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Hi, I've searched for some examples ... I'm not very good at keeping them in good condition. :D

I've got more (color, sanguine), but this might give you an idea of my style.

Number 009 (first picture) is the best I ever made (unfortunately his eyes aren't in one line because of a stroke he suffered) But it's a scan of a poor quality photocopy i'm afraid, the original is in Mexico at my wife's parents house.

Well, if you want more, you know where to find me. Somewhere around Willows shop.....

I will try to make some more MD oriented sketches this week.

Oh, these samples are pencil, but I used auto-correct light in my favorite image browser and the are a little 'heavy' or darker, like they have some more 'volume' . I kind of like the effect.

WOW! You are amazing! real talent! I say, you must collect all that you have got and make some more new and exhibit them in your town hall or something! ;)

i think the whole site uses div's. These are small parts of a site that sits inside another

first div - this has the main magicduel background - the grey

second div - this is the yellow bacground

third div - the background is the avatar.

and there are some others in between but i will not mention them so i dont complicate the issue

the avatars are gif images with a resolution of 72 dpi.

this is all infomation i have found out by checking some of the code so it is probably wrong in places

What I submit are pencil drawing scans at 200 dpi with a resolution ratio of 3 units wide by 5 units tall (roughly, including white space.) I send them as jpegs and someone else (Manu?) adjusts them for game placement. It's best to send them at a higher resolution and a larger size than will be used in game so that they can be adjusted without pixelizing. Keep in mind that some of these avatars, if used by RPCs, may be used in actual game screens. Examples of this are Wodin Ulr and the Knator Commander.

Ok, here's one more attempt. Tell me your honest opinion about it (like a complete stranger wouldn't) and if you'd like, tell me what I need to fix. It's a catfish, catfish are bottom feeders, just like me :3 (joke... I think). And once again my scanner screwed me over, I'm working on overcoming that problem so bear with me for the time being.


Alright, I will try to be as honest as possible. This is hard for me because I appreciate all the work you've all gone to to submit your work and I don't like being harsh or overly critical, so (for everyone who submits) do not take any of my criticism as anything but constructive. I want to help and I really want people that are talented and willing to work to help out the game. Please know that I certainly do not mean to be discouraging and I hope none of you take it that way.

Looking at the catfish, the shading is pretty good, but it looks to me like you're drawing what you imagine you see rather than what you really see. The tail looks wrong and the fins seem too rounded.

The best drawing advice I can give is to really focus on SEEING. You have to look at things closely and draw what you really see. Even if you're cartooning, it's best to know what the real thing looks like in order to distill it correctly.

Also, if you're interested in some of my stylistic influences, check out Design Drawing by Francis D. K. Ching. He was one of my professors in college and one of the most talented freehand artists I've ever encountered. He mostly addresses Architectural drawing, but the principles that he writes about apply to the broader field of drawing as well. I've also been influenced by two editorial cartoonists, Pat Oliphant of the United Press Syndicate and David Horsey of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Even though they mostly use pen and ink, their ability to distill a subject is incredible.

I hope I am not too late.. also is there a specific format that we should put our pictures in? I used PDF I hope that works. I would like to hear back from you about what you think.

No, it's not too late. I haven't actually chosen anyone yet.

I'd like to see your stuff in the format I described in another post... JPG, 200 dpi, etc.

I'd also like to see some of your pencil stuff with less blending of the shading and without the heavy outlines. You have a fair amount of potential from what I see, but I need to see more.


Ok, this one I made today.

But it still takes me to long to make one :)

and it's not really perfect, but i don't think many people would see that in the small avatar


Anyway it was a good exercise, it's been 2 years since my last drawing.

I think it needs less detail...

Ok, this one I made today.

But it still takes me to long to make one :)

and it's not really perfect, but i don't think many people would see that in the small avatar



How long did it take you to create this?

I see some of the things you may be talking about when you say it's not perfect, but as an avatar it will look fantastic. Don't worry about minor imperfections in these. If we start doing more of the game artworks, you'll need to work through things that you're not satisfied with because they'll show more, but avatars are, to a great degree, about production. You're certainly talented enough. If you can produce 10 or so like this in a month, I think that would be sufficient, but the demand for your avatars will be high.

Ok, this one I made today.

But it still takes me to long to make one :)

and it's not really perfect, but i don't think many people would see that in the small avatar


Anyway it was a good exercise, it's been 2 years since my last drawing.

I think it needs less detail...

That is something I can't compete against. It's rather stunning, you did a great job.


Congratz Morrel. Your pictures are really good. I like them a lot. :) Keep up the good work.

Seems like love on first sight for these two..... :D


lol. That's one HUGE scorpion. Or the dead guy had a really really small head.

No, it's not too late. I haven't actually chosen anyone yet.

I'd like to see your stuff in the format I described in another post... JPG, 200 dpi, etc.

I'd also like to see some of your pencil stuff with less blending of the shading and without the heavy outlines. You have a fair amount of potential from what I see, but I need to see more.

Ok Glor, I tried to do what you said. let me know if these are any better.






Ok, this one I made today.

But it still takes me to long to make one :D

and it's not really perfect, but i don't think many people would see that in the small avatar


Anyway it was a good exercise, it's been 2 years since my last drawing.

I think it needs less detail...

Sweet. I've got to say Morrel, really nice! Congrats! Itried playing with the Brightness/contrast settings after I scaned mne in. I like what it did, what do you think?



Blackthorn, I like the old guy, nice!

The others are also good designs, but need more contrast as you said.

For example, the Dragon's head would "stick out" more if you made it darker than the background wings. I don't think you can fix that with the Brightness/contrast settings.

You're doing great.

P.S GlorDamar

The scorpion is a normal sized one. It's the skull of one of the Tiny People .SmartAlekRJ. trampeled on :D

Ok Glor, I tried to do what you said. let me know if these are any better.


Much better. I like what I see. Morrel's right, you could do with a little tweaking here and there, but I think we can use you.

Welcome to the Summoners.


I've selected the first two Summoners. Welcome Morrel and Blackthorn. There are two slots still open that I'll fill in time. I would like all of you that have applied but not yet been accepted to keep working and posting your drawings. You all show excellent potential and I think with some practice any one of you would be good enough to fill the remaining slots.

Some advice:

Archnov and Angfaust, you both have similar problems. Your close, but your work needs more refinement and you need to work on observing things around you a bit more. I think maybe part of the problem is that your people look slightly awkward, like they're not quite moving right, and maybe your perspective is off a bit. Things look a little flat. You've both presented some pieces that are close, but you're inconsistent. Take a look at one of my previous posts where I list influences and take a look at books by and about those people. You can probably find them or order them through your local library and save yourself the expense of buying them. Dexter, your shading and linework is pretty nice, but your proportions on the wizard are waaay off. His arms are different lengths and his shoulders are impossibly narrow. Also, he looks like a paper cutout. You need to find a way to add some depth.

As I said, you all show potential and I'd like to encourage you to keep drawing and keep submitting. I love the effort and I appreciate the hard work. Thank you to everyone that's applied so far and to any others who are interested in submitting, please do so.

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