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lol Glor i don't i'll like avatar after that what u said about it

can u put that Indian Birdman in when Blackthorn is done or even that like is now will be enough just send it to Mur

PLSSSS I beg u :)

Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait for the next submission. The current batch is already in and should be posted soon.

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Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait for the next submission. The current batch is already in and should be posted soon.

well i'm taking that Raven-man as soon as avatars are out

and then i shall see what to do next :)

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Ok, so i noticed there is a lack of avatars?

I dont mind drawing a few but its te first time i'm going to digitalize my drawings.

-How big should i draw them to start with? My normal size drawings are 'bout a fist big. That ok?

-got myself a scanner (needed it anyway) what resolution would be best?

-anny preferences of filetype? (jpeg, gif, bitmap, pdf,...)

Ofcourse everyone following this post knows who is dominating at this point with skill.

Its gonna be hard to compete, but if people like it, why not right? :blink:

...i'l just need some time to figure out how this works... :)

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So thats how you look like Calyx :)

YES! That's very close. There's my wolf and the sword and armor reflect My Goddess. Isis.

@BlockThorn She's Rocking! I love it. Thinking about the Calyx... maybe it could replace the quilions on the sword (as the guard) sort of the way a cutlass protects thumb and fingers.

Im waiting for my perrobotillo to be ready before I get too attached to my Rockin Shade ( still love it ).

Btw Perrobotillo means Robo puppy, so it would be something like Aibo ( Sony's robot dog )

I love it, Perro! May I pet you?

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Calyx, I have no idea what a calyx is, well I found lots of different explanations (part of a flower, name of a nymph, something in our body... )

Morrel, your images are wonderful. I like them very much. However, Blackthorn has captured Calyx and her [spirit] wolf very well. When I wrote before I was mostly teasing you and being Calyx.

People keep asking so here's the explanation...

A calyx is the ring or cup of petals of a flower. It's the attractant to insects. Visually and symbolically it is representative of a woman's vulva. In this vein I refer all who read this to the wonderful flower paintings of Georgia O'Keefe. Given this association, the calyx is symbolic of fertility and motherhood.

Isis was the mother of gods, the bringer of life and fertility, and a healer. Her symbol is the ankh, the cross of life (cross with an elongated loop as the top arm).

The Calyx of Isis is the title of a short story about lesbians and SM. It's one of my favorite stories and reflective of my dark side. It can be found in the book, Macho Sluts, and other stories by Pat Califa. The author was a well known lesbian columnist for some time. Then, in the late 90's she finally faced some internal issues and accepted that despite the fact of a female body, he is actually male and now known as Patric. I have gone in the opposite direction in my life.

All of the above lead to my choosing this name for my character. It is a name I've never used before, but rather like. She is an easy character for me to play. I use Calyx as a title. The Calyx of Isis is a servant of the Goddess Isis, Her avatar of fertility, a sacred slut, warrior, teacher, and healer. If the Caylx was ever given a name, it is no longer remembered by anyone except Isis, who has no use for it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the complexity that is the Calyx of Isis. This is much of the information Black Thorn drew upon to create the avatar.

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I love it, Perro! May I pet you?

Sure you can. Feed me with batteries.

Wonderful! I shall keep a supply of batteries on hand in the dojo just for you!

Speaking of the dojo, I created a poll to see how people feel about it's location. Please see The Way of the Dojo to vote.

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"If god and the devil were playing football, Manu would be the field they played on, the sky, the sun, even the air in their lungs... He is everywhere and in everything"

I absolutely love this the "quote" of yours. If it is ok with you, I think I should like to include you saying this in one of my stories for the archives. You could be talking to the Calyx in the dojo, or to one of the Seekers of Enlightenment. Again, if it is ok with you, I would change Manu to King Mur.

I just love the philosophical thought that underlies this remark!

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on the now slightly old note of requesting avatars to be drawn in the hopes that the requestee manages to get it, would someone be able to draw a naíve faced man who looks a bit like a wizard with a cloak and possibly a staff? while my character isn't a wizard he's been around a bit so might look quite like one by now :P

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((Note: I almost always try to play and post In Character mode so here i go :P, the quality of the draw is bad cause this is a photo, I will scan it later but i wished to show my work the soon as posible))

Nelador finishes his work... the whisperings stopped at least, is brushes now are resting in his desk...

-It´s done, at least is done...- says exhausted...

He grabs his draw and he puts in his folder, slowly he begins to walk out his home...

After a couple of hours he arrives the Artisans Guild, he do a reverence and show his work to the person in charge...

-This is my art, the desire to draw the deepests dreams and passions of the people, the talent to see and embody in a piece of paper that dreams... I offer my art to you... Can I serve you?

((Sorry if my grammar is erroneous, I suck at writin english))


88P.D.: I almost forgot, the name of the draw is hidden watcher, cause its an empty skull with an eye staring inside it))

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Bla, bla, bla..............just another drawing!!!!


I like the whole war/peace thing with the Dove on the shield. Do you have photoshop or anything? Your drawings could use some level / contrast adjustments.

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ok...now dont shoot me for this. I just made a drawing while waiting for the train 1.3 hours with a lot of detail to see how this paper to pixel thing works. Its not the style needed for the avatars, and has so manny mistakes i would not even have it used.

Ok so its to big...i'm going to try and downsize this...if i knew how.

Just took a screenshot of this picture and renamed it to .jpeg

I'm not shure this is how its suposed to be done. But tel me i u see it pls :lol:

please try and reduce resolution for images when posting them - chewett


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Alright! seems to work!

Shade seems to handle ok to. Detail bit les then i expected.

I noticed there is a demand for pencil drawing. I dont like to erase my mistakes but rather live or glorify them. So i'm more of a pen artist.

Tought me to go for it...fast. :lol:

(i draw on trainstations, bus, benches, and have little time to capture what i see)

I try'd this one on the bus (realy crowded, someone asked me if i was gay...) , took me 20 min.

When i arived home i noticed the falanx by glordamar and wel...stoped. No need for 2x the seem figure right? Besides, I like that one better...more swing to it.


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Alright! seems to work!

Shade seems to handle ok to. Detail bit les then i expected.

I noticed there is a demand for pencil drawing. I dont like to erase my mistakes but rather live or glorify them. So i'm more of a pen artist.

Tought me to go for it...fast. :lol:

(i draw on trainstations, bus, benches, and have little time to capture what i see)

I try'd this one on the bus (realy crowded, someone asked me if i was gay...) , took me 20 min.

When i arived home i noticed the falanx by glordamar and wel...stoped. No need for 2x the seem figure right? Besides, I like that one better...more swing to it.

You've got good technique. I'd like to see more.

I also like pen drawing. I'm typically more of a sketcher than a drawer, so I've had to make an adjustment here, but it's been fun to do.

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