No one Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 As I understand, PO is getting out of jail faster then we get it jailed I feel so annoyed as hell that this M%^&* F*&^ is pissing on all of us by ostentatiously getting out of jail and walks among us with such nonchalance . Is there any explanation for him getting out of jail ? What is the purpose of getting someone to jail ? To get roles ? Is there any reason on why the rest of us don't start abusing the powers ? I am really F%^&*( pissed about this Yea, we all know what MD is not fair, we all know about it but there are other "attributes" this game was implying, like honor and respect. Lately I started to see that on the contrary, dishonoring & disrespecting the others get paid. Do the great act of honor and respect of those that could have abused the system in such horrible ways but all they did was to stop those abuses. Do remember - Cirith - got access to database and helped Mur to prevent it for others - Chewett - found that it could connect on someone else's account and many more - now it is prevented - Rendril - dst and many more I feel sick about by this nonchalance. _________________________________________________________ As the word of the day is "F^&( U(&". Then same to you. Azull, dst and Kyphis the Bard 3
MRAlyon Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) MUR teleported PO out of jail as his slave so I don't see what is the problem... I don't think you want tell to MUR what to do... MUR at tranquil plains yesterday wrote something like this: "PO... join my loneliness here instead of stay in prison" MUR is using PO like his slave... Edited May 29, 2013 by MRAlyon
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 29, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) MRAlyon is correct, something which could have been determined by asking many different people. No one, Mur is doing something with PoE, somehow through his aid she is permitted to leave jail easily. I dont agree with this, but after her repeated rudeness to me i do not involve myself in her business. I have told Mur he should be more concrete with things he does, But what can you do? Edited May 29, 2013 by Chewett Kyphis the Bard and dst 2
No one Posted May 29, 2013 Author Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) So ? send PoE to jail . We do know that Mur is the all mighty evil-god off MD, but he will do what we ask if we ask. If you don't feel like crap when PoE is out just like that after what she did ... then what's the point of all the rules ? Why not just reward the daily villan? @Chewett: OK, I understand. So, just because HE wants to do something HE has to PISS on all of us ? C'mon. You have just as much access to MD as Mur has and you don't do those. The council can take decisions against Mur's decision but I never saw a reaction like that. So what's the point ? Lets make MD a big F toilet where everyone can do it on everyone else. _________________________________________________________ As the word of the day is "F^&( U(&". Then same to you. Edited May 29, 2013 by No one dst 1
da_doctor Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 Speaking of jail, what must i do to visit it for a few days? just to see how it looks.. Not kidding btw
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 29, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted May 29, 2013 So ? send PoE to jail . We do know that Mur is the all mighty evil-god off MD, but he will do what we ask if we ask. If you don't feel like crap when PoE is out just like that after what she did ... then what's the point of all the rules ? Why not just reward the daily villan? @Chewett: OK, I understand. So, just because HE wants to do something HE has to PISS on all of us ? C'mon. You have just as much access to MD as Mur has and you don't do those. The council can take decisions against Mur's decision but I never saw a reaction like that. So what's the point ? Lets make MD a big F toilet where everyone can do it on everyone else. _________________________________________________________ As the word of the day is "F^&( U(&". Then same to you. Mur and i are different people, we act and do things differently. I cant answer to why Mur does stuff. I like things to be fair and for people to happy with decisions that affect the whole game. Speaking of jail, what must i do to visit it for a few days? just to see how it looks.. Not kidding btw Dont ask, get caught trying to "visit" jail and you will get banned instead of jail. dst and Kyphis the Bard 2
Mallos Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 I don't feel pissed on that PO is getting out of jail, quite the opposite. You know, just my opinion. Actually... What was the reason she got jailed for again? Ackshan Bemunah 1
Magistra Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 I would never bring Phantom Orchid back to prison. I like to fight the system. :cool:
Lazarus Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 As far as I know she isn't doing anything to piss people off, you people piss yourself off and cry about it like a little girl on the forums. Mur can do whatever he wants and if Poe can help him then I don't see anything wrong with it. Mallos, Ackshan Bemunah, Plix Plox and 2 others 5
DARK DEMON Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 He broke the record by spamming "SEND PO TO JAIL!" for hours at the GoE today.
Phantom Orchid Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) MUR is using PO like his slave... Sure of this, are we? ;) Edited May 29, 2013 by Phantom Orchid Fang Archbane and Ackshan Bemunah 2
Zyrxae Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 It should say something about the general will toward Phantom Orchid that she is able to speak or idle in public as a fugitive. Jail is designed to be relatively easy to escape. as you're surely well aware. No one, if someone's mere presence near you frustrates you this much, that speaks more to your own character than the person's. At least here we have an ignore list. Mallos, Tarquinus and Esmaralda 3
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 29, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted May 29, 2013 It should say something about the general will toward Phantom Orchid that she is able to speak or idle in public as a fugitive. as you're surely well aware. No one, if someone's mere presence near you frustrates you this much, that speaks more to your own character than the person's. At least here we have an ignore list. Actually this is something Mur has recently coded, specifically for phantom to be able to leave/being bound to him as a slave. Kyphis the Bard 1
Nimrodel Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 Weirdly PO.You don't seem to have anything to say in your defence except accuse dst of nominal charges. Not really helping me believe in you. Really. I don't like the fact that its so easy to escape jail. I also know that sweet talking to Mur has gotten a few revolting characters some undeserved powers. Has happened repeatedly in the past. Will keep happening. Mur probably has a weakness there. But in the end they do end up getting severly disliked by the community. So PO, in case you are aiming to be one of them, beware of the consequences. Most people are not as intelligent as they clain to be.
Jubaris Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 I am inclined to believe that conflicts between strong willed females are natural occurrence of MD transition, marking a new era or something as such. Hmmmm... Ackshan Bemunah 1
No one Posted May 30, 2013 Author Report Posted May 30, 2013 (edited) We have a saying : "Nu te pune cu idiotii. Te vor trage la nivelul lor si te vor bate cu experienta." In translation : "Don't mess with idiots. They'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience." I don't feel pissed on that PO is getting out of jail, quite the opposite. You know, just my opinion. Actually... What was the reason she got jailed for again? So, Mallos, you actually enjoy not having any punishment available ? Or you enjoy that ppl who have been done some real nasty stuff to come to your to throw it in your face : "See, I did it and nothing happened. You are an idiot for doing what is correct. Oh, by the way, I will even be awarded for it by Mur himself." If you do feel right with it, then I have nothing to respond to you. As far as I know she isn't doing anything to piss people off, you people piss yourself off and cry about it like a little girl on the forums. Mur can do whatever he wants and if Poe can help him then I don't see anything wrong with it. Open your eyes, she's blatantly stating we are all fools and that she tricked us by just idling next to GoE. It should say something about the general will toward Phantom Orchid that she is able to speak or idle in public as a fugitive. Yes, that we're been dragged to her level. Actually this is something Mur has recently coded, specifically for phantom to be able to leave/being bound to him as a slave. I see. Then I protest. I will urge you to send her 200 times a day to jail if that is what it takes for Mur to finally let her stay there. She has a punishment to execute for abusing and slander and all that she did. She must pay for it or we all deserve the tag "PO's FOOL". I will not stand for this. _______________________________________________ We all can say what we have on our heats. If we all say that this is wrong then it can change. Edited May 30, 2013 by No one Kyphis the Bard 1
Change Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 (edited) Hmm, it seems that MD is revealing itself to be more and more like real life. The rule benders and breakers get rewarded, though they pay the price of being disliked or hated by most of the community. Maybe jail is meant to be just a roleplay device. There's often corruption in prison systems. Perhaps Phantom Orchid was given the choice to either stay in jail, or become a postwoman. (Pratchett reference. :P). If you were offered ultimate power, but in return, everyone hates you, would you take it? Edited May 30, 2013 by Change Nimrodel, Ackshan Bemunah and Esmaralda 3
Ackshan Bemunah Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 (edited) Regarding the use of "it" -- when an object's gender is unknown, in hebrew we default to the gender of the SPEAKER. If the default term is "it," then what does that say about the speaker? (Hebrew does not have spayed nouns, but this is irrelevant) Regarding the rest of this garbage: It is impossible to be inside another person's head. Even a GROUP of people's head, in fact, that might be harder. Edited May 30, 2013 by Ackshan Bemunah
dst Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 My dear No one, I hope my letter finds you well. If not, maybe it will help you. There is no need to worry and agitate yourself. You don't realize it but po lost. It lost everything. The selfclaimed "only dreamweaver MD ever had" lost because it...lost its temper and because it was very confident in...I don't know in what actually but it's not that important. You have no idea that all its actions in the past year (or even more) were targeted at me. - It told noobs that I made it lose its role -It posted nasty stuff directed at me in mood panel: ---the link is this one: -It accused me of stuff without having any proof that I was the one to blame, and even when it was told it was wrong, it continued with the accusations like in the below print screens from its this year B-day topic (while, as you can see I still had no buttons pushed): -It kept poking and harassing me trying to obtain a reaction: -it even went that far and put fake players into dream (one of them being my friend) in an attempt to trick me: -it use its alts to PM me because I had it on ignore list: -it picked on my friends (you were one of them) by casting spells on them (remember?) while it was mp6 and abusing a bug (bug which I reported and was fixed right away - let's not forget it didn't report the bug although some time ago it even was an LHO aka someone capable to distinguish if something is a bug or not) + the blame I took for the fix since it cut its fun: Below is just a tiny tiny fraction of the amount of spells it cast on Eon (I got bored of searching through logs, but I can send you more if you want) -It used a WP to rename Plains of Liberty to Plains of Eternal Stench in a desperate attempt to hurt me by hitting Liberty. Ok...I need to attend other matters now so I will stop writing. Just remember: it lost its beloved role for which it "worked" for years (but all it did in the last year and a half was to try to discredit me) and blames me. It's normal for a certain type of people not to accept failure and blame it on someone else. It's a sign of weakness. Hope my next letter will find you well as well :). Kisses, dst Maebius, Kyphis the Bard and Nimrodel 3
DARK DEMON Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 I actually do admit I was a noob back then. Vicious and Kyphis the Bard 2
Phantom Orchid Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 My turn? ^^ MD would crumble were I to post all the dirt I have on 'powerful' individuals like yourself. I am choosing not to take your bait, not to play your game no one/dst. As I have stated all along... just leave me alone (it is best for the realm). I have been willing to bury the hatchet for a long Time now - how bout you give it a shot?
dst Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 How about you post the dirt if you have the guts? have no dirt. I keep forgetting. :) Have a nice day! :) Kyphis the Bard 1
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