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The Town crier - What would you use it for?


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  • Root Admin

Originally this feature was designed to inform people that there was to be voting at the capital. Later on it was planned to be used for a more general notification system however it never really took off and I ended up working on other things.

Since the citizenship feature is now largely unused I was wondering what we could do with this feature? Would you just remove it for now and we could use it in the future?

Opinions, both negative and positive, are always welcome. Thanks!

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Remove or even leave as is and work on other things.

Future use: No ideas yet.  In my experience even in it's original purpose it wasn't "used" much. (i.e. People/ citizens that took an interest were informed via other channels.)

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I like the town crier...I imagine it as a bored-to-death middle aged man, reading all day from a scroll in the agora. Newbie tips, events in the city, things to avoid and common platitudes such as 'pay your taxes, obey your superiors, be loyal to your king etc'. Every now and then he takes a break and has a grudge against new people, since they bother him with questions and, furthermore, never seem to know what is going on and must be taught 'everything'. Bickers and complains that newbs shouldn't even exits, but never loses the chance to have a superior attitude when talking to one.

I wish the town crier said more...in a rather arrogant way, so that we'd all hate the snotty attitude.


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One extremely selfish use: tell me how many hours till Free credits are available :P

Ooor...a more useless feature: make an item somewhere where anyone can enter a message (ann, status, joke, etc). The item resets randomly during 24 hours so it will be a first come first served based: whoever gets there first after the item resets can add their comm.

Use it as a reminder/player: you have to brush your teeth tomorrow morning between 8 and 9. You have to pay the internet bill - yeah useless and without any connection to MD but I am brainstorming :D

Make him yell a hall of fame...sort of...Yesterday player X gained the most resources, player Y gained the most stats, player Z had the most battles, player W cast the most spells.

Found another one: the crier yells at you the last login date since there is no possibility (except for using alts) for someone to know when they have last logged in.


Yes, no useful feature but maybe others can get inspired and come up with something good.



Edited by dst
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And yet not quite useful indeed... Since a land is not usable at least the Crier could be relieved from his duties. We know the Crier didn't get payed, so perhaps it's partly our fault, but it can't be said that "all is well" in a land, which is under special treatment.
Perhaps as a "Town Crier", we could have several, stating for which town they cry for. And if one/more of the towns has nothing to brag about, it's Town Crier stays silent till the next significant change.

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I'd like to see the town crier crying a variety of news and updates.

I think System announcements (e.g., "All shared items have been returned to their original place.") should be moved to the town crier since they're just reminders. (I would prefer that a red announcements link signified something more than a regular reminder.)

See the town crier mostly being used for automated announcements, but might also be useful as a spell (with certain rules for use) for land leaders to announce special events.

P.S. I may be a bit odd, but the town crier is one of my favorite features, even though he's so quiet now. I think the feature has lots of potential for setting a vibe, and I'll try to think more on how it can be used.

Edited by Ivorak
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  • 3 months later...

I dont know about anyone else but, i Locate my adversaries, i dont locate my allies, i just message them.

I figured this would save time and effort etc, streamline the land situation and make us all feel closer but.

I can understand the mundaneness of my idea so, honestly, its your call ( o-o)7

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  • Root Admin
6 hours ago, Fang Archbane said:

Personally? Id move the New Age Town Crier down here.


Ah I see, I was imagining we were going to squash it into where it currently is!

Yeah Im trying to work out what we want to do with it quite honestly. It needs a bit more work but might be helpful to announce temporal events.

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on that note you could link it to the announcement board at no mans land, i remember there being some ideas to put quests and events upthere, perhaps give people the oppertunity to post new notes on the board (announce real time events or so)

you could link it to the renewed questpage too to shout if a new quest is launched or about to conclude

as for locating landmembers i'd also say that is overpowered and frankly unnecessary, there are other tools in the md shop to easier track someone if you decide you dont want to cast a locate spell.

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