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Bottled emotions - personal or not ?

No one

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There seems to be an issue while categorizing the personalized items.

I've just shuffled my items and I've seen a yellow "Bottled emotions" . As I already have bought MRF's before I said I want one with my own name and bought it : (id: 146641).

Unfortunately it appears as neither personal nor with my name in it.

Are there 2 types of "Bottled emotions" like personal and uncommon ?


It might just be that there is a "space" in my name which causes some issues as seen in "No's engraved ring" (id: 136283) where the second part of my name is missing.

If there is an issue ... can you please fix either of my items.


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2 hours ago, No one said:

I've just shuffled my items and I've seen a yellow "Bottled emotions" . As I already have bought MRF's before I said I want one with my own name and bought it : (id: 146641).

Unfortunately it appears as neither personal nor with my name in it.

Are there 2 types of "Bottled emotions" like personal and uncommon ?

Its normal , The "Bottled emotions are that of a nameless person or thing. Its not like the personal item " MRF's Bottled emotions" Its part of the new rare items mur has released for x days. Its an uncommon item, not a personal one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin
On 03/01/2018 at 4:15 PM, No one said:

Good to know.  Thank you BR.

I'd still like an answer from @Chewett on this "timed" items or at least a link toward this explanation.

And the other issue with "No's engraved ring" (id: 136283)  still stands.


What specific question do you want an answer to?

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I'll answer cause I have the same question:

We have 2 items: Bottled emotions - uncommon

                               Player's bottled emotions - personal

Question was/is: was this setup intended or is it a "bug"? Maybe Mur forgot he put the "Player's bottled emotions" into play so he released the original item once more.

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  • Root Admin
On 1/14/2018 at 8:05 AM, dst said:

I'll answer cause I have the same question:

We have 2 items: Bottled emotions - uncommon

                               Player's bottled emotions - personal

Question was/is: was this setup intended or is it a "bug"? Maybe Mur forgot he put the "Player's bottled emotions" into play so he released the original item once more.

One is specific to the player, one is generic. The descriptions are subtly different.

I think it was intentional. We specifically denied the non personal one, but released a personal one. Now we have released the non personal one as a temporary thing.

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I believe No one's question for you Chewett was this:

"It might just be that there is a "space" in my name which causes some issues as seen in "No's engraved ring" (id: 136283) where the second part of my name is missing."

Basically that the ring should read No one's engraved ring but it (presumably because of the space in the name) only takes the first word No.

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  • Root Admin
13 hours ago, Mallos said:

I believe No one's question for you Chewett was this:

"It might just be that there is a "space" in my name which causes some issues as seen in "No's engraved ring" (id: 136283) where the second part of my name is missing."

Basically that the ring should read No one's engraved ring but it (presumably because of the space in the name) only takes the first word No.

Thanks Mallos

@No one The way the code works is it takes the first part of  the name before the space. So you get No's engraved ring, etc.

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On 1/17/2018 at 4:00 PM, Chewett said:

The way the code works is it takes the first part of  the name before the space. So you get No's engraved ring, etc.

Just out of curiosity, are the items tied to the player in any other way? That is, can the system distingish between the engraved rings of player No one and player No way?

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  • Root Admin
20 hours ago, No one said:

wow @Chewett, that's pure genius

I would have not figured that out ... ever.


And with that it answers all my questions.  ;)

I had believed you would offer some insightful opinion, a dialogue why, clearly for your case, It wouldnt make sense. Maybe some other examples of names that wouldnt make sense. I even dreamed maybe you would show me that the way Mur coded it, taking the first word, was silly for the most part and therefore I should change it.

But since you are happy with it then Im glad :)

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Well ... examples  are but just a few for the moment as we're few and thus few are impacted ... meaning those that have a composed name as opposed to those with a single name.

But let's take the absurd and consider that it would have taken the another part and the example : Murratus del Mur and therefor  "Del's item".

Or in your case, what would be to have your personal item called "Ch's item" ?

Yea, in RL that's the way to do it as it would choose a family name but in games half the name means nothing more then an insult.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Root Admin
On 27/01/2018 at 1:25 PM, No one said:

Well ... examples  are but just a few for the moment as we're few and thus few are impacted ... meaning those that have a composed name as opposed to those with a single name.

But let's take the absurd and consider that it would have taken the another part and the example : Murratus del Mur and therefor  "Del's item".

Or in your case, what would be to have your personal item called "Ch's item" ?

Yea, in RL that's the way to do it as it would choose a family name but in games half the name means nothing more then an insult.


Thank you for spending a bit of time articulating yourself a little more.

So in your opinion these items should be created with the full player name?

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Yes, in my opinion these items should be created with full player name.


On 2/19/2018 at 2:15 AM, Chewett said:

Thank you for spending a bit of time articulating yourself a little more

I know that you don't really care of what I mind & care but don't have to be rude about it.

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  • Root Admin
On 25/02/2018 at 8:53 PM, No one said:

Yes, in my opinion these items should be created with full player name.

I will have a look at changing them, Thanks for the feedback.

Would you like me to fix any items you have already? If so please provide the item ID's. (this offer is open to anyone)

On 25/02/2018 at 8:53 PM, No one said:

I know that you don't really care of what I mind & care but don't have to be rude about it.

I am not being rude, I am being sincere. I am genuinely happy that you have changed from your stance of:

On 18/01/2018 at 10:49 PM, No one said:

wow @Chewett, that's pure genius

I would have not figured that out ... ever.


And with that it answers all my questions.  ;)

I understand that its sometimes unclear on the internet but I am very happy. From my point of view you have went from your rude and sarcastic answer above to something that I can action.

Was your above answer intended to be rude and sarcastic? I ask because since there was a miscommunication in you thinking I was rude, maybe there is another way to read your comment that appeared to be mocking me.

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