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I like the whole war/peace thing with the Dove on the shield. Do you have photoshop or anything? Your drawings could use some level / contrast adjustments.

Unfortunately i dont have photoshop...!!:)

I want to have Avatar too :( can anyone draw for me one? ;)

What kinda avatar do u want????

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I have sended my request to blackthorn but I think he is very busy in these days ;)

My dream Avatar is a tired skinny warrior with shades in his faces and not very shining armor, but with power aura around him, pastille through his venous and his feet’s are cowered with tree roots, he like trapped in them, and his body have no shade, instead it he has tree shade. So that’s my dream… I tried to describe it detail to help you get a view. So I hope that one day anyone can make this dream true.

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Alright! seems to work!

Shade seems to handle ok to. Detail bit les then i expected.

I noticed there is a demand for pencil drawing. I dont like to erase my mistakes but rather live or glorify them. So i'm more of a pen artist.

Tought me to go for it...fast. :lol:

(i draw on trainstations, bus, benches, and have little time to capture what i see)

I try'd this one on the bus (realy crowded, someone asked me if i was gay...) , took me 20 min.

When i arived home i noticed the falanx by glordamar and wel...stoped. No need for 2x the seem figure right? Besides, I like that one better...more swing to it.

I really like it...More please. And I think it is definately worth finishing...Great pencil work...


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ok...now dont shoot me for this. I just made a drawing while waiting for the train 1.3 hours with a lot of detail to see how this paper to pixel thing works. Its not the style needed for the avatars, and has so manny mistakes i would not even have it used.

Amorte... My first thought on looking at this was... "God! I don't want to run into this in the dark! That's terrifying."

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Amorte... My first thought on looking at this was... "God! I don't want to run into this in the dark! That's terrifying."

That's why i used chains. The picture started with me just trying cat pupils in a human eye. And i blew it. So i tought "why not draw a paper around it, make it look like i dit a purpose mistake :)

But then all kind of parts started to pop up the same way. And it realy started to look creepy!

So i figured "lets go DARK here :lol: " I admit, i had a lot of room that day on the train.

anyways, i had to work today. So i had plenty of time to do nothing. And came up with this.

Its the first one on 3x5 and full figure made as avatar. Let me know what u think people.


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I have sended my request to blackthorn but I think he is very busy in these days :)

My dream Avatar is a tired skinny warrior with shades in his faces and not very shining armor, but with power aura around him, pastille through his venous and his feet’s are cowered with tree roots, he like trapped in them, and his body have no shade, instead it he has tree shade. So that’s my dream… I tried to describe it detail to help you get a view. So I hope that one day anyone can make this dream true.

The sound of it alone is beautiful, i'd be a pleasure to draw somthing like that. (need somting for the contest anyway) I just need to know some details. what are pastille and venous? and no schade...is that in the picture? Or his schade is like a tree? Or did you mean he has three schade's?

Lemme know, i'v already began scetching

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I have sended my request to blackthorn but I think he is very busy in these days :D

My dream Avatar is a tired skinny warrior with shades in his faces and not very shining armor, but with power aura around him, pastille through his venous and his feet’s are cowered with tree roots, he like trapped in them, and his body have no shade, instead it he has tree shade. So that’s my dream… I tried to describe it detail to help you get a view. So I hope that one day anyone can make this dream true.

This is not completely done yet....pls tell what u dont like and what is missing except the tree shade..?


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This is not completely done yet....pls tell what u dont like and what is missing except the tree shade..?


hey, what a coincidence! :D

good timing. Il' leave the rest to you then DexteR. ;)

This is what i made thus far...if someone likes the look...i can always change it to your style. :D

I never had this much drawing since i quit school, uhm 5 jears ago.

Come to think of it, this is the first time my drawings went pupblik with a reason!

wel...1 hour later, and i made more small ones. just edit this thing and see what that dous

EDIT : I deleted the man leaning on the stick, Just found out the background has a similar kind of drawing looking a lot better (main page) And i would not like the word going around i'm stealing idea's.




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Dexter! wow! nice work! I really like it! I think it's perfect for me, I don't see anything that you can add :) thanks Dexter a lot, I hope it will be in the shop? :D

amorte nice drawings! especially I like that last little thingy in the mouth, it's cool ;)

and also I like the first warrior , and now don't know which choose yours or dexter :D well... I see what I can get on shop, maybe everybody will buy before me :D

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another day at work, 8hours of doing...nothing. So here is another couple of wana be avatar's!

I try'd to follow the rules now, full boddy's, head and feet. Style of the game (wel i try)

Maybe this is more what they are looking for.

They both took about 2hours. Scetching en looking for somthing more original inc.

i noticed the previous ones where to light, so i shaded darker this time...learning as i go.

bdw...if the contest is on now, dous that mean there is no more recruiting trough this topic?

couse i'm not realy working for the contest yet...



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Amorte how much art school did you take? you're very good. and I think everything posted now is for the contest. check with GlorDamar.


all this for the contest...easy for you to say, you have your own contest going on :P

I never took art class. I could not name u 3 modern artists or even styles. I know little of art.

