Root Admin Chewett Posted November 18, 2014 Root Admin Report Posted November 18, 2014 If you are active, post here, Need to compile a list of people with their activity, role and other information for Murry to review and trust with some things. If you think you "activity" is unknown, you might want to post details of it. phantasm, Kyphis the Bard and DARK DEMON 3 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 (edited) I'm crazy active most days, although generally I do most of my MD work outside MD (ie through the forums, or pre-typing messages in text docs, or reviewing and compiling logs, or planning quests and quest text) (... although don't give me more stuff to do, please >.>. I'm responding because the question was asked, not because I want more stuff to do >.>) Edited November 18, 2014 by Kyphis the Bard phantasm and Azthor 2 Quote
Rophs Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Hello my character's name is Rophs and I think he is pretty active in MD right now. Currently his role includes Seedwalks, not trusting and being rude to Necrovians, trying to reorganize a Sparring Grounds at the Communnity Garden, and sometimes he'll work on going West. There's a little bit of wiki stuff too and I'm also a crazy sidekick (although I only seem to do crazy sidekick stuff when sleep deprived :D) More stuff? If it's fun I'll do it, even if my personal life ends up suffering (and I'll wish I didn't do it but keep doing it. Like I'm watching a movie of myself doing dumb stuff and then retrospectively wondering why I'm doing this... somebody link me a wiki article about the psycology/science behind this behavior). Details of it?.... Seedwalks seem pretty known anti-Necro stuff is more of a running "joke" and me being a bit of a nut Sparring Grounds is somewhat apparent. There's the thread about planting an apple seed and we do training there sometimes. I'll probably make it open only some days because there isn't enough people to keep it on 24/7... The going West thing is pretty cool, I should work on it more. Gotta steal the cement from Grido and make some glass. Also should stop delaying the diplomat quest because although that account isn't an alt, it's also a character that probably won't get more than 100 active days... Crazy sidekick? I did some stuff and went to sleep thinking who knows what because I was awake for 28 hours and then wake up to yim stuff about "oh cool you are crazy sidekick Rophs hehehe" and then read the ann... (I'm on one of those awake for too long things now, and probably will go to sleep around 22 ST :D) There's the tombola thing that I'm coding a clicky for and it's going to be terrible code because it's the first thing i'll write in MDScript but you can bet that I'll post the source for it on the forums later (oh god the idea I just got... will produce worst code ever but will be so cool :D and I'm sorry to whoever will try to figure out how it "works"...) And it's all very fun :) phantasm, Kyphis the Bard and dst 2 1 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 (edited) I'd say I'm quite active, and can increase my online time/s much more if required or for a quest/event, etc. Since the past few months I've been focusing solely on anything related to the Labyrinth. Meditation, exploration, learning the maze by heart, constantly researching and gathering evidence for more Laby-related theories, and recently quest making, etc. Apart from this, I regularly (yet little) go to 'civilization' to meet people and discuss things, and although most of the stuff related to the my Ethereal Ring will be slowly revealed, I am currently carrying out research related to it openly with everybody. Edited November 18, 2014 by DARK DEMON phantasm, Azthor and dst 2 1 Quote
lashtal Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I'm active. I enjoy researching and discussing, I run quests, sometimes I may have nice ideas, sometimes I just hide in the cemetery. Neno Veliki, Azthor and phantasm 3 Quote
Burns Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Still here. Most of my current activity is not related to my role as drachorn guy, mostly busy with forum-stuff. Will try to work on my in-game presence 'soon'. phantasm 1 Quote
phantasm Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Mildly Active. I log on most days, check pms and such. I try and make sure alliance members don't need anything, and ask about quests involving CTs. I spend little time on a computer like the 'old' days, but if I'm on a comp, you can be sure im on MD. Role: Role has faded with peoples lack of interest in the East. The East needs little tending to when there is nobody around to disrupt it. We try and help with death when possible, of course the Mur death was beyond our perspective. Other then that I would like to think we have been in the loop on other deaths. I would always like to see more activity in the East and in our CTs. I try and create several alliance run quests a year, and always promote other CTs to run quests. Neno Veliki, Azthor, dst and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted November 18, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 18, 2014 KyphisRophslashtalBurnsphantasmGridoAzulldstno oneAryDarkraptor Quote
Guest Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Active weekday evenings and weekends, with the exception of the odd natural RL distraction. Weekdays a bonus if it's quiet and I can hide in my office >> Role: Judge officially. Personal role: to eventually increase activity in the East if I can and to be myself :) Don't want stuff, just posting cause the wookie asked. Quote
Aeoshattr Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I'm active every day. I am possibly disliked because I tend to disagree with most people - I do not know about that. I can vary from too humble to too self-centred. I let the people judge me. I am more than willing to get involved, should it be deemed that I am needed; I like writing, RP-ing and similar activities. I was and am still aiming for the role of Avatar of Pain, detailed in another topic on the forums: I hope this is compatible with some of the roles that are currently needed. Neno Veliki 1 Quote
Maebius Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 (edited) I lurk a lot. Would not say "active" in the realm as far as chatting with folks lately, since I've been trying to bug-hunt on my Tour of Sorts code that broke somehow... but I'm logged in daily again, idle-in-scene-but-mentally-active-in-windows-of-MD. I don't have a Role though, to my knowledge. :P Edited November 18, 2014 by Maebius nadrolski, Azthor, Kiley and 1 other 4 Quote
Azull Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Active: Several hours every day. Role: King of Necrovion Activity: If you don't know what I do, you're not supposed to know. Neno Veliki, Eara Meraia, dst and 6 others 8 1 Quote
Miq Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Ping Pong I'm here just lack anything to do :) phantasm 1 Quote
Intrigue Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I'm semi-active depending on what day it is. Activity mostly revolves around my hanging out with Bob the Tree phantasm 1 Quote
JadenDew Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Activity: Varying, dependent on university workload Role: None Neno Veliki, phantasm and Ary Endleg 3 Quote
DarkRaptor Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Active during week days and work hours..(yeah... shame on me.. :P ) Although, unfortunatly, not active enough to write all the stuff i should about my expectations on A25 and some other things.. BUT i will get a way to overcome that inactivity... even if i stop having my 5 hours sleep.... phantasm 1 Quote
Rophs Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I lurk a lot. Would not say "active" in the realm as far as chatting with folks lately, since I've been trying to bug-hunt on my Tour of Sorts code that broke somehow... but I'm logged in daily again, idle-in-scene-but-mentally-active-in-windows-of-MD. I don't have a Role though, to my knowledge. :P You're one of two (three?) people who can visit Angien's Shrine. That's a nice power, probably somehow associated with some role you have/had :D Quote
MRAlyon Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Active: active all days... the activity in a day depend if there are interesting things in MD... less time during weekend... (activity days always at 100%) Role: MR's Commander other infos: I manage my alliance, I like collect all creats that are around, I like increase my stats, I like fights, I like collect items, I like help people phantasm 1 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 (edited) Name: Fang Lycanus Archbane Activity: Most weeknights around 5PM Cali time (After Work), sporadic during the weekend. Role: Sanctified Shadowcaster (Teacher), Illusionist, Leader of the Twilight Brigade. Edited November 18, 2014 by Fang Archbane phantasm and dst 1 1 Quote
Eon Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Activity: I get on every hour or so to see if anything worth my time is going, then idle again. Role: Contract Killer and nearly official Ruler of the East dst, Azthor, Ary Endleg and 3 others 5 1 Quote
rikstar Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Activity: I'm logging in daily on MD and some days of the week I've got a mission in MD. Role: KoB leader. Azthor, phantasm and nadrolski 3 Quote
Eara Meraia Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I am active. there are times when RL takes me away, but I always come back when I am online (yeah, most probably MD addict) Roles: character: Time Patrol is a part of TK team. Rather executive part of it, making care that things go smoothly. character Eara Meraia: Necrovian and a Death Guard but other than that no specific function or affiliation. Former member of PC (yeah, those friendly people who cannot make decisions) well aware of my strong but also weak sides. Organizing quests (like last transposition into rhythm) and events (like leash auction) occasionally. Enjoy research (particularly interested in mirrors and entropy). Soulhunter and rather quiet one, having friends in different lands which makes it hard for some to figure out my direct affiliation and even doubt my loyalty. Don't mind killing and suffering in MD, since for me they mean a strong purifying experience. Probably most enjoyable thing to spend my time on is tete-a-tete rp talk with a deep subject, that makes your brain twist. Azthor, Sunfire, Neno Veliki and 1 other 4 Quote
AmberRune Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 I'm usually awake and poking around a fair amount of the day (outside of class and sleep). Mostly bop around, see if people are doing anything, sometimes go walkabout and do quests when they pop up. Azthor and Neno Veliki 2 Quote
Sunfire Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 im here, i log in near dayly, depending on uni and social obligations *Sunfire*: researching, debating, learning, watching, RP KC merc. Guard (former Loreroot Consul) Draconas: drachorn RP, researching role: trying to set free the drachorns from the GG cave phantasm, No one, Azthor and 1 other 4 Quote
Curiose Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Activity varies. If I have mornings available I go to MD. As that seems to be when folk are most active. Otherwise, I am alive and well on the forum. No role. Seeking to do anything. Azthor and phantasm 2 Quote
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