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Muratus del Mur

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Here are my suggestions for the leaders of each of the Lands:

Lifeline/Liberty for King of Marind Bell
Princ Rhaegar for the King of Loreroot
Not Jester for Necrovion. ;)

Edit: Had to check the Necrovion listings for a reminder who I was thinking of, and it is Marvolo for Necrovion.

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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I chose Princ because he has a different personality than the other Kings.

Princ is spiritual. Thus would worry more about the nature of things than the actual things.
Lib and Lifeline are both powerful characters ie hard handed but fair rulers( and that charisma should be shown through their leadership)
Marvolo is dark and mysterious, but isn't evil.

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i wouldn't mind being a king or prince, i am unbias and i have been in an alliance for most lands e.g i have been in The frat, CoE and SoE. I know i an disliked by many and people might think i am not devoted to a land. I haven't made a choice for a land to be devoted too so maybe someone could choose for me. I truthfully think i would be fair king/prince. (probably, no nearly definately won't get it though ;))
Please say why not soon lol

Edited by Tom6
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I think what you said spoke for itself....

I am torn between Liberty and Lifeline as ruler of Marinds Bell.

dst is a leader of an alliance in the Underground. I don't think that is part of Marinds Bell. She could be ruler of the mole people? ;)

Whoah... I just remember the movie Stephen Kings It... dst... in the sewers... I KNEW I saw you somewhere else! :D

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Though I do see these positions as perhaps necessary - and welcomed - for the mechanics of gameplay, the prospect of having a monarchic rule by a king over the land of Loreroot is essentially inimical to the land itself. By definition, a king is a ruler or head of state. He (or she, if it be a queen - though that is another discussion) lays a claim [i]of entitlement over[/i] the land itself and all its inhabitants. It is this idea of ownership which is so unsettling.

Loreroot is made of many[i] diverse [/i]inhabitants, and its resiliency is owed to this cohabitation of differences. What will happen when some / all of its inhabitants become relegated to serfdom!

Once again, I welcome land-specific role coordination and having a representative delegate for Loreroot -- I just pray that we be cautious of, and, if we are left to, decide on someone who will act through council --- and perhaps we can call this person Head of Council (or something else - besides King).

Secondly, I also second the nomination of - should a position of this kind come to vote - Princ Rhaegar, Tarquinus and Firsanthalas.

Thirdly, it was a sad moment when the Knator Commander retired. Soon after that event transpired I spoke to a few Lorerootians about having a commemorative event in his honor. Time has passed, and he lost RPC status - but to hear now that he still lives (in some way) inspires me greatly -- I also propose holding a celebratory ceremony for him. Contact me if you would like to help coordinate this.

Priestess Orchid of the Sanguine Moon
Children of the Eclipse

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  • Root Admin

I opened the elections, YOU decide the candidates. How you will do that, if its the people to suggest the candidates or the cancidates to submit themselves, its up to you. I am open to anything because it will be put to a vote anyway.

I am not hasting anyone into picking a King or Queen, these things should have be established by now, i am just giving a crown to those elected. Normaly each land should have a leader, if you consider this to be hasty (@pample) then it means you are thinking of new leaders and not the ones allready existing as i thought.

There will always be people against the leadership.. ALWAYS.
There are two options that i can see:
1. To force by my rule the kings to accept within their lands also those opposed to them as long as they prove to be _LOYAL TO THE LAND_
2. To use No Mans Land as a outcast land for all those banished from their lands, basicaly an outpost for takeover attempts and political hits.

I am open to other suggestions. People are often loyal to the land not to the leader, yet they have to obey the leader even if they do not agree with him. A dificult decision, but untill i hear a good option, kings have absolute power.

Regarding the denomination, i don't care if its called head of council or King or whatever official leader name you want. It should be a fair name and not something like Archmage of the dark, or Supreme Emperor, or other such things. (If you cant pick a decent one i will pick one without asking you twice)
What i care about is that ONE person will have the final power. If you wish to rule by a council, fine, but that council should manifest its decisions through the "king" and the king will have last decision and will also be able to disband the council if he so wishes. One central point of power, one personality to shape the land, to stop argues, or to cause new ones. One king, one judge.

Because this terrible lack of kings you got used to argue and to question decisions, but if it were only one power to decide if what you want can or can not be done, then you would not start with things like i love the land but i hate the king. This overpowered king thing comes a bit with a shock to some of you, but i am sure it will give more flavor to MD over time instead of the constant stress that its now when it comes to who has the power.

If you feel you should be king, do not hesitate to see what people think about this. If you see little reaction and suspect you wont get many votes, don't bother to candidate, but if you see decent to good reaction, candidate ... who knows what the future reserves...maybe the new king will ban cookies and sugar production and keep them as currency ..you wont be able to complain.

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I can see the need for a single authority in the lands, as Muratus has defined it, and also the benefit.

I am honoured to be nominated, but I have this to say: my interest is for the benefit of Loreroot as a whole. I will support my friends Firsanthalas and Princ Rhaegar, or any other, so long as the candidate in question has clear support from the general body of Lorerootians. I do not wish to see us divided on this issue or any other. May Loreroot prosper!

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[quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='09 October 2009 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1255120351' post='44200']
Though I do see these positions as perhaps necessary - and welcomed - for the mechanics of gameplay, the prospect of having a monarchic rule by a king over the land of Loreroot is essentially inimical to the land itself. By definition, a king is a ruler or head of state. He (or she, if it be a queen - though that is another discussion) lays a claim [i]of entitlement over[/i] the land itself and all its inhabitants. It is this idea of ownership which is so unsettling.

Loreroot is made of many[i] diverse [/i]inhabitants, and its resiliency is owed to this cohabitation of differences. What will happen when some / all of its inhabitants become relegated to serfdom![/quote]
A king is not necessarily a totalitarian ruler. For a nice example look at the Belgian monarchy, our king is mostly reduced to a ceremonial function; last time a king (Boudewijn) disagreed with the parliament, they declared him unfit to rule for 36h, ratified a new law on abortion and then reinstated him.
In fantasy (and perhaps history) there have been many kings who lead their people in battle at the front lines, acting like a champion. Or knights who undertake quests for the benefit of their people (eg. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Knightfall though I am not sure if it's a king or just a lord). I once read a story where the king was considered the lowest person of the society, because it was his duty to serve his empire and his people, not to rule over them. Sadly I know no real life examples of this, but MD is still a fantasy game and as such not bound to the assumption that power necessarily implies corruption and kingdoms imply dictators.

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