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Bring in on Non-Rulers?


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After being summoned to Necro twice by Azull, I thought I'd ask; Why do Syrian and Azull have bring-in?

This isn't the first time they've used their Bring-ins on people outside of their nomad group either (they're using Lashtal as their free murder machine). Considering this spell is given to rulers and only for their citizens, why do two ex-rulers have 20 casts of the spell and why does it work for anyone?

Ok, so it may be given as a gift for ruling, doing well, etc, etc, but the spell should only work on those with the nomad flag. They have no rulership and no actual citizens...so I don't understand why they'd still be allowed to have it and such free reign with it?

If they're going to have it, at least put some restrictions on it...


Edited by Aethon
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Is this why I'm waking up in random places? Cute but annoying, I have things to do like harvesting herbs.

dst losing her opennecro spell upon necro closing is similar to this situation I don't see why they would be able to get people into necro (to die) involuntarily if dst can't even get them in voluntarily.

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" It is only able to be cast on members of the land you were king of and you must be in that land when casting the spell. "

I'm not mistaken when I say I was never or never have been a member of Necrovion or the necrovion nomads or the land of the dead. So this seems an like a bug that he's able to cast it on me and Aethon.

" All Ex leaders have 2 casts of this new spell to replace bringin. This is an important change since these spells should only be used on their citizens and this now acknowledges this limitation. "

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9 minutes ago, Mallos said:

" It is only able to be cast on members of the land you were king of and you must be in that land when casting the spell. "

I'm not mistaken when I say I was never or never have been a member of Necrovion or the necrovion nomads or the land of the dead. So this seems an like a bug that he's able to cast it on me and Aethon.

" All Ex leaders have 2 casts of this new spell to replace bringin. This is an important change since these spells should only be used on their citizens and this now acknowledges this limitation. "

You're mistaking the new bringin with the old bringin. New one is given to kings and ex-kings who actually have lands. With Azull and Sy not having a land... guess you'll have to place the blame for them having the old, land-independent bringin on those who left 'em landless, eh?

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6 minutes ago, Aeoshattr said:

You're mistaking the new bringin with the old bringin. New one is given to kings and ex-kings who actually have lands. With Azull and Sy not having a land... guess you'll have to place the blame for them having the old, land-independent bringin on those who left 'em landless, eh?

They made themselves landless (and chose to keep it that way - Azull even preferred it)

And also


The two leaders of the nomads, Syrian and Azull, have been given 20 non regeneratable casts of bringin, This replaces the permanent bringin spell Azull had and represents the fading of their kingship powers

Their kingship powers were over NC, not all of MD.

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30 minutes ago, Mallos said:


dst losing her opennecro spell upon necro closing is similar to this situation I don't see why they would be able to get people into necro (to die) involuntarily if dst can't even get them in voluntarily.

Again, you're talking without knowing.

And now I congratulate myself for not helping you.


And now on topic: this is how azull, syrian, aeoshattr and lashtal worked together to try and destroy SoS. So it's not the first time they have done this.

Mur's response was that those casts are non regenerable so at one point they will lose them.

However, there is a player that managed to solve this in a way. I will not reveal their name and the way to solve it. But it is manageable.

Also, Aethon, log off. lashtal should not be able to kill you if you are offline. Keep a log of the time when you log out and come to me if you wake up in a different spot then you "went to sleep" so we can check what has happened.

And another piece of advice: the guards are not allowed to kill you if you're in the "dead" territory (graveyard and the other scene where they have the land weapon or whatever).

So the more times they summon you, less spells will they have. Make them waste them. I am sure we'll be able to revive you without too much fuss.

Edited by dst
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I'm not placing a blame when was that ever a question? So you're saying they do not have the bringin spell replaced?

At dst, the point remains you lost the spell (or got told not to use it, or whatever) around the same time, my knowledge is irrelevant and the actual reason for you losing it is irrelevant. Don't help me I don't care. Why don't you want to correct me though? You also don't care?

What's funny is how Azull works towards my goals still, yet I wanted to help him and just shows hatred towards me in wanting me dead, I see why you would dislike me now since I killed you Aeoshattr but Azull's death had no direct connection to me. Continue your squabbles, this is what I wanted.

