wow wow wow people. We can argue a lot of council's decisions, but this one was spot on.
They presented some problems regarding BHC:
-Lack of people competing
-Conflict of interests due to Eon participating in a contest which rules he forms

All they did was point that out and offer few suggestions (and decrease a trust point from Eon, but he would have had them more left, and it's kinda deserved, because of the mentioned points and the general discontent of the public).
As soon as he got that, he rage-quits.
It is Eon's job to make the BHC work, it's not his private property.

Sure, we all understand Eon's "uneasiness" regarding council's lack of doing/fixing things, but it's the case with all of us, not just with him. There's even an urban myth that Dst and Eon get all of their requests done!

Okay, you don't like the council, but be objective.

Edit: We all know Mur is absent for quite some time, and we don't know for how much longer will it be the case. The authority of MD at the moment is the council, they are supposed to make sure things work, so, change certain details if things are going wrong in some situations. Eon hiding behind "Mur said so" and "Mur is my captain" mask is not that elegant at all.
If it was just expressing concerns it would be alright.. but taking a trust point is a form of punishment.. for stuff in which I believe Eon is not at fault at all. He can't really have done anything regarding the lack of contestant, and he's only done things he was told to/allowed to after all. Taking a trust point here was a mistake in my opinion; I don't see which "trust" have been broken.

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hmm intresting but i can see both sides of the argument.
EON sorry but your attitude is a big issue in this that i can see.

in game yrth wants vengence on you but after all you are the evil one in his eyes.
out of game and from what little i see of you talking sorry but i cannot respoect someone whom is so blantly obnoxious
and has a whole mighter then thou attatued.

Out of game i have no issues with you hell i dont care much for what you have to say and i have never had to interact with you.

in game you where given a role to manage and run and make fun. 3/4 people playing in the BHc one of them beeing you
how is that not setting yourself up for winning? you are by far stronger then most in game and cause a lot of damage.
a compition of just3/4 is not a competition. that is far to few and putting your self in is fine but doing it and gaining
from it is just pure abuse of what you are suppose to be doing.

If you are serious about walking away it just shows to me how you did not actualy care about running the BHC
and now that the council took a trust point (that so far i see as a valid thing to do) you throw the rattle out of the pram.
so far the picture i see of you is of one whom is a spoilt brat.

I wish i could say something nicer but i cant as in game i see you as a bully and so far out of game well i already said
what i see.

Ether way walk away to me it is best that you do.

All i see is people moaning and not actualy suggest much to reslove thing and making treath
sorry but i though Awi you better then silly things like that. i start loosing respet of thoes
the complain and do nothing it is just sad

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[quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1339656744' post='114708']
If it was just expressing concerns it would be alright.. but taking a trust point is a form of punishment.. for stuff in which I believe Eon is not at fault at all. He can't really have done anything regarding the lack of contestant, and he's only done things he was told to/allowed to after all. Taking a trust point here was a mistake in my opinion; I don't see which "trust" have been broken.

He is supposed to find creative ways to stimulate the community, or at least pause the BHC till there is enough will of the people.
Clearly the council think he didn't give enough effort into analyzing the situation and doing what is needed to secure a, perhaps rare, but good BHC.

Maybe they are wrong, but I don't see the reason for such attitude he showed in his email.

I don't think people really support Eon in this case, they just see him as someone who said all those "nasty" things to the authority they wanted to do all this time.

I personally have a lot of issues with MD's running, council, Mur, all of them, but I don't see an issue in this case with Eon.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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In my opinion the council is right on a few aspects and are in the right for removing a trust point.

First of all the last BHC really was a joke, the only one i saw who was really trying hard was ignnus, who was later on disqualified. After that from what i saw and what Eon admitted , the top leader in the contest weren't even trying hard to win and the places 5-10 had a score of 0 or between 0 and 10. Some of the participants didn't even log in during the BHC. Places 4 and 5 were also not really trying hard to get heads, they got must of the score just by logging in and doing their thing independent of the contest. It was almost like the entire contest was rigged for the top contestants, and the others just signed up so the contest could be held, some "contest of the best" that was...

To "fix" such a situation i propose something like rising the number of minimum contestants for the BHC to start, and also something among the lines, if not at least 6 ppl are at least trying to get some score and the lower places don't score at all, the entire contest should be suspended. I mean what kind of contest is run when there are rewards for the first 3 places and there are only 3 ppl scoring in the contest?
A situation like this should fall under the responsibility of the organizer and the contest itself should have been suspended/canceled by that organizer.

[quote]Mur told me to run side events every two months and a BHC every four months.[/quote]
As for this part i don't really remember a side HC event been held beside the sugar rush. I get your point that BHC should be held every 6 month but what about these side events that should run every 2 month? I don't think they where held like they were supposed to.

And also the part about the rewards for the BHC. While the rewards should be indeed be great and fall under the organizers judgement, i don't support the attitude like "hey, this is the list of rewards for the BHC, get them ready for me" and start the contest without hearing a reply. This is almost like you are ordering around your gopher to get you a can of juice. The rewards are given by the council, so even if they take a bit longer to reply, you shouldn't just start the competition without an OK from them.

[quote]We also ask you (as we believe you have already been asked) not to participate to win the BHC[/quote]
Ok, i agree with Eon on this one, this is a ridiculous request. It is obvious that when you participate in a contest you should aim for a win, this is also one of the good parts of the BHC. You can participate as many times as you want, and win just as many times. Its not restricted to 1 time win only, so if you can, one should always aim for a win, Eon shouldn't be an exception.

