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This entry probably isn't valid, but he is mine (kinda). As some of you know my eyesight is somewhat poor (exceptionally so) and therefore I donate to a charity in the UK called Guide Dogs. Part of my sponsorship provides money to train a guide dog to be given to a blind or partially sighted person.

This is Spirit, my current sponsored guide dog, in his brown training harness. He is currently in training school and is learning to be a fully fledged guide dog. In a number of months time he will be fully trained and start the process of being paired with an owner.

Here was spirit as a puppy 


For those that want more information you can visit: https://www.guidedogs.org.uk/

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MaGoHi wins the... Just kidding.

Chewett wins the silver! What an altruistic character. Anyways I found an extra silver for this week, that one will go to yokin for their not-so speechless not-so tadpole. My honorable mention to lashtal with their cat in the box cliche kitty.

This week I want to know what your favorite food(s) are! Best favorite foods wins my silver in ~7 days. Maybe bonus points if you can give us a picture of it that you cooked.


Well my favorite is definitely fish, probably halibut. I also love white rice. Combine the two..? ????

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my fav food would be something called he ye fan, which is lotus leaf wrapped glutinous rice. 

Marinated meats such as pork or chicken, together with mushrooms, and some chinese sausages, or liver sausages are encased in glutinous rice which is then wrapped in lotus leaf and steamed. When done well, the rice comes out nice and sticky, though not mushy, and is filled with the fragrance of the lotus leaf and the savoriness of the meat juices it has soaked up while cooking. The fragrance of the lotus leaf is what makes it for me. It adds a whole new dimension of experience when eating it that i rarely find in other dishes. It is foremost savory and slightly sweet from the marinate, but all amidst the backdrop of a very gentle fragrance that is somewhat like tea due to the it coming from a leaf too, yet is oddly paired really well with savory meats. And I get to enjoy both the amazing joy of eating something savory and the nice elegance of a wonderful fragrance in every bite. :D i love it.

This is a picture i found online for i do not have the skills necessary  to make this dish. I hope it helps give a better idea what it is like. :)


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Mirus wins the silver! Dishonorable mention to Dark Demon, maybe we will roast you some day.

This week I want to hear what your favorite character from a book is, and why! Also if spoilers be kind to mark it as such by using the spoiler tag, the eye icon in the formatting menu above the reply box


like this

Credit to Steno for the idea, using this one because I wanted to do similar, but yes if you have ideas you can PM them to me and I might use them some week. I just want them to be lower effort, no requiring an essay or something, you can see past ideas to see the theme.


Well my favorite character is Walter O'Dim from The Dark Tower series, because he is the main antagonist at least in the first book


and when Roland finally meets him it seems like a good payout, it gives some insight into the universe of the dark tower and explains to Roland basically our real world with his experience of it that is completely lost to everyone else in the dark tower universe, as their world has "moved on" since then. It sets up how people can come from different worlds and how everything is connected, the character appears many times throughout the series in different forms.


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It's hard to pick a single favorite. I'll tell you about my favorite among recent readings instead:


Mr. Nakata from Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore. He's a solitary old man that , due to a mysterious event in his childhood, lost all his memories along with the ability to read and think "properly". As a kind of collateral effect, he suddenly noticed he could talk with cats, among other things. I can't quite pin down why I like him so much. I guess it's partially due to some sort of inherent wisdom/complexity behind his actions and thoughts (even though on the surface he's seen as a simpleton) and also his way of seeing and dealing with the ways of the world. 


“It's not just that I'm dumb. Nakata's empty inside. I finally understand that. Nakata's like a library without a single book. It wasn't always like that. I used to have books inside me. For a long time I couldn't remember, but now I can. I used to be normal, just like everybody else. But something happened and I ended up like a container with nothing inside.”


Interestingly, this book sometimes reminded me of ideas and memories that somehow, in my head, are intrinsically connected to MD.

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I suggested this topic, but didn't even have my answer ready!

I think one of my all-time favorite characters would have to be Matrim Cauthon from the Wheel of Time series.


Matrim runs around for an entire series saying that he doesn't know what he is doing. The first half of the series, he truly doesn't. The second half, he for sure knows exactly what he is about, but refuses to admit that he is anything more than a random guy who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances. He consistently claims that he knows nothing about women, when he actually knows quite a lot, just not about women as they relate to himself. He always surprises, is always hilarious. Most importantly, no matter how grim events or his task may be, he always does it, and does not let those under him know how taxing it may be. The sacrifices he makes (unwittingly) show a lot about the Joharri window. That there is much that he knows but others don't, and vice versa. His life is full of blind spots and facades.


One of the things that I liked about this book series and character was that it took YEARS of my life to learn enough about the world and the character. I felt like when I was done that it was a part of who I was, it wasn't just an enjoyable book. It had become part of my perception of the world around me. In essence, like MD, it changed my perspective on the world.

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Aelis wins the silver! ... Can a hollow warrior talk with cats? ????

This week let's hear what your favorite movie or movies are, and maybe why. Again don't spoil stuff


Well my favorite is V for Vendetta, not much to add I guess except maybe vive la révolution! My others would be Boondock Saints, I am Legend, The Wolf of Wall Street, Django Unchained, Interstellar. All good.

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My favorite one should be Gattaca. 
it’s not quite of my style. But only in this movie I feel the power of will which could exceed one’s capability and level of society. It’s the meaning of dream and imagination to make impossibility possible. It’s depressing all the time till the end when Jude Law burns himself in the furnace like the flame of the rocket. 

My other favorites are lock stock and two smoking barrels, catch me if you can, scent of a women, pulp fiction, and yes V for vendetta. Too many to be listed here. 

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Fav movies, eh? Too many to list?

I like the quiet nature of Scent of green papaya, but I also like the rawness of Training day. I like the fun of Hidden fortress, but also the hopelessness of Ran. I like the scene at the border from Sicario, but I also like the scene filmed at the tatami level in Tokyo monogatari. 

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Ahh... V for Vendetta and Interstellar were on my top list too ???? 

But that's okay... other favorites of mine are Shawshank Redemption,  Inception, The Prestige,  and The Martian.

At first I didn't know why I loved them so much. I am a Nolan fan, sure, but then I realized there's more to it. All these movies have beautiful self narrations. And I'm a sucker for those ???? 


P.S: you chose a wonderful topic for quarantine lol everyone has a ton of options now 

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I would have to say inception is one of my favorites because it makes you think. Also any movie that makes people argue about what it means is good in my book.

I also enjoy the Imitation Game.

i also really like watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs and tangled (that’s what happens when you got kiddos).


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My favorite movie is Avengers: Infinity War.

With 18 movies/stories told prior to A:IW, all the protagonists had happy endings, of course. And then as The Mad Titan got fully matured and ready to fulfill his dream, he entered the spotlight, brought pain and suffering to the good guys. It has intense action and drama scenes that quenched my thirst. Josh Brolin (Thanos) is one hell of an actor.

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An absolute favorite of mine; 'There Will Be Blood' with Daniel Day-Lewis playing Daniel Plainview. Telling you why would be distasteful and disrespectful to the movie.

Edit: I thought you were asking about a favorite character.

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