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Travelling egg


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*reads fang's topic*

I want to have a theory, too, and be famous!

(some time later)

I have a theory! Now let's see if it makes me famous (highly unlikely)...


My theory is that the angien egg at tge Shrine has travelled thrre from another place and...well, that's enough. The egg is capable not only of travelling at a whim, but can choose the location...

My argument is based on the fact that the angien egg hovers, and its continuous pressure creates a hole in the ground. The wind's sanctuary has clear imagery for those who haven't travelled to the shrine. 

As for how it does that, my ijitial idea was that it is an objwct that emits, creating a field strong enough to defy gravity. So a did a quick search on the internet to look for a potential mechanism and found out about an experiment made by tesla a century ago. It shows that applying high voltage alternating current between two parallel metal plates makes the dpace between them exhibit properties such as mass, inertia snd momentum. Basically, the field created can be used to propulsate an object with a powerful thrist, overcoming gravity. I don't see how that works in our case, since i can see 'the upper plate', but not the lower...

Anyway, such emitting force, if controlled, can be used to travel in air, and my theory claims the angien had travelled to the sgrine.

What do you think? Ant chance for fame?

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The egg used to reside at Winds Sanctuary. It was quite happy there aside from some people persisting it should be turned into an omelet. These people enlisted the help of the Shades to try and achieve their evil goal. They, the Shades of Necro, sucked the souls out of hundreds of Aramors thus leaving them empty. Using a strange floating stone they twisted these souls into an energy beam, which they shot at winds. But their aim was slightly off which caused the egg to bounce away and luckily it landed on this tiny island in the middle of a lake. The reason it didn't break as well its floating is of course residual soul energy used in the shot. Some of which it must have absorbed. From this its easy to deduce that Angien are one part aramor, one part shade and one part parsley which the pre-bellians prematurely added to it in anticipation of their omelet.  

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Thr last question doesn't make much sense since it can be applied to evwrything. As for it being created there, it looks to me like another place is missing an angien..and even if it's not true, at least the egg at the shrine is more recent than the other angiens (the ground under the wgg has felt thr impact of the egg's force for less time).

The more difficult one is the first question. It assumes someonr has the capacity of manipulating angiens, and that is a dangerous assumption...if angiens are to be sacred, they cannot be toyed with so easily.

Now that i think about it, don't you get the feel Pip's post sounds like heresy? Let's burn him at the stake!!

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So an angien can move itself anywhere it wants, but only in an egg

And only if it's not in my creature inventory

That's your claim?


Well, you could say I'm heretical in that I'm the only one in this topic other than yourself so far to take your idea seriously. (with the possible exception of Chew >>)

Edited by Pipstickz
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That was a joke, Pip, yiu took it the wring way. I'm glad you are taking my idea seriously, it's meant to be serious, but under the current circumstances i can't help but crack a few bad jokes. 

And no, it can move regardless of the shape, the field that keeps them afloat could be produced regardless of shape (although it's interisting what impact on the ground a 'hatched' angien would have). I chose the title because it sounded more unique and, sure enough, ridiculous (in a way).

The creature you own is different from its representation in the realm, different in...scope. 

Once again, itvwasn't meant to offend. Also, whether the theory is right or wrong, what's really important is how the angien egg floats.

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  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, Pipstickz said:

other than yourself so far to take your idea seriously. (with the possible exception of Chew >>)

My post was equal parts sarcasm and truth. There is a crack in it which is important (why however I'm not going to say).

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5 hours ago, Ungod said:

That was a joke, Pip, yiu took it the wring way. I'm glad you are taking my idea seriously, it's meant to be serious, but under the current circumstances i can't help but crack a few bad jokes.

Once again, itvwasn't meant to offend. Also, whether the theory is right or wrong, what's really important is how the angien egg floats.

It wasn't my intent to offend either, apologies if I did.

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I don't know. I don't know and I'm back at the beginning, since I noticed something. Theory on hold until I figure out the mechanism (if i do).

Earlier today I read the AL, hopibg to find something new. Nothing new, but when i read about the water receding, i thought that, strangely, the egg acted just like the moon, creating tides. Then i looked at tge angien sites again and guess what - the mark they leave cannot be explained by something like alternative current creating a 'solid state' space. That's because the angien egg stands atop of a small mound with a leveled top. You can't explain this by forces acting in a straight line  - or, if you can, there'd be some kind of curvature somewhere...like, the egg emitting more from it's center and with equal force (to earth's force) from it's 'sides' (we're talking the resultant force, since emitting is done from the radius), while the 'earth' will emit less and less from under the egg to the end of the mound. Does it make sense? The egg acting like the moon means it creates a gravity field that affects the lake, as well as the earth?

I'm going to make some scrambled eggs, can't think on empty stomach...but don't expect a fast comeback, i'm rather slow with math/physics ????

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I did a little bit of reading and thought about updating the topic...no definitive conclusions :(

I was reading on some site that although Newton's and Einstein's equations work, we don't know what gravity really is. Brilliant, right? On another site, I read that if we think of gravity as attraction, we're going nowhere. And it might be true. This might be the wrong example, but a stronger man will be accompanied by weaker underlings, whether he wants to or not. Is it really attraction here? How exactly does that happen? 

But then, if the equations work, then gravity, being a force, is g=ma, where a is acceleration. But a means the object is accelerating (moving). In a system of two objects, you either have them moving against eachother, or in the same direction, but in both cases, for gravity to happen, we're talkibg collision, right?

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So we don't talk about gravity if the accelerations don't have the same vector and the gravitational fields don't make contact.

So once they make contact, it's a fight of forces, no? 

Edited by Ungod
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Can't say, i have to read more. The question i want to answer is basically what causes the creation of a system in which parts maintain themselves. Like, tge sun has the earth gravitating around it, the earth has the moon diing the same. Gravitational fields exist (and fight), yet there is no conglomeration; the collision didn't complete. So i'll have to read about the moon, i suppose, i hope i'll find a site that explains it in laymen's terms.

(Maybe the structure of an atom is similarto that of a solar system, in which case i could read about the atoms instead...not sure)

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  • 3 months later...

Well entropy is the general answer you are looking for I think. Entropy was --lower-- n the early universe, you could think of that as extra gas particles spread evenly-ish throughout, and due to gravity among some other nuanced interactions it can collapse to form the less organized, more strewn about in bits and pieces solar system including stars and planets. Some time in the distant future this entropy will (as always?) continue to increase, energy spreads apart in the universe, and the stars we see today will cease to exist as they fail the delicate dance of maintaining thermal equilibrium..

The weak interaction is what powers nuclear fusion in the sun, creating an equilibrium with gravity pushing the material into the core of the star and the heat trying to radiate outwards. Eventually stars lose the battle, but what is left is what I was asking about, or perhaps of what came before too. If/when most everything is set to dissipate, does the remainder react to itself/the rest?

Edited by Mallos
almost made a big mistake >.<
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