Also as in most the BHC organized by Eon, the rules stated at the beginning where rather lacking and free for interpretations. Its like he didn't really care much when writing them and just wanted to get that job done as fast as possible. They should have been made more detailed.

Edited by stavaroiu
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Boss Head Contest ended Ann. 2315 - [2012-06-03 07:00:04 - Stage 11]

Sugar Rush Started! Ann. 2190 - [2012-02-03 16:00:04 - Stage 11]

Boss Heads Contest Ann. 2113 - [2011-12-03 16:00:04 - Stage 11]

Clash of the Lands Ann. 1946 - [2011-07-30 21:00:01 - Stage 10]

Eon becomes BHC Master Ann. 1868 - [2011-06-03 23:23:41 - Stage 10]

I've participated in all of these BHC/side events since Eon became BHC Master, here's a list of active participants.
*Shemhazaj* (inactive)
Clock Master
BHC Lightning (BHC with Eon)
Ravenstrider (BHC with Eon) (Inactive)
Lightsage (Bored after a couple of days)
Ignnus (disqualified)
and me. (Satisfied with not winning 1st)

Sorry if I missed anyone. All these players could have participated in the last BHC and aimed for first place. It's also possible for anyone with enough coins to beat Eon, anyone with a leash/tribunal citizens to reach Eon, and possible to hide in the maze with enough tea. I don't see how this is his fault for winning when no one else even bothered to participate. I probably should go ask all these players why they didn't partipate just to get the whole thing out of the way x3

Edit: It's easy to defeat Eon with a cheap, easily obtained spell.. and critter.

Edited by lone wolf pup
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Why I didn't participate? I knew I could, but I currently do not have enough interest in MD is one reason, the other being that I prefer to use absolute trickster wins. Restricted location was the first option for me, since it used very little preparation. The other methods...I know how to do it, but it's bothersome, and there is no point tipping my hand unless I really have a good chance at winning.

The prizes were lower this time, and I had the BHC medal already..just getting it gold and a morph would hardly be motivating for me.

If you ask me, HC should only run 1 time per year. The turnout is too low otherwise. BHC might be 6 months if enough people turn up, which currently is not the case. ignnus was on his way to winning this one...it's just that he broke the rules in an obvious way and light gave up early, so it wasn't even any competition anymore.

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[sub]I'll add this extremely useless information here:[/sub]
[quote]he broke the rules in an obvious way[/quote]
[sub]I lashed out since my rule breaking was not very obvious to me.A pm from Eon,don't set afoot at field of fear again during BHC or I will "delete" you with your heads and stuff!,like Eon did the pathkeeper "idling" Manda would be enough to shut me up in this case.That didn't happen so I was surprised to see being deleted and responded.Whatever it's in the past.[/sub]

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1339635828' post='114682']
The clock is ticking Council. You know, even though ours aren't official or in an announcement, we keep trust points for YOU too. And you're running just about empty.


as an interesting point, with mur gone, if you depose council rashly, what do we do now?

Its all well and good saying "i think X should replace Y" and i disagree with some of the things they are doing, but if you remove the only other people who have the power, and more importantly, the ability, to add new features, you essentially leave MD to stagnate?

Food for thought. I might not like decisions made, but i acknowledge that decisions being made and MD moving in some form of direction, is much better than the whole project being abandonded? Or would you prefer that?

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1339698829' post='114757']
Mur is on hiatus to deal with his personal life.

Council is in power. BUT, I do NOT think Council over rules anything Mur has said, unless it is something that has changed. (rules and such)

Not according to this Sieg:

Ann. 1688 - [2010-12-01 22:45:18 - Stage 10]
I also grant the council authority to judge over my actions in MD regarded as a demi-god player (like Tengri was for example), as opposed to the untouchable status of a god-like character. It will never be the case that i will argue with the council, i know that, but its an important official statement to make clear the hierarchy. Its also important to know that my actions from now on do not reflect the ideology, aspirations and things MD as a now selfsustaining organism values


i thought there was some announcement about council "taking over" from mur, but that was the most relevent one i could find


actually thats quite open to interpretation, seems there was never a clear announcement one way or another...

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1339703326' post='114767']
i think murry meant that he as character mur is now lower rank than council, but as manu he is still in charge, so yeah....

yeah, i agree with ya.

But say awiiya goes aheads and demotes council... with no murry for now, what happens lol

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[quote name='ignnus' timestamp='1339692697' post='114750']
[sub]I'll add this extremely useless information here:[/sub]

[sub]I lashed out since my rule breaking was not very obvious to me.A pm from Eon,don't set afoot at field of fear again during BHC or I will "delete" you with your heads and stuff!,like Eon did the pathkeeper "idling" Manda would be enough to shut me up in this case.That didn't happen so I was surprised to see being deleted and responded.Whatever it's in the past.[/sub]

I have to say, from the peanut gallery, what I saw was "ANYTHING GOES". I guess they didn't really mean it.

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From my point of view, there's no way for us to directly overthrow the Council - there's no game mechanic, no weapon we can kill them with etc. etc. etc.

But we can make it very clear that we disapprove of their actions and would like a change. And if that change doesn't take place, a Council without the support of its game base is as good as dead.

I myself don't really have the power to say, "Now the Council is gone." And poof. They would be.

But I do think that if we banded together and made our opinions well known and organized, and that is what I plan to do shortly, and made it clear that they need to change their ways or leave, then I think some good can be achieved.

With that in mind:



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