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  • Root Admin

I am proclaiming the Cow as sacred animal in the East Lands :D:D:D

From now on calling any tb citizen a cow (or coresponding male word, that i can't find right now), is not to be considered an insult, but a compliment :D


Like any other king rules and proclamations, this is only valid while I rule the East


ps: On a larger scale, it would be interesting to see other land leaders pick their own preferred animals..afterall it is in their power to do such things if they want to. Also, any such thing would only be valid while that person rules that land (allowing cults and groups to form around this)


ps2. at some point i will draw a cow statue, unless a loyal citizen provides one i will _really_ like, then i will cover him in gold


Isnt this already in the game kind of with MB and their angiens, there is a guild made for thta SoE. and the drachorns and their lairkeepers. But I like the genral idea, or own personal landmascot thta represents our king.

  • Root Admin

Aaaannnnd i declare dst "land enemy" for insulting our sacred symbols!


(the other lands have creatures that are more representative for them, but those are not set so by a king, Ofc there is no need for an other creature if the land already has one, but in my case the east lands had none, and i prefer the cow..simple as that

Posted (edited)

=o Would the corresponding male word be bull?

So its fine to call anyone (from tb) bull~? *asking innocently*

Edited by JadenDew

@Mur: can I make a suggestion. Wouldn't it better to have as favorite animal The Deer (or a more familiar The Dear ;) ) instead of The Cow ?


I don't want LotE be considered as part of the Hinduism ? I don't want to bring RL religion & beliefs into MD and especially into LotE.


Cows have been sacred creatures in many religions not only Hinduism, they are the sacred animal of Apollo in Ancient Greek beliefs, for example. I see no reason why it is necessary to pick an animal devoid of all connotations, for it will only have such connotations for the small amount of people who know about them 

  • Root Admin
Posted (edited)

ignoring rl religions means you also should not avoid them on purpose, the cow has a personal reason, nothing to do with hinduism, so why should i avoid it? there is no hinduism in md officially and i as a ruler of one land i adopt it as my avatar animal, because i can.


leave dear for LR


Edited by Muratus del Mur

So a cow will appear in the same statue hall as chewies avatar is right now? Why not do this for every land getting one statue to put their landmascot/king on?


and no, that hall is for legents not for land totems.. I will pick an other place


Imagine a cow next to Chew! No no Bad!


Do we need to make a separate topic or we can hijack yours and post our....animals?

This topic is for Mur announcing that Cow is the sacred anime of LotE. Go declare cat the sacred animal of UG in the UG forums.


I'm curious about Mur's story for the cow and his personal reasons.  Is it funny?  Serious?  Thoughtful?

  • 9 years later...

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