However, for some reason i always see the "mesage" behind the art. Unles its political.

I always joke about being born with a pen. Never realy quit drawing. Whenever i notice i'm not able to draw somthing...i get insane, my eye's widen and i dont sleep til i learned to draw it.

Believe it or not, drawing human's is my worst skill :D

I work on a helpdesk job now, and wel...it leaves little to do, i drive on auto pilot all day. Focussing on drawing. Afther 1jear of drawing from pictures (good friend google) i managed to form a decent boddy. I went on the street in my vacation and started drawing people walking by.

Got myself some frends that way who are willing to pose. Got a name at the local modelbureau, and suddenly all kind of moddels where on my doorstep.

but i never drew for a purpose, as a goal. I just...did.

That's why i'm making such a big deal out of this, its the first time i kan actualy see a meaning or emotion for it. A purpose to pick up my pencils.

and i LOVE it

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Anyone wanna avatar???? pls describe it cuz i am runing out of ideas!!!!:D

wel if u'd like a challenge to prove u'r worth to Glor. I'm trying somthing with a couple in a loose hug. But the woman pictured as death (not with a scythe and skul, but just clearly representing death)

The trick here is that both the woman and man need the same schading, but cant blend to much when shown as a small avatar. :P not to mention they have to seem as a whole and have there own detail

Nail this one and i dont think anyone would dare to say u have not mastered proportions and contrast ;)

If u need some reference material or somthing just give me a yel, i'l send u som HD pictures i took.

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all this for the contest...easy for you to say, you have your own contest going on :P

I never took art class. I could not name u 3 modern artists or even styles. I know little of art.

However, for some reason i always see the "mesage" behind the art. Unles its political.

I always joke about being born with a pen. Never realy quit drawing. Whenever i notice i'm not able to draw somthing...i get insane, my eye's widen and i dont sleep til i learned to draw it.

Believe it or not, drawing human's is my worst skill :D

I work on a helpdesk job now, and wel...it leaves little to do, i drive on auto pilot all day. Focussing on drawing. Afther 1jear of drawing from pictures (good friend google) i managed to form a decent boddy. I went on the street in my vacation and started drawing people walking by.

Got myself some frends that way who are willing to pose. Got a name at the local modelbureau, and suddenly all kind of moddels where on my doorstep.

but i never drew for a purpose, as a goal. I just...did.

That's why i'm making such a big deal out of this, its the first time i kan actualy see a meaning or emotion for it. A purpose to pick up my pencils.

and i LOVE it

We were thinking that you were a professional artist. you have great lines and a real understanding of forms and design. If I might make a suggestion....try to draw as closely to the style of this game as possible...I'm not good enough...but I think you are. check out Wodin and Knator Comander...the creatures and some of the older Avatars...Put some real effort into winning...I'm betting on you.

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another day at work, 8hours of doing...nothing. So here is another couple of wana be avatar's!

I try'd to follow the rules now, full boddy's, head and feet. Style of the game (wel i try)

Maybe this is more what they are looking for.

They both took about 2hours. Scetching en looking for somthing more original inc.

i noticed the previous ones where to light, so i shaded darker this time...learning as i go.

bdw...if the contest is on now, dous that mean there is no more recruiting trough this topic?

couse i'm not realy working for the contest yet...

Nice work. I like the drawings. The contest means that recruitment from this topic is temporarily on hold. Yes you can use stuff you posted already, but I'm only counting the 5 best that I receive from each entrant and I would appreciate it if everyone only sent in the 5 of theirs that they think are best so I don't have to do a bunch of sorting. Everyone's welcome to keep posting here for consideration, as the contest is not the only way to get in, it's just an automatic bid, as it were.

On a related note, it looks like this is the largest topic on the forum as far as number of posts, and possibly views as well. Keep posting and lets see how big we can make this thing.

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@BlackThorn Your tree/mage in post 138 is spectacular. Wonderful Concept and execution. While I love you stuff and the avatar you made for me, so far this has to be my favorite on many levels.

@Morrel Like your nasty bitch in post 140. She's not my style, but I do appreciate her. How very interesting to see one woman become another. We women manage it every day, but seeing it on the artist's easel is something else. Thank you for sharing that.

@Glor Five new images for us!! (post 148) WoW! The execution is a bit uneven, but if anyone has totally captured the style of the original artwork of a year ago, it is you. All five fit so perfectly. My favorite is your tree in the wind, at least that's how I perceive it. Elsewhere I have a character named "Willow in the Wind," so it particularly appeals to me. The lady in waiting also deserves special mention. Very well done. If anyone is wondering what she's waiting for, it's to take off that damned corset!! <G> The sword of flame should appeal to some of the firestarters out there.

Edited by Chewett
you have to remember that post X is not specific to the topic. so post 140 is the 140th post on the forum. all of these posts are in 14 000 's. to get the post numbers click on the post X on the left and use the last number
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