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10 hours ago, Aethon said:

This isn't the first time they've used their Bring-ins on people outside of their nomad group either (they're using Lashtal as their free murder machine).


To clarify things a bit.

Death Patrols murder anyone they see in Necrovion, no distinctions.

Since I started patrolling, I murdered 33 people.

Among these, only one was caused by a Nomad bringing in someone else (Syrian using bringing on No one).

Edited by lashtal
Counted No one 2 times, but second time it was dst leashing him in
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33 and counting, more dead previous, more dead to come, and what... 3 revival tools that are reusable (while not even being used on cooldown)... Does anyone other than me see the problem here?

Those 33+ cannot simply hope to all be revived individually.. I'd probably have quit this game by now if I was one of them, if I was anyone other than myself really...

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What better than to start the end of the world than catastrophe? Yes there are a few more but excuse me as checking my notes is a silly action to take at the moment, also is expecting the consumable ones to be used for such as this. And we don't have molquert anymore and we don't have the CT's revival quest yet. Excuse me for not knowing how many are revived and excuse me for not wanting 5-6 inactive people when we have 10-20 people still playing this game.

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15 hours ago, lashtal said:

To clarify things a bit.

Death Patrols murder anyone they see in Necrovion, no distinctions.

Since I started patrolling, I murdered 33 people.

Among these, only one was caused by a Nomad bringing in someone else (Syrian using bringing on No one).

Exactly! DP kills anyone entering necro.Who can drag anyone and I mean any freaking living or dead thing in MD except Chew and Mur inside necro against the player's wish? Syrian and azull of course. How did you know No one was in? Simple:azull or syrian did because you went EXACTLY at the place where he was and you had to pass an item to him to "check" he was there which tells me he was prolly invisible due to him being offline. The explanation you gave to me or Mur is childish at least and I never bought it.

So don't waste your breath trying to show people you don't work with your buddies and that you are not biased. 


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9 hours ago, dst said:

How did you know No one was in? Simple:azull or syrian did because you went EXACTLY at the place where he was and you had to pass an item to him to "check" he was there which tells me he was prolly invisible due to him being offline.


False, you can have logs checked, they will confirm No one was online and perfectly visible. 

I, on the other hand, was still under night-mode since Jubaris's entrance.

I passed an item to No one to reveal myself and as a first warning, in order to scare him and let him buy time at the same time.

If one's being childish here, that's you dst.


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False! There is no way to check if a player was online or not other than with a print screen. So at this point all I have is your word. And of course you will "swear" that he was online. You also tend to forget that idle players cannot do anything because they are IDLE. Furthermore, there is a well known bug which shows a player as non-idle for a period of time before they vanish.

Now, one thing that is not clear to me: YOU were in night mode??? So aeoshattr helped you even more to set this up??? So not only azull and sy are involved but aeo has a finger in this pie...

Good for you lashy-boy! Good for you getting away with an abuse. Luckily you'll think twice before repeating the same scenario. Same with azull and syrian.



Edited by dst
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1 hour ago, dst said:

Now, one thing that is not clear to me: YOU were in night mode??? So aeoshattr helped you even more to set this up??? So not only azull and sy are involved but aeo has a finger in this pie...

He completed my quest and used a consumable item he was awarded for completing it. I would appreciate you not making assumptions and accusations. Both him and Jubaris, actually, entered nightmode through the same means at the same time, both using up their consumables for it.

This would be probably the third thing you're trying to smear on me for whatever reason, which I did not do. Apologies would be nice :)

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  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, Nimrodel said:

I was given some interesting answers about this issue when I talked to mur and chewett. One was extremely interesting.

And oh - Yes higher ups. Us bitches are crying because we be jealous... <Insert sarcastic laugh>


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22 hours ago, dst said:

False! There is no way to check if a player was online or not other than with a print screen. So at this point all I have is your word.

Not only, you also have No one's word.

He knows very well he was online, otherwise he couldn't have ranted he was passed an item but saw nobody in the scene. 

But I understand it's easier to throw mud all around and yell "abuse" or "bias" every time things don't go as you wanted